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During the 1990s, Europe became the first continent with a 'mature
society', where people aged 60 years and older outnumber children
and as this trend continues, the resulting 'ageing societies' will
differ from previous societies in their make-up, in their needs,
and in their resource allocation. Population ageing poses an even
greater challenge to the post-communist societies of Central and
Eastern Europe. While still struggling to cope with the aftermath
of the economic and social transition process following the
breakdown of communism, they are now facing even more rapid
demographic change than Western Europe. This book brings together
leading scholars to present an understanding of the processes
underlying the very rapid population ageing in Central and Eastern
Europe. In addition to discussing the main demographic drivers
behind this development in each of the countries examined, this
volume also discusses its implications for policy, healthcare
provision, workforces, intergenerational family relations, the
social cohesion of future Central and Eastern European societies,
and the quality of life experienced by their citizens. Organised
around broad geographical regions with final sections analysing the
book's findings and their future implications, Population Ageing in
Central and Eastern Europe will be of interest to gerontologists,
policy makers, students and scholars of population change
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.
Technology is quickly becoming an integral part of care systems
across the world and is frequently cited in policy discourse as
pivotal for solving the ‘crisis’ in care and delivering
positive outcomes. Exploring the role of technology in Europe,
Canada, Australia and Japan, this book examines how technology
contributes effectively to the sustainability of these different
care systems, which are facing similar emergent pressures,
including increased longevity, falling fertility and the
consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It considers the challenges
and opportunities of embedding technologies in care systems and the
subsequent outcomes for older and disabled service users, carers
and the care workforce.
Das deutsche Arbeitszeitgesetz (ArbZG) ist von wachsender
Bedeutung: Weil immer weniger Betriebe tarifgebunden sind und
Betriebsrate haben, gibt es fur die betrieblichen
Arbeitszeitsysteme immer oefter nur den arbeitszeitgesetzlichen
Rahmen. Dieses Essential unterstutzt alle, die fur die Gestaltung
und Praktizierung von betrieblichen Arbeitszeitsystemen
verantwortlich sind und/oder diese steuern. Kompakt und fundiert
soll es dabei helfen, mit dem ArbZG gut zu leben: Erstens im Sinne
einer friedlichen Koexistenz, in der Sie Gesetzesverstoesse
vermeiden, die zu Geldbussen und im Extrem sogar zu
Freiheitsstrafen fuhren koennen und auch zum Ausschluss von
oeffentlichen Auftragen. Zweitens durch Aufzeigen der vielen
Moeglichkeiten, die dieses sehr flexible Gesetz bietet, das
zugleich - drittens - gesundheitsgerechtes Arbeiten foerdert. Mit
detaillierten Praxis-Tipps zu den wichtigsten ArbZG-Bestimmungen in
allen Kapiteln.
Das Essential, das nun in der 2., grundlich durchgesehenen Auflage
vorliegt, bietet einen kompakten UEberblick daruber, was mit Hilfe
flexibler betrieblicher Arbeitszeitsysteme erreicht werden kann und
worauf es bei ihrem Einsatz in Zukunft ganz besonders ankommen
wird. Flexible betriebliche Arbeitszeitsysteme sind
Regelungsbundel, in deren Rahmen und mit deren Hilfe der Einsatz
der Arbeitszeiten der Mitarbeiter bedarfsgerecht gesteuert werden
kann. Samtliche Grundtypen flexibler betrieblicher
Arbeitszeitsysteme werden ausfuhrlich mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen
vorgestellt und anhand von Beispielen erlautert. Daruber hinaus
zeigt der Autor die wesentlichen Trends der betrieblichen
Arbeitszeitgestaltung auf.
In diesem Buch wird, auch anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele, ein in
vielen Jahren praktischer Arbeitszeitberatung entstandenes und
bewahrtes Verfahren zur Entwicklung flexibler Schichtsysteme
vorgestellt. Solche Systeme dienen dazu, wechselnde
Besetzungsbedarfe und/oder Mitarbeiter-Verfugbarkeiten mit Hilfe
des Einsatzes von Schichtteams so zu bewaltigen, dass fur Betrieb
wie Mitarbeiter jeweils groesstmoegliche Planungssicherheit gegeben
ist. Vor dem Hintergrund der Ermittlung des jeweiligen
Stellenbedarfs wird gezeigt, welche Team-Strukturen im Einzelfall
in Frage kommen und welche Grund-Schichtplane sich hieraus ergeben.
