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This book explains how people can be radically manipulated by
extreme groups and leaders to engage in incomprehensible and often
dangerous acts through psychologically isolating situations of
extreme social influence. These methods are used in totalitarian
states, terrorist groups and cults, as well as in controlling
personal relationships. Illustrated with compelling stories from a
range of cults and totalitarian systems, Stein's book defines and
analyses the common identifiable traits that underlie these groups,
emphasizing the importance of maintaining open yet supportive
personal networks. Using original attachment theory-based research
this book highlights the dangers of closed, isolating relationships
and the closed belief systems that justify them, and demonstrates
the psychological impact of these environments, ending with
evidence-based recommendations to support an educational approach
to awareness and prevention. Featuring a foreword by John Horgan,
the new edition has been fully updated to include recent work on
political extremism and radicalization and totalitarian systems, as
well as the recent highly publicized NXIVM case. Terror, Love and
Brainwashing, second edition is essential reading for
professionals, policy makers, legal professionals, educators and
cult survivors and their families themselves.
This book explains how people can be radically manipulated by
extreme groups and leaders to engage in incomprehensible and often
dangerous acts through psychologically isolating situations of
extreme social influence. These methods are used in totalitarian
states, terrorist groups and cults, as well as in controlling
personal relationships. Illustrated with compelling stories from a
range of cults and totalitarian systems, Stein's book defines and
analyses the common identifiable traits that underlie these groups,
emphasizing the importance of maintaining open yet supportive
personal networks. Using original attachment theory-based research
this book highlights the dangers of closed, isolating relationships
and the closed belief systems that justify them, and demonstrates
the psychological impact of these environments, ending with
evidence-based recommendations to support an educational approach
to awareness and prevention. Featuring a foreword by John Horgan,
the new edition has been fully updated to include recent work on
political extremism and radicalization and totalitarian systems, as
well as the recent highly publicized NXIVM case. Terror, Love and
Brainwashing, second edition is essential reading for
professionals, policy makers, legal professionals, educators and
cult survivors and their families themselves.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Altere
Deutsche Literatur, Mediavistik, Note: 1,7, Universitat Bayreuth,
Veranstaltung: Hauptseminar Lanzelet, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract:
Bei Ulrichs von Zatzikhoven Lanzelet handelt es sich um ein stark
kritisiertes und diskutiertes Stuck Artusdichtung, das fruhestens
1194 entstand und auf einer altfranzosischen Quelle basiert.
Zatzikhoven wird allgemein gleichgesetzt mit dem Autor, da er
dieses welshez bouch ins Deutsche ubersetzte. Uber seine Person ist
bisher wenig bekannt. Seine erste Erwahnung fand er in einer
Urkunde von St. Galler 1214, in der er als ein Dorfpfarrer von
Lommis bei Zezikon bezeichnet wird. Nach einer Ausfuhrung uber den
aktuellen Forschungsgegenstand folgt eine pragnante Begriffsklarung
uber die Thematik des hofischen Verhaltens sowie eine Darstellung
einiger grundlegender Informationen uber die Erziehung Lanzelets im
Reich der merfeine, die dem Rezipienten als Ausgangspunkt fur die
darauffolgende detaillierte Analyse der einzelnen Minneszenen
dienen soll. An dieser Stelle sei darauf hingewiesen, dass die
Untersuchung sich nicht auf die Funktion der einzelnen Episoden im
gesamten Werk bezieht, sondern spezifisch die Entwicklung des
hofischen Verhalten Lanzelets in Bezug zu dessen Minneszenen
eruiert. Es wird ein Vergleich angestrebt, der den Beginn der Reise
des Helden mit dem Verlassen des Feenreichs bis zu der
Minnegemeinschaft mit der Konigin von Pluris einbezieht.