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Books > Computing & IT > Applications of computing > Artificial intelligence > Natural language & machine translation
This book will help readers understand fundamental and advanced statistical models and deep learning models for robust speaker recognition and domain adaptation. This useful toolkit enables readers to apply machine learning techniques to address practical issues, such as robustness under adverse acoustic environments and domain mismatch, when deploying speaker recognition systems. Presenting state-of-the-art machine learning techniques for speaker recognition and featuring a range of probabilistic models, learning algorithms, case studies, and new trends and directions for speaker recognition based on modern machine learning and deep learning, this is the perfect resource for graduates, researchers, practitioners and engineers in electrical engineering, computer science and applied mathematics.
Transfer learning deals with how systems can quickly adapt themselves to new situations, tasks and environments. It gives machine learning systems the ability to leverage auxiliary data and models to help solve target problems when there is only a small amount of data available. This makes such systems more reliable and robust, keeping the machine learning model faced with unforeseeable changes from deviating too much from expected performance. At an enterprise level, transfer learning allows knowledge to be reused so experience gained once can be repeatedly applied to the real world. For example, a pre-trained model that takes account of user privacy can be downloaded and adapted at the edge of a computer network. This self-contained, comprehensive reference text describes the standard algorithms and demonstrates how these are used in different transfer learning paradigms. It offers a solid grounding for newcomers as well as new insights for seasoned researchers and developers.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World, IMCW 2013, held in Limerick, Ireland, in September 2013. The 12 revised full papers presented together with three keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 submissions. The papers deal with the following topics: Cloud Architectures and Cultural Memory; Cloud Computing Beyond the Obvious: An Approach for Innovation; Cloud Computing: A New Generation of Technology Enables Deeper Collaboration; Evaluation of Conditions Regarding Cloud Computing Applications in Turkey, EU and the USA; Trustworthy Digital Images and the Cloud: Early Findings of the Records in the Cloud Project; Cloud Computing and Copyright: New Challenges in Legal Protection? Clouding Big Data: Information Privacy Considerations; The Influence of Recent Court Cases Relating to Copyright Changes in Cloud Computing Services in Japan; Government Participation in Digital Copyright Licensing in the Cloud Computing Environment; Evaluation of Information Security Approaches: A Defense Industry Organization Case; Information-Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral Students: A Survey of Istanbul University, Turkey; Students Readiness for E-Learning: An Assessment on Hacettepe University Department of Information Management; Evaluation of Scientific Disciplines in Turkey: A Citation Analysis Study.
In everyday communication, Europe's citizens, business partners and politicians are inevitably confronted with language barriers. Language technology has the potential to overcome these barriers and to provide innovative interfaces to technologies and knowledge. This document presents a Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020. The agenda was prepared by META-NET, a European Network of Excellence. META-NET consists of 60 research centres in 34 countries, who cooperate with stakeholders from economy, government agencies, research organisations, non-governmental organisations, language communities and European universities. META-NET's vision is high-quality language technology for all European languages. "The research carried out in the area of language technology is of utmost importance for the consolidation of Portuguese as a language of global communication in the information society." - Dr. Pedro Passos Coelho (Prime-Minister of Portugal) "It is imperative that language technologies for Slovene are developed systematically if we want Slovene to flourish also in the future digital world." - Dr. Danilo Turk (President of the Republic of Slovenia) "For such small languages like Latvian keeping up with the ever increasing pace of time and technological development is crucial. The only way to ensure future existence of our language is to provide its users with equal opportunities as the users of larger languages enjoy. Therefore being on the forefront of modern technologies is our opportunity." - Valdis Dombrovskis (Prime Minister of Latvia) "Europe's inherent multilingualism and our scientific expertise are the perfect prerequisites for significantly advancing the challenge that language technology poses. META-NET opens up new opportunities for the development of ubiquitous multilingual technologies." - Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan (German Minister of Education and Research)
Designing machines that can read handwriting like human beings has been an ambitious goal for more than half a century, driving talented researchers to explore diverse approaches. Obstacles have often been encountered that at first appeared insurmountable but were indeed overcome before long. Yet some open issues remain to be solved. As an indispensable branch, Chinese handwriting recognition has been termed as one of the most difficult Pattern Recognition tasks. Chinese handwriting recognition poses its own unique challenges, such as huge variations in strokes, diversity of writing styles, and a large set of confusable categories. With ever-increasing training data, researchers have pursued elaborate algorithms to discern characters from different categories and compensate for the sample variations within the same category. As a result, Chinese handwriting recognition has evolved substantially and amazing achievements can be seen. This book introduces integral algorithms used in Chinese handwriting recognition and the applications of Chinese handwriting recogniers. The first part of the book covers both widespread canonical algorithms to a reliable recognizer and newly developed scalable methods in Chinese handwriting recognition. The recognition of Chinese handwritten text is presented systematically, including instructive guidelines for collecting samples, novel recognition paradigms, distributed discriminative learning of appearance models and distributed estimation of contextual models for large categories, in addition to celebrated methods, e.g. Gradient features, MQDF and HMMs. In the second part of this book, endeavors are made to create a friendlier human-machine interface through application of Chinese handwriting recognition. Four scenarios are exemplified: grid-assisted input, shortest moving input, handwritten micro-blog, and instant handwriting messenger. All the while, the book moves from basic to more complex approaches, also providing a list for further reading with literature comments.
