Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Christianity > Christian institutions & organizations > Christian mission & evangelism
By tracing the origins of mission right back to God's character,
and then seeing how it unfolds throughout the storyline of the
Bible, we begin to understand how important it is to him. As we see
his heart for mission and the nations, we are challenged to
discover God's plan for us too. Will this change our priorities as
individuals and churches? Dare we see our place in God's plan and
own the task of reaching the unreached? This practical,
thought-provoking and accessible resource is the latest in the
popular IVP/Keswick Ministries series of study guides.
Das Deuteronomium unterscheidet sich in seiner Sprache und
literarischen Gestaltung deutlich von den anderen
alttestamentlichen Buchern. Es ist "deuteronomisch". Andere Bucher
und Texte ahneln ihm, sie sind "deuteronomistisch". Man spricht von
"deuteronomistischer Literatur" und von "deuteronomistischer
Bewegung". Dahinter stehen inhaltliche Beziehungen, aber zugleich
gemeinsame Sprache und literarische Technik. Unsere Kenntnis der
Welt des alten Orients ist inzwischen immens gewachsen, die
Sprachwissenschaft bluht auf, die Fragestellungen verandern sich,
der Computer ermoeglicht neue Zugriffsmoeglichkeiten. Auch in Bezug
auf Deuteronomium und Deuteronomismus ist es an der Zeit, die alten
Basisfragen neu zu stellen und neu zu tasten nach Bestatigung,
Abwandlung, Neukonzeption. Dieses Buch will dazu einen Beitrag
This is the story of the birth and growth of Seattle's innovative
Mars Hill Church, one of America's fastest growing churches located
in one of America's toughest mission fields. It's also the story of
the growth of a pastor, the mistakes he's made along the way, and
God's grace and work in spite of those mistakes. Mark Driscoll's
emerging, missional church took a rocky road from its start in a
hot, upstairs youth room with gold shag carpet to its current
weekly attendance of thousands. With engaging humor, humility, and
candor, Driscoll shares the failures, frustrations, and just plain
messiness of trying to build a church that is faithful to the
gospel of Christ in a highly post-Christian culture. In the
telling, he's not afraid to skewer some sacred cows of traditional,
contemporary, and emerging churches. Each chapter discusses not
only the hard lessons learned but also the principles and practices
that worked and that can inform your church's ministry, no matter
its present size. The book includes discussion questions and
appendix resources. "After reading a book like this, you can never
go back to being an inwardly focused church without a mission. Even
if you disagree with Mark about some of the things he says, you
cannot help but be convicted to the inner core about what it means
to have a heart for those who don't know Jesus."-Dan Kimball,
author,The Emerging Church "... will make you laugh, cry, and get
mad ... school you, shape you, and mold you into the right kind of
priorities to lead the church in today's messy world."-Robert
Webber, Northern Seminary
Perhaps, after all, the decolonising agenda isn't extra baggage the
church needs to carry on top of everything else. Perhaps, instead,
it is the very heart of what the church should be about -
disrupting, uncomfortable, and bringing about a kind of 'holy
anarchy'. In Holy Anarchy, Graham Adams points to a realm in which
all dynamics of domination, not least in the church, are subverted.
It cuts across the loyalties and boundaries of religion and fosters
the greatest possible solidarity amongst the different. Urgent and
timely, the book weaves together themes around Empire, liberation
and decolonial practice with an exploration of the nature and scope
of church community, interreligious engagement, mission, and
This major textbook is a newly researched historical study of
Evangelical religion in its British cultural setting from its
inception in the time of John Wesley to charismatic renewal
The Church of England, the Church of Scotland and the variety of
Nonconformist denominations and sects in England, Scotland and
Wales are discussed, but the book concentrates on the broad
patterns of change affecting all the churches. It shows the great
impact of the Evangelical movement on nineteenth-century Britain,
accounts for its resurgence since the Second World War and argues
that developments in the ideas and attitudes of the movement were
shaped most by changes in British culture.
