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To use Loot.co.za, you must have cookies enabled in your browser.

Cookies are little nuggets of information that web servers store on your computer to make it easier for them to keep track of your browsing session. For example, at loot.co.za we use a cookie to link a customer to a particular computer once the customer has signed in. Sometimes, we also use a cookie to keep track of your trolley contents. We never store sensitive information about our customers in cookies. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on privacy at Loot.co.za.

Cookies come in two flavours - persistent and transient. Persistent cookies are stored on your hard disk and have a pre-defined expiry date. When the expiry date is reached your computer deletes the cookie. Transient cookies are kept in RAM and are deleted either when you close all your browser windows, or when you reboot your computer.

To use Loot.co.za you must at least have transient cookies enabled. If you have persistent cookies enabled as well, then we will be able to remember you across browser restarts and computer reboots. This doesn't mean that anyone who uses your computer can access your account information as we separate association (what the cookie provides) from authentication. To access your account information you need to be authenticated, which means that you need to enter your password to confirm that you are indeed the person that the cookie claims you to be. Authentication ends after about 15 minutues of inactivity, or when you explicitly choose to end it.

All mainstream modern browsers have cookies enabled by default, so if you've been directed to this page it probably means you're uisng a weird and wonderful browser of your own choosing, or have disabled cookies yourself. In both cases you should know how to switch cookies back on!