In this brief, the authors discuss recently explored spectral (sub-segmental and pitch synchronous) and prosodic (global and local features at word and syllable levels in different parts of the utterance) features for discerning emotions in a robust manner. The authors also delve into the complementary evidences obtained from excitation source, vocal tract system and prosodic features for the purpose of enhancing emotion recognition performance. Features based on speaking rate characteristics are explored with the help of multi-stage and hybrid models for further improving emotion recognition performance. Proposed spectral and prosodic features are evaluated on real life emotional speech corpus.
This book takes an idea first explored by medieval logicians 800 years ago and revisits it armed with the tools of contemporary linguistics, logic, and computer science. The idea - the Holy Grail of the medieval logicians - was the thought that all of logic could be reduced to two very simple rules that are sensitive to logical polarity (for example, the presence and absence of negations). Ludlow and Zivanovic pursue this idea and show how it has profound consequences for our understanding of the nature of human inferential capacities. They also show its consequences for some of the deepest issues in contemporary linguistics, including the nature of quantification, puzzles about discourse anaphora and pragmatics, and even insights into the source of aboutness in natural language. The key to their enterprise is a formal relation they call "p-scope" - a polarity-sensitive relation that controls the operations that can be carried out in their Dynamic Deductive System. They show that with p-scope in play, deductions can be carried out using sublogical operations like those they call COPY and PRUNE - operations that are simple syntactic operations on sentences. They prove that the resulting deductive system is complete and sound. The result is a beautiful formal tapestry in which p-scope unlocks important properties of natural language, including the property of "restrictedness," which they prove to be equivalent to the semantic notion of conservativity. More than that, they show that restrictedness is also a key to understanding quantification and discourse anaphora, and many other linguistic phenomena.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International ICST Conference on Ambient Systems and Media, AMBI-SYS 2011, held in Porto, Portugal in March 2011. The 10 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected and cover a wide range of topics as innovative solutions in the field of ambient assisted living, providing a new physical basis for ambient intelligence by also leveraging on contributions offered by interaction design methods and approaches.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Indian Languages, ICISIL 2011, held in Patiala, India, in March 2011. The 63 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 126 paper submissions (full papers as well as poster papers) and 25 demo submissions. The papers address all current aspects on localization, e-governance, Web content accessibility, search engine and information retrieval systems, online and offline OCR, handwriting recognition, machine translation and transliteration, and text-to-speech and speech recognition - all with a particular focus on Indic scripts and languages.
In the light of upcoming global issues, concerning population, energy, the environment, and food, information and communication technologies are required to overcome difficulties in communication among cultures. In this context, the First International Conference on Culture and Computing, which was held in Kyoto, Japan, in February 2010, was conceived as a collection of symposia, panels, workshops, exhibitions, and guided tours intended to share issues, activities, and research results regarding culture and computing. This volume includes 17 invited and selected papers dealing with state-of-the-art topics in culturally situated agents, intercultural collaboration and support systems, culture and computing for art and heritage, as well as culture and computing within regional communities.
