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Based on close analyses of contemporary texts, and backed by an
examination of the origins of the elements transferred and of the
process of transmission, the contributors to this volume focus on
the perception and adaptation of knowledge and cultural elements in
the West. Taking a variety of approaches, they shed light on the
changing lines of communication between the Byzantine empire and
other parts of the Mediterranean, on the one hand, and the
Burgundian, Frankish and Anglo-Saxon realms and the Papacy on the
This volume explores the connections between mathematical modeling,
computational methods, and high performance computing, and how
recent developments in these areas can help to solve complex
problems in the natural sciences and engineering. The content of
the book is based on talks and papers presented at the conference
Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in
Science & Technology (M3HPCST), held at Inderprastha
Engineering College in Ghaziabad, India in January 2020. A wide
range of both theoretical and applied topics are covered in detail,
including the conceptualization of infinity, efficient domain
decomposition, high capacity wireless communication, infectious
disease modeling, and more. These chapters are organized around the
following areas: Partial and ordinary differential equations
Optimization and optimal control High performance and scientific
computing Stochastic models and statistics Recent Trends in
Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Computing will be of
interest to researchers in both mathematics and engineering, as
well as to practitioners who face complex models and extensive
This book offers a comprehensive account of James Joyce and Zurich,
one of the four cities (including Dublin, Trieste and Paris) in
which he spent significant parts of his life. As a refugee during
World War I, Joyce wrote a substantial part of Ulysses in Zurich
and subsequently visited the city regularly during the 1930s.
Finally, a refugee for the second time, he died there on 13 January
1941 and is buried in Fluntern Cemetery. This guide is conceived
both as a book that may be read in its entirety or consulted
selectively for specific information. An introduction and three
chapters, Joyce in Zurich, Zurich in Joyce and Zurich after Joyce,
are followed by sixty alphabetically ordered articles on people,
places, institutions and events relevant to Joyce during his time
in Zurich. Linked by cross-references and an index, they provide a
rich, kaleidoscopic view of Joyce's Zurich.
Migration crisis, food crisis, economic crisis the most alarming
tendencies in our contemporary world are related to the
transnational social question. But what role does transnational law
play in this context: Does it exacerbate the asymmetries by
shielding the rich and exploiting the poor? Or is the emerging
regime of international social human rights a promising candidate
for countering the crisis of world society?This book scrutinises
both the potentials and the boundaries of de-coupling the notion of
"social rights" from the nation-state and of transferring it to the
transnational sphere. By drawing on a critical theory of
transnational law, it provides in-depth analyses of the different
sites where the struggle for social rights is at stake, such as the
emerging transnational food regime, the ILO, international
environmental law and the accountability of private actors. It
reveals enforcement structures, discusses judicial doctrine and
relates these aspects to the social and political struggles which
surround the transnationalisation of social rights.
This special volume of the conference will be of immense use to the
researchers and academicians. In this conference, academicians,
technocrats and researchers will get an opportunity to interact
with eminent persons in the field of Applied Mathematics and
Scientific Computing. The topics to be covered in this
International Conference are comprehensive and will be adequate for
developing and understanding about new developments and emerging
trends in this area. High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems have
gone through many changes during the past two decades in their
architectural design to satisfy the increasingly large-scale
scientific computing demand. Accurate, fast, and scalable
performance models and simulation tools are essential for
evaluating alternative architecture design decisions for the
massive-scale computing systems. This conference recounts some of
the influential work in modeling and simulation for HPC systems and
applications, identifies some of the major challenges, and outlines
future research directions which we believe are critical to the HPC
modeling and simulation community.
In recent years, libraries and archives all around the world have
increased their efforts to digitize historical manuscripts. To
integrate the manuscripts into digital libraries, pattern
recognition and machine learning methods are needed to extract and
index the contents of the scanned images.The unique compendium
describes the outcome of the HisDoc research project, a pioneering
attempt to study the whole processing chain of layout analysis,
handwriting recognition, and retrieval of historical manuscripts.
