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Deeply Engage in Christian Doctrine with This Expanded Edition of the
ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible - Theology Rooted In The Word Of
Theology should, first and foremost, be rooted in God’s Word. To
develop a solid understanding of God, humanity, sin, salvation, and
eternity, the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible explores the
doctrines of the Christian faith and how they arise from the pages of
In this expanded edition, notes from the ESV Student Study Bible
provide additional insight into the biblical text and make studying
systematic theology easier than ever. Over 400 in-text mini-articles
connect Christian beliefs to specific Bible passages, 25 articles
explain important theological topics in greater depth, and
introductions highlight the unique ways each book contributes to the
whole of Christian theology. This resource will help Christians better
connect what they believe about God with the very words of Scripture,
strengthening their confidence in the truths of his Word.
• In-Depth Study Resource: Engages readers with the important doctrines
of the Christian faith and its connections to Scripture
• Expanded Edition: Additional notes from the ESV Student Study Bible
provide further explanation of the text
• Helpful Tools: Over 400 in-text summaries, 25 articles, book
introductions, 12,000 study notes, an index of doctrines, sidebars, and
• Thoroughly Developed: Created by a team of 26 editors and contributors
• 8-point type size
• Book Introductions
• Double-column format
• 400+ Doctrinal sidebars
• Footnotes
• 25+ articles on key theological topics
• Cross-references
• 12000 Study notes
• Ribbon marker
PERSIAN PEOPLE In the endeavor to repay in some slight measure the
debt of gratitude imposed on me through their confidence in my
purposes toward them and by their unwavering belief, under
difficult and forbidding cir cumstances, in my desire to serve them
for the re generation of their nation, this book is dedicated by
the author. U4S 1 t l t CONTENTS CHAPTER I Persia decides to obtain
financial administrators from America. The Americans arrive at
Teheran 3 CHAPTER II The political and financial situation in
Persia as we found it. Powers of the Regent, the Cabinet and the
Medjlis. Form of government and sources of revenue. The public
debt. The various foreign loans ... o 35 CHAPTER III General plan
adopted for reorganization. The law of June 13, 1911. Attitude of
the foreign powers. The Stokes incident. The Treas ury Gendarmerie.
The spirit of the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907 49 CHAPTER IV
The attempt of Muhammad Ali Mirza, ex-Shah of Persia, to regain the
throne. Russian intrigues and connivance. Military operations
against the ex-Shah and his brothers. Success of the Nationalist
troops. Defeat and death of Arshadud-Dawla 85 CHAPTER V Military
operations against Prince Salarud-Dawla. His defeat by the
Government forces. The incident arising from the confiscation by
the Government of the estates of PrinceShuauVSaltana. My letter to
the London Times 134 CHAPTER VI The first Russian ultimatum to
Persia. The British Government ad vises Persia to accept. The
Persian Government apologizes. The second ultimatum 157 CHAPTER VII
The bread riots. The Medjlis rejects Russias ultimatum. Invasion by
Russian troops. Persia plans for resistance. Part played by P
ersian women. Abolishment of the Modjlis by coup detat Decem ber 24
169 CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII PAG33 My relations with the de facto
Government of Persia. Massacres at Tabriz, Resht and Enzeli by
Russian troops. My departure from Teheran 205 CHAPTER IX Character
of the Regent, of the different Government officials and of the
Medjlis. Character and capacity of the Persian people . . . 231
CHAPTER X The European diplomatic field in 1911. British and
Russian policies. The Potsdam Agreement and the secret
understanding between Rus sia and Germany. Strategical value of
Persia. Sir Edward Greys charges against the Treasurer-General. The
Anglo-Russian Agree ment .... 247 CHAPTER XI The taxation system of
Persia. My plans for the reorganization of the finances.
