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This book contains selected contributions from the geoENV96 - First
European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental
Applications, held in Lisbon in November 1996. This is the first of
a geoENV series of biennial planned books. The series is intended
to show the state of the art of geostatistics in environmental
applications with new cases, results and relevant discussions from
leading researchers and practitioners around the world. New and
important theoretical and practical developments of geostatistics
in the environmental field were compiled from three main areas:
Hydrology, Groundwater and Groundwater Contamination Soil
Contamination and Site Remediation Air Pollution, Ecology and Other
Applications The book presents a set of geostatistical tools and
approaches used to successfully resolve a variety of specific
problems in environment modelling, especially those resulting from
the typical scarcity of spatial sampling, the time component of
very dynamic systems, the modelling of various systems of
contaminants, the uncertainty assessment of health cost functions,
etc. Prominent topics concerning methodological tools and methods,
stochastic simulation techniques, models of integrating soft
information (seismic and remote sensing images), inverse modelling
of groundwater flow, neural network classification, change of
support and up-scaling are also included in this book. This
publication will be of great interest and practical value to
geostatisticians working both in universities and in industry.
This book contains selected contributions from the geoENV98 - the
Second European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental
Sciences, held in Valencia, Spain in November 1998. This second
book of the geoENV series illustrates the developments on
geostatistics as applied to the environmental sciences which have
occurred during the past two years. It also presents practical
applications which will be of interest to both researchers and
practitioners. The book starts with three keynote papers on
ecology, climatology and soil science, followed by forty-three
contributions. The contents of the book are eminently practical.
The objective of the editors was to compile a set of papers in
which the reader could perceive how geostatistics is applied within
the environmental sciences. A few selected theoretical
contributions are also included. The papers are organized in the
following seven main areas Air pollution Climatology Ecology
Hydrogeology Soil Science Theory Other applications presenting
applications varying from particle matter analysis, noise exposure
sampling, space-time modeling of ozone levels, downscaling of
precipitation, kriging with categorical external drift, analysis of
fish abundance, combining variograms and radio-telemetry in
ecology, kriging radionuclide deposition, mapping of soil
contamination, network design for soil monitoring, inverse modeling
in hydrogeology, groundwater transport modeling, coastal evolution
mapping to spatial modeling of cancer ratios. Audience: This
publication will be of great interest and practical value to
geostatisticians working both in academia and in industry.
The contributions in this book were presented at the Fourth
International Geostatistics Congress held in Troia, Portugal, in
September 1992. They provide a comprehensive account of the current
state of the art of geostatistics, including recent theoretical
developments and new applications. In particular, readers will find
descriptions and applications of the more recent methods of
stochastic simulation together with data integration techniques
applied to the modelling of hydrocabon reservoirs. In other fields
there are stationary and non-stationary geostatistical applications
to geology, climatology, pollution control, soil science, hydrology
and human sciences. The papers also provide an insight into new
trends in geostatistics particularly the increasing interaction
with many other scientific disciplines. This book is a significant
reference work for practitioners of geostatistics both in academia
and industry.
The Second European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental
Ap plications took place in Valencia, November 18-20, 1998. Two
years have past from the first meeting in Lisbon and the
geostatistical community has kept active in the environmental
field. In these days of congress inflation, we feel that continuity
can only be achieved by ensuring quality in the papers. For this
reason, all papers in the book have been reviewed by, at least, two
referees, and care has been taken to ensure that the reviewer
comments have been incorporated in the final version of the
manuscript. We are thankful to the members of the scientific
committee for their timely review of the scripts. All in all, there
are three keynote papers from experts in soil science, climatology
and ecology and 43 contributed papers providing a good indication
of the status of geostatistics as applied in the environ mental
field all over the world. We feel now confident that the geoENV
conference series, seeded around a coffee table almost six years
ago, will march firmly into the next century."
GeoENV96, the First European Conference on Geostatistics for
Environmental Applications held in Lisbon, was conceived to bring
together researchers, mostly from, but not limited to Europe,
working on environmental issues approached by geostatistical
methods. Papers were attracted from fields as diverse as
hydrogeology. biology, soil sciences, air pollution or ecology. It
is clear that there is a lot of activity on geostatistics for
environmental applications as the collection of papers in this book
reveals. GeoENV96 was successful in the number and quality of the
papers presented which surpassed the initial expectations. There is
still a large dispersion on the level of application of
geostatistics in the different areas. To help in spreading the most
novel applications of geostatistics across disciplines and to
discuss the specific problems related to the application of
geostatistics to environmental applications, geoENV96 is intended
to set the pace and to be the first of a series of biennial
meetings. The pace is set, now let us wait for geoENV98. Lisbon,
November 1996 The Executive Committee: Jaime Gomez-Hernandez Roland
Froidevaux Amflcar Soares TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword
.................................................. Vll Hydrology,
Groundwater, Groundwater Contaminantion Equivalent Transmissivities
in Heterogeneous Porous Media under Radially Convergent Flow X.
Sanchez-Vila, c.L. Axness and J. Carrera ..........................