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Books > Medicine

One Call Away - The Intimate Story Of The Doctor Who Stood Between Death And Survival (Paperback): Anne Biccard One Call Away - The Intimate Story Of The Doctor Who Stood Between Death And Survival (Paperback)
Anne Biccard
R265 R219 Discovery Miles 2 190 Save R46 (17%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

One Call Away is the third title in a trilogy, following the bestsellers Saving a Stranger’s Life and Holding My Breath.

Our story invites you, the reader, to join the now-familiar Dr Anne on the front lines in the emergency department of a busy hospital in Johannesburg. You will meet the Eye roller, the Clothes peg and the Hairbrush. You will feel exasperated by the Crackling Malaprop and exhilarated by the battle to snatch patients back from our main adversary, the Grim Reaper. Dentures and daggers, acid and aneurysms – it’s all in a day’s work for the ED team.

You are invited home to the farm, where the drama continues with the famous band of rescued Snoopies. There are walks and sunsets and skies full of blood. There is courage, love, heartbreak, music, colour and medicine – all bundled together in a joyful journey.

One Call Away is a real-life story that asks big questions and acknowledges the importance and brevity of it all. It pulls together guilt, grief and determination in a fast-paced, funny and meaningful read that will keep you turning the pages right to the end.

Life Interrupted - A Bipolar Memoir (Paperback): Samantha Smirin Life Interrupted - A Bipolar Memoir (Paperback)
Samantha Smirin
R316 Discovery Miles 3 160 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

Samantha is stamped with a 'bipolar' label that becomes the trajectory for her tortured existence. For the next three decades she will wind through a maze of anguished suffering, accompanied by memory-effacing medical interventions in the form of electroconvulsive therapies, heaps of pills and repellent hallucinations. As her helpless family and loved ones watch, often in terror, Samantha yo-yos between acceptance and denial of her diagnosis. Time and again believing she is well, she plummets into the devastating chasm of her illness.

Life Interrupted is a deeply compelling memoir that brilliantly humanises the sufferer beyond the label. It is groundbreaking in the way the author shares the horrors of psychosis and unbounded mania, the fears of depression and the emergence of recovery.

This book will not only appeal to the over four million people diagnosed with bipolar in South Africa, but to the millions of people who are affected by loved ones with bipolar, as well as to everyone who reads it.

Kanker Schmanker! (Afrikaans, Paperback): Madelein Rust Kanker Schmanker! (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Madelein Rust
R388 Discovery Miles 3 880 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

Die oorlewingstog van 'n dapper vrou.

“ ʼn Kale vlakte waar my regterbors eens was. Ek maak my oë toe en laat my brein toe om te proe aan hierdie monumentale ding. Kanker schmanker, besluit ek. Ek is nog net soveel vrou soos voor die operasie. My vroulikheid het toe al die tyd nie in my bors gesit nie. Dit sit in my kop, in my hart, in daardie onmeetbare, onaantasbare iets wat die gees genoem word.”

In hierdie aangrypende boek deel die bekende spanningsverhaalskrywer Madelein Rust die intiemste besonderhede van haar reis met borskanker. Dit is ʼn brutaal eerlike vertelling wat haar belewenis van die siekte met patos en humor uitbeeld. Lesers verkry ʼn eiesoortige blik op die fisieke ervarings van borskankerstryders sowel as die ewig veranderende binnewêreld van dié wat teen die siekte veg.

Kanker schmanker! rus borskankerstryders toe met inligting wat nie altyd geredelik beskikbaar is nie en help hul geliefdes om die reis met kanker beter te verstaan. Dit is ʼn boek van hoop en triomf wat die leser hardop laat huil en laat lag. Dis 'n verhaal vir elkeen van ons wat ʼn stryd van enige aard stry.

