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Die debat oor emigrasie is so oud soos Suid-Afrika se demokrasie self. Toe die “nuwe Suid-Afrika” in 1994 aangebreek het, het talle mense die land verlaat uit vrees vir wat ‘n meerderheidsbewind sou inhou. Nog meer het in die jare sedertdien getrek opsoek na ‘n beter lewe en Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskappe is nou in plekke soos Kanada, Engeland en Australië te vinde. Vandag, 25 jaar ná demokrasie en in die lig van kwynende optimisme oor die toekoms van die land, is daar nuwe lewe in die debat oor emigrasie. Hierdie keer word dit nie net in reaksionêre kringe gevoer nie, maar om die eetkamertafels van meerdere Suid-Afrikaners. Met die realiteit van nege vermorste jare wat aan ons beursies en toekomsmoontlikhede knaag, en die aanloklike geleenthede wat die globale ekonomie bied, vra al hoe meer mense, “Moet ek waai?” In Moet ons waai? takel meer as 20 van Suid-Afrika se voorste meningsvormers, insluitend Piet Croucamp, Dana Snyman, Melanie Verwoerd en Jonathan Jansen, hierdie vraag. Dit is poging tot insig oor ‘n kwessie wat swaar weeg op ons kollektiewe psige, en ‘n uitdaging aan elke persoon wat dit oorweeg om te waai, reeds gegaan het of besluit het om te bly om te floreer as Suid-Afrikaners waar ook al hulle hulself mag bevind.
Sets out how pastoral care fits in as a crucial aspect of the function and purpose of schooling and shares practical insights on how schools can get it right. Within the current culture of interest in developing research-informed approaches to teaching, the focus has inevitably been focused around pedagogy. However, with the well-documented increase in pupil anxiety and mental ill-health in recent times, there is also a pressing need for schools and teachers to embrace a more rigorous approach to pastoral care. In this urgently needed book, teacher and Head of Year Stephen Lane (aka Sputnik Steve) presents a case for developing a research-informed, academic approach to the pastoral aspect of teaching and considers how schools might go about it. Beyond Wiping Noses is the result of Steve's own explorations of pastoral practice in order to develop a more informed response to the challenges he has faced during his 20 years in education. Steve expertly surveys the field of pastoral provision and leadership, details the variety of pastoral roles typically found in schools, and shares practical takeaways around how schools can build an integrated and rigorous approach to taking care of their pupils. Suitable for teachers, school leaders and anyone with a pastoral role in any school setting.
The 50 Fantastic Ideas series is packed full of fun, original, skills-based activities for Early Years practitioners to use with children aged 0-5. Each activity features step-by-step guidance, a list of resources, and a detailed explanation of the skills children will learn. Creative, simple, and highly effective, this series is a must-have for every Early Years setting. Jamie Victoria Barnes, creator of The Childcare Guru, uses her wealth of knowledge to present an invaluable resource filled with activities that spark creativity and encourage development and learning in a natural environment, perfect for helping young children enjoy a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The benefits of rich outdoor learning experiences are second to none. Outdoor learning offers holistic development for every child and in a fast-paced world heavily focussed on technology, forest schools provide a stimulating and relaxed environment to learn in, away from time pressures and electric devices. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Forest School presents full-colour photographs and easy-to-follow activities from Forest School TV to natural art self-portraits to get young children outside and reconnecting with the natural world, supporting their emotional and spiritual wellbeing. With over 40 books in the 50 Fantastic Ideas series there's something for everyone - whether you're a practitioner looking for new ideas or you want to try out a popular well-loved activity with a new twist. Each book offers a wide range of fun and creative activities to carry out with children aged 0 - 5 years, with lists of resources, step-by-step instructions and information about the benefits for children.
The 50 Fantastic Ideas series is packed full of fun, original, skills-based activities for Early Years practitioners to use with children aged 0-5. Each activity features step-by-step guidance, a list of resources, and a detailed explanation of the skills children will learn. Creative, simple, and highly effective, this series is a must-have for every Early Years setting. Using natural resources has long been part of the Montessori and Steiner philosophies and some mainstream early years provisions were already starting to emulate this practice. The recent popularity of Forest Schools demonstrates how practitioners recognise the benefits of offering children open-ended activities using natural resources. Not all settings are fortunate enough to have access to a forest or indeed have staff who are Forest School trained, but it is possible to create naturalistic playspaces. Without specialist training practitioners will learn easy ways to develop their children's understanding of how to grow plants, use tools, construct dens and shelters and explore transient art. The activities in this book offer opportunities for open-ended play while the children are off exploring nature and the great outdoors. Here Kate Bass and Jane Vella, busy Early Year practitioners, share with you some of their favourite resources, with ideas from how to enhance your 'mud kitchen' to developing narrative and exciting opportunities to develop creativity while enriching children's language and communication.
