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Cooking Lekka takes the reader on a heartfelt journey through Cape Malay and Indian fusion cooking, largely inspired by Thameenah's popular cooking show "Ja Daddy Kan Lekka Eet". Growing up in a richly multicultural family, Thameenah brings soulful recipes that connect generations and cultures, blending spices and flavours that speak to the vibrant heritage of South Africa. From her early cooking days inspired by her mom's Indian roots to her love for Cape Malay flavours, each recipe in this book is crafted to be approachable and full of flavour, perfect for anyone looking to bring warmth and joy to the table.
‘This is more than just a cookbook; it is a celebration of culinary
creativity and a testament to Ollie’s exceptional talent and zest for
life.’ – Ivor Jones, head chef at Chefs Warehouse BeauConstantia.
Kamini Pather first exploded onto the South African culinary scene as a
participant and winner of the second series of MasterChef South Africa.
Since then her life and cuisine journey has taken her down various
paths, and although she always remains grounded and grateful to her
heritage, she is not solely defined by it. As Kamini herself says, ‘All
Dhal’d Up is a collection of ancestrally-derived recipes that have been
updated through ingredients and techniques –the old world has been
given some fancy.’ The concept of good-mood food leans gently into
health, while ‘Indian-ish’ is a perfect nod to her ancestry, but fused
with other cultures and their influence on the food she likes to eat.
So although you will find traditional recipes, such as potato curry
with nigella seeds, hot water roti and rasam, as well as the
Sunday-standard meal of chicken curry, they are flanked by the delights
of cauliflower rice lamb biriyani, panko-crumbed patha wraps, bacon
dhal, pudhina hummus and rosewater ice-cream sandwiches with pistachio
Following on the success of Veld to Fork, Gordon Wright’s first book, Karoo Food is bigger, better and tastier than ever, with more recipes, stories and anecdotes about life and food in the Karoo. Once again, Gordon takes you on a Slow Food journey, via your taste buds, to foodie-nirvana. Tracing the origins of ingredients and the stories behind the dishes, this is a selection of recipes and inspirations from the important people in his life. It’s a mix of the old and the new and a tribute to all those lovely people and their marvellous food over the generations that have helped foster his love of cooking. This book is a must-have for cooks, foodies and aspiring home chefs.
The Great Marula Menu is a delicious collaboration between
Amarula and passionate home cooks from across South Africa. A curation
of the best Amarula-inspired recipes shared by devoted Amarula fans,
the book is a true reflection of community and a shared love of great
flavours. With contributions from renowned culinary figures The Lazy
Makoti and J’Something, who bring their unique talents to the table,
The Great Marula Menu promises a cultural journey through diverse South
African home cooking.
Reuben Riffel shares his secrets on how to get to flavour quicker...
without the fuss.
Welcome to the SuzelleDIY Recipe Book! These pages are full of my favourite recipes that I have gathered and created over the years, from my Ouma’s old classics to my own creative recipes that will get everyone talking at your next dinner party! You will find scrumptious desserts, easy dinners, fun and delicious twists on South African favourites (bobotie balls anyone?) as well as a few wonderful recipes from special guests who also wanted their recipes in the book, shame. This cookbook is for everybody! If you are a master chef or a mini chef, if you only know how to use the microwave or even if your meals always come out looking a little bit rustic, there’s something in this book for you. So pop on your aprons people! It’s time to use your own creativity and make some delicious kitchen magic happen. DIY? Because anybody can!
Veganism is a growing phenomenon on the culinary scene. The South African Vegan Cookbook is the first of its kind locally. In it you will find everything you need for a vegan lifestyle: from basic information such as the definition of veganism, why it’s good for you, answers to common questions, the essential equipment, vegan alternatives for everyday products, the pantry essentials and resources to learn more. The family-friendly recipes are easy to make and are made from locally-sourced products. This cookbook includes recipes for breakfast, snacks, lunch, tea time, the braai, entertaining and late-nights feasts. Think decadent chocolate granola and overnight oats, kale chips and cauliflower bites, easy-to-make couscous salad, lasagne and stir-fry as well as South African favourites like milk tart, banana loaf, macaroni-and-cheese and chicken burgers. And to top it all: chocolate mousse, date balls and truffles. Vegan 101 – good for your health and the planet.
