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Help your child progress at home with Bug Club Phonics Our Bug Club
Phonics Packs are designed by experts to help your child gain a
strong foundation in reading, writing and spelling, and get ready
for the Year 1 Phonics Check. Ideal for learning at home, each pack
contains: an engaging activity book to practice reading, writing
and language skills six carefully levelled Bug Club Phonics stories
with clear parent notes to help children grow in reading confidence
a parent guide to help you guide your child through their reading
journey Aligned to the National Curriculum Fun activities and
engaging stories in the Bug Club Phonics pack motivate children and
make learning easy. Used in short, regular bursts of practice, they
will help your child to make progress while they're having fun.
Collect them all! There are five Bug Club Phonics packs to collect,
covering phonics phases 2-5 (for Reception and Year 1). Just search
for 9781292377650, 9781292377667, 9781292377674 and 9781292377681.
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. A zebra and a
yak having a race. Yaz straps on a jet pack, but it is more than he
can handle! He ends up in the mud while Zed wins the race. Part of
the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your
child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children
age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red A Phonics phase: 3
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. Brown Fox plays
a trick on Stork by serving dinner on flat plates that Stork cannot
eat from. But Stork gets her revenge by serving Fox some fish in
long, tall jars. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over
3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and
confidence Suitable for children age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red
C Phonics phase: 4
Phonics Bug is a pretty special Phonics programme that gives
children a firm, fun foundation in phonics. It uses research-based
teaching methods so it's proven to work, and it joins 100%
decodable books with CBeebies videos and an online reading world,
so it's the ideal way to get today's little readers started on
their journey to reading success. Phonics Bug books are ideal for
use at home too, and are a great way to help your child take their
first steps towards 'cracking the code' which will enable them to
learn to read and spell. Helpful notes on the inside front cover of
each book highlight tricky words and give you ideas for before and
during reading, and the inside back covers include ideas for
delving deeper after reading to check understanding. Phonics Bug
Pack 4 is great for encouraging your Foundation Stage early
readers. It contains 3 fiction and 1 non-fiction Phase 3 books --
The Queen's Plan; Chick Gets Lost; No Lunch; and Munching Lunch --
which are perfect for reading before stepping across to the Bug
Club Red Level Pack. This pack covers the sounds ch, sh, th, ng,
ai, ee, igh, oa, oo.The Queen's Plan: The King and Queen discover
that life is much happier when they swap jobs -- the King cooks the
meals and the Queen takes over the DIY Chick Gets Lost: A chick
hatches and searches for its mum and after several false starts,
they are finally reunited. No Lunch: Sid and Nan go to the fish
& chip shop for lunch and their greedy dog Pong steals their
food. But all is forgiven when she saves the day...Munching Lunch:
We find out about the strange things that animals all around the
world munch for their lunch.
Each Reading Book in the Rapid Plus series is finely levelled and
trialled with KS3 students, and includes: all-new content,
rigorously levelled and trialled with Key Stage 3 students
pre-reading pages which introduce the main characters, plots and
key concepts, helping to build understanding and confidence a quiz
page after each text providing opportunities for discussion and to
check comprehension word and spelling activities to extend language
knowledge a non-fiction section that helps to build vocabulary and
offers a different reading experience.
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. Sid and Nan go
to the fish and chip shop for lunch - their greedy dog Pong steals
their food, but all is forgiven when she finds the cash that Nan
had accidentally dropped. Part of the Bug Club reading series used
in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and
confidence Suitable for children age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red
B Phonics phase: 3
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. The king and
queen discover that life is much happier when they swap jobs - the
king cooks the meals and the queen takes over the DIY! Part of the
Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child
develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age
4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red B Phonics phase: 3
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. We look at what
equipment to take on a creepy-crawly hunt and where to go to find
creepy-crawlies. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over
3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and
confidence Suitable for children age Book band: Blue C Phonics
phase: 5
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics.
Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children
learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way.
Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics
programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals
and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as
they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. Sharon's pony
Flash gets stuck in a trench. Sharon and her dad work together to
help get him out of the trench and safely back in his shed. Part of
the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your
child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children
age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Red B Phonics phase: 3
Ages: 4-6 Levels: EYFS and KS1 Subject: phonics In this phonics
fiction book, which is aligned to Letters & Sounds Phase 4 and
Bug Club Phonics Unit 12, Big and Little Skeleton spot a sunken
ship full of coins! But a shark spots the coins too ... 100%
decodable Designed for Reception and Year 1 children Ages 4-6 Part
of the DfE approved phonics programme Bug Club Phonics Reading book
Ideal for Blended Learning Ideal for Learning at Home Tricky words:
said, have, so, some, come, out, were, there, little, when, what
This book aligns with Letters and Sounds Phase 4, adjacent
consonants. This book is part of the Bug Club Phonics series. The
Bug Club Phonics systematic synthetic phonics programme is the
first one to bring together research-based teaching methods with
100% decodable books, CBeebies videos, and an online reading world
to give today's children a firm, fun foundation in Phonics. For
more Bug Club Phonics books and learn at home resources, search for
Bug Club Phonics.
Each Reading Book in the Rapid Plus series is finely levelled and
trialled with KS3 students, and includes: all-new content,
rigorously levelled and trialled with Key Stage 3 students
pre-reading pages which introduce the main characters, plots and
key concepts, helping to build understanding and confidence a quiz
page after each text providing opportunities for discussion and to
check comprehension word and spelling activities to extend language
knowledge a non-fiction section that helps to build vocabulary and
offers a different reading experience.