The rich programme of ICIDS 2009, comprising invited talks, technical pres- tations and posters, demonstrations, and co-located post-conference workshops clearly underscores the event's status as premier international meeting in the domain. It thereby con?rms the decision taken by the Constituting Committee of the conference series to take the step forward: out of the national cocoons of its precursors, ICVS and TIDSE, and towards an itinerant platform re?ecting its global constituency. This move re?ects the desire and the will to take on the challenge to stay on the lookout, critically re?ect upon and integrate views and ideas,?ndingsandexperiences,andtopromoteinterdisciplinaryexchange,while ensuring overall coherence and maintaining a sense of direction. This is a signi?cant enterprise: The challenges sought are multifarious and must be addressed consistently at all levels. The desire to involve all research communitiesandstakeholdersmustbematchedbyacknowledgingthedi?erences in established practises and by providing suitable means of guidance and int- duction, exposition and direct interaction at the event itself and of lasting (and increasingly:living) documentation, of which the present proceedings are but an important part.
Unraveling the Voynich Codex reviews the historical, botanical, zoological, and iconographic evidence related to the Voynich Codex, one of the most enigmatic historic texts of all time. The bizarre Voynich Codex has often been referred to as the most mysterious book in the world. Discovered in an Italian Catholic college in 1912 by a Polish book dealer Wilfrid Voynich, it was eventually bequeathed to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University. It contains symbolic language that has defied translation by eminent cryptologists. The codex is encyclopedic in scope and contains sections known as herbal, pharmaceutical, balenological (nude nymphs bathing in pools), astrological, cosmological and a final section of text that may be prescriptions but could be poetry or incantations. Because the vellum has been carbon dated to the early 15th century and the manuscript was known to be in the collection of Emperor Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire sometime between 1607 and 1622, current dogma had assumed it a European manuscript of the 15th century. However, based on identification of New World plants, animals, a mineral, as well as cities and volcanos of Central Mexico, the authors of this book reveal that the codex is clearly a document of colonial New Spain. Furthermore, the illustrator and author are identified as native to Mesoamerica based on a name and ligated initials in the first botanical illustration. This breakthrough in Voynich studies indicates that the failure to decipher the manuscript has been the result of a basic misinterpretation of its origin in time and place. Tentative assignment of the Voynichese symbols also provides a key to decipherment based on Mesoamerican languages. A document from this time, free from filter or censor from either Spanish or Inquisitorial authorities has major importance in our understanding of life in 16th century Mexico. Publisher's Note: For the eBook editions, Voynichese symbols are only rendered properly in the PDF format.
This volume contains papers presented at the 19th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2008), which was held in Budapest, Hungary during October 13-16, 2008. The conference was co-located with the 11th - ternational Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2008). The technical program of ALT 2008 contained 31 papers selected from 46 submissions, and 5 invited talks. The invited talks were presented in joint sessions of both conferences. ALT 2008 was the 19th in the ALT conference series, established in Japan in 1990. The series Analogical and Inductive Inference is a predecessor of this series: it was held in 1986, 1989 and 1992, co-located with ALT in 1994, and s- sequently merged with ALT. ALT maintains its strong connections to Japan, but has also been held in other countries, such as Australia, Germany, Italy, Sin- pore, Spain and the USA. The ALT conference series is supervised by its Steering Committee: Naoki Abe (IBM T. J.
The Reasoning Web summer school series is a well-established event, attracting experts from academia and industry as well as PhD students interested in fo- dational and applicational aspects of the Semantic Web. This volume contains thelecturenotesofthefourthsummerschool, which took place in Venice, Italy, in September 2008. This year, the school focussed on a number of important application domains, in which semantic web techniques have proved to be p- ticularly e?ective or promising in tackling problems. The ?rst three chapters provide introductory material to: - languages, formalisms, and standards adopted to encode semantic information; - "soft" extensions that might be useful in contexts such as multimedia or social network applications; - controlled natural language techniques to bring ontology authoring closer to end users. The remaining chapters cover major application areas such as social networks, semantic multimedia indexing and retrieval, bioinformatics, and semantic web services. Thepresentationshighlightedwhichtechniquesarealreadybeingsuccessfully applied for purposes such as improving the performance of information retrieval algorithms, enablingtheinteroperationofheterogeneousagents, modellinguser's pro?les and social relations, and standardizing and improving the accuracy of very large and dynamic scienti?c databases. Furthermore, the lectures pointed out which aspects are still waiting for a solution, andthepossiblerolethatsemantictechniquesmayplay, especiallythose reasoningmethodsthathavenotyetbeenexploitedtotheirfullpotential.Wehope thatthe school'smaterialwillinspire further exciting researchinthese areas. We are grateful to all the lecturers and their co-authors for their excellent contributions, to the Reasoning Web School Board, and Norbert Eisinger in particular, who helped in several critical phases, and to the organizations that supported this event: the University of Padua, the MOST project, and the N- work of Excellence REWERSE.