Possibilities of railroad development. Potential wealth and
resources of Persia 277 CHAPTER XII Conclusion, , ..-. ., . 319
Treasurer-General of Persia, Frontispiece Nasiru J d-Din Shah with
overcoat and a group of his Ministers and Attendants xix Mushirud
Dawla xxvi Aynud-Dawla, One of the Persian Grandees of the Old
Regime . . . xxvi Muhammad AH Shah Mounted on his Favorite Horse
xxxi Aminus-Sultan, Atabak xxxi Russian and Persian Officers of the
Notorious Cossack Brigade . xxxviii Muhammad Ali Shah now ex-Shah
and His Suite xliv Mr. H.C. Baskerville, The American Teacher in
Tabriz .... xlvii Mr. W. A. Moore xlvii Muhammad Ali Shah and His
Suite Iviii Ayvan, one of the two Assassins of the Persian Minister
of Finance., Saniud-Dawla, who was shot in February, 1911 . ., . .
. . Ixi Saniud-Dawla, The Minister of Finance Ixi Map showing the
three Spheres Russian, British and Neutral De fined in the
Anglo-Russian Agreement of August 31, 1907 ... 4 Mr. F. S. Cairns,
Director of Taxation, and Mr. Shusters Principal Assistant in
Persia 7 Mr. Charles I...
How are cancer and inflammation interrelated mechanistically and
clinically? Though extensive literature exists on the topic "Cancer
and Inflammation," there are relatively few texts that have truly
integrated the two in spite of the many common mechanisms shared by
their processes. Certainly, areas such as cytokines, growth
factors, proliferation, signal transduction and angiogenesis, for
example, are found in both. Yet, the dynamics of how these common
mechanisms are maybe interrelated in the pathologies of the two is
not widely covered. Such coverage, as presented in this volume, may
help further understanding and bring new approaches to
The first section of the book discusses inflammatory mechanisms,
studied in cellular and animal studies. The second part
concentrates on clinical studies with antiinflammatory drugs in
cancer treatment. The volume is written for biomedical researchers
in the health care industry and in academia who are working in
these areas.
Communists on Education and Culture, 1848-1948 is aimed at both a specialist and non-specialist readership. It provides a detailed yet readable account of the attitudes of leading communists, including Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Gorky, Gramsci, Lukacs, Mao Zedong and John Maclean, towards education and culture during the first 100 years of the communist movement.
Ethylene in Plant Biology, Second Edition provides a definitive
survey of what is currently known about this structurally simplest
of all plant growth regulators. This volume contains all new
material plus a bibliographic guide to the complete literature of
this field. Progress in molecular biology and biotechnology as well
as biochemistry, plant physiology, development, regulation, and
environmental aspects is covered in nine chapters co-authored by
three eminent authorities in plant ethylene research. This volume
is the modern text reference for all researchers and students of
ethylene in plant and agricultural science.
Key Features
* Completely updated
* Concise, readable style for students and professional
* Contains an extensive bibliographic guide to the original
* Well illustrated with diagrams and photographs
* Thorough coverage of:
* ethylene and ethephon roles and effects
* stress ethylene
* biosynthesis of ethylene
* molecular biology of ethylene
* action of ethylene
* agricultural uses of ethylene
As the fortieth anniversary of the Nixon resignation approaches, it
is time to take a fresh look at Watergate's impact on the American
political system and to consider its significance for the
historical reputation of the president indelibly associated with
In 1961 Smale established the generalized Poincare Conjecture in
dimensions greater than or equal to 5 [129] and proceeded to prove
the h-cobordism theorem [130]. This result inaugurated a major
effort to classify all possible smooth and topological structures
on manifolds of dimension at least 5. By the mid 1970's the main
outlines of this theory were complete, and explicit answers
(especially concerning simply connected manifolds) as well as
general qualitative results had been obtained. As an example of
such a qualitative result, a closed, simply connected manifold of
dimension 2: 5 is determined up to finitely many diffeomorphism
possibilities by its homotopy type and its Pontrjagin classes.
