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Logistics and supply chain management deal with managing the ?ow of
goods or services within a company, from suppliers to customers,
and along a supply chain where companies act as suppliers as well
as customers. As transportation is at the heart of logistics, the
design of tra?c and transportation networks combined with the
routing of vehicles and goods on the networks are important and
demanding planning tasks. The in?uence of transport, logistics, and
s- ply chain management on the modern economy and society has been
growing steadily over the last few decades. The worldwide division
of labor, the conn- tion of distributed production centers, and the
increased mobility of individuals lead to an increased demand for
e?cient solutions to logistics and supply chain management
problems. On the company level, e?cient and e?ective logistics and
supply chain management are of critical importance for a company's
s- cessanditscompetitiveadvantage.
Properperformanceofthelogisticsfunctions can contribute both to
lower costs and to enhanced customer service. Computational
Intelligence (CI) describes a set of methods and tools that often
mimic biological or physical principles to solve problems that have
been di?cult to solve by classical mathematics. CI embodies neural
networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation, local search, and
machine learning approaches. Researchersthat workinthis areaoften
comefromcomputer science, operations research, or mathematics, as
well as from many di?erent engineering disciplines. Popular and
successful CI methods for optimization and planning problems are
heuristic optimization approaches such as evolutionary algorithms,
local search methods, and other types of guided search methods.
This book includes a selection of refereed papers presented at the
"Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research
Society (OR2016)," which took place at the
Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat / Universitat der Bundeswehr Hamburg,
Germany, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2016. Over 700 practitioners and
academics from mathematics, computer science, business/economics,
and related fields attended the conference. The scientific program
included around 475 presentations on the theme Analytical Decision
Making, focusing on the process of researching complex decision
problems and devising effective solution methods towards better
decisions. The book presents papers discussing classical
mathematical optimization, statistics and simulation techniques.
Such approaches are complemented by computer science methods and
tools for the processing of data and the design and implementation
of information systems. The book also examines recent advances in
information technology, which allow big data volumes to be treated
and enable real-time predictive and prescriptive business analytics
to drive decisions and actions. Further, it includes problems
modeled and treated under consideration of uncertainty, risk
management, behavioral issues, and strategic decision situations.
Logistics and supply chain management deal with managing the ?ow of
goods or services within a company, from suppliers to customers,
and along a supply chain where companies act as suppliers as well
as customers. As transportation is at the heart of logistics, the
design of tra?c and transportation networks combined with the
routing of vehicles and goods on the networks are important and
demanding planning tasks. The in?uence of transport, logistics, and
s- ply chain management on the modern economy and society has been
growing steadily over the last few decades. The worldwide division
of labor, the conn- tion of distributed production centers, and the
increased mobility of individuals lead to an increased demand for
e?cient solutions to logistics and supply chain management
problems. On the company level, e?cient and e?ective logistics and
supply chain management are of critical importance for a company's
s- cessanditscompetitiveadvantage.
Properperformanceofthelogisticsfunctions can contribute both to
lower costs and to enhanced customer service. Computational
Intelligence (CI) describes a set of methods and tools that often
mimic biological or physical principles to solve problems that have
been di?cult to solve by classical mathematics. CI embodies neural
networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation, local search, and
machine learning approaches. Researchersthat workinthis areaoften
comefromcomputer science, operations research, or mathematics, as
well as from many di?erent engineering disciplines. Popular and
successful CI methods for optimization and planning problems are
heuristic optimization approaches such as evolutionary algorithms,
local search methods, and other types of guided search methods.
Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence - Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation e.V., Joint Conference with the British Classification Society (BCS) and the Dutch/Flemish Classification Society (VOC), Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg, July 16-18, 2008 (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Andreas Fink, Berthold Lausen, Wilfried Seidel, Alfred Ultsch
Discovery Miles 45 980
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Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence are
research areas at the intersection of computer science, artificial
intelligence, mathematics, and statistics. They cover general
methods and techniques that can be applied to a vast set of
applications such as in marketing, finance, economics, engineering,
linguistics, archaeology, musicology, medical science, and biology.