Hartebreker - Christiaan Barnard En Die Eerste Hartoorplanting (Afrikaans, Paperback): James Styan Hartebreker - Christiaan Barnard En Die Eerste Hartoorplanting (Afrikaans, Paperback)
James Styan 4
R328 Discovery Miles 3 280 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

Vir die vroue wat hy met sy rolprentsterglimlag betower het, was Chris Barnard ’n hartebreker. Vir sy pasiënte ’n harteheler.

Dié nuwe biografie oor Suid-Afrika se beroemdste hartsjirurg vertel nie net van Barnard se kinderjare in Beaufort-Wes, sy prominente huwelike (en egskeidings) en flambojante lewe nie. James Styan ondersoek ook die impak van die historiese eerste hartoorplanting op Barnard se persoonlik lewe en op die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap in die algemeen, waar apartheidswetgewing dikwels die probleme van geneeskunde nog ingewikkelder gemaak het. Die rol van swart mediese personeel soos Hamilton Naki word bespreek, sowel as die intense wedywering wat tussen ander beroemde hartsjirurge en Barnard ontstaan het.

Hoe het Barnard dit reggekry om hulle almal in dié resies om lewe en dood te wen? Hoeveel het sy welbekende sjarme daarmee te doen gehad? En wat is Barnard se nalatenskap vandag, in die lig van sy latere suksesse en aansienlike mislukkings? Styan dek dit alles in dié fassinerende nuwe blik op Chris Barnard wat uitgegee is om saam te val met die 50ste herdenking van die eerste hartoorplanting.

Lore Of Nutrition - Challenging Conventional Dietary Beliefs (Paperback): Tim Noakes, Marika Sboros Lore Of Nutrition - Challenging Conventional Dietary Beliefs (Paperback)
Tim Noakes, Marika Sboros 4
R350 R323 Discovery Miles 3 230 Save R27 (8%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

What would you do if you discovered that the food you have been told is good for you is actually the cause of your ill health …?

In December 2010, Professor Tim Noakes was introduced to a way of eating that was contrary to everything he had been taught and was accepted as conventional nutrition ‘wisdom’. Having observed the benefits of the low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) lifestyle first-hand, and after thorough and intensive research, Noakes enthusiastically revealed his findings to the South African public in 2012. The backlash from his colleagues in the medical establishment was as swift as it was brutal, and culminated in a misconduct inquiry launched by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). The subsequent hearing lasted well over a year, but Noakes ultimately triumphed, being found not guilty of unprofessional conduct in April 2017.

In Lore of Nutrition, he explains the science behind the LCHF/Banting diet, and why he champions this lifestyle despite the constant persecution and efforts to silence him. He also discusses at length what he has come to see as a medical and scientific code of silence that discourages anyone in the profession from speaking out against the current dietary guidelines. Experienced journalist Marika Sboros provides the full backstory to the HPCSA hearing, which reads like something out of a spy novel.

Written in an accessible style, Lore of Nutrition is informative, highly controversial and an eye-opener for anyone who cares about their health.

Saving My Sons - A Journey With Autism (Paperback): Ilana Gerschlowitz, Marion Scher Saving My Sons - A Journey With Autism (Paperback)
Ilana Gerschlowitz, Marion Scher 2
R340 R314 Discovery Miles 3 140 Save R26 (8%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Ilana and Martin Gerschlowitz are an ordinary middle-class South African family – young, newly married with bright, promising futures. Ilana falls pregnant and gives birth to David, a happy, healthy baby boy. At 10 months old, David suffers recurring ear infections, and at 11 months old a terrible fever sends him to hospital. David’s behaviour abruptly changes – he no longer looks at his parents, his motor and budding language skills disappear, and the light in his eyes dims. It is the beginning of a journey with autism that few parents would ever want to encounter, and yet a staggering number of children are now diagnosed with autism, and the number of diagnoses rises every year.

Ilana and Martin work tirelessly to understand David’s autism diagnosis, and to search for ways to treat their son. The couple arrange an international autism conference, open a treatment centre for autistic children, and begin outreach programs for underprivileged families dealing with autism.

