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1. Die Sprache der Wahrscheinlichkeiten.- 2. Ereignisse.- 3. Wahrscheinlichkeitsraume.- 4. Diskrete Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Abzahlungen.- 5. Zufallsvariable.- 6. Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeit. Unabhangigkeit.- 7. Diskrete Zufallsvariable. Gebrauchliche Verteilungen.- 8. Erwartungswerte. Charakteristische Werte.- 9. Erzeugende Funktionen.- 10. Stieltjes-Lebesgue-Masse. Integrale von reellen Zufallsvariablen.- 11. Erwartungswerte. Absolut stetige Verteilungen.- 12. Zufallsvektoren. Bedingte Erwartungswerte. Normalverteilung.- 13. Erzeugende Funktionen der Momente. Charakteristische Funktionen.- 14. Die wichtigsten (absolut stetigen) Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen.- 15. Verteilungen von Funktionen einer Zufallsvariablen.- 16. Stochastische Konvergenz.- 17. Gesetze der grossen Zahlen.- 18. Zentrale Rolle der Normalverteilung. Zentraler Grenzwertsatz.- 19. Gesetz vom iterierten Logarithmus.- 20. Anwendungen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung.- Loesungen der UEbungsaufgaben.
Anne Fuchs traces the aftermath of the Dresden bombing in the collective imagination from 1945 to today. As a case study of an event that gained local, national and global iconicity, the book investigates the role of photography, fine art, architecture, literature and film in dialogue with the changing German socio-political landscape.
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse offers an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of fundamental shifts in German cultural memory. Focusing on the resurgence of family stories in fiction, autobiography and in film, this study challenges the institutional boundaries of Germany's memory culture that have guided and arguably limited German identity debates. Essays on contemporary German literature are complemented by explorations of heritage films and museum discourse. Together these essays put forward a compelling theory of family narratives and a critical evaluation of generational discourse.
"Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse" offers an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of fundamental shifts in German cultural memory. Focusing on the resurgence of family stories in fiction, autobiography and in film, this study challenges the institutional boundaries of Germany's memory culture that have guided and arguably limited German identity debates. Essays on contemporary German literature are complemented by explorations of heritage films and museum discourse. Together these essays put forward a compelling theory of family narratives and a critical evaluation of generational discourse.
Radiologists who already use the SOMATOM PLUS computed tomography system discuss their experiences in this report of a User Conference in March, 1990. The distinct advantage of this system in which the whole measuring system rotates continuously is emphasized. More than fifty participants from nine European countries present scientific papers, discuss clinical experience and consider future prospects.
Anne Fuchs traces the aftermath of the Dresden bombing in the collective imagination from 1945 to today. As a case study of an event that gained local, national and global iconicity, the book investigates the role of photography, fine art, architecture, literature and film in dialogue with the changing German socio-political landscape.
This is an introduction to the theory of affine Lie algebras, to the theory of quantum groups, and to the interrelationships between these two fields that are encountered in conformal field theory. The description of affine algebras covers the classification problem, the connection with loop algebras, and representation theory including modular properties. The necessary background from the theory of semisimple Lie algebras is also provided. The discussion of quantum groups concentrates on deformed enveloping algebras and their representation theory, but other aspects such as R-matrices and matrix quantum groups are also dealt with. This book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in theoretical physics and applied mathematics.
Related to the key areas of Pauli's and Jung's joint interests, the book covers overlapping issues from the perspectives of physics, philosophy, and psychology. Of primary significance are epistemological questions connected to issues such as realism, measurement, observation, consciousness, and the unconscious. The contributions assess the extensive material that we have about Pauli's and Jung's ideas today, with particular respect to concrete research questions and projects based on and related to current knowledge.
A passionate and personal account of the early days of quantum information and quantum computing, this unique book is a collection of more than 500 letters between the author and many of the founders of these intriguing fields. Christopher A. Fuchs is one of the most penetrating modern thinkers on the philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics. This remarkable book follows his journey as he comes to grips with the quantum world. It contains correspondence with Charles Bennett, Gilles Brassard, Rolf Landauer, N. David Mermin, Michael Nielsen, Asher Peres, John Preskill, Abner Shimony, William Wootters, Anton Zeilinger, and many others. Filled with diary entries, anecdotes, historical selections, and research ideas, this book will fascinate physicists, philosophers, and historians of science.
Das vorliegende Buch ist die Ubersetzung des leicht iiberarbeiteten franzO-- sischen Originaltextes: D. Foata, A. Fuchs, Calcul des Probabilites, Cours et exercices corriges, Masson, Paris, 1996. Herr Dr. Volker Strehl (Erlangen) hat die Aufgabe der Ubersetzung auf sich genommen und wir mochten, es nicht versaumen, ihm gleich zu Beginn den gebiihrenden Dank auszusprechen. Es war keineswegs die Absicht der Verfasser, einen tiefschiirfenden Grund- riss der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie zu schreiben; vielmehr wollten sie dem einigermassen fortgeschrittenen Studenten ein brauchbares Lehrbuch bieten. Zu diesem Zwecke enthalt jedes Kapitel auch eine Anzahl von erganzenden Bemerkungen und Ubungsaufgaben, deren Losungen der interessierte Leser am Ende des Buches finden wird. Zum tieferen Verstandnis des Buches ist eine gute Praxis der mathemati- schen Analysis, wie sie zum Beispiel in den erst en zwei Jahren des Univer- sitatsstudiums gelehrt wird, unerlasslich. Insbesondere ist ein Umgang-mit unendlichen Reihen, insbesondere auch (formalen) Potenzreihen, erforderlich. In den ersten neun Kapiteln wird die Theorie der diskreten Wahrscheinlich- keiten vorgestellt. Diese fusst hauptsachlich auf der Theorie der unendlichen Reihen. Aber auch andere, tiefer liegende Begriffe werden in diesen Kapiteln gestreift, so zum Beispiel die Dynkin-Systeme, welche in einigen Fallen den iiblichen monotonen Systemen vorzuziehen sind.
In the 25 years since From Neuron to Brain was first published, the authors' aim has remained constant: to describe how nerve cells go about their business of transmitting signals, how the signals are put together, and how, out of this integration, higher functions emerge. The new Fourth Edition, while maintaining this focus, has been completely reformatted and updated. - Intended for use in upper-level undergraduate, graduate, psychology and medical school Neuroscience courses, From Neuron to Brain will be of interest to anyone, with or without a specialized background in biological sciences, who is curious about the workings of the nervous system. It presents a readable and coherent account of how cellular and molecular approaches can provide insights into the workings of the brain.
Nachdruck des Originals von 1915. Segelfahrten und Walfischjagden durch die S dsee, vom Steuermann erz hlt.
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