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Linguistics, neurocognition, and phenomenological psychology are
fundamentally different fields of research. Helmut Schnelle
provides an interdisciplinary understanding of a new integrated
field in which linguists can be competent in neurocognition and
neuroscientists in structure linguistics. Consequently the first
part of the book is a systematic introduction to the function of
the form and meaning-organising brain component - with the
essential core elements being perceptions, actions, attention,
emotion and feeling. Their descriptions provide foundations for
experiences based on semantics and pragmatics. The second part is
addressed to non-linguists and presents the structural foundations
of currently established linguistic frameworks. This book should be
serious reading for anyone interested in a comprehensive
understanding of language, in which evolution, functional
organisation and hierarchies are explained by reference to brain
architecture and dynamics.
report on the state of Cognitive Science research in the European
Economic Community. Since Cognitive Science is a young discipline,
we have taken part of our task to be an exposition of its goals,
methods and progress, and of its significance for technology.
Subsequent to this exposition we survey the intellectual resources
devoted to Cognitive Science research within member nations of the
EEC. Specific proposals for the advancement of the discipline in
Europe are also formulated. In more detail, the six chapters
comprising the report may be summarized as follows. -Chapter 1
(What is Cognitive Science?) is an overview of the major research
themes that define contemporary Cognitive Science. The relation of
these themes to current technological issues Is also briefly
discussed. -Chapter 2 (Survey of cognitive competencies) treats
four principal axes of Cognitive Science research In more detail.
Our discussion Is at once theoretical and applied Inasmuch as we
describe potential app lications of basic research to technological
and societal issues. -Chapter 3 (Biological perspective on
Cognitive Science) is a discussion of neuroscience approaches to
Cognitive Science. This chapter is intended to under line the
distinction between Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence.
-Chapter 4 (Cognitive ergonomics) highlights the study of
man-machine interaction. It may be usefully accompanied by FAST
series N" 9: "Mismatch between machine representations and human
Linguistics, neurocognition, and phenomenological psychology are
fundamentally different fields of research. Helmut Schnelle
provides an interdisciplinary understanding of a new integrated
field in which linguists can be competent in neurocognition and
neuroscientists in structure linguistics. Consequently the first
part of the book is a systematic introduction to the function of
the form and meaning-organising brain component - with the
essential core elements being perceptions, actions, attention,
emotion and feeling. Their descriptions provide foundations for
experiences based on semantics and pragmatics. The second part is
addressed to non-linguists and presents the structural foundations
of currently established linguistic frameworks. This book should be
serious reading for anyone interested in a comprehensive
understanding of language, in which evolution, functional
organisation and hierarchies are explained by reference to brain
architecture and dynamics.
1. Die Autoren dieses Buches hatten urspriinglich das Ziel,
Studenten der Linguistik fortgeschrittene Modelle der prozeduralen
und prozessualen Linguistik vorzustellen. Die Texte sollten anhand
konkreter Fallstudien und Programmierhinweise in das Gebiet
einfiih- reno Entscheidende Teile des Buches entsprechen in der Tat
dieser Planung. Dies gilt insbesondere fUr den ersten Teil, die
Fallstudien des zweiten Teils sowie die Programmie-
rungsanleitungen des dritten Teils. Diese Passagen konnten in einer
ersten Lektiire des Buches ffir sich gelesen werden, wenn die
anderen Abschnitte noch zu schwierig erschei- nen. Bei der Arbeit
an unserem Buch hat es sich aber als unurnganglich herausgestellt,
dem interessierten Studenten auch die Reflexion dber die
grundlegenden Zielsetzungen und Fragestellungen und ihre Bedeutung
fdr die Linguistik nahezubringen. Grundfragen waren es
schliefilich, die die Entwicklung der Modelle motiviert haben und
noch motivieren, denn es geht in der Linguistik nicht primae urn
eine Technik zur Realisation von Sprachproduk- ten - obwohl die
dargestellten Inhalte und Methoden auch diesem Ziel dienen werden
-, sondem urn ein Verstiindnis, wie Sprache nieht nur struk.
turell-abstrakt, sondem vielmehr konkret im Gebrauch und in der
Realisation in Mensch und Computer existiert. Nur durch die
konkrete innere Auspragung im Organismus oder im Mechanismus, sei
es in der neuronalen Vemetzung der die Sprechakte realisierenden
Teile des Gehlms, sei es in der im Computer verfdgbaren Kombination
von universaler Hardware (CPU etc. ) und spezifi- scher Software
(des gespeicherten Progranuns) wird die Sprache wirksam.