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Capitalism and the Commons focuses on the political and social perspectives that commons offer, how they are appropriated or suppressed by capital and state, and how social initiatives and movements contest these dynamics or build their struggles on commoning. The volume comprises theoretical and empirical approaches that engage with three main themes: conceptualizing the commons, analyzing practices of commoning, and exploring commons politics. In their contributions, the authors focus on the development of anti-capitalist commons and explore the issue of practice and politics through case studies from Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, and Africa more broadly, Austria, Germany and South Korea, ranging from peri-urban and rural agriculture to urban commons and how they manifest in the Global South as well as in the Global North. The book engages with different discourses on the commons in regard to their relevance for social change and thereby reinvigorates the political meaning of the commons. It provides an original and important approach to the topic in terms of conceptualization, detailing diverse empirical realities, and analyzing potential perspectives. In so doing, the book transcends narrow disciplinary boundaries and expands the focus to the global. Providing a fresh perspective on the commons as a decisive component of alternatives, this title will be relevant to scholars and students of resource management, social movements, and sustainable development more broadly.
This book brings together geological, biological, radical economic, technological, historical and social perspectives on peak oil and other scarce resources. The contributors to this volume argue that these scarcities will put an end to the capitalist system as we know it and alternatives must be created. The book combines natural science with emancipatory thinking, focusing on bottom up alternatives and social struggles to change the world by taking action. The volume introduces original contributions to the debates on peak oil, land grabbing and social alternatives, thus creating a synthesis to gain an overview of the multiple crises of our times. The book sets out to analyse how crises of energy, climate, metals, minerals and the soil relate to the global land grab which has accelerated greatly since 2008, as well as to examine the crisis of profit production and political legitimacy. Based on a theoretical understanding of the multiple crises and the effects of peak oil and other scarcities on capital accumulation, the contributors explore the social innovations that provide an alternative. Using the most up to date research on resource crises, this integrative and critical analysis brings together the issues with a radical perspective on possibilites for future change as well as a strong social economic and ethical dimesion. The book should be of interest to researchers and students of environmental policy, politics, sustainable development and natural resource management.
Capitalism and the Commons focuses on the political and social perspectives that commons offer, how they are appropriated or suppressed by capital and state, and how social initiatives and movements contest these dynamics or build their struggles on commoning. The volume comprises theoretical and empirical approaches that engage with three main themes: conceptualizing the commons, analyzing practices of commoning, and exploring commons politics. In their contributions, the authors focus on the development of anti-capitalist commons and explore the issue of practice and politics through case studies from Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, and Africa more broadly, Austria, Germany and South Korea, ranging from peri-urban and rural agriculture to urban commons and how they manifest in the Global South as well as in the Global North. The book engages with different discourses on the commons in regard to their relevance for social change and thereby reinvigorates the political meaning of the commons. It provides an original and important approach to the topic in terms of conceptualization, detailing diverse empirical realities, and analyzing potential perspectives. In so doing, the book transcends narrow disciplinary boundaries and expands the focus to the global. Providing a fresh perspective on the commons as a decisive component of alternatives, this title will be relevant to scholars and students of resource management, social movements, and sustainable development more broadly.
This book brings together geological, biological, radical economic, technological, historical and social perspectives on peak oil and other scarce resources. The contributors to this volume argue that these scarcities will put an end to the capitalist system as we know it and alternatives must be created. The book combines natural science with emancipatory thinking, focusing on bottom up alternatives and social struggles to change the world by taking action. The volume introduces original contributions to the debates on peak oil, land grabbing and social alternatives, thus creating a synthesis to gain an overview of the multiple crises of our times. The book sets out to analyse how crises of energy, climate, metals, minerals and the soil relate to the global land grab which has accelerated greatly since 2008, as well as to examine the crisis of profit production and political legitimacy. Based on a theoretical understanding of the multiple crises and the effects of peak oil and other scarcities on capital accumulation, the contributors explore the social innovations that provide an alternative. Using the most up to date research on resource crises, this integrative and critical analysis brings together the issues with a radical perspective on possibilites for future change as well as a strong social economic and ethical dimesion. The book should be of interest to researchers and students of environmental policy, politics, sustainable development and natural resource management.