This book is the first to provide a comprehensive survey of the computational models and methodologies used for studying the evolution and origin of language and communication. Comprising contributions from the most influential figures in the field, it presents and summarises the state-of-the-art in computational approaches to language evolution, and highlights new lines of development.Essential reading for researchers and students in the fields of evolutionary and adaptive systems, language evolution modelling and linguistics, it will also be of interest to researchers working on applications of neural networks to language problems. Furthermore, due to the fact that language evolution models use multi-agent methodologies, it will also be of great interest to computer scientists working on multi-agent systems, robotics and internet agents.
Recent developments in artificial intelligence, especially neural network and deep learning technology, have led to rapidly improving performance in voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa. Over the next few years, capability will continue to improve and become increasingly personalised. Today's voice assistants will evolve into virtual personal assistants firmly embedded within our everyday lives. Told through the view of a fictitious personal assistant called Cyba, this book provides an accessible but detailed overview of how a conversational voice assistant works, especially how it understands spoken language, manages conversations, answers questions and generates responses. Cyba explains through examples and diagrams the neural network technology underlying speech recognition and synthesis, natural language understanding, knowledge representation, conversation management, language translation and chatbot technology. Cyba also explores the implications of this rapidly evolving technology for security, privacy and bias, and gives a glimpse of future developments. Cyba's website can be found at HeyCyba.com.
Leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python and learn how to set up your own robust environment for performing text analytics. This second edition has gone through a major revamp and introduces several significant changes and new topics based on the recent trends in NLP. You'll see how to use the latest state-of-the-art frameworks in NLP, coupled with machine learning and deep learning models for supervised sentiment analysis powered by Python to solve actual case studies. Start by reviewing Python for NLP fundamentals on strings and text data and move on to engineering representation methods for text data, including both traditional statistical models and newer deep learning-based embedding models. Improved techniques and new methods around parsing and processing text are discussed as well. Text summarization and topic models have been overhauled so the book showcases how to build, tune, and interpret topic models in the context of an interest dataset on NIPS conference papers. Additionally, the book covers text similarity techniques with a real-world example of movie recommenders, along with sentiment analysis using supervised and unsupervised techniques. There is also a chapter dedicated to semantic analysis where you'll see how to build your own named entity recognition (NER) system from scratch. While the overall structure of the book remains the same, the entire code base, modules, and chapters has been updated to the latest Python 3.x release. What You'll Learn * Understand NLP and text syntax, semantics and structure* Discover text cleaning and feature engineering* Review text classification and text clustering * Assess text summarization and topic models* Study deep learning for NLP Who This Book Is For IT professionals, data analysts, developers, linguistic experts, data scientists and engineers and basically anyone with a keen interest in linguistics, analytics and generating insights from textual data.
The problem of inducing, learning or inferring grammars has been studied for decades, but only in recent years has grammatical inference emerged as an independent field with connections to many scientific disciplines, including bio-informatics, computational linguistics and pattern recognition. This book meets the need for a comprehensive and unified summary of the basic techniques and results, suitable for researchers working in these various areas. In Part I, the objects of use for grammatical inference are studied in detail: strings and their topology, automata and grammars, whether probabilistic or not. Part II carefully explores the main questions in the field: What does learning mean? How can we associate complexity theory with learning? In Part III the author describes a number of techniques and algorithms that allow us to learn from text, from an informant, or through interaction with the environment. These concern automata, grammars, rewriting systems, pattern languages or transducers.