Ilana falls pregnant again and their third son, Aaron, develops normally. And then the unthinkable happens – at 16 months Aaron develops ear infections and they decide to insert grommets. Immediately after the procedure, they realise that Aaron is not behaving in his usual manner. Within days, it becomes clear that Aaron, too, has developed autism, and their journey begins afresh. Armed with the knowledge gained from years of treating David, the couple set about ensuring that Aaron’s condition is treated swiftly and carefully.

Juta's Manual Of Nursing: Volume 1 - Fundamental And General Nursing (Paperback, 3rd Edition): Nelouise Geyer, Sophie... Juta's Manual Of Nursing: Volume 1 - Fundamental And General Nursing (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
Nelouise Geyer, Sophie Mogotlane, Anne Young
R970 R856 Discovery Miles 8 560 Save R114 (12%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Nursing care remains at the cutting edge of science as innovations in patient care continuously evolve. However, fundamental and general skills are still necessary to develop the clinical reasoning skills a nurse requires in order to provide safe, high-quality care to patients and communities.

All chapters include updated information where appropriate. New topics include the latest methods in infection control, information on electronic patient records, the ethical use of social media and a review of nutritional information.

    Each chapter contains:
    • The prerequisite knowledge necessary for study of that chapter, to ensure integration with other core subjects
    • Ethical considerations
    • Relevant medico-legal considerations
    • Key concepts and terminology as well as new vocabulary
Cancer - Navigating The Journey (Paperback): Cherry Armstrong Cancer - Navigating The Journey (Paperback)
Cherry Armstrong
R390 R360 Discovery Miles 3 600 Save R30 (8%) In Stock

This guide is written with love and care by a palliative nursing sister to help ease the journey for patients and their loved ones.

This book offers mindful advice for patients and their loved ones on navigating the cancer journey – from the time of diagnosis to remission or terminal stages – armed with appropriate information and emotional support. It covers the practical aspects of cancer treatment in a simple, comprehensive way – from medical aids, treatments and side effects to nutrition, complementary therapies and caring for a loved one. It also addresses questions and fears, what to say and do, and how to deal with a terminal diagnosis.

Amongst this, you will also find stories of how others experienced and managed their cancer journey.

Understanding Psychopathology (Paperback, 4th Edition): Gale Ure Understanding Psychopathology (Paperback, 4th Edition)
Gale Ure
R802 Discovery Miles 8 020 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

The new edition of Understanding Psychopathology provides an introduction to psychopathology that is up-to-date, integrative, and both locally and culturally relevant, presenting South African and African research where available.

While explanations of disorders have been revised throughout, in this edition diagnostic criteria tables from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) have been selectively included based on disorders commonly focused on in undergraduate psychology programmes.

In addition, the fourth edition integrates a stronger bio-psychosocial approach throughout the book, discussing the situational factors underpinning mental health.

Yoga For Sports Performance - A Guide For Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers And Bodyworkers (Paperback): Jim Harrington Yoga For Sports Performance - A Guide For Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers And Bodyworkers (Paperback)
Jim Harrington
R986 Discovery Miles 9 860 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Many sports people are interested in trying yoga techniques in the hope of improved flexibility, strength, breathing and concentration, but many can be prevented from optimal results due to a lack of understanding on the part of yoga teachers of the specific physical requirements of their sport. This is a manual for professionals who work with athletes of all disciplines and shows them how to adapt yoga practice for swimmers, cyclists, runners, tennis players and more.

This bridge between evidence-based modern sports medicine and the ancient practices of yoga, provides solid training guidance as well as offers psychological wisdom to help control and refine the actions of the mind.

Essential reading for yoga therapists and teachers, athletic coaches and bodywork professionals who work with athletes.

