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The editors of the seventh volume of Acta Historiae Neerlandicae
have followed the same lines as those adopted for its predecessor.
Studies have again been selected which throw light on the history
of the Low Countries, the choice again being directed to subjects
likely to be of interest to foreign scholars lacking knowledge of
the Dutch language. For this reason articles fairly general in
scope have been chosen: studies of local interest or concerned with
matters of detail have not been included. In this volume a wide
diversity of topics is treated. Included are studies in the
economic and social history of the later Middle Ages, and on
subjects in the fields of the sixteenth and early half of the
eighteenth centuries. There are two articles on the nineteenth
century Dutch statesman Thorbecke (1972 was the anniversary of his
death). And there are also contributions on the homeland of Erasmus
and on Dutch reactions to the publication of Darwin's Origins of
Species. Also included are surveys of recent historical
publications in the Netherlands and of those from Belgian
historians that appeared in Dutch. A group of English historians,
working under the guidance of Professor Swart, of University
College, London, has surveyed the former, this article being edited
by Mrs Alice Carter of the London School of Economics. The task of
the late Professor Dhondt, of the University of Ghent, in
connection with the survey of the Belgian contributions written in
Dutch has been taken over by W.
Volume VIII of Acta Historiae Neerlandicae again presents studies
on the history of the Low Countries which it is hoped will be of
interest to foreign scholars. The intention has been to deal with a
fairly long period, and many differing aspects, of the subject. So
institutional, political, economic, social and cultural history all
receive a fair share of attention, and together the studies cover a
considerable number of centuries. It is, however, striking to note
how even this restricted number of studies reflects prevailing
viewpoints among today's Low Countries' historians. Clearly there
is considerable stress on economic and social questions.
Traditional studies such as those of former Belgian historians on
medieval history, or those of the Dutch on the seventeenth century,
are now giving way to works that are problem directed. Power
structures, the position of the bourgeoisie, reactions of the
intelli gentsia and theologians to societal problems, have now more
attraction for scholars than the glories of late medieval wealth in
Flanders or Holland's Golden Age. Terms such as Guerilla warfare,
Struggle, Depression, typify today's critical approach to society
in general.
The five previous volumes of the Acta Historiae Neerlandicae
appeared under the auspices of the Netherlands Committee for
Historical Sciences. When in 1970 this Committee merged with the
Historical Society to form the Dutch Historical Society (Nederlands
Historisch Genootschap) an opportunity arose to rethink the aims of
the Acta's original promotors. Also this sixth and succeeding
volumes became the responsibility of the new combined Society as
above. The volumes will from now on be published at The Hague by
Martinus Nijhoff. From the early days of the Acta language barriers
were broken down, and interested scholars from other countries
could acquaint themselves with deve lopments in historical work in
the Low Countries hitherto published only in Dutch. The Acta thus
enabled discussion on Dutch historical topics to become
international. However, initially subjects covered a wide field,
not only of Dutch but also of general history, and articles were
translated from Dutch not only into English but also into French
and German. If sales can be taken as a guide, it appeared that
scholars were not finding in the Acta precisely what they were
seeking. Editors' expectations, and therefore their hopes, were, it
was felt, going unrealised.
The five review articles included in this volume were produced by
the Dutch History Seminar of the University of London with the
assistance of several Belgian and Dutch historians. They first
appeared in the volumes VI-X of the Acta Historiae Neerlandicae (in
1978 renamed The Low Countries History Yearbook), a periodical
published by the Dutch Historical Society with the objective of
bringing new pUblications on the history of the Low Countries in
the Dutch language to the attention of English-speaking historians.
These articles have been republished and provided with indexes in
the hope that in this form they will also prove to be useful to
students of Belgian and Dutch history who have not been regular
readers of the Acta. Should this pUblication be favourably received
a subsequent volume covering the years 1976-1981 may be issued. THE
EDITORS VII Survey of recent Dutch Historiography ALICE C. CARTER,
Editor INTRODUCTION This bibliographical article has been put
together by members of the Dutch history seminar held at London
University's Institute of Historical Research. The article is
intended for non-Dutch-reading scholars and indeed all who are
interested in Netherlands history. An attempt has been made, and
will continue to be made, to survey important works published in
the year previous to that in which the article is drawn up. This
year we have concerned ourselves with books or in the earlier part
of 1971.
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