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Globalisation is a timely and controversial topic. Against the chorus of globalisation 's proponents and detractors, the authors propose an approach for measuring globalisation and its consequences. Undertaking a comprehensive review of the literature on globalisation and using data from the MGI and KOF indices, the well-respected authors build a framework for defining globalisation and analyzing the relationships among economic, political, and social variables.
Trades of money for political influence persist at every level of government. Not surprisingly, governments themselves trade money for political support on the international stage. Strange, however, is the tale of this book. For, in this study, legitimacy stands as the central political commodity at stake. The book investigates the ways governments trade money for favors at the United Nations Security Council - the body endowed with the international legal authority to legitimize the use of armed force to maintain or restore peace. With a wealth of quantitative data, the book shows that powerful countries, such as the United States, Japan, and Germany, extend financial favors to the elected members of the Security Council through direct foreign aid and through international organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In return, developing countries serving on the Security Council must deliver their political support ... or face the consequences.
Globalisation is a timely and controversial topic. Against the chorus of globalisation 's proponents and detractors, the authors propose an approