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Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors
including central and private banks, multinational corporations,
the state and the media, as well as serving as policy consultants
on everything from health to the environment and security. Power
and Influence of Economists explores the interconnected
relationship between power, knowledge and influence which has led
economics to be both a source and beneficiary of widespread power
and influence. The contributors to this book explore the complex
and diverse methods and channels that economists have used to exert
and expand their influence from different disciplinary and national
perspectives. Four different analytical views on the role of power
and economics are taken: first, the role of economic expert
discourses as power devices for the formation of influential
expertise; second, the logics and modalities of governmentality
that produce power/knowledge apparatuses between science and
society; third, economists as involved in networks between
academia, politics and the media; and forth, economics considered
as a social field, including questions of legitimacy and unequal
relations between economists based on the detention of various
capitals. The volume includes case studies on a variety of national
configurations of economics, such as the US, Germany, Italy,
Switzerland, Greece, Mexico and Brazil, as well as international
spaces and organisations such as the IMF. This book provides
innovative research perspectives for students and scholars of
heterodox economics, cultural political economy, sociology of
professions, network studies, and the social studies of power,
discourse and knowledge. "The Open Access version of this book,
available at
has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license."
Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors
including central and private banks, multinational corporations,
the state and the media, as well as serving as policy consultants
on everything from health to the environment and security. Power
and Influence of Economists explores the interconnected
relationship between power, knowledge and influence which has led
economics to be both a source and beneficiary of widespread power
and influence. The contributors to this book explore the complex
and diverse methods and channels that economists have used to exert
and expand their influence from different disciplinary and national
perspectives. Four different analytical views on the role of power
and economics are taken: first, the role of economic expert
discourses as power devices for the formation of influential
expertise; second, the logics and modalities of governmentality
that produce power/knowledge apparatuses between science and
society; third, economists as involved in networks between
academia, politics and the media; and forth, economics considered
as a social field, including questions of legitimacy and unequal
relations between economists based on the detention of various
capitals. The volume includes case studies on a variety of national
configurations of economics, such as the US, Germany, Italy,
Switzerland, Greece, Mexico and Brazil, as well as international
spaces and organisations such as the IMF. This book provides
innovative research perspectives for students and scholars of
heterodox economics, cultural political economy, sociology of
professions, network studies, and the social studies of power,
discourse and knowledge. "The Open Access version of this book,
available at
has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non
Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license."
Wahrend sich die Wissenschaftsforschung in den letzten Jahren in
grossen Teilen mit Fragen der Organisationsbildung und -steuerung,
mit Methoden der Evaluation von Leistung und Qualitat sowie mit der
Analyse von wissenschaftlichen Mikrowelten befasst hat, wurden
Studien, die das Verhaltnis von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
kritisch aus diskurs-, macht- und feldtheoretischen Perspektiven
untersuchen, bisher in unabhangigen Einzelprojekten durchgefuhrt.
Obwohl diese Beitrage in den jeweils behandelten gesellschaftlichen
Bereichen auf Resonanz stossen und eine Fulle von
wissenschaftstheoretischen Anstoessen bieten, ist die entsprechende
Diskussion bisher nicht in Buchform sichtbar. Der vorliegende Band
fuhrt diese Perspektiven erstmals zu einem Austausch zusammen und
schliesst damit in der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsforschung
eine Lucke.
Jens Maesse geht im vorliegenden Band der Frage nach, wie die
gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von OEkonomischen Expertentum in
Politik, Medien und Wirtschaft zu erklaren ist, indem er die
akademische Welt von OEkonominnen und OEkonomen in den Blick nimmt.
Mit einer diskursanalytischen Theorie sozialer Macht werden die
sozialen und diskursiven Prozesse beobachtet, die einen Elitekult
in der akademischen Welt der Volkswirtschaftslehre hervorbringen.
Die Studie beschreibt und untersucht jedoch nicht nur die Prozesse
und Dynamiken der Herausbildung von "Eliteoekonomen", sie fragt
auch nach den gesellschaftlichen Ursachen und Hintergrunden des
Elitismus. Damit wird erstmals eine systematische
diskurssoziologische Analyse daruber vorgelegt, wie es zur
Elitenbildung in der deutschsprachigen Volkswirtschaftslehre und
zum Aufbau der gesellschaftlichen Deutungshoheit einer bestimmten
oekonomischen Richtung gekommen ist. Der Elitismus in der VWL, so
die These des Buches, ist allerdings nicht nur auf
wissenschaftsinterne Prozesse zuruckzufuhren. Er ist vielmehr der
Effekt gesellschaftlicher Legitimitatsbedurfnisse, die im Zuge von
Globalisierung und Bildungsexpansion entstanden sind.