Introduction To Psychological Assessment In The South African Context (Paperback, 6th Edition): Cheryl Foxcroft, Francois de... Introduction To Psychological Assessment In The South African Context (Paperback, 6th Edition)
Cheryl Foxcroft, Francois de Kock
R760 Discovery Miles 7 600 Ships in 2 - 4 working days

Introduction to Psychological Assessment in the South African Context is an introductory text on measuring andassessing human behaviour within a complex multicultural environment. It offers a practical guide to the development of culturally appropriate measures and the application of assessment measures, as well as the interpretation and reporting of results.

The book provides advice with regard to assessing young children and individuals with disabilities, and also discusses the various contexts in which psychological measures are used, including education, counselling, the psycholegal domain, and research. Critical thinking exercises related to typical assessment scenarios develop students’ reasoning skills.

Real-life South African examples and case studies illustrate the theory and allow students to apply psychological assessment principles in practice.

Flu Fighters - How To Win The Cold War By Boosting Your Natural Immunity With Non-Toxic Nutrients (Paperback): Patrick Holford Flu Fighters - How To Win The Cold War By Boosting Your Natural Immunity With Non-Toxic Nutrients (Paperback)
Patrick Holford
R99 R92 Discovery Miles 920 Save R7 (7%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Why do some people get really sick, even die from flu, while others don’t? Colds and flu, including Covid-19, are viral diseases that a healthy immune system should be able to fight off with natural immunity. But what is a healthy immune system and how can you promote your own immune power with diet and nutritients?

This book explains:

  • How viruses work and where are their weaknesses
  • Why animals that make vitamin C rarely succumb to flu or colds.
  • The truth about vitamin C and how to use it when you’re infected.
  • How black elderberry blocks viral replication.
  • Why vitamin D levels crash in winter to make us more susceptible.
  • Other critical immune support nutrients from selenium to zinc.
  • How intravenous vitamin C saves lives in those with respiratory distress.
The reader will also discover how to restore and maintain a healthy immune system when not infected, complete with recipes for foods and drinks, and what to eat, drink and supplement when you are under attack to shorten duration and severity of colds and flu.
Juta's manual of nursing: Volume 2 - The practical guide (Paperback, 2nd ed): S.M. Mogotlane, I.M. Manaka Mkwanazi, J.D.... Juta's manual of nursing: Volume 2 - The practical guide (Paperback, 2nd ed)
S.M. Mogotlane, I.M. Manaka Mkwanazi, J.D. Mokoena, M.E. Chauke, M.C. Matlakala, …
R683 R627 Discovery Miles 6 270 Save R56 (8%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Companion text to Juta's Manual of Nursing Volume 1: Fundamental and General Nursing. Suitable for use in the Staff Nurse, Professional Nurse and Midwifery, or Nursing Auxiliary courses, Juta's Manual of Nursing Volume 2: The Practical Manual is the `how to' book in the Juta Nursing range of books. Written in a clear and logical style, nursing procedures are explained in a step-by-step manner to help the student develop competencies to provide quality nursing care. Rationales for actions are always given, so that the student understands the reasons behind specific activities. Each nursing procedure has the following features: Explanation of the procedure, Learning outcomes, Learning assumed to be in place, Indications and contraindications, Resources required, Specific guidelines for the particular procedure, Essential patient teaching, Critical assessment criteria, Tips for nurses and/or precautions. Now in its second edition, additional procedures have been added and where appropriate, the latest evidence-based information added. Care has been taken to explain the integration with related aspects of the nursing curricula.

Theory And Practice Of Counselling And Psychotherapy - A South African Perspective (Paperback, 3rd Edition): Umesh Bawa, Lionel... Theory And Practice Of Counselling And Psychotherapy - A South African Perspective (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
Umesh Bawa, Lionel Nicholas, Gerald Corey
R835 Discovery Miles 8 350 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Incorporating the thinking, feeling and behaving dimensions of human experience, this third South African edition of Corey's best-selling book helps students compare and contrast the therapeutic models expressed in counselling theories.

Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy: A South African Perspective introduces students to the major counselling theories and demonstrates how each one can be applied to two cases (‘Stan’ and ‘Bonolo’).

Through clear explanations, examples and accessible language, the text demonstrates how to apply theories in practice, and helps South African students develop an individualised, contextualised counselling style.

Fundamentals Of Research Methodology For Healthcare Professionals (Paperback, 5th Edition): Hilla Brink, Gisela Van Rensburg Fundamentals Of Research Methodology For Healthcare Professionals (Paperback, 5th Edition)
Hilla Brink, Gisela Van Rensburg
R353 Discovery Miles 3 530 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Fundamentals of Research Methodology for Healthcare Professionals presents the fundamental principles of research methodology and supports the vital role that research plays in the improvement of health science practices. The book provides novice and emerging researchers with the principles of philosophy of science as well as practical research methods. It is valuable for research capacity development and is also an accessible resource for more experienced researchers reviewing research principles.

This fifth edition of Fundamentals of Research Methodology for Healthcare Professionals has been updated to incorporate the latest trends in research methodology and evidence-based practice. The book details the steps involved in planning and undertaking a research project, from identifying and formulating the problem through to reporting findings. It underscores the importance of having a clear understanding of research methodology and terminology in order to read research reports with critical insight, implement evidence-based practice, and expand research. This edition is certain to stimulate awareness of the myriad researchable and research-requiring questions encountered daily in healthcare practice.

Key features include:

  • clearly defined learning objectives to indicate the focus of each chapter
  • practical examples of research projects or steps in the research process
  • chapter summaries to reinforce learning
  • exercises to put theory into practice
  • a practical, hands-on introduction to research methodology
Crisis Intervention Strategies (Paperback, 8th Edition): Richard James, Burl Gilliland Crisis Intervention Strategies (Paperback, 8th Edition)
Richard James, Burl Gilliland
R1,318 R1,229 Discovery Miles 12 290 Save R89 (7%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This authoritative, best-selling text presents the latest skills and techniques for handling crisis situations.

The authors' task model clearly illustrates and elucidates the process of dealing with people in crisis, from defining the problem to obtaining commitment. Using this model, the authors build specific strategies for handling a myriad of different crisis situations, accompanied in many cases with the dialogue that a practitioner might use when working with the individual in crisis.

This book puts you on the front lines with the crisis worker throughout the chapters, and then illuminates the techniques and strategies the worker used.

HIV and AIDS: Education, Care And Counselling - A Multicultural Approach (Paperback, 6th ed): A. Van Dyk, E.  Tlou, P. Van Dyk HIV and AIDS: Education, Care And Counselling - A Multicultural Approach (Paperback, 6th ed)
A. Van Dyk, E. Tlou, P. Van Dyk 5
R691 Discovery Miles 6 910 Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Since the first edition of HIV and AIDS Education, Care and Counselling was published almost 20 years ago, it has become the standard handbook in Africa for thousands of HIV and AIDS practitioners. However, ongoing HIV and AIDS research requires regular revisions to the handbook for it to remain current with developments in prevention and treatment. Consequently, this new edition has been updated with input from two new specialist co-authors. This has strengthened the multicultural and multidisciplinary approach of this edition to Africa's unique challenges.

Mental Health Nursing - A South African Perspective (Paperback, 7th Edition): Lyn Middleton Mental Health Nursing - A South African Perspective (Paperback, 7th Edition)
Lyn Middleton 2
R957 R846 Discovery Miles 8 460 Save R111 (12%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Now in its 7th edition, this well-established title has been updated and revised to reflect the latest research in the field of mental health nursing. A team of authors from a range of higher education institutions has revised the text to ensure the book remains relevant to the current realities of nursing mental health care users in South Africa. The text takes the curricula of mental health nursing into account to ensure it is suitable for the new nursing programme. Rich in evidence-based practice and case studies, the book incorporates the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5 ™ with accompanying explanatory text.