This volume contains the revised versions of selected papers
presented during the 32nd Annual Conference of the German
Classification Society (Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation, GfKl). The
conference, which was organized in cooperation with the British
Classification Society (BCS) and the Dutch/Flemish Classification
Society (VOC), was hosted by Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg,
Germany, in July 2008.
Applications of Evolutionary Computing - EvoWorkshops 2009: EvoCOMNET, EvoENVIRONMENT, EvoFIN, EvoGAMES, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, EvoNUM, EvoSTOC, EvoTRANSLOG,Tubingen, Germany, April 15-17, 2009, Proceedings (Paperback, 2009 ed.)
Mario Giacobini, Anthony Brabazon, Stefano Cagnoni, Aniko Ekart, Anna I. Esparcia-Alcazar, …
Discovery Miles 30 940
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The year 2009 celebrates the bicentenary of Darwin's birth and the
150th - niversary of the publication of his seminal work, On the
Origin of Species.If this makes 2009 a special year for the
research community working in biology and evolution, the ?eld of
evolutionary computation (EC) also shares the same excitement. EC
techniques are e?cient, nature-inspired planning and optimi- tion
methods based on the principles of natural evolution and genetics.
Due to their e?ciency and simple underlying principles, these
methods can be used in the context of problem solving,
optimization, and machine learning. A large and ever-increasing
number of researchers and professionals make use of EC te- niques
in various application domains.
with a thorough examination of the techniques used in EC. The
papers in the volume illustrate the current state of the art in the
application of EC and can help and inspire researchers and
professionals to develop e?cient EC methods for design and problem
Applications of Evolutionary Computing - EvoWorkshops 2008: EvoCOMNET, EvoFIN, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoNUM, EvoSTOC, and EvoTransLog (Paperback, Clean)
Mario Giacobini, Anthony Brabazon, Stefano Cagnoni, Gianni A. Di Caro, Rolf Drechsler, …
Discovery Miles 30 590
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Evolutionary computation (EC) techniques are e?cient,
nature-inspired pl- ning and optimization methods based on the
principles of natural evolution and genetics. Due to their e?ciency
and simple underlying principles, these me- ods can be used in the
context of problem solving, optimization, and machine learning. A
large and continuously increasing number of researchers and prof-
sionals make use of EC techniques in various application domains.
This volume presents a careful selection of relevant EC examples
combined with a thorough examination of the techniques used in EC.
The papers in the volume illustrate the current state of the art in
the application of EC and should help and - spire researchers and
professionals to develop e?cient EC methods for design and problem
solving. All papers in this book were presented during EvoWorkshops
2008, which consisted of a range of workshops on
application-oriented aspects of EC. Since 1998, EvoWorkshops has
provided a unique opportunity for EC researchers to meet and
discuss applicationaspectsofECandhasservedasanimportantlink between
EC research and its application in a variety of domains. During
these ten years new workshops have arisen, some have disappeared,
while others have matured to become conferences of their own, such
as EuroGP in 2000, EvoCOP in 2004, and EvoBIO last year.
Applications of Evolutionary Computing - EvoWorkshops 2007:EvoCOMNET, EvoFIN, EvoIASP, EvoINTERACTION, EvoMUSART, EvoSTOC, and EvoTransLog, Valencia, Spain, April 11-13, 2007, Proceedings (Paperback, 2007 ed.)
Mario Giacobini, Anthony Brabazon, Stefano Cagoni, Gianni A. Di Caro, Rolf Drechsler, …
Discovery Miles 30 740
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of seven
workshops on evolutionary computing, EvoWorkshops 2007, held in
Valencia, Spain in April 2007.