This Assessment Book; * contains characters and words from the main
Reading Book to assess students' progress at that level * is
supported by an assessment record in the Teaching Guide that allows
the teacher or TA to evaluate each student's progress accurately *
checks decoding skills, comprehension and spelling.
Each Reading Book in the Rapid Plus series is finely levelled and
trialled with KS3 students, and includes: all-new content,
rigorously levelled and trialled with Key Stage 3 students
pre-reading pages which introduce the main characters, plots and
key concepts, helping to build understanding and confidence a quiz
page after each text providing opportunities for discussion and to
check comprehension word and spelling activities to extend language
knowledge a non-fiction section that helps to build vocabulary and
offers a different reading experience.
Suitable for children age 7 and above with a reading age of 9 years
- 9 years 5 months Part of the Rapid Reading intervention series by
Pearson Rapid Stage: Stage 8 Level 8B (equivalent to lime book
band) Design supports readers with dyslexia Proven to help children
who are behind in their reading to catch up fast Ideal for home
learning Rapid Reading is a catch-up intervention reading scheme
that has been proven to help children who are behind in their
reading to triple their rate of progress. Each carefully-levelled
reading book has a dyslexia-friendly design and supports all
struggling learners, including those with SEND, to develop their
comprehension skills, reading fluency and confidence. Includes
'Before reading' notes to help children read with confidence and
'Quiz' questions to develop understanding. This book contains one
fiction text and one non-fiction text on a similar theme.
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading
programme that joins books with an online reading world to teach
today's children to read. In this Pink-A level Trucktown book: It's
raining in Trucktown and Melvin is in the garage keeping dry. But
then Max and Kat arrive. The trucks find there isn't enough room
for all three of them to fit in the garage, so Melvin gets pushed
out into the rain!
There are two wordless stories about trucks in this comic. Both
stories are based on the familiar truck characters from the Lilac
Level fiction cluster, Trucktown. The only text that appears in the
stories is titles, sound effects and occasionally writing in the
artwork. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500
schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence
Suitable for children age 4-5 (Reception) Book band: Lilac Phonics
phase: 1
Genre: Traditional tale with the theme of trickery. Learning
Objectives: Word Recognition Strand 5: Read more challenging texts
which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledge and
skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequency words.
Language Comprehension Strand 7: Recognise the main elements that
shape different texts.
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading
programme to combine books with an online reading world to teach
today's children to read. In this Year 5 Blue A (NC level 4b)
non-fiction book...Ruth Trotter's Uncle 'Globe' is no ordinary
uncle - he has lots of exciting adventures What's more, he often
needs Ruth's help. This time he's coming back to England to protect
a creature in danger. Ruth must find out about the amazing
underwater world of the UK's coastline. The only question is - will
Ruth solve Globe's challenge and get her reward?
Genre: Realistic story with familiar characters and patterned
language. Learning Objectives: Word Recognition Strand 5: Read
simple words by sounding out and blending the phonemes all through
the word from left to right. Language Comprehension Strand 7:
Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on the language
patterns of stories.
Suitable for children age 7 and above with a reading age of 9 years
- 9 years 5 months Part of the Rapid Reading intervention series by
Pearson Rapid Stage: Stage 8 Level 8B (equivalent to lime book
band) Design supports readers with dyslexia Proven to help children
who are behind in their reading to catch up fast Ideal for home
learning Rapid Reading is a catch-up intervention reading scheme
that has been proven to help children who are behind in their
reading to triple their rate of progress. Each carefully-levelled
reading book has a dyslexia-friendly design and supports all
struggling learners, including those with SEND, to develop their
comprehension skills, reading fluency and confidence. Includes
'Before reading' notes to help children read with confidence and
'Quiz' questions to develop understanding. This book contains one
fiction text and one non-fiction text on a similar theme.
Phonics Bug is a pretty special Phonics programme that gives
children a firm, fun foundation in phonics. It uses research-based
teaching methods so it's proven to work, and it joins 100%
decodable books with CBeebies videos and an online reading world,
so it's the ideal way to get today's little readers started on
their journey to reading success. Phonics Bug books are ideal for
use at home too, and are a great way to help your child take their
first steps towards 'cracking the code' which will enable them to
learn to read and spell. Helpful notes on the inside front cover of
each book highlight tricky words and give you ideas for before and
during reading, and the inside back covers include ideas for
delving deeper after reading to check understanding. Phonics Bug
Pack 5 is great for encouraging your Foundation Stage early
readers. It contains 3 fiction and 1 non-fiction Phase 3 books -
Panther and Frog; Eeek! A Bug; My Cushion; Brown Fox Tricks Stork;
and A Letter from Dorset - which are perfect for reading before
stepping across to the Bug Club Red Level Pack. This pack covers
the sounds ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, uer, er. Panther and Frog:
Panther tries to scare Frog, but Frog has a plan to get the better
of him! Eeek! A Bug: A cheeky bug disturbs a hamster, a cat and a
dog - and a great chase ensues! Brown Fox Tricks Stork: Brown Fox
plays a trick on Stork by serving dinner on flat plates that Stork
cannot eat from. But Stork gets her revenge... A Letter from
Dorset: Lara is on holiday in Dorset. She writes to her Gran about
what she does and how her little brother Bert is afraid of
Five fantastic stories and one non-fiction book from Star Reading.
With brilliant parent notes to help you get the most out of every
book with your child, all at pink book band level.
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