New to the 7th edition:

  • DSM-5 ™ diagnostic criteria retained with updated accompanying text
  • Updated research added throughout
  • Completely new chapter 6, ‘Legal structures in mental health care nursing’, that outlines the broader legal context within which mental health nurses practise and discusses the rights a mental health care user is entitled to in terms of the Mental Health Care Act
  • Rewritten chapter 8, ‘Working with cultural diversity in mental health care’, that focuses on diversity, culture and cultural competence
  • Rewritten chapter on personality disorder (chapter 18) that helps the reader acquire an understanding of the common characteristics and difficulties that people diagnosed with a personality disorder experience and uses a psychodynamic and transactional analysis model to understand these characteristics and difficulties and to help direct treatment.
  • Extensive list of web resources at the end of each chapter retained and updated
Brave Lotus Flower Rides The Dragon (Paperback): Tracy Todd Brave Lotus Flower Rides The Dragon (Paperback)
Tracy Todd 4
R250 R223 Discovery Miles 2 230 Save R27 (11%) Ships in 7 - 12 working days

"Why walk when you can soar..."

These are the opening words on Tracy Todd’s website and they are a powerful affirmation of the person Tracy is today – a sought-after inspirational speaker whose uplifting presentations have inspired and given hope to many people. But it is difficult to imagine what she has overcome in a tough and often lonely journey.

At the age of twenty-eight her life was turned upside down when a horrific road accident left her a quadriplegic, paralysed from the neck down. Her life as an athletic, marathon-running young mother and teacher was abruptly shattered. Despite months of rehabilitation, Tracy often found herself wondering if her life was worth living. Everything she had taken for granted was now beyond her reach and frustration at her helplessness threatened to overwhelm her. Against the odds, Tracy chose to live.

Her strength of character and determination prevailed and, sustained by the support of her son, family and friends, her care assistants, and an unbelievably caring community, she set about gaining the independence to rebuild her life and reclaim her identity – which she has done, with dignity and grace. Brave Lotus Flower Rides The Dragon is an honest, inspiring and engaging memoir in which Tracy’s natural warmth and humour are tangible and, most importantly, she embodies what the human spirit can achieve.

Sellers' Midwifery (Paperback, 3rd edition): Pauline McCall Sellers Sellers' Midwifery (Paperback, 3rd edition)
Pauline McCall Sellers; Edited by Joan Dippenaar, Dicky Da Serra 6
R819 R685 Discovery Miles 6 850 Save R134 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Sellers’ Midwifery 3e has been updated and aligned with international and national public health strategies to improve maternal and antenatal care as a sustainable development goal.

This updated edition includes recent sources and references after each section. Comprehensive student and lecturer support material is available to assist prescribing lecturers with lesson preparation and to provide the student with opportunities for self-study.

A-Z Of Nursing Law (Paperback, 3rd Edition): David McQuoid-Mason, Mahomed Dada, Nelouise Geyer A-Z Of Nursing Law (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
David McQuoid-Mason, Mahomed Dada, Nelouise Geyer 1
R569 R536 Discovery Miles 5 360 Save R33 (6%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

This newly updated text equips nurses and other health-care professionals to deal with the legal issues they encounter in daily practice.

Informative and relevant, The A-Z of Nursing Law covers all recent changes to the law and legislation that affect the nursing profession. As the only local book of this nature, it has become an invaluable resource for nurse practitioners and other health-care professionals.

Undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students will also find it useful.

Vlok's Community Health For Southern Africa (Paperback, 7th Edition): Marina Clarke Vlok's Community Health For Southern Africa (Paperback, 7th Edition)
Marina Clarke
R774 R700 Discovery Miles 7 000 Save R74 (10%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Building on the reputation of Manual of Community Nursing and Communicable Diseases, Vlok’s Community Health is relevant for the Community Health Professional under the Re-engineered Primary Healthcare System.