This description is complemented with an overview of other related
research projects, in order to convey the current state of the art
in the field and outline future trends.This must-have volume is a
relevant reference work for librarians, archivists and computer
Keyword Spotting (KWS) has been proposed as a flexible and more
error-tolerant alternative to full transcriptions. In most cases,
it allows to retrieve arbitrary query words in handwritten
historical document.This comprehensive compendium gives a
self-contained preamble and visually attractive description to the
field of graph-based KWS. The volume highlights a profound insight
into each step of the whole KWS pipeline, viz. image preprocessing,
graph representation and graph matching.Written by two
world-renowned co-authors, this unique title combines two very
current research fields of graph-based pattern recognition and
document analysis. The book serves as an attractive teaching
material for graduate students, as well as a useful reference text
for professionals, academics and researchers.
This volume explores the connections between mathematical modeling,
computational methods, and high performance computing, and how
recent developments in these areas can help to solve complex
problems in the natural sciences and engineering. The content of
the book is based on talks and papers presented at the conference
Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in
Science & Technology (M3HPCST), held at Inderprastha
Engineering College in Ghaziabad, India in January 2020. A wide
range of both theoretical and applied topics are covered in detail,
including the conceptualization of infinity, efficient domain
decomposition, high capacity wireless communication, infectious
disease modeling, and more. These chapters are organized around the
following areas: Partial and ordinary differential equations
Optimization and optimal control High performance and scientific
computing Stochastic models and statistics Recent Trends in
Mathematical Modeling and High Performance Computing will be of
interest to researchers in both mathematics and engineering, as
well as to practitioners who face complex models and extensive
Peripheries emerge as a result of shifts in economic and political
decision-making at various scales. Therefore peripheral spaces are
not a "natural" phenomenon but an outcome of the intrinsic logic of
uneven geographical development in capitalist societies. Discussing
examples from Germany, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan,
Pakistan, India and Brazil, the volume describes the social
production of peripheries from different theoretical and
methodological perspectives. In so doing, it argues in favour of a
re-politicization of the recent debate on peripheralization.
In the period from 1268 to 1271 the Church was without a Head; for
nearly three years, the cardinals were unable to agree on a
successor for the deceased Pope Clemens IV. The study examines the
causes and effects of the longest sede vacante in the history of
the Church up to the present day. What split the College of
Cardinals above all was the territorial political rivalries between
the Italian cardinals. Nonetheless, the cardinals were able to
agree on common action in the administration of the Papal States,
on the appointment of bishops and the despatch of Papal Legates.
This book offers a comprehensive account of James Joyce and Zurich,
one of the four cities (including Dublin, Trieste and Paris) in
which he spent significant parts of his life. As a refugee during
World War I, Joyce wrote a substantial part of Ulysses in Zurich
and subsequently visited the city regularly during the 1930s.
Finally, a refugee for the second time, he died there on 13 January
1941 and is buried in Fluntern Cemetery. This guide is conceived
both as a book that may be read in its entirety or consulted
selectively for specific information. An introduction and three
chapters, Joyce in Zurich, Zurich in Joyce and Zurich after Joyce,
are followed by sixty alphabetically ordered articles on people,
places, institutions and events relevant to Joyce during his time
in Zurich. Linked by cross-references and an index, they provide a
rich, kaleidoscopic view of Joyce's Zurich.
The commemorative publication Sociological Jurisprudence adheres in
content and form to the tradition of Gunther Teubnera (TM)s body of
work. The contributions engage themselves with his principle
outlook by reflecting upon the relationships between law and
society, each with its own distinct emphasis.
This collection of innovative contributions to the study of legal
pluralism in international and transnational law focuses on
collisions and conflicts between an increasing number of
institutional and legal orders, which can manifest themselves in
contradictory decisions or mutual obstruction. It combines
theoretical approaches from a variety of disciplines with
theoretically informed case studies in order to further
understanding of the phenomenon of regime collisions. By bringing
together scholars of international law, legal philosophy, the
social sciences and postcolonial studies from Latin America, the
United States and Europe, the volume demonstrates that collisions
between various institutional and legal orders affect different
regions in different ways, highlights some of their problematic
consequences, and identifies methods of addressing such collisions
in a more productive manner.
