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Unionoida (naiads) are characterized by larvae which have to pass through a parasitic stage on a host fish. Some of these host-parasite systems are unique, since the generation time of the parasite exceeds that of its host by a factor of ten. There is tremendous life history variation. With a life span of more than 200 years, some naiad species belong to the longest-lived invertebrates, some are highly host-specific, some are extremely fertile, some produce very peculiar larvae, and some occur at very high population densities. This volume describes and explains the characteristics and life histories of the naiads, the interactions with their hosts, and their evolution. It elucidates the manifold implications of their presence or absence in a lake or stream. Further, aspects of nature conservation are covered, as many naiad species are seriously threatened. Some have been used successfully as sensitive pollutant indicators in habitat monitoring and as "archives" for environmental changes.
This book provides the user with a system for pre-determining the
likelihood of grants success before investing time in proposal
preparation. The exhibits, tables and figures keep new and veteran
grantseekers focused on the process and on obtaining the critical
information they need to decide whether to complete a proposal. The
interactive exhibits that are downloadable provide the worksheets
users needs to win grants This book shows readers how and when to
use the research they gather on prospective grantors to increase
their chances of success. Instruction is provided on why and how to
gather information on past grantees, scoring systems, and
reviewers, and on how to make preproposal contact to dramatically
increase success rates. The deceptively simple techniques outlined
in the exhibits, and the use of the project planner to present an
orderly proposal in a timely manner, are worth the whole investment
in the book. Bauer does not start with how to write a grant, but
rather how proposal development fits the grantseeker's career plan,
and relates to the mission of his or her nonprofit, university,
college, department or program. The emphasis on the book is not on
money, but on creating a winning match between the grantor, the
grantee, and his or her institution/organization. The reader is
provided with strategies and techniques to create strong teams,
build productive consortia, and match grantseeking tasks to group
member skills. This is particularly relevant now given grantors'
growing interest in funding interdisciplinary and multiple site
projects and research that uses grant monies more efficiently.
Those readers that teach or coach grantseeking will also find
strategies in the book that are essential to creating success for
others in the grants process. As the hunt for grants gets more
competitive and hectic, the need for a system that uses time
effectively and provides organizational techniques and other
strategies for increasing grants success rates, is critical. The
step-by step process presented in the book plus the free
downloadable worksheets make the purchase of this book a very
cost-effective investment.
If you want to help your grant seekers achieve up to 50% success
rates and move your grants program to new heights in an ever
competitive market do not teach them grant/proposal development. Do
not mentor them. Coach them to success. Whether you are a research
administrator, a current grants consultant, or a professional
wanting to build a grants consulting business, grants coaching is
the key. This book will teach you how to couple proactive grant
strategies with a consistent and reinforced plan that will guide
your coachees through the proposal development process. It will
provide you with everything you need to develop, implement, and
evaluate a grants coaching program. Once you become involved in
grants coaching you will never again rely solely on grants seminars
to increase grants success because you will be amazed by the
results achieved by your individualized grants coaching program.
If you want to help your grant seekers achieve up to 50% success
rates and move your grants program to new heights in an ever
competitive market do not teach them grant/proposal development. Do
not mentor them. Coach them to success. Whether you are a research
administrator, a current grants consultant, or a professional
wanting to build a grants consulting business, grants coaching is
the key. This book will teach you how to couple proactive grant
strategies with a consistent and reinforced plan that will guide
your coachees through the proposal development process. It will
provide you with everything you need to develop, implement, and
evaluate a grants coaching program. Once you become involved in
grants coaching you will never again rely solely on grants seminars
to increase grants success because you will be amazed by the
results achieved by your individualized grants coaching program.
