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This book offers a widely interdisciplinary approach to investigating important questions surrounding the cognitive foundations of group attitudes and social interaction. The volume tackles issues such as the relationship between individual and group attitudes, the cognitive bases of group identity and group identification and the link between emotions and individual attitudes. This volume delves into the links between individual attitudes (such as beliefs, goals and intentions) and how they are reflected in shared attitudes where common belief, collective acceptance, joint intentions, and group preferences come into play. It pursues answers to the connections between trust and beliefs, goals and intentions and attempts to investigate questions such as: does trust have an affective component and how it may relate to hope and fear? The volume also scrutinizes game theory and questions whether it can satisfactorily explain and model social interaction and if there may be any concepts which are not addressed by the current theory. Contributors are derived from disciplines including philosophy, economics, psychology, logic and computer science. Interdisciplinary in scope and comprehensive detail, this volume integrates a variety of approaches - philosophical, psychological and artificial intelligence - to strategic, normative and emotional aspects of social interaction.
This book offers a widely interdisciplinary approach to investigating important questions surrounding the cognitive foundations of group attitudes and social interaction. The volume tackles issues such as the relationship between individual and group attitudes, the cognitive bases of group identity and group identification and the link between emotions and individual attitudes. This volume delves into the links between individual attitudes (such as beliefs, goals and intentions) and how they are reflected in shared attitudes where common belief, collective acceptance, joint intentions, and group preferences come into play. It pursues answers to the connections between trust and beliefs, goals and intentions and attempts to investigate questions such as: does trust have an affective component and how it may relate to hope and fear? The volume also scrutinizes game theory and questions whether it can satisfactorily explain and model social interaction and if there may be any concepts which are not addressed by the current theory. Contributors are derived from disciplines including philosophy, economics, psychology, logic and computer science. Interdisciplinary in scope and comprehensive detail, this volume integrates a variety of approaches - philosophical, psychological and artificial intelligence - to strategic, normative and emotional aspects of social interaction.
Possible worlds models were introduced by Saul Kripke in the early 1960s. Basically, a possible world's model is nothing but a graph with labelled nodes and labelled edges. Such graphs provide semantics for various modal logics (alethic, temporal, epistemic and doxastic, dynamic, deontic, description logics) and also turned out useful for other nonclassical logics (intuitionistic, conditional, several paraconsistent and relevant logics). All these logics have been studied intensively in philosophical and mathematical logic and in computer science, and have been applied increasingly in domains such as program semantics, artificial intelligence, and more recently in the semantic web. Additionally, all these logics were also studied proof theoretically. The proof systems for modal logics come in various styles: Hilbert style, natural deduction, sequents, and resolution. However, it is fair to say that the most uniform and most successful such systems are tableaux systems. Givenlogic and a formula, they allow one to check whether there is a model in that logic. This basically amounts to trying to build a model for the formula by building a tree. This book follows a more general approach by trying to build a graph, the advantage being that a graph is closer to a Kripke model than a tree. It provides a step-by-step introduction to possible worlds semantics (and by that to modal and other nonclassical logics) via the tableaux method. It is accompanied by a piece of software called LoTREC (www.irit.fr/Lotrec). LoTREC allows to check whether a given formula is true at a given world of a given model and to check whether a given formula is satisfiable in a given logic. The latter can be done immediately if the tableau system for that logic has already been implemented in LoTREC. If this is not yet the case LoTREC offers the possibility to implement a tableau system in a relatively easy way via a simple, graph-based, interactive language."
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, held in Toulouse, France, in September 2012. The book includes 3 invited talks, 36 regular papers, and 5 system descriptions, selected from 107 submissions. The papers cover various aspects of theory and methods of logic for artificial intelligence.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic and Argumentation, CLAR 2023, held in Hangzhou, China, during September 10-12, 2023. The 11 full papers, one short paper and one invited paper presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 submissions. The papers focus on topics such as: ​logic and automated deduction; abstract and structured argumentation; dialogues, games and practical reasoning; and quantitative argumentation.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, FoIKS 2020, held in Dortmund, Germany, in February 2020. The 19 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 33 submissions. The papers address various topics such as big data; database design; dynamics of information; information fusion; integrity and constraint management; intelligent agents; knowledge discovery and information retrieval; knowledge representation, reasoning and planning; logics in databases and AI; mathematical foundations; security in information and knowledge systems; semi-structured data and XML; social computing; the semantic web and knowledge management; and the world wide web.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2019, held in London, UK, in September 2019, colocated with the 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2019. The 20 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. They present research on the development of techniques and methods for the combination and integration of formal systems, their modularization and analysis. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: automated theorem proving and model building, combinations of systems, constraint solving, description logics, interactive theorem proving, modal and epistemic logics, and rewriting and unification.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen, Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 1.3, Fachhochschule fur Wirtschaft Berlin, 14 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Seit dem 1. Januar 1995 umfasst die Differenzbesteuerung alle Umsatze mit gebrauchten, beweglichen, korperlichen Gegenstanden, bei denen beim Ankauf durch den Handler Umsatzsteuer nicht entstanden ist oder die Umsatzsteuer nach 19 UStG nicht erhoben wird. Ausgenommen von dieser Regelung sind Edelsteine und Edelmetalle ( 25a Abs. 1 Nr. 3 UStG). Unter Berucksichtigung der allgemeinen Verkehrsauffassung ist die Differenzbesteuerung auf Gebrauchtgegenstande eingeschrankt. Neue Gegenstande sind damit aber nicht generell ausgeschlossen. Die Begriffe Differenz- und Margenbesteuerung sind inhaltlich identisch, wobei im Weiteren ausschliesslich der Begriff der Differenzbesteuerung verwendet wird. Geregelt ist diese Form der Besteuerung im sechsten Abschnitt des Umsatzsteuergesetzes, im 25a UStG. Im Folgenden wird die Differenzbesteuerung am Beispiel des Gebrauchtwagenhandels untersucht. Auf etwaige Sonderreglungen und abweichende Bestimmungen fur andere Gebrauchtwaren wird dabei aus Vereinfachungsgrunden nicht eingegangen. Neben der Entstehung und dem Wesen der Differenzbesteuerung werden die gesetzlichen Grundlagen und ausgewahlte anwendungsorientierte Probleme dargestellt. Da der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit auf den Gebrauchtfahrzeughandel liegt, muss die Zuordnung als Fahrzeug zuerst naher betrachtet werden. Anhand von gesetzlich festgelegten Merkmalen erfolgt die Einteilung in Gebraucht- und Neufahrzeuge
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