What’s not to love about sheet pan cooking? It is super- convenient, healthy, easy on the washing up and, as Liz Franklin proves here in 101 inspired meat-free recipes, big on flavour! More and more of us are cutting out animal protein and products from our diets, or at very least reducing them. Liz Franklin reveals how all manner of truly scrumptious dishes can be created when oven, sheet pan and vegetables conspire. Most of the recipes are built on a rainbow of roasted vegetables, grains, cheese and vegan sources of protein, but there are also recipes for things you might not associate with oven cooking too, such as fabulous fritters, glorious soups and the best- ever baked porridge. Taking their lead from dishes enjoyed all around the world, recipes include delicious dishes from the Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa and the Americas as well as ideas designed to showcase your own local seasonal produce.
Over 120 new, unmissable recipes from the creators of a plant-based revolution. Discover a whole world of quick eats, weeknight suppers, showstopping feasts, and incredible sweet treats – all using the power of plants. A year after their first cookbook, BOSH!, took the world by storm, Henry and Ian are back to show you just how versatile cooking with veg can be.
Yes, the keto diet has been around for a while; you’ve heard about it
but don’t fully understand the concept and think it’s too expensive. Or
perhaps you tried it but were overwhelmed with a deluge of often
conflicting information, so you gave up. Possibly, you are following it
faithfully but need new inspiration. Besides, there’s always new
information coming to the fore. Following on the runaway success of his
first book two years ago, Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle, Hendrik
Marais has decided that it’s time to introduce the ketogenic lifestyle
to even more people, while offering devotees a simplified breakdown of
the latest trends, and a completely new set of easy and delicious
Die beste resepte van die gewilde potjiekosreeks op Via. Van eenvoudig tot deftig, goedkoop tot duur – maar altyd gesellig en watertand lekker. Resepte vir voor- en hoofgeregte, bykosse en selfs nageregte, alles op die vuur. Potjies soos geroomde mossels, volstruisnekkerrie, lamskenkel, waterblommetjiebredie en ’n uithaler sjokalade-toringkoek! Met ’n verskeidenheid brode, om die laaste lekseltjie sous op te skraap – dus mos nou lekker!
A generation of young adults have come to know, love and depend on Help! There’s a Stove in My Kitchen, Annabel Frere’s first cookbook. That same generation has graduated to the young professionals who now need to entertain on a somewhat more sophisticated level. Author Annabel has been through all these stages with her own daughters and once again provides a repertoire of tasty and relati vely simple recipes for events ranging from impromptu gatherings to well-organised occasions. Much emphasis is placed on good planning, as well as preparing foods in advance so that the cook can spend as much ti me with his or her guests, rather than in the kitchen on the day itself. Attention is also given to texture and presentation, with plenty of tips and suggestions for effortless entertaining. Where dishes may seem to be more complicated, Annabel is an expert at demystifying them. And of course, no party is complete without the right liquid accompaniments so there is a chapter on some delicious cocktails, both with and without alcohol.
Spices weaved their way into my kitchen and somehow my collection seems to flourish regardless of the homes and locations I’ve lived in. From the author and chef of Cooking for my father in My Cape Malay Kitchen, comes a cookbook that chronicles her adulation and reverence for spices. Cariema Isaacs’s affinity for spices emanates from her Cape Malay heritage and her time spent cooking and baking in her grandmother’s kitchen in Bo-Kaap, the Cape Malay Quarter in Cape Town. Thus, at a very early age she understood the tastes derived from cumin and coriander, the pungency of fennel, cloves and star anise, and the piquancy of chilli powder, cayenne pepper and masala blends. Spice Odyssey showcases a multitude of beautifully written recipes with some familiar spices from her Cape Malay heritage and fresh aromatics from her travels to India, Turkey, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the Middle East. ‘From east to west, north to south, the routes and journeys travelled from shore to shore by slaves and explorers, travellers and traders, the story of spices emerged and the spice odyssey began.’