All those who think that bivalves are boring are in the best
company. Karl von Frisch is reported to have turned the pages more
quickly in texts where bivalves were treated because, according to
him, they literally lack any behaviour. The fact that they can
filtrate huge amounts of water, burrow into the sedi ment, actively
swim, drill holes into rocks and boats or detect shadows with the
aid of pretty blue eyes located on the rim of their mantle
obviously left v. Frisch unimpressed. Why, then, a book on the
large freshwater mussels (Naiads or Unionoida), which on first
sight are much less spectacular than the marine ones? The main
reason is that they are keepers of secrets which they reveal only
on close and careful inspection. This is not only true for the
pearls some species produce and which over centuries have
contributed to the treasures of bishops and kings, but particularly
for their ecology: their life cycles are linked with those of
fishes, some can occur in incredible densities and some can live
for more than 100 years. Thus, the presence or absence of naiads in
a lake or stream has manifold implications."
In March 1981 the International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis (IIASA) published the results of a global energy study
looking fifty years into the future: Energy in a Finite World: A
Global Systems Analysis (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger
Publishing Co., 1981)*. Not surprisingly, this book raises almost
as many questions as it answers; thus, it defines a broad range of
research topics that might be taken up by IIASA or other research
institutions around the world. A 25-27 May 1981 workshop at IIASA
entitled "A Perspective on Adaptive Nuclear Energy Evolutions:
Towards a World of Neutron Abundance" was a beginning on one of
these topics; it was organized by Wolf Hafele (Kernforschungsanlage
Ji. ilich, Jiilich, Federal Republic of Germany, and IIASA) and
Arkadius Archie Harms (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada). The origin of this workshop was the effort with in the
IIASA energy study to explore possible "sustainable" global energy
systems that might eventually replace the current "consumptive"
system. In investigating the possible contributions nuclear
technologies might make to a sustainable energy system, it had
become clear that it is not so much particular, distinct
technologies within the nuclear family that should be examined as a
question of particularly advantageous configurations of mutually
complementary technologies. Only when one considers exploiting a
whole spectrum of arrangements of fission breeders, fusion
reactors, and accelerators does the true potential of nuclear power
become apparent."
This volume contains the proceedings of the International Winter
School on "Heterostructures and Two-Dimensional Electronic Systems
in Semiconductors." The school took place in Mauterndorf, Austria,
from February 26 - March 2, 1984, and was the third one in a series
of winter schools on "New Develop ments in Solid-State Physics,"
organized by the Austrian Physical Society, Solid State Physics
Division. The school was attended by about 150 scientists from 12
countries, including the United States of America, Japan and
Poland. Most of the research groups of Western Europe working in
this field participated and demonstrated the still increasing
interest in the topics. These topics cover the wide area ranging
from fundamental phenomena in solid-state physics, like the quantum
Hall effect, to new semiconductor devices, all based on
two-dimensional elec tronic systems. We hope that the spirit of
this school, the combination of basic and applied physics
(including skiing) will stimulate further progress in this field of
research. This conference was sponsored by the Austrian Physical
Society, Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research,
European Research Office of the US Army, European Office of
Aerospace Research and Development, Federal Province of Salzburg,
and Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft Further financial
support came from the following companies: Balzers, IBM Austria,
Messer-Griesheim, Oxford Instruments, Klaus Schafer & Co.,
Siemens Osterreich and Varian."
Trotz aller operationstechnischen Fortschritte wahrend der
vergangenen zwei Jahr zehnte sind wir bis heute kaum in der Lage,
komplizierende posttraumatische bzw. postoperative Infektionen
ganzlich zu verhindern. Nach Infektmanifestation gelingt zwar in
der Regel die Sanierung des entzundlich veranderten
Weichteilgewebes, ein ossarer Infekt kann sich dagegen sowohl fUr
Pati enten als auch fUr Therapeuten oft zu einem zeitintensiven,
extrem belastenden Pro blem entwickeln. Urn die Vielschichtigkeit
von Knocheninfektionen (Osteitis) erkennen und die sich daraus
ergebenden therapeutischen Konsequenzen richtig ziehen zu k6nnen,
bedarf es einer vertieften, fortwahrenden Beschaftigung mit den
vielfaltigen klinischen und bakteriologischen
Verursachungsprinzipien. Eine Forderung, der sich die Ulmer
Unfallchirurgen im Rahmen der Reisensburger Arbeitstagung des
Jahres 1993 stellten; sie versuchten, mit ausgewahlten Experten
Antworten zu finden auf die Frage nach den beeinflussenden GroBen
am Zustande kommen knochemer Infektionen. DaB dabei die humorale
wie zellulare Immunab wehr eben so wie neuropsychoimmunologische
Aspekte Schwerpunkte der Diskussion w.urden, mag ein Beweis sein
fur die aktuellen Denkansatze zur Pathophysiologie der Entzundung
auf molekularbiologischer Ebene. Allen Teilnehmem der Arbeitstagung
war es ein besonderes Anliegen, mit dieser wissenschaftlichen
Veranstaltung den international anerkannten Wegbereiter der mo
demen Osteitistherapie, Herm Professor Dr. Caius Burri, zu ehren,
der mit uns auf der Reisensburg seinen 60. Geburtstag begehen
konnte. Wir, als seine ihm zu Dank verpflichteten SchUler, wunschen
ihm noch viele Jahre in Gesundheit sowie in der ihm eigenen
Aktivitat auch auBerhalb der Unfallchirurgie."
