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Reflecting on the rapidly disintegrating course of events in Central Europe, this account centers on the lives of Transylvanian Count Balint Abady, his beloved Adrienne, and his flawed cousin Laszlo Gveroffy, who dies in poverty and neglect. Told with humor and bittersweet nostalgia, this book chronicles the sinister and fast-moving events in Montenegro, the Balkan Wars, and the apparent encirclement of Germany and Austria-Hungary by Britain, France, and Russia. This compelling novel deals with Hungarian politics on the verge of collapse and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the youth of Hungary march gaily off not only to their death on the battle field but also to the disintegration of their once-great country. "Reflexionando sobre el curso de desintegracion rapida de los acontecimientos en Europa central, este cuento se centra en la vida del conde transilvano Balint Abady, su amada Adriana y su primo "defectuoso "Laszlo Gveroffy, que muere en la pobreza y el abandono. Contado con humor y nostalgia agridulce, este libro narra los sucesos siniestros y vertiginosos en Montenegro, la guerra de los Balcanes y el cerco aparente de Alemania y Austria-Hungria por Gran Bretana, Francia y Rusia. Esta novela absorbente trata sobre la politica de Hungria al borde del colapso y el asesinato del archiduque Franz Ferdinand mientras los jovenes de Hungria marchan alegremente, no solamente a sus muertes en el campo de batalla, sino tambien a la desintegracion de su otrora gran pais."
Continuing the story of the two Transylvanian cousins from "They Were Counted, "this novel parallels the lives of the counts Balint Abady and Laszlo Gyeroffy to the political fate of their country: Balint has been forced to abandon the beautiful and unhappy Adrienne Miloth, while his cousin Laszlo continues down the path of self-destruction. Hungarian politicians continue with their partisan rivalries, meanwhile ignoring the needs of their fellow citizens. Obstinate in their struggle against Viennese sovereignty and in keeping their privileges, Hungarian politicians and aristocrats are blind to the fact that the world powers are nearing a conflict so large that it will soon give way to World War I and lead to the end of the world as they know it. "They Were Found Wanting "is the second novel of the Transylvanian Trilogy published by Miklos Banffy between 1934 and 1940, and it is considered one of the most important Central European narratives of the first half of the twentieth century. "Retomando la historia de los dos primos transilvanos que protagonizaban "Los dias contados," esta novela narra como las vidas de los condes Balint Abady y Laszlo Gyeroffy transcurren paralelas al destino politico de su pais: Balint se ha visto forzado a abandonar a la bella e infeliz Adrienne Miloth, mientras que su primo Laszlo persevera en su empeno autodestructivo. Entretanto, los politicos hungaros continuan con sus luchas partidistas despreciando las necesidades reales de sus conciudadanos. Obstinados en su pugna contra la soberania vienesa y en mantener sus privilegios, los politicos y aristocratas hungaros seran incapaces de ver como las grandes potencias se estan acercando peligrosamente a una conflagracion que mas tarde desembocara en la primera guerra mundial y terminara con el mundo tal como lo han conocido. "Las almas juzgadas" es la segunda novela de la Trilogia transilvana que Miklos Banffy publico entre 1934 y 1940, y esta considerada como una de las obras mas importantes de la narrativa centroeuropea de la primera mitad del siglo XX. "
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