Das Buch weitet den Blick uber die kurzfristige Verfugbarkeit von kritischen Metallen auf die grundlegende Frage: Kritisch fur wen? Die Autoren nehmen alle Akteure in den Blick und behandeln geologische, chemische, technische, oekonomische und soziale Aspekte wie auch Fragen des Recyclings und verbinden diese. Auch auf Fragen nach dem guten Leben und des Bergbaus aus der Sicht von Landern des Sudens, Fragen der Ressourcenpolitik und -gerechtigkeit gehen sie ein. Ein weiteres Thema sind das UN-Tiefseebergbauregime und dessen Perspektiven, wie sich zukunftig unkonventionell Erz aus der Tiefsee gewinnen lasst. Kritische Metalle werden in den ubergreifenden Zusammenhang der anstehenden Grossen Transformation eingeordnet. Das Buch beleuchtet insbesondere die grundlegende Bedeutung der stofflichen Voraussetzungen der Energiewende und die energetischen Voraussetzungen der Stoffwende wie auch der Digitalisierung. Damit lasst sich zeigen, dass nicht nur seltene Erden kritisch sind, sondern ebenso Industriemetalle wie etwa Kupfer. Ressourcenpolitik zielt unter anderem auf Sicherung der Primarversorgung mit Technologiemetallen, auf Ressourceneffizienz, Recycling und Substitution kritischer Stoffe. Trotz erster Erfolge ist die Dynamik in Richtung einer zunehmenden Dissipation wertvoller kritischer Metalle ungebrochen. Noetig ist eine rasche Umsteuerung mit dem Ziel, kritische Metalle nicht langer im grossen Stil zu verbrauchen, sondern sie klug zu gebrauchen.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1997 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und Organisation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitat Hannover (Unbekannt), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Zusammenfassung: Derzeit sind weit uber 50.000 von ihren Unternehmungen entsandte Deutsche fur einen befristeten Zeitraum im Ausland tatig. Die uberwiegende Mehrheit von ihnen wird nach Ablauf der Entsendungsdauer wieder in ein Land zuruckkehren, welches sich wahrend ihrer Abwesenheit - ebenso wie sie selber - verandert hat. Angesichts dessen scheint es sinnvoll zu sein, die Entsandten auf die neue Situation nach der Ruckkehr vorzubereiten. Harveys Erkenntnissen zufolge, ist dies aber offensichtlich nicht der Fall. Konnte es fur die Unternehmung unter Umstanden vorteilhaft sein, keine Massnahmen zur Wiedereingliederung durchzufuhren? Diese Frage ist der Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit, deren primares Ziel es ist zu untersuchen, unter welchen Bedingungen Investitionen in Wiedereingliederungsmassnahmen effizient sein konnen. Der Begriff der "Effizienz" wird in dieser Arbeit dabei im Sinne von "okonomischer Vorteilhaftigkeit" interpretiert, wahrend unter den "Bedingungen" der Effizienz die "Voraussetzungen" fur die okonomische Vorteilhaftigkeit von Investitionen in Massnahmen zur Wiedereingliederung verstanden werden. Wenn Harvey beinahe resignierend feststellt, dass "due to the lack of attention of researchers and personnel administrators the field of repatriation research appears to be a forgotten topic among academic researchers and corporate executives," so gilt dies um so mehr vor dem Hintergrund einer okonomischen Betrachtung des Problems der Wiedereingliederung. So konstatiert Eigler eine "mangelnde Okonomieorientierung in der Personalwirtschaft" und Backes-Gellner spricht davon, dass "Personalwirtschaftslehre (...) nicht als okonomische Disziplin betrieben wird]." In letzter Zeit sind daher vermehrt Forderungen nach einer starkeren okonomischen Ausrichtung der Personalwirtscha
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