There are similar results for self-diffeomorphisms, which, at least
in the simply connected case, say that the group of
self-diffeomorphisms of a closed manifold M of dimension at least 5
is commensurate with an arithmetic subgroup of the linear algebraic
group of all automorphisms of its so-called rational minimal model
which preserve the Pontrjagin classes [131]. Once the high
dimensional theory was in good shape, attention shifted to the
remaining, and seemingly exceptional, dimensions 3 and 4. The
theory behind the results for manifolds of dimension at least 5
does not carryover to manifolds of these low dimensions,
essentially because there is no longer enough room to maneuver.
Thus new ideas are necessary to study manifolds of these "low"
Contents. List of Contributors. Preface. T.J. Mitchell and T.J.
Williams: The role of eotaxin and related CC-chemokines in asthma
and allergy. Roger J. Davis: Signal transduction by the JNK group
of MAP kinases. Marie Chabot-Fletcher: TNF and IL-1 signaling to
NF-kB. Anthony M. Manning: Small molecule regulators of AP-1 and
NF-kB. Robert T. Abraham: Mammalian target of rapamycin:
Immunosuppressive drugs offer new insights into cell growth
regulation. Catherine A. Burton, John Boylan, Candy Robinson, Janet
Kerr and Pamela Benfield: Constitutive expression of a tumor
suppressor leads to tumor regression in a xenograft model. Steven
D. Shapiro: Macrophage metalloproteinases in destructive
inflammatory diseases. Nancy H. Ruddle: Lymphotoxin in inflammation
and lymphoid organ development: Variations on a theme. Steven L.
Kunkel, Sem H. Phan, Nicholas W. Lukacs, Cory Hogaboam and Stephen
W. Chensue: Chemokine/cytokine biology during the evolution of
fibrotic disease. Long Gu, Susan C. Tseng and Barrett J. Rollins:
The role of MCP-1 in disease. Lisa A. Beck, Cristiana Stellato,
Syed Shahabuddin, Renate Nickel and Robert P. Schleimer: The role
of chemokines in allergic diseases of the airways. James Winkler
and Ken Tramposch (coordicators): Ninth International Conference of
the Inflammation Research Association, November 1-5, 1998:
Summaries of workshops and poster discussions. William Williams and
Elizabeth Arner (chair persons): Targets in rheumatoid and
osteoarthritis. Lawrence Wennogle and Nancy Cusack (chair persons):
Signal transduction and regulation of gene expression. James Burke
and Floyd Chilton (chair persons): Mediators in inflammation and
their enzymes. Denis Schrier and Fandrew Issekutz (chair persons):
Cell adhesion molecules and leukocyte trafficking. Robert M.
Strieter and David Underwood (chair persons): Pulmonary
inflammation, fibrosis, and disease. W. Hunter and E. Turley (chair
persons): Angiogenesis, wound repair and skin inflammation. Index.
Purpose of In vivo Models of Inflammation is to provide the
biomedical researcher in both the pharmaceutical industry and
academia with a description of the state of the art animal model
systems used to emulate diseases with components of inflammation.
The aim of this second edition is to act as a complement to the
first by describing and updating the standard models that are most
utilized for specific disease areas. In addition, this 2nd edition
includes new models exploring emerging areas of inflammation
It provides detailed descriptions of the methodologies and uses
of the most significant models. This includes current information
regarding agents that demonstrate efficacy, those that do not and
those that can be used as standard controls. The focus remains on
those models that serve as pre-clinical correlates to human disease
as well as those that represent components of the inflammatory
New approaches to the development of future models in selected
therapeutic areas have been highlighted. The focus on novel
technologies that are vital for innovative in vivo research has
also been expanded to include chapters on the use of transgenic and
gene transfer technologies, nanotechnology, and stem cells.
The book provides the scientist with an up-to-date reference
manual for selecting the best animal model for their specific
question. Chapters describing current regulations in the United
States, United Kingdom, and Japan are also included.