Met Low Carb is Lekker Drie sit Inè Reynierse die reis voort wat sy in 2015 begin het toe haar bekroonde kookboek, Low Carb is Lekker, die land stormenderhand verower het. Inè se resepte voorsien in die behoefte vir koolhidraatbewuste, suikervrye en graanvrye maaltye, maar plaas die klem op hoër voedingswaarde en gesonde eetgewoontes. Vir haar geregte het jy nie spesialiteitsbestanddele of duur kosplaasvervangers nodig nie. Omdat sy op ’n klein Bolandse dorp woon, het sy geleer om kreatief te wees met wat sy byderhand het: vleis en suiwel van goeie gehalte, en die varsste groente en kruie. Haar slaaisouse, doopsouse, souse en glutenvrye meelmengsels vorm die grondslag van ’n voortreike verskeidenheid resepte vir van ontbyt tot aandete en van weekdaggesinsmaaltye tot naweek-onthaalkos. Danksy haar fokus op die verbetering van algemene gesondheid en welstand is Inè se resepte ideaal vir enigeen wat elke dag van die week goeie kos op die tafel wil sit.
Welkom by Resepte! Hierdie boek se bladsye is propvol geliefkoosde resepte wat ek oor baie jare versamel en opgetower het; van my Ouma se ou klassieke resepte tot my eie skeppings wat almal gaan laat gons y oor jou volgende feesmaal! Jy sal heerlike nageregte ontdek, maklike aandetes, asook prettige en smaaklike afdraaipaadjies van Suid-Afrikaanse gunstelinge (enigeen vir bobotieballetjies?), sowel as paar ongelooflike resepte deur spesiale gaste wat ook, ag, shame, so graag in die boek wou wees. Hierdie kookboek is vir almal! Al is jy bobaaskok of beginner; al weet jy kwalik hoe om mikrogolfoond te hanteer of dink dat jou maaltye altyd so bietjie verroes lyk: daar sal iets in hierdie kookboek wees vir jou. Strik jou voorskoot aan, liewe mens! Dis tyd om jou eie kreatiwiteit te volg en die kombuis in gastronomiese betowering te omskep. DIY? Want almal kan!
This is Durban curry, continued... a show which has been running
since the 1860s, when the first indentured labourers came from
India to work in the sugar cane plantations of then colonial Natal.
They brought spices, and seeds, and recipes. And when inevitably,
the influences and memories of the mother cuisine faded, Durban
curry became its own thing.
15 Minute Vegan: On a Budget features 100 recipes for home cooks who want to create effortless, fast and delicious vegan food, without the price tag often associated with vegan cooking. All of the ingredients can be purchased in supermarkets and every recipe is ready in 15 minutes or less. Katy Beskow challenges the perception that vegan cooking is expensive, and shows that veganism is for all by using ingredients that are readily available and need no specialist equipment. This is a book for both non-vegans and vegans who want to try reduce food costs without sacrificing flavour. Chapters include: Leftovers (Potato peel crisps, Panzanella, Pitta chips); From the Cupboard (Spanish chickpea stew, Thai slaw, Black bean mole); Fresh food (Aubergine caponata, Mango gazpacho, Korean bibimbap); Family Favourites (Lentil ragu, Kedgeree with paprika yoghurt); and Sweet Treats (Cinnamon sugar tortillas, Sesame brittle thins, Apple fritters). There is also plenty of advice on eating seasonally and shopping wisely..
Who knew sushi could be so cute? Learn how to make fresh, delicious sushi with a quirky kawaii twist in this fun new book and kit! Follow the easy step-by-step instructions inside to create amazing sushi recipes - from classic sushi rolls and cute shaped rice animals (perfect for bento boxes) to sushi sandwiches! With two cute rice-shaping moulds, a pressing spoon, rolling mat and 32-page recipe book included, this kit contains everything you need to creating your own delicious sushi snacks today. Features:
"Die resepte in hierdie boek het ek fyn uitgekies. Dit is kos wat ék sien as onthoukos." Marinda se koskas maak voorsiening vir ontbyt, sop en voorgeregte, brood en beskuit, slaai, seekos, vleis, groente, pasta en bygeregte, nageregte, terte, koeke en ander soetigheid. Lipleklekker kos wat jy in ’n japtrap kan berei sonder fieterjasies of vreemde bestanddele. Die resepte is in eenvoudige taal geskryf vir elke dag se gebruik, vir elke kosliefhebber. Nou kan jy die gewilde aanbieder van Marinda Kook op VIA, se eerste kookboek geniet.
