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Ne as' book "Direct Methods in the Theory of Elliptic
Equations," published 1967 in French, has become a standard
reference for the mathematical theory of linear elliptic equations
and systems. This English edition, translated by G. Tronel and A.
Kufner, presents Ne as' work essentially in the form it was
published in 1967. It gives a timeless and in some sense definitive
treatment of a number issues in variational methods for elliptic
systems and higher order equations. The text is recommended to
graduate students of partial differential equations, postdoctoral
associates in Analysis, and scientists working with linear elliptic
systems. In fact, any researcher using the theory of elliptic
systems will benefit from having the book in his library.
The volume gives a self-contained presentation of the elliptic
theory based on the "direct method," also known as the variational
method. Due to its universality and close connections to numerical
approximations, the variational method has become one of the most
important approaches to the elliptic theory. The method does not
rely on the maximum principle or other special properties of the
scalar second order elliptic equations, and it is ideally suited
for handling systems of equations of arbitrary order. The
prototypical examples of equations covered by the theory are, in
addition to the standard Laplace equation, Lame's system of linear
elasticity and the biharmonic equation (both with variable
coefficients, of course). General ellipticity conditions are
discussed and most of the natural boundary condition is covered.
The necessary foundations of the function space theory are
explained along the way, in an arguably optimal manner. The
standard boundary regularity requirement on the domains is the
Lipschitz continuity of the boundary, which "when going beyond the
scalar equations of second order" turns out to be a very natural
class. These choices reflect the author's opinion that the Lame
system and the biharmonic equations are just as important as the
Laplace equation, and that the class of the domains with the
Lipschitz continuous boundary (as opposed to smooth domains) is the
most natural class of domains to consider in connection with these
equations and their applications."
The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs
which cover the whole spectrum of current nonlinear analysis and
applications in various fields, such as optimization, control
theory, systems theory, mechanics, engineering, and other sciences.
One of its main objectives is to make available to the professional
community expositions of results and foundations of methods that
play an important role in both the theory and applications of
nonlinear analysis. Contributions which are on the borderline of
nonlinear analysis and related fields and which stimulate further
research at the crossroads of these areas are particularly welcome.
Editor-in-ChiefJurgen Appell, Wurzburg, Germany Honorary and
Advisory EditorsCatherine Bandle, Basel, SwitzerlandAlain
Bensoussan, Richardson, Texas, USAAvner Friedman, Columbus, Ohio,
USAUmberto Mosco, Worcester, Massachusetts, USALouis Nirenberg, New
York, USAAlfonso Vignoli, Rome, Italy Editorial BoardManuel del
Pino, Bath, UK, and Santiago, ChileMikio Kato, Nagano,
JapanWojciech Kryszewski, Torun, PolandVicentiu D. Radulescu,
Krakow, PolandSimeon Reich, Haifa, Israel Please submit book
proposals to Jurgen Appell. Titles in planning include Lucio
Damascelli and Filomena Pacella, Morse Index of Solutions of
Nonlinear Elliptic Equations (2019)Tomasz W. Dlotko and Yejuan
Wang, Critical Parabolic-Type Problems (2019)Rafael Ortega,
Periodic Differential Equations in the Plane: A Topological
Perspective (2019)Ireneo Peral Alonso and Fernando Soria, Elliptic
and Parabolic Equations Involving the Hardy-Leray Potential
(2020)Cyril Tintarev, Profile Decompositions and Cocompactness:
Functional-Analytic Theory of Concentration Compactness
(2020)Takashi Suzuki, Semilinear Elliptic Equations: Classical and
Modern Theories (2021)
This volume contains 16 refereed research articles on function
spaces, interpolation theory and related fields. Topics covered:
theory of function spaces, Hankel-type and related operators,
analysis on bounded symmetric domains, partial differential
equations, Green functions, special functions, homogenization
theory, Sobolev embeddings, Coxeter groups, spectral theory and
wavelets. The book will be of interest to both researchers and
graduate students working in interpolation theory, function spaces
and operators, partial differential equations and analysis on
bounded symmetric domains.
Inequalities play an important role in almost all branches of
mathematics as well as in other areas of science and engineering.
