This anthology contains poems, essays, and visual works from
writers and poets who have been published by Didi Menendez in
MiPOesias magazine, OCHO, Poets and Artists (O&S), or books.
Each piece is about or dedicated to Didi in celebration of her
long-standing commitment to advancing print and web standards for
independent publishing of poetry and art. Full-color interior.
Contributors: Barbra Nightingale, Diego Quiros, Suzanne Frischkorn,
Ivy Alvarez, Ron Androla, Nick Piombino, Holly Picano, Michael
Parker, Meghan Punschke, Amy King, John Korn, Grady Harp, Jose
Parra, David Lehman, Matthew Hittinger, Cheryl Townsend, Andrew
Demcak, Bruce Covey, Luc Simonic, Diana Adams, Charles Jensen, Reb
Livingston, Karen Hollingsworth, Melissa McEwen, Wiliam Stobb, Nick
Carbo, Pris Campbell, Denise Duhamel, Edward Nudelman,
Marie-Elizabeth Mali, Geoffrey Gatza, Emma Trelles, Miguel Murphy,
Jeremy Baum, Kirk Curnutt, Michelle M. Buchanan, Evie Shockley, Dan
Murano, LD Grant, April Carter Grant, Tony Trigilio