Mississippian Age crinoids from Crawfordsville, Indiana, are known
worldwide for their completeness, abundance, comparatively large
size, and extraordinary aesthetic appeal. With over 100 detailed
photos and drawings and incisive text, this book describes the
locality, focusing on its exceptional value from both scientific
and lay perspectives. The geologic region is explored, along with
the factors believed to have led to the unusual preservation of
these crinoids. Detailed descriptions of the morphology, geological
history, and classification of stemmed Paleozoic age crinoids
follows. Diagrams and photos of real specimens aid in understanding
crinoid terminology and identifying and classifying these crinoids
to the genus and species level. This book is written for both the
new and advanced collector. It is also valuable to the new student
of invertebrate paleontology. It provides updated insight into the
morphology, classification, and identification of crinoid fossils
collected at the Crawfordsville localities.
Of all the teachings of Christianity, the doctrine of hell is
easily the most troubling, so much so that in recent years the
church has been quietly tucking it away. Rarely mentioned anymore
in the pulpit, it has faded through disuse among evangelicals and
been attacked by liberal theologians. Hell is no longer only the
target of those outside the church. Today, a disturbing number of
professing Christians question it as well. Perhaps more than at any
other time in history, hell is under fire. The implications of the
historic view of hell make the popular alternatives,
annihilationism and universalism, seem extremely appealing. But the
bottom line is still God s Word. What does the Old Testament reveal
about hell? What does Paul the apostle have to say, or the book of
Revelation? Most important, what does Jesus, the ultimate
expression of God s love, teach us about God s wrath? Upholding the
authority of Scripture, the different authors in Hell Under Fire
explore a complex topic from various angles. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
provides a historical, theological, and cultural overview of The
Disappearance of Hell. Christopher Morgan draws on the New
Testament to offer three pictures of hell as punishment,
destruction, and banishment. J. I. Packer compares universalism
with the traditional understanding of hell, Morgan does the same
with annihilationism, and Sinclair Ferguson considers how the
reality of hell ought to influence preaching. These examples offer
some idea of this volume s scope and thoroughness. Hell may be
under fire, but its own flames cannot be quenched by popular
opinion. This book helps us gain a biblical perspective on what
hell is and why we cannot afford to ignore it. And it offers us a
better understanding of the One who longs for all people to escape
judgment and obtain eternal life through Jesus Christ."
In this book, David Morgan, the expert who made the whips for the
Indiana Jones movies, shows how to braid simple projects quickly.
With close attention to detail and a little practice using the
methods described here, novices can produce attractive and enduring
items from precut lace or a skin or side of leather. Braiding Fine
Leather was written to help the beginning braider acquire basic
skills. After completing some simple projects that can be done well
at an early stage, the braider will develop the confidence to
attempt more involved types of braided work, from handsome clothing
accessories to practical livestock-handling gear. The book begins
with an overview of materials, tools, and fundamental braiding
methods. Then seven projects are presented, each adding something
new to the skills already practiced. Photographs taken in sequence
are used to illustrate the instructions, giving the new braider a
close-up look at each step in the braiding process. The techniques
used in this book come from those developed in Australian
whipmaking shops, which are well-recognized for the high quality of
their work. The craft had been carried to Australia by thongmakers
from England, who were familiar with the thongs used on finely
braided carriage whips. Kangaroo leather, one of the finest
leathers available for braiding, provided the material for
high-quality work, and a large and discriminating market in
Australia led to highly refined techniques. Providing complete,
straightforward instructions and close-up photographs showing each
step in the process, David Morgan has created an excellent book for
those who want to learn to braid leather.
Structural Mechanics, first published in 1958, has become
established as a classic text on the theory of structures and
design methods of structural members. The book clearly and
logically presents the subject's basic principles, keeping the
mathematical content to its essential minimum. The seventh edition
has been revised to provide up-to-date design guidance, principles
in line with the current British Standards and Eurocodes. The
original simplicity of the mathematical treatment has been
maintained, while more emphasis on the relevance of structural
mechanics to the process of structural design, analysis, materials,
loads on building and structures according to the current British
Standard and European Code of Practice. The initial chapters of the
book deal with the concept of loads and their effects on structural
materials and elements in terms of stress and strain. The
significance of the shape of the cross-section of structural
elements is then considered before the book finishes with the
design of simple structural elements such as beams, columns,
rafters, portal frames, dome frames and gravity retaining walls.
