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The Training of the Twelve tells us in detail how Jesus chose and
trained the twelve apostles, imbuing each with the knowledge and
instruction that would become the founding wisdom of Christianity.
We find in this book a detailed and intensive Biblical biography,
with chapters dedicated to each of the twelve. The methods which
Jesus Christ uses in selecting his disciples is examined, as we
witness the various episodes in his existence. Bruce's narrative is
chronological, and it is useful for the reader to have a Bible to
hand to better understand and comprehend the lessons present in the
text. A. B. Bruce also includes soundly reasoned passages on the
identity of three unnamed apostles. Alexander Balmain Bruce worked
for decades in the Free Church of Scotland, preaching and studying
Bible lore. His commentaries were popular during his lifetime, with
translations made to other languages - notably, he was among the
few Scottish Biblical theologians to gain the approval and respect
of German scholars.
The Training of the Twelve tells us in detail how Jesus chose and
trained the twelve apostles, imbuing each with the knowledge and
instruction that would become the founding wisdom of Christianity.
We find in this book a detailed and intensive Biblical biography,
with chapters dedicated to each of the twelve. The methods which
Jesus Christ uses in selecting his disciples is examined, as we
witness the various episodes in his existence. Bruce's narrative is
chronological, and it is useful for the reader to have a Bible to
hand to better understand and comprehend the lessons present in the
text. A. B. Bruce also includes soundly reasoned passages on the
identity of three unnamed apostles. Alexander Balmain Bruce worked
for decades in the Free Church of Scotland, preaching and studying
Bible lore. His commentaries were popular during his lifetime, with
translations made to other languages - notably, he was among the
few Scottish Biblical theologians to gain the approval and respect
of German scholars.
'The Training of the Twelve' (by A. B. Bruce( provides a classic
study of Jesus' teaching and training of his disciples. Using a
loose "harmony of the Gospels" approach, Bruce pulls from all four
gospel narratives to show how Jesus discipled His disciples. The
book's greatest strength is that it is not as a how-to book on
discipleship or a 12-step program for leadership development.
Instead, Bruce exegetes the passages showing what Jesus was doing
with his disciples and leaves contemporary application to the
reader. Bruce's book, which was first published in 1871, is a
valuable study for any Christian who serves in any form of
leadership capacity or who seeks to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Its 31 chapters provide an absorbing commentary on selected
passages of the four Gospels, following Jesus ministry and teaching
among his disciples in chronological order. Although the writing
style may take a bit of getting used to for modern readers, the
result is well worth the effort. The table of Scripture references
discussed in the book also makes it a useful reference work-after
it has been read from cover to cover. Theologically sound and
biblically true, this book comes highly recommended to anyone
desiring to obey Jesus's command to make disciples.
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy
Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive
selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to
reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional
imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor
pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues
beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving and promoting the world's literature.
One of Jesus' most important endeavors during His short ministry
involved the preparation of His twelve disciples for the work they
would need to accomplish. The importance of studying Jesus'
methodologies cannot be overstated. While there is much we can
learn from His words and deeds, it is His work in training the
disciples that facilitated the promotion and growth of the Kingdom
in the first century. If we would become His disciples, we must sit
at His feet and be trained by Him as He trained the twelve. "The
Training of the Twelve" was written in the face of growing doubt
about the legitimacy of the Gospels as authentic witnesses to the
life and work of Jesus. In "The Training of the Twelve," Bruce
seeks to prove that the portrayal of Jesus and His disciples is
authentic, and therefore their message is believable as revealed in
the New Testament. Whereas the nineteenth century liberal scholars
were saying that the disciples invented the story of Jesus, "The
Training of the Twelve" provides sufficient proof that it is Jesus
who transforms the disciples into the Apostles, and that their
testimony is true. This compelling defense of the portrayal of
Jesus and His disciples in the Gospel accounts is, if anything,
even more necessary now than it was when it was first written.
Scholars today continue to perpetuate many of the claims of the
nineteenth century liberal scholars and have even gone beyond them
in denying the legitimacy of the Gospel accounts of the life of
Jesus of Nazareth. In a world that believes in a distinction
between the 'historical Jesus' and the 'Jesus of faith, ' "The
Training of the Twelve" demonstrates that the two are really one
and the same.
Also Authored By George A. Smith, David M. Ross, And T. M. Lindsay.
Also Authored By George A. Smith, David M. Ross, And T. M. Lindsay.
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy
Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive
selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to
reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional
imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor
pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues
beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving and promoting the world's literature.
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