Der Mensch bedient sich seit jeher mineralischer Rohstoffe im Kampf
urn sein Bestehen und zur Befriedigung seiner kultureHen
Bedurfnisse. Die Art der Nutzung hat sich im Lauf der Zeit
naturlich sehr geandert: yom Gebrauch einfachster Steinwerkzeuge zu
Produkten komplizierter moderner Technologien. Und diese
Entwicklung geht selbstverstandlich weiter. Eine wichtige
praktische Aufgabe der N aturwissenschaften und der
Bergbauwissenschaften ist es folglich, die Grundlagen fur die
Versorgung von Technik und Wirtschaft mit den notwendigen
Rohstoffen zu liefern; der Dynamik der Entwicklungen mit ihren
wechselnden Bedurfnissen ist Rechnung zu tragen. In der
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften wird dieser
Fragenkomplex in der "Kommission fur Grundlagen der
Mineralrohstoff-Forschung" behandelt. Diese hat in den letzten J
ahren vor aHem die Bearbeitung von Einzelproblemen der
Lagerstattenforschung im weitesten Sinn unterstutzt oder durch ihre
Mitglieder durchgefuhrt. Mit der vorliegenden Schrift versucht sie,
einer zukunftsorientierten Frage gerecht zu werden: der
Versorgungslage neuer Technologien mit minerali- schen Rohstoffen.
Trotzdem heute selbst weltweite Transportwege fur die Wirtschaft
keine entscheidende Rolle spielen, ist es beim Auf und Ab der Welt-
marktpreise und bei der Moglichkeit internationaler politischer
Turbulenzen fur jeden Staat und fur jedes Wirtschaftsgebiet
dringend notwendig, uber Rohstoff- queHen im eigenen Bereich genau
Bescheid zu wissen. Dieser Aufgabe mochte die vorliegende Schrift
dienen, wobei die Belange Osterreichs besondere Beachtung finden.