This book surveys the present state of the theory of weighted
integral inequalities of Hardy type, including modifications
concerning Hardy-Steklov operators, and some basic results about
Hardy-type inequalities and their limit (Carleman-Knopp type)
inequalities. It also describes some rather new areas such as
higher order and fractional order Hardy-type inequalities and
integral inequalities on the cone of monotone functions, together
with some applications and open problems.In this second edition,
all chapters in the first edition have been updated with new
information. Moreover, a new chapter contains new and complementary
information concerning: (a) a convexity approach to prove and
explain Hardy-type inequalities; (b) sharp constants; (c) scales of
inequalities to characterize Hardy-type inequalities; (d)
Hardy-type inequalities in other function spaces; and (e) a number
of new open questions.
Ne as' book "Direct Methods in the Theory of Elliptic
Equations," published 1967 in French, has become a standard
reference for the mathematical theory of linear elliptic equations
and systems. This English edition, translated by G. Tronel and A.
Kufner, presents Ne as' work essentially in the form it was
published in 1967. It gives a timeless and in some sense definitive
treatment of a number issues in variational methods for elliptic
systems and higher order equations. The text is recommended to
graduate students of partial differential equations, postdoctoral
associates in Analysis, and scientists working with linear elliptic
systems. In fact, any researcher using the theory of elliptic
systems will benefit from having the book in his library.
The volume gives a self-contained presentation of the elliptic
theory based on the "direct method," also known as the variational
method. Due to its universality and close connections to numerical
approximations, the variational method has become one of the most
important approaches to the elliptic theory. The method does not
rely on the maximum principle or other special properties of the
scalar second order elliptic equations, and it is ideally suited
for handling systems of equations of arbitrary order. The
prototypical examples of equations covered by the theory are, in
addition to the standard Laplace equation, Lame's system of linear
elasticity and the biharmonic equation (both with variable
coefficients, of course). General ellipticity conditions are
discussed and most of the natural boundary condition is covered.
The necessary foundations of the function space theory are
explained along the way, in an arguably optimal manner. The
standard boundary regularity requirement on the domains is the
Lipschitz continuity of the boundary, which "when going beyond the
scalar equations of second order" turns out to be a very natural
class. These choices reflect the author's opinion that the Lame
system and the biharmonic equations are just as important as the
Laplace equation, and that the class of the domains with the
Lipschitz continuous boundary (as opposed to smooth domains) is the
most natural class of domains to consider in connection with these
equations and their applications.
Dieser Band der Reihe "Mathematik fur Ingenieure und
Naturwissenschaftler" fuhrt in die Grundlagen der Thematik
Integralgleichungen ein. Dabei handelt es sich um einen
Problemkreis, der vom theoretischen Standpunkt aus wichtig ist und
auch viele Anwendungen findet. Beim Leser werden Grundkenntnisse
aus den Anfangssemestern vorausgesetzt. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen
wird die in diesem Buch dargelegte Theorie fur stetige Funktionen
auf kompakten Inter vallen entwickelt. Man kann also problemlos mit
dem Riemannschen Integral begriff auskommen. Das Buch besteht aus
funf Teilen; jeder der 15 numerierten Abschnitte ist unter
gliedert: 7.3 bezeichnet den dritten Unterabschnitt von Abschnitt
7, und (7.3) steht fur die dritte Formel in diesem Abschnitt. In
der Einfuhrung wird dem Leser eine erste Begegnung mit
Integralgleichun gen ermoeglicht. Ausserdem werden einige
Aufgabenstellungen aus der Praxis vorgestellt, deren mathematische
Formulierung auf Integralgleichungen fuhrt. Der zweite Teil befasst
sich mit der Loesung einiger spezieller Typen von Integral
gleichungen. Die Laplace-Transformation wird hier als Werkzeug zur
Loesung Volterrascher Gleichungen mit Faltungskern benutzt. Im Fall
Fredholmscher Integralgleichungen mit ausgeartetem Kern wird der
enge Zusammenhang der Theorie der Integralgleichungen mit der
linearen Algebra aufgezeigt. Zum Ab schluss wird dann die
Fredholmsche Alternative formuliert. Im folgenden Teil steht die
Loesbarkeit von Integralgleichungen im Mittelpunkt.