This collection of innovative contributions to the study of legal
pluralism in international and transnational law focuses on
collisions and conflicts between an increasing number of
institutional and legal orders, which can manifest themselves in
contradictory decisions or mutual obstruction. It combines
theoretical approaches from a variety of disciplines with
theoretically informed case studies in order to further
understanding of the phenomenon of regime collisions. By bringing
together scholars of international law, legal philosophy, the
social sciences and postcolonial studies from Latin America, the
United States and Europe, the volume demonstrates that collisions
between various institutional and legal orders affect different
regions in different ways, highlights some of their problematic
consequences, and identifies methods of addressing such collisions
in a more productive manner.
Fuhlen Sie sich im Beruf gestresst und brauchen Ihre Freizeit sich
zu erholen? Die meisten Menschen investieren in ihre Arbeit viel
Energie und suchen immer neue Wege und Moeglichkeiten in der
wenigen Freizeit Energie aufzutanken. Dabei zeigt uns die danische
Lebensphilosophie "Hygge" einfache Wege auf, trotz Stress, gelassen
zu bleiben und in der Arbeit zufrieden und sogar glucklich zu sein.
Nicht umsonst zahlen unsere noerdlichen Nachbarn zu den
glucklichsten Menschen auf der Welt!Mit einfachen Tricks und einer
neuen inneren Haltung der Eigenverantwortung koennen Sie Ihren
Arbeitsalltag so gestalten, dass Sie sich dort besser fuhlen.
Gleichzeitig koennen Sie Ihre Kollegen inspirieren und sogar auf
die Unternehmenskultur einen positiven Einfluss nehmen.
Lineare Algebra spielt in der mathematischen Modellierung und
Bearbeitung von Anwendungsproblemen eine entscheidende Rolle. Das
von erfahrenen Hochschullehrern verfasste Buch gibt eine
verstandliche und systematische Einfuhrung in dieses Gebiet. Es
wendet sich an alle Studierende an Universitaten und
Fachhochschulen, fur die Mathematik ein wichtiges Grundlagenfach
Diagnose-Schock: Krebs Diagnose Krebs: UEber 500.000 Menschen in
Deutschland, OEsterreich und der Schweiz erhalten jahrlich die
Diagnose Krebs. Die medizinischen Fragestellungen haben dann
Prioritat, oft wird aber die psychologische Betreuung der Patienten
auch im Verlauf der Behandlung zu wenig berucksichtigt. Studien
zeigen zudem, dass die Partner Krebsbetroffener haufig noch starker
belastet sind als die Patienten. Hilfe fur die Seele Dieses Buch
bietet praktische Unterstutzung fur beide Seiten: Patienten und
ihre Partner, Freunde, Begleiter. Ziele des Buches: - Sorgen und
Hilflosigkeit vermindern - Ihre Lebensqualitat verbessern -
Selbsthilfe und Selbststeuerung anregen - Sie unterstutzen, mit der
Erkrankung umzugehen und fur sich selbst zu sorgen - Sie
unterstutzen, Ihren eigenen Weg zu finden - Ihnen in schwierigen
Situationen Moeglichkeiten aufzeigen - Sie unterstutzen, wichtige
Dinge nicht zu verpassen. Als klinisch tatige Psychoonkologen
zeigen die Autoren vielfach erprobte Hilfestellungen auf.
Leserinnen und Leser erhalten kurze, gut lesbare Erklarungen und
Anleitungen, die die Ressource Menschlichkeit nutzen. Geschrieben
ist das Buch fur Betroffene und Angehoerige sowie fur medizinische
und psychosoziale Fachleute in Klinik, Praxis und Reha, die mit
Krebsbetroffenen arbeiten. Der praktische Ratgeber fur Betroffene
und Angehoerige: In der Krise lesbar und bezogen auf den ganzen
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