Der letztlich gewahlte Grund-Schichtplan muss mit dem begleitenden
Arbeitszeitkonto gekoppelt werden, wofur verschiedene Optionen
vorgestellt werden. "Flexi-Spielregeln" etwa zur An- und Absage von
Betriebsschichten und/oder zur Verteilung von Frei- und/oder
Zusatzschichten der Mitarbeiter sorgen dann dafur, dass mittels des
erst damit vollstandigen flexiblen Schichtsystems ein
bedarfsgerechter Personaleinsatz unter stets weitest moeglicher
Berucksichtigung der Arbeitszeit- und Freizeitinteressen der
Mitarbeiter erfolgen kann.
The book collects the most contemporary issues related to the
process of ageing of societies in Central and Eastern Europe. The
multiplicity of topics presented with the variety of theoretical
and methodological approaches means that although it is a
publication by many authors, it is a consistent monographic study,
showing the development of sociology of ageing as a scientific
discipline in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe.The
aim of the book is to call the attention of the reader and
emphasize that the challenges of population ageing in this part of
Europe are important aspects of sociology is particularly valuable.
These challenges require not only recognition and resolution
through application of appropriate research approaches, but also
education of various actors (including policy makers) for being
prepared for both diagnosing the phenomena and taking action in
"Vertrauensarbeitszeit (VAZ)" ist ein aktuelles Arbeitszeitkonzept.
Der versierte Autor stellt passende Anwendungsgebiete und Ziele
sowie erfolgreich praktizierte VAZ-Regelungen vor.
Die fuhrende Arbeitszeitberatung Dr. Hoff, Weidinger und Partner
stellt hier ihr umfassendes Kompendium vor, das einen
weitreichenden Uberblick uber den aktuellen Stand der betrieblichen
Arbeitszeitgestaltung und Personaleinsatzplanung gibt. Ein
fundiertes, praxisnahes Handbuch, das innovative Arbeitszeitmodelle
systematisch und methodisch an zahlreichen Beispielen vorstellt und
viele Expertentips bietet."
This book was nurtured by the belief that the new dynamics of
today's and tomorrow's aging has not yet been treated well in the
gerontology literature. Several questions drove the choice of
substance for the book: What kind of new dynamics of aging deserves
consideration? What kinds of theories and fields are at the core of
treating such a new dynamics? And what kind of empirical evidence
should be considered? The master hypothesis on which the book is
based maintains that the new dynamics of old age is best observed
in a range of everyday aging contexts that have been undergoing
major change since the second half of the 20th century. In
particular, five areas of new and persistent dynamics are treated
in depth: the social environment, with a focus on cohort effects in
social relations and the consideration of family relations and
elders as care redelivers; the home environment, with emphasis on
housing and quality of life, relocation and urban aging issues; the
outdoor environment, with consideration of out-of-home activity
patterns, car-driving behaviour and the leisure world of aging; the
technological environment, with treatments of the role of the
Internet and the potential of technology for aging outcomes and;
and the societal environment with a focus on global aging, the new
politics of old age and older persons as market consumers. The
book's main purpose is to provide the scholarly gerontology
community with a comprehensive and critical discussion of these new
trends related to old age. The book will be of interest for the
scholarly community of gerontology in a variety of disciplines;
sociology, psychology, demography, epidemiology, humanities, social
policy and geriatrics; students in gerontology education and in the
disciplines named above who have an interest in aging issues
(graduate level); professionals in practical and applied fields
related to aging such as community and urban planners, health and
care providers and policymakers; people involved in senior
citizens' organizations and those in industry who wish to serve
older people with new products.
During the 1990s, Europe became the first continent with a 'mature
society', where people aged 60 years and older outnumber children
and as this trend continues, the resulting 'ageing societies' will
differ from previous societies in their make-up, in their needs,
and in their resource allocation. Population ageing poses an even
greater challenge to the post-communist societies of Central and
Eastern Europe. While still struggling to cope with the aftermath
of the economic and social transition process following the
breakdown of communism, they are now facing even more rapid
demographic change than Western Europe. This book brings together
leading scholars to present an understanding of the processes
underlying the very rapid population ageing in Central and Eastern
Europe. In addition to discussing the main demographic drivers
behind this development in each of the countries examined, this
volume also discusses its implications for policy, healthcare
provision, workforces, intergenerational family relations, the
social cohesion of future Central and Eastern European societies,
and the quality of life experienced by their citizens. Organised
around broad geographical regions with final sections analysing the
book's findings and their future implications, Population Ageing in
Central and Eastern Europe will be of interest to gerontologists,
policy makers, students and scholars of population change
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