Whipmaking--the highest refinement of the art of leather
braiding--is the main emphasis of this book. While the original
text focused on the design and construction of whips made in the
Western tradition, this revised edition adds two completely new
sections. First, it introduces another major category of
whips--those made in the Mongol tradition. Braiding details are
shown in an extensive selection of photographs that also serve to
document the geographic distribution of the whips; their historic
use and characteristics and explained in detailed captions. Second,
a new chapter describes the evolution of a whip design that became
world-famous through its association with Hollywood. The whips used
by Indiana Jones were all made by the author, David W. Morgan. The
first movie prompted an immediate revival of interest in whips for
performance and sport use, and the enthusiasm has grown with each
new film.
This unique textbook provides an introduction to statistical
inference with network data. The authors present a self-contained
derivation and mathematical formulation of methods, review
examples, and real-world applications, as well as provide data and
code in the R environment that can be customised. Inferential
network analysis transcends fields, and examples from across the
social sciences are discussed (from management to electoral
politics), which can be adapted and applied to a panorama of
research. From scholars to undergraduates, spanning the social,
mathematical, computational and physical sciences, readers will be
introduced to inferential network models and their extensions. The
exponential random graph model and latent space network model are
paid particular attention and, fundamentally, the reader is given
the tools to independently conduct their own analyses.
How are cancer and inflammation interrelated mechanistically and
clinically? Though extensive literature exists on the topic "Cancer
and Inflammation," there are relatively few texts that have truly
integrated the two in spite of the many common mechanisms shared by
their processes. Certainly, areas such as cytokines, growth
factors, proliferation, signal transduction and angiogenesis, for
example, are found in both. Yet, the dynamics of how these common
mechanisms are maybe interrelated in the pathologies of the two is
not widely covered. Such coverage, as presented in this volume, may
help further understanding and bring new approaches to
The first section of the book discusses inflammatory mechanisms,
studied in cellular and animal studies. The second part
concentrates on clinical studies with antiinflammatory drugs in
cancer treatment. The volume is written for biomedical researchers
in the health care industry and in academia who are working in
these areas.
The Seventh International Conference of the Inflammation Research
Association, entitled "Inflammation, Mechanisms and Therapeutics"
was held on September 25-29,1994 in White Haven, Pennsylvania. The
major focus of this series of conferences is the multidisciplinary
investigation of inflammation and the discovery of novel
therapeutic approaches to inflammatory diseases. It was therefore
particularly gratifying that the list of attendees included
scientists of diverse backgrounds - preclinical biology, synthetic
and theoretical chemistry, biotechnology and clinical research. The
Conference was characterized by a very high degree of participation
in the scientific debate by attendees, a large proportion of whom
presented at poster sessions, poster discussions and workshops, and
by the many opportunities for informal discussion provided by the
organizers. This volume captures much of the excitement and
enthusiasm of the Conference and should be a valuable resource for
scientists in the field. Niall S. Doherty Barry M. Weichman Douglas
W. Morgan Lisa A. Marshall IX Acknowledgments The manuscripts
contained in this volume are based on material presented at the
Seventh International Conference of the Inflammation Research
Association held in White Haven, Pennsylvania, on September
25-29,1994. We would like to thank the speakers and session
chairpersons for their contributions to the Conference and these
Proceedings. The following individuals played indispensable roles
in the organization and running of the Conference and are
responsible for making it such a success: PLANNING SCHOLARSHIP
Niall S. Doherty Janet Kerr, Chairperson Barry M. Weichman Richard
Carlson Douglas Morgan Richard Harris Loran Killar D.
As the fortieth anniversary of the Nixon resignation approaches, it
is time to take a fresh look at Watergate's impact on the American
political system and to consider its significance for the
historical reputation of the president indelibly associated with
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