This book takes concepts developed by researchers in theoretical computer science and adapts and applies them to the study of natural language meaning. Summarizing more than a decade of research, Chris Barker and Chung-chieh Shan put forward the Continuation Hypothesis: that the meaning of a natural language expression can depend on its own continuation. In Part I, the authors develop a continuation-based theory of scope and quantificational binding and provide an explanation for order sensitivity in scope-related phenomena such as scope ambiguity, crossover, superiority, reconstruction, negative polarity licensing, dynamic anaphora, and donkey anaphora. Part II outlines an innovative substructural logic for reasoning about continuations and proposes an analysis of the compositional semantics of adjectives such as 'same' in terms of parasitic and recursive scope. It also shows that certain cases of ellipsis should be treated as anaphora to a continuation, leading to a new explanation for a subtype of sluicing known as sprouting. The book makes a significant contribution to work on scope, reference, quantification, and other central aspects of semantics and will appeal to semanticists in linguistics and philosophy at graduate level and above.
This two-volume set LNCS 11437 and 11438 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, held in Cologne, Germany, in April 2019. The 48 full papers presented together with 2 keynote papers, 44 short papers, 8 demonstration papers, 8 invited CLEF papers, 11 doctoral consortium papers, 4 workshop papers, and 4 tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 365 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: Modeling Relations; Classification and Search; Recommender Systems; Graphs; Query Analytics; Representation; Reproducibility (Systems); Reproducibility (Application); Neural IR; Cross Lingual IR; QA and Conversational Search; Topic Modeling; Metrics; Image IR; Short Papers; Demonstration Papers; CLEF Organizers Lab Track; Doctoral Consortium Papers; Workshops; and Tutorials.
This two-volume set LNCS 11437 and 11438 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, held in Cologne, Germany, in April 2019. The 48 full papers presented together with 2 keynote papers, 44 short papers, 8 demonstration papers, 8 invited CLEF papers, 11 doctoral consortium papers, 4 workshop papers, and 4 tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 365 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: Modeling Relations; Classification and Search; Recommender Systems; Graphs; Query Analytics; Representation; Reproducibility (Systems); Reproducibility (Application); Neural IR; Cross Lingual IR; QA and Conversational Search; Topic Modeling; Metrics; Image IR; Short Papers; Demonstration Papers; CLEF Organizers Lab Track; Doctoral Consortium Papers; Workshops; and Tutorials.
This book is about a new approach in the field of computational linguistics related to the idea of constructing n-grams in non-linear manner, while the traditional approach consists in using the data from the surface structure of texts, i.e., the linear structure.In this book, we propose and systematize the concept of syntactic n-grams, which allows using syntactic information within the automatic text processing methods related to classification or clustering. It is a very interesting example of application of linguistic information in the automatic (computational) methods. Roughly speaking, the suggestion is to follow syntactic trees and construct n-grams based on paths in these trees. There are several types of non-linear n-grams; future work should determine, which types of n-grams are more useful in which natural language processing (NLP) tasks. This book is intended for specialists in the field of computational linguistics. However, we made an effort to explain in a clear manner how to use n-grams; we provide a large number of examples, and therefore we believe that the book is also useful for graduate students who already have some previous background in the field.
The two-volume set LNBI 11465 and LNBI 11466 constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, IWBBIO 2019, held in Granada, Spain, in May 2019. The total of 97 papers presented in the proceedings, was carefully reviewed and selected from 301 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: High-throughput genomics: bioinformatics tools and medical applications; omics data acquisition, processing, and analysis; bioinformatics approaches for analyzing cancer sequencing data; next generation sequencing and sequence analysis; structural bioinformatics and function; telemedicine for smart homes and remote monitoring; clustering and analysis of biological sequences with optimization algorithms; and computational approaches for drug repurposing and personalized medicine. Part II: Bioinformatics for healthcare and diseases; computational genomics/proteomics; computational systems for modelling biological processes; biomedical engineering; biomedical image analysis; and biomedicine and e-health.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2019, held in Novy Smokovec, Slovakia, in January 2019. The 34 full papers presented together with 6 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 92 submissions. They presented new research results in the theory and practice of computer science in the each sub-area of SOFSEM 2019: Foundations of theoretical Computer Science, foundations of data science and engineering, and foundations of software engineering. |
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