The 55 revised full papers and 24 revised short papers presented
were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 160
submissions. In accordance with the seven workshops covered, the
papers are organized in topical sections on evolutionary
computation in communications, networks, and connected systems,
evolutionary computation in finance and economics, evolutionary
computation in image analysis and signal processing, interactive
evolution and humanized computational intelligence, evolutionary
music and art, evolutionary algorithms in stochastic and dynamic
environments, as well as evolutionary computation in transportation
and logistics.
Peter Sandbichler: Unpredictable (Paperback)
Peter Sandbichler; Text written by David Schalko, Thomas Trummer; Interview by Andrea Fink, Thomas Hausle; Photographs by …
Discovery Miles 7 280
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Mist (Paperback)
Andrea Fink
Discovery Miles 3 310
Save R48 (13%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Wave (Paperback)
Andrea Fink
Discovery Miles 3 200
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Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Mask (Paperback)
Andrea Fink
Discovery Miles 3 140
Save R50 (14%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik, in der
wesentliche Themengebiete behandelt werden, die mit der Konzeption,
der Entwicklung und dem Betrieb von Informations- und
Kommunikationssystemen (als Gegenstand der Wirtschaftsinformatik)
zusammenhangen. "
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich Medien /
Kommunikation - Medienokonomie, -management, Note: 1,0,
Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen (Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft), Sprache: Deutsch,
Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Nach dem Motto All the News
that Fits Your Interest fordert das neuartige Nachrichtenangebot
der Push-Dienste ein tragendes Selbstverstandnis des Journalismus
heraus. Statt Journalisten, die fur ihre Rezipienten alle
Nachrichten selektieren, die von ihnen als berichtenswert erachtet
werden, tritt an die Stelle des entscheidenden Journalisten der
einzelne Rezipient, der seine Nachrichten-Interessen aussert, und
daraufhin aus der Fulle publizierter Nachrichten ausschliesslich
mit den von ihm gewunschten Nachrichtenthemen beliefert wird. Die
Arbeit setzt sich mit den beiden ubergeordneten Phanomenen
Push-Dienste und individualisierte Nachrichten auseinander, um die
neuen Moglichkeiten einer ausschliesslich auf die jeweiligen
Nutzerinteressen ausgerichtete Zusammenstellung an Nachrichten
untersuchen und bewerten zu konnen. Die Konzeption der Push-Dienste
lost in den Kopfen vieler Menschen Faszination aus. Dies machen
sich Push-Dienste zunutze, denn in Medienkreisen gilt als sicher,
dass in Zukunft der Verbraucher verstarkt seine Bereitschaft, den
Medien Aufmerksamkeit zu widmen, davon abhangig machen wird,
inwieweit deren Angebote seinen personlichen Interessen
entgegenkommen. Der Abonnent eines Push-Dienstes erhalt eine Art
eigenstandig hergestellte Zeitung oder Nachrichten-Sendung. Darin
konnen sich eine Vielzahl von Nachrichtenquellen quer durch die
Medienlandschaft von Yellow-Press-Titeln bis hin zur seriosen
Fachzeitschrift sowie Nachrichtenagenturen vereinen. Die Reaktionen
auf die Einfuhrung der Push-Dienste in Deutschland im Jahre 1997
reichten von skeptischen Tonen, beispielsweise in der Frankfurter
Rundschau, Das Netz wird aufdringlich, bis hin zur Euphorie des
Focus, Datensurfe
Computer umgeben uns heute in fast allen Lebensbereichen. Sie
erleichtern uns nicht nur als PC oder Laptop die Arbeit, sondern
sind auch eingebettet in zahlreiche Objekte unseres taglichen
Lebens - vom Auto bis zur Waschmaschine. Doch wie funktionieren
moderne Rechner eigentlich? Und wie werden diese hochkomplexen, aus
Milliarden Komponenten bestehenden Gerate entworfen? Das Buch
erklart auf verstandliche, informative und unterhaltsame Weise den
Aufbau und die Funktionsweise heutiger Computersysteme. Einzelne
inhaltliche Abschnitte werden durch Links zu Videos erganzt, in
denen Professor Rolf Drechsler relevante Themen pragnant und
pointiert vorstellt.