Die IBM Deutschland, gr613te Tochter des internationalen
Unternehmens IBM, beging am 30. November 1985 ihr 75jahriges
Jubilaum. Dieses Ereignis gab Anla13 fUr einen Festakt in
Stuttgart, dem heutigen Sitz des deutschen Unternehmens, sowie
einen Empfang in Berlin, dem Griin- dungsort der Firma DEHOMAG, der
deutschen Hollerith- Maschinen Gesellschaft, aus der spater die IBM
Deutschland hervorging. Neben diesen Feierlichkeiten fand ein
Techniksymposium in Verbindung mit einer Technik- ausstellung in
der Nahe des IBM Werkes Mainz statt, einer der gr613ten deutschen
Fertigungsstatten der Datenver- arbeitungindustrie. Zielsetzung
dieses Techniksymposiums war es, die viel- faltigen technischen
Leistungen der IBM Deutschland einem geladenen Kreis von
Ingenieuren, Wissenschaftlern und Technikern aus Hochschulen,
Industrie und Beh6rden vorzutragen. In einem Uberblick iiber die
Spannweite der technischen Aufgaben und der erzielten Ergebnisse
heute und in den vergangenen Jahren sollten auch zukiinftige
Entwicklungen und bevorstehende Veranderungen ange- sprochen
werden. Der hier vorliegende Tagungsband dieses Symposiums
dokumentiert 75 Jahre Technikgeschichte der IBM Deutschland. Er ist
dariiber hinaus aber auch als Aufzeich- nung wesentlicher Beitrage
der Entwicklung der Datenver- arbeitung in Deutschland zu
verstehen. Dabei wird die VI Vorwort Verzahnung der technischen
Disziplinen wie Mechanik, Halbleitertechnik, Magnetplattenspeicher,
Kommunika- tionstechnik usw. ebenso deutlich wie die der Entwick-
lungsschritte von Forschung, Entwurf, Produktion und
Qualitatssicherung. Die Vortrage zeigen aber gleicher- maBen die
ausschlaggebende Bedeutung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit auf
allen Ebenen. Fiir die Teilnehmer des Symposiums sei am Rande
vermerkt, daB die vorliegenden schriftlichen Ausfiihrungen iiber
den Inhalt der Referate hinausgehen, die aus Zeitgriinden knapper
gehalten waren.
Am 25. Januar l : l24 tritt Profesi: lor A. Foppl in Munchcn in das
70. Lcbensjahr. Eine Anzahl fl('iIwr engeren Schuler haben flich
deflhnJb zUi: lammengetan, um ihrem hochverehrten Lehrer ihre
Gluckwunsche zu uberbringen 1111(1 ihm, zugl('ich im Nalllell ( pr
T, tUtlende, die wahrend eiJ1Ps MellRchenalterR von ihm in der
technischen Mechanik unterrichtet worden Kind, Dank zu sagen fur
die Belehrung und An regung, die sie von ihm empfangen habeJl.
I-lie hoffen in der augen blieklichen:: chweren Zpit, die sich
nicht 7. um ]1'pieJ'n froher FeHk eignet, rlen richtigen Weg zur
Darbringung ihrer Gluckwunsche darin gdundon 7. U haben, dass sie
zu der Wissenschaft, deren Neubelebung und deren Ausbau die
deutsche Ingenieurwelt dem Jubilar verdankt, aus Eigenem kleine
Beitrage beisteuerten, die in diesem Buch gesammelt sind. Die zwei
Sohne von A. Foppl und seine 7: woi i-{chwiegersohnp, die Hamtlich
seine Schuler sind, habp 1 PR uhpl'llommen, die Herausgabe diPHl'r
]('cstgahp 7. U ])(, Horgen. Dip VprlagHbuehhn, ndlung . TuliliH
R]lJ'ing\']' lmt Hich dankpnHwpJ't('J' \, ypiHl' mit (km Vprlag
pinvPJ'Htanden eJ'kla, 't, . O. 1"
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Dissertationem Ivridicam De Commvni Saxonvm Manv Ob Neglectam
Renovationem Amissa Johann G. Bauer, Johann M. Meisner Breitkopf,
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Ueber Christ. Felix Weisse Karl G. Bauer
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Dissertationem Ivridicam De Origine Et Progressv Commvnis
Saxonvm Manvs Johann G. Bauer, Johann Christoph Marschall
Breitkopf, 1746
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Receptam L. XV. In Fin. De Vsvfr. Lectionem: Proprietatis
Dominvs Ne Qvidem Consentiente Frvctvario Servitvtem Imponere
Potest; Ab Aliorvm Emendatione Nec Non Vvlgari Explicatione Et Nota
Absvrditatis Vindicatam Johann G. Bauer, Carl August Naeve
Langenheim, 1736
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book
may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,
poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the
original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We
believe this work is culturally important, and despite the
imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of
our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works
worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in
the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields
in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as
an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
++++ Investitvram Ernesti Et Alberti Electoris Et Dvcvm Saxoniae De
Ivre Svccedendi In Dvcatvs Ivliae Et Montivm Fevda Mascvlina Johann
G. Bauer, Christian G. Reinhardt Langenheim, 1739
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