The contemporary interest in the phenomenon of Fundamentalism,
especially in the United States, makes the book especially
Jede Rede uber das Wesen Gottes ist Mythologie. Gott lasst sich nur
durch seine Handlungen erkennen und nur in Korrelation mit dem
Menschen. Die Tiefenpsychologie arbeitet mit den gleichen Ansatzen:
Die Handlungen des Menschen zu befreien/erloesen, um sie zur vollen
Bewusstheit/Heiligkeit kommen zu lassen. Das Ziel ist (Freud) und
Weg zur Entwicklung des geistigen Instinkts, Entwicklung zum
Selbst. (Jung) Ungeklart bleibt "...mit welchem geistigen Impuls
die fragliche geistige Bewegung ihren Anfang nimmt, so dass sie in
diesem Impuls ihren Ursprung zu erkennen hatte." (H. Cohen) Die
Tiefenpsychologie arbeitet wesentlich mit der Negation als
Privation: Jedes bewusste Etwas wird von Nicht-Bewusstem in Frage
gestellt, um eine neue Bewusstheit zu erzeugen.
Dieser Band ist die erste deutsche UEbersetzung von Ishaq Armales
Buch uber den Voelkermord im Osmanischen Reich. Der
syrisch-katholische Chorepiskopos Ishaq Armalesbeschreibt in der
bereits 1919 veroeffentlichten Originalausgabe ausfuhrlich das
grausame Schicksal, das die Christen in den Stadten Mardin,
Diyarbakir, ar-Ruha (Edessa, Urfa, Urhay), Aleppo, Sindschar,
Cizre, Siirt, Kfarboran, Tur 'Abdin sowie in den Doerfern in dieser
Umgebung ereilte. Der Autor berichtet uber die Unterdruckung der
Menschen und berichtet uber Entfuhrungen, Vertreibungen, und
Massakern, die sich im Jahre 1895 und in den Jahren 1914 bis 1919
zugetragen haben. Die UEbersetzung ist ein wichtiges Zeugnis in der
Erinnerung an die Menschen, die dem Voelkermord zum Opfer fielen.
In the decades before colonial partition in Africa, the Church
Missionary Society embarked on the first serious effort to
evangelize in an independent Muslim state. Bishop Samuel Ajayi
Crowther led an all-African field staff to convert the people of
the Upper Niger and Confluence area, whose communities were
threatened or already conquered by an expanding jihadist Nupe
state. In this book, Femi J. Kolapo examines the significance of
the mission as an African-rather than European-undertaking,
assessing its impact on missionary practice, local engagement, and
Christian conversion prospects. By offering a fuller history of
this overlooked mission in the history of Christianity in Nigeria,
this book reaffirms indigenous agency and rethinks the mission as
an experiment ahead of its time.
Der Band ist die erste groessere Studie zur Vita von Josef Busnaya.
Diese Quelle beschreibt in grossem Detailreichtum das alltagliche
Leben im 10. Jahrhundert in einem ostsyrischen Kloster und seinem
ruralen Umfeld in einer ansonsten schlecht dokumentierten Zeit und
Region. Der Autor veranschaulicht das alltagliche Leben im Kloster,
seine oekonomische Grundlage und das Verhaltnis der Moenche zu
ihrem christlichen und nicht-christlichen Umfeld und analysiert es
im Kontext seiner historischen Situation. Das Ergebnis ist eine
Momentaufnahme mit erstaunlichen Einsichten in das alltagliche,
multireligioes gepragte Leben im Nordirak des 10. Jahrhunderts.
Allerdings sind diesen durch die Natur der Quelle als
hagiographischer Text Grenzen gesetzt.
The nineteenth century witnessed a flurry of evangelical and
missionary activity in Europe and North America. This was an era of
renewed piety and intense zeal spanning denominations and
countries. One area of Protestant flourishing in this period has
received scant attention in Anglophone sources, however: the French
Reveil. Born of a rich Huguenot heritage but aimed at recovering
the religion of the heart, this awakening gave birth to a dynamic
missionary movement-and some of its chief agents were women. In
Birthing Revival, Michele Sigg sheds light on the seminal role
French Protestant women played in launching and sustaining this
movement of revival and mission. Out of the concerted efforts of
these women arose a holistic mission strategy encompassing the home
front and the foreign field. Parisian women, led by Emilie Mallet,
established schools to provide infants with food, safety, and
religious education. Mallet and her friend Albertine de Broglie led
the women's auxiliary of the Paris Bible Society to design and
carry out a strategy for large-scale Bible distribution and
fundraising. In 1825 de Broglie pioneered the women's committee of
the Paris Evangelical Mission Society, which used the Bible Society
model to promote international missions across their many networks.
In meetings, publications, and reports to the annual General
Assembly, the women reflected on their calling in the work of
mission and fully embraced their identity as "true missionaries."