A convenient laminated trifold that provides an overview of the test, basic instructions for test administration, summaries of the individual subtests, and scoring information. One Quick Start Guide is included in the TILLS Examiner's Kit, and additional copies are sold in packs of 5. TILLS (TM) is the groundbreaking assessment professionals need to test listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in students aged 6 through 18, and to assess the role of memory in how students perform. TILLS (TM) is the only test that assesses both spoken and written language and shows how these skills relate to each other, developing a meaningful profile of skills for each learner, to help understand a student's strengths and needs. Reliable, valid, and comprehensive, TILLS (TM) will help professionals streamline assessment, monitor progress, and reach the ultimate goal of improving students' communication skills so they can succeed in school. TILLS is the only test that assesses both spoken and written language and shows how these skills relate to each other. You'll get a meaningful profile of skills for each learner, so you can be sure you understand a student's strengths and needs and aren't overlooking something crucial. Unlike most other tests, TILLS also provides diagnostic accuracy in "age bands" meaningful to the development of language and literacy skills, so you'll have the evidence base you need to determine if test scores reflect typical or impaired performance. And if you're an experienced clinician, you can finish TILLS in just 90 minutes or less-which means you'll spend less time testing and more time helping students and planning interventions. Here is a link to a video introducing TILLS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJh9qtkkLQs
For use with the Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills (R) (TILLS (R)) Examiner's Kit, the TILLS Student Rating Scale can be completed by parents, teachers, and students. It's a simple one page checklist that helps identify students' strengths and weaknesses in language and literacy skills and other non language areas (though it's not a pragmatics checklist). Sold in a pack of 50, this scale is also included in the TILLS Examiner's Kit. The TILLS Student Rating Scale is part of the Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills (R) (TILLS (R)) the groundbreaking assessment professionals need to test listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in students ages 6 - 18, and to assess the role of memory in how students perform. Reliable, valid, and comprehensive, TILLS will help you streamline assessment, monitor progress, and reach your ultimate goal: improving students' communication skills so they can succeed in school. TILLS is the only test that assesses both spoken and written language and shows how these skills relate to each other. You'll get a meaningful profile of skills for each learner, so you can be sure you understand a student's strengths and needs and aren't overlooking something crucial. Unlike most other tests, TILLS also provides diagnostic accuracy in "age bands" meaningful to the development of language and literacy skills, so you'll have the evidence base you need to determine if test scores reflect typical or impaired performance. And if you're an experienced clinician, you can finish TILLS in just 90 minutes or less-which means you'll spend less time testing and more time helping students and planning interventions. Here is a link to a video introducing TILLS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJh9qtkkLQs
Oxford in search of geography provides learners and teachers with outstanding, accessible high-quality material that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). The course builds learners' confidence by using scaffolded activities, and by providing opportunities for practice and consolidation. Extension activities provide for learners aspiring to excellence. Features; all the planning tools are provided, ensuring that pacing and progression comply with CAPS requirements; and a wide range of assessment tools facilitate assessment.
This book asks how governments in Africa can use evidence to improve their policies and programmes, and ultimately, to achieve positive change for their citizens. Looking at different evidence sources across a range of contexts, the book brings policy makers and researchers together to uncover what does and doesn't work and why. Case studies are drawn from five countries and the ECOWAS (west African) region, and a range of sectors from education, wildlife, sanitation, through to government procurement processes. The book is supported by a range of policy briefs and videos intended to be both practical and critically rigorous. It uses evidence sources such as evaluations, research synthesis and citizen engagement to show how these cases succeeded in informing policy and practice. The voices of policy makers are key to the book, ensuring that the examples deployed are useful to practitioners and researchers alike. This innovative book will be perfect for policy makers, practitioners in government and civil society, and researchers and academics with an interest in how evidence can be used to support policy making in Africa.
As the conservative political mood of our nation eliminates programs for the increasing numbers of bilingual children, educators are nevertheless expected to teach linguistically and culturally diverse learners with limited background knowledge and resources. This edited volume challenges « mainstream educators to critically examine how to best meet the needs of bilingual/bicultural children in contemporary America. Contents: Lourdes Diaz Soto: Introduction: The Political, the Dialogic, and the Critical - Haroon Kharem/Leila E. Villaverde: Teacher Allies: The Problem of the Color Line - Ryan Moser: Bilingual Abolitionists: Shadows of Facism - Propaganda of the Third Reich and the English-Only Movement - Lyudmila Bryzzheva: From Vygotsky to Bakhtin: Grand Theories and Teaching Practices - Colin Lankshear/Michele Knobel: Doom or Mortal Kombat? Bilingual Literacy in the « Mainstream Classroom - Ladislaus M. Semali: The Case of Repressed Native or Indigenous Languages - Richard De Gourville: What's Policy Gotta Do Wit Dis? - Cathy Gutierrez-Gomez: Golden Eagle Goes to Kindergarten - Miryam Espinosa-Dulanto: Are Schools Prepared to Support Excellence for Nonmainstream Children? Latino/a Voices as a Response - Irene Pabon: A Life Span / Toda Una Vida: The Pain and the Struggle That Will Strike / El Dolory la Lucha que Embiste - Lynus Yamuna: My Story and the Melanesian Knowledge - Rebecca Blum-Martinez: Parents as Guardians of the Mother Tongue - Maria de la Luz Reyes/Lisa Costanzo: On the Threshold of Biliteracy: A First-Grader's Personal Journey - Jofen Wu Han/Gisela Ernst-Slavit: Here They Come: Creating Rich Language-Learning Environments for Chinese-Speaking KindergartenStudents - Jocelynn Smrekar: Early Childhood Bilingual Classrooms - Maria E. Franquiz: Caring Literacy and Identity Struggles: The Transformation of a Chicano Student - Jim Cummins: Rights and Responsibilities of Educators of Bilingual / Bicultural Children.
This is the definitive book about the biggest changes in education, schooling and teaching since the school classroom was invented almost 300 years ago. The vision and power of the original "Learning Revolution" remains, but the authors now address current developments such as: how instant information and interactive technology are finally forcing a complete rethink of everything we've ever believed about education; how new interlocking networks are creating dramatic new models for learning; and how new teaching methods are revolutionizing schooling in pockets around the world. Dryden, the award-winning television and radio talk show host, is just completing a series of television programmes on new methods of learning and Vos is putting the finishing touches to a seven-year doctoral research project into the same subject. The combined power of these two dynamic authors is highly compelling! |
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