Topics covered include Public Health, the National Health Insurance and Community Oriented Primary Care, as well as care of the individual throughout the lifespan. This well-written text places emphasis on practical application of theoretical concepts. The practical aspects extend to the chapters on Managing the Community Clinic and Caring for the Disabled at Home, which contain informative examples and suggestions.

Social aspects have not been overlooked and appropriate chapters on Family Pathologies, Intimate Partner Violence and Cultural World Views have been included.

The Clever Guts Diet - How to Revolutionise Your Body from the Inside Out (Paperback): Michael Mosley The Clever Guts Diet - How to Revolutionise Your Body from the Inside Out (Paperback)
Michael Mosley; As told to Tanya Borowski 1
R321 R291 Discovery Miles 2 910 Save R30 (9%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

Your gut is astonishingly clever. It contains millions of neurons - as many as you would find in the brain of a cat - and is home to the microbiome, trillions of microbes that influence your mood, your immune system, and even your appetite.

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Mosley takes us on a revelatory journey through the gut, showing how junk food and overuse of antibiotics have wiped out many good gut bacteria, leading to a modern plague of allergies, food intolerances, and obesity.

Drawing from the latest cutting-edge research, Dr. Mosley provides scientifically proven ways to control your cravings, boost your mood, and lose weight by encouraging a more diverse microbiome and increasing the good bacteria that keep you healthy.

Packed with delicious, healing recipes, meal plans, checklists, and tips, The Clever Guts Diet includes all the tools you need to transform your gut and your health, for life.

Outopsietafel - Stories Van 'n Forensiese Patoloog In Afrika (Afrikaans, Paperback): Ryan Blumenthal Outopsietafel - Stories Van 'n Forensiese Patoloog In Afrika (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Ryan Blumenthal
R295 R230 Discovery Miles 2 300 Save R65 (22%) Ships in 7 - 12 working days

As ’n eietydse mediese speurder het die forensiese patoloog Ryan Blumenthal al derduisende outopsies uitgevoer wat tot die arrestasie van ’n groot aantal misdadigers gelei het. Dit is sy groot doel en strewe om oortreders aan die pen te help ry.

In Outopsietafel beskryf hy van die moeilike lesse wat hy as ’n jong patoloog moes leer en hy vertel van die ongewone en dikwels grusame sterfgevalle wat hy al teëgekom het. Hy het gedurende sy loopbaan byvoorbeeld al etlike hoëprofielsterftes hanteer, sterftes weens natuurrampe en ook mense wat deur weerlig of wilde diere gedood is.

Blumenthal bied ’n fassinerende blik op alles wat agter die skerms gebeur by die lykshuis. Al kan die dooies nie praat nie, het hulle nogtans baie om te sê – en Blumenthal is daar om te luister.

Kill As Few Patients As Possible - And Fifty-Six Other Essays On How To Be The World's Best Doctor (Hardcover, 2 Rev Ed):... Kill As Few Patients As Possible - And Fifty-Six Other Essays On How To Be The World's Best Doctor (Hardcover, 2 Rev Ed)
Oscar London
R505 R454 Discovery Miles 4 540 Save R51 (10%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This oft-quoted all-time favorite of the medical community will gladden--and strengthen--the hearts of patients, doctors, and anyone entering medical study, internship, or practice. With unassailable logic and rapier wit, the sage Dr. Oscar London muses on the challenges and joys of doctoring, and imparts timeless truths, reality checks, and poignant insights gleaned from 30 years of general practice--while never taking himself (or his profession) too seriously.

The classic book on the art and humor of practicing medicine, celebrating its 20th anniversary in a new gift edition with updates throughout. Previous editions have sold more than 200,000 copies.

The perfect gift for med students and grads as well as new and practicing physicians.

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