The success of women teachers and their presence as wives and
mothers in the Lesotho Mission-exemplified by pioneering missionary
wife Elizabeth Lyndall Rolland-proved that married couples serving
together as models of Christian living were essential in opening
the doors to missionary work in Africa. The story, and these
women's legacies, does not end in the field, however. Sigg
demonstrates how the educational work of the missionary wives and
their publications that shared good news of growing faith in
Lesotho sparked local revivals in France. When the enthusiasm of
the Reveil waned in the metropole and divisions mounted among
Protestants, a movement of deaconesses emerged to renew the faith
of French Protestants.
Der deuteronomische Bruderbegriff hat innerhalb des Volkes Israel
seinen Platz und gilt fur dieses. Diese Studie befasst sich mit den
'wirtschaftlichen' und 'politischen' Hintergrunden der
Bruderthematik, wie sie sich in den sozialrechtlichen Teilen des
deuteronomischen Gesetzes sowie des Heiligkeitsgesetzes einerseits
und im deuteronomischen AEmterrecht andererseits zeigen. Leitfragen
sind: Besteht eine theologische Verbindung zwischen dem
sozialrechtlichen und amterrechtlichen Gedankengut der untersuchten
Brudertexte? Warum wird in ihnen das Wort 'Bruder' und nicht ein
Synonym wie 'Nachbar' oder 'Volksgenosse' verwendet? Wo hat die
Bezeichnung 'Bruder' in diesen Rechtskorpora historisch gesehen
ihren Ursprung? Diesen Fragen wird mithilfe von altorientalischem
Vergleichsmaterial sowie von synchronen und diachronen exegetischen
Methoden nachgegangen.
Move over Boomers, Xers, and Millennials; there's a new
generation--making up more than 25 percent of the US
population--that represents a seismic cultural shift. Born
approximately between 1993 and 2012, Generation Z is the first
truly post-Christian generation, and they are poised to challenge
every church to rethink its role in light of a rapidly changing
culture. From the award-winning author of The Rise of the Nones
comes this enlightening introduction to the youngest generation.
James Emery White explains who this generation is, how it came to
be, and the impact it is likely to have on the nation and the
faith. Then he reintroduces us to the ancient countercultural model
of the early church, arguing that this is the model Christian
leaders must adopt and adapt if we are to reach members of
Generation Z with the gospel. He helps readers rethink evangelistic
and apologetic methods, cultivate a culture of invitation, and
communicate with this connected generation where they are. Pastors,
ministry leaders, youth workers, and parents will find this an
essential and hopeful resource.
This volume is the first attempt at a comprehensive history of how the Bible has fared in the Third World, from precolonial days to the postcolonial period. It closely examines the works of biblical interpreters from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America, bringing to the fore the obscure as well as the better-known interpretations, and investigating the Bible's reclamation by indigenous peoples in the postcolonial world. The volume will be an invaluable guide to anyone interested in learning about the impact of the Bible on non-Western cultures.
People are leaving the church J.D. Greear pastors. Big givers. Key
volunteers. Some of his best leaders and friends. And that's
exactly how he wants it to be. When Jesus gave his disciples the
Great Commission, he revealed that the key for reaching the world
with the gospel is found in sending, not gathering. Though many
churches focus time and energy on attracting people and counting
numbers, the real mission of the church isn't how many people you
can gather. It's about training up disciples and then sending them
out. The true measure of success for a church should be its sending
capacity, not its seating capacity. But there is a cost to this. To
see ministry multiply, we must release the seeds God has placed in
our hands. And to do that, we must ask ourselves whether we are
concerned more with building our kingdom or God's. In Gaining By
Losing, J.D. Greear unpacks ten plumb lines that you can use to
reorient your church's priorities around God's mission to reach a
lost world. The good news is that you don't need to choose between
gathering or sending. Effective churches can, and must, do both.
Ce travail traite, dans une approche canonique, le droit a la
remuneration juste et a la protection sociale du clerge diocesain
des Eglises africaines. " Comment faire pour offrir aux pretres et
a l'ensemble des citoyens des conditions de vie digne ? ", cette
question touche l'ensemble des citoyens dans plusieurs pays
africains et constitue un defi social et pastoral pour les
dirigeants politiques et religieux. Au niveau ecclesial, elle
invite a promouvoir des relations interecclesiales respectant le
principe de subsidiarite encourageant une gestion autonome et
responsable de chaque Eglise. Une Eglise devrait etre en mesure de
definir son modele d'Eglise et son paradigme pastoral pour relever
les multiples defis lies a l'evangelisation et a la lutte contre
toutes formes d'injustice et des inegalites sociales.