Handmade Gifts From The Kitchen is a delightful gift in itself, as well as a beautiful collection of culinary gift ideas for you to make and bake at home for friends and family. Indulgent fudge, warming liqueurs, spicy chutneys, sweet and crumbly homemade biscuits … the list goes on. A jar of your favourite preserve or a box of homemade truffles is a delightful way to say thank you to someone special, or for Christmas or birthdays, or indeed for any celebration whatever time of the year. Full of love and originality, the recipes are a pleasure to create and wrap as well as to give. Each recipe has a guide for how long it takes to prepare and make, and the introduction to each offers ideas on how to use it or adapt it for any occasion. There is a myriad of ideas for wrapping the gifts in a stunning and stylish way, so that every gift is unique.
Get creative in the kitchen with the Ultimate Cookies, Cupcakes and more for Kids kit. Whip up a batch of chocolate cookies, frost a tray of raspberry cupcakes and surprise your friends with your baking skills! Including an array of easy to use and brightly coloured utensils, kids will be able to follow the step-by-step instructions in the easy to read 48-page recipe book to become the top chef in your kitchen! Includes:
Huiskos is Herman Lensing se sesde kookboek en volg op die uiters suksesvolle Dit Proe Soos Huis, wat in 2019 verskyn het en in 2020 benoem is deur die SA Boekpryse vir beste niefiksieboek. Huiskos vertel – in sy eie woorde – die storie van Herman se 34 jaar op hierdie aarde. Anders as in sy ander boeke deel hy hierdie keer ook resepte wat hy by sy vriende leer ken het en by mense op vele reise deur Suid-Afrika. Huiskos bevat meer as 80 resepte, van ontbyt tot hoofgeregte, van bykosse tot vleisgeregte, van koeke, koekies en beskuit tot nageregte (soos trifle, roomys en selfs basaarpoeding). Elke hoofstuk weerspieël Herman se liefde vir kos en vir mense, met staaltjies waarin jy jou kan verkneukel. Dis alles pretensielose resepte met bestanddele wat jy van Pretoria tot in Pofadder kan kry. Huiskos is nes jy Herman se kombuis ken: kos wat almal kan saamkook.
Die pragtig geillustreerde boek is daarop gemik om van enige iemand ’n suksesvolle bakker te maak. Dit is gegrond op basiese baktegnieke en wenke. Die resepte is deeglik getoets en het maklike stappe om te volg. Daar word ook gefokus op die bakgeheime wat min ander bakboeke inhou. Dit sal vir jou die selfvertroue gee om die basiese resepte met gemak te bak en jou stadig maar seker die moed gee om die meer tegniese resepte te bemeester. Om tuis te bak gee vir jou ‘n uitlaatklep, ’n plek om kreatief te wees en geleentheid om iets te kan gee wat jy self gemaak het. Die resepversameling sluit iets vir elke okkasie in; van kleingebak tot krummelrige pasteie. Lieflike koeke, blikke vol koekies, dekadente terte en eenvoudige skons is deel van die boek se gebak.
Welcome to Chrissy's kitchen . . . Introducing the food that makes her tick. Order now for food you simply can't resist. After two years of parenthood, falling in love with different flavours, and relearning the healing power of comfort food, this book is like Chrissy's new edible diary: recipes for quick-snap meals; recipes for lighter, brighter healthier-ish living; and recipes that, well, are gonna put you to bed, holding your belly. Chrissy's is a life of . . . · CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS. The ultimate quick and easy comfort food. A creamy one-pot wonder: tender chicken breast and doughy delicious dumplings. · GARLIC HONEY PRAWNS. A 15-minute meal that's worthy of any Chinese restaurant, made with soy sauce, honey and orange, served with fluffy white rice. · BANANA BREAD. Yes. This is THE banana bread that launched a million tweets and a hundred thousand Instagram tags . . . Delicious. Most will satisfy your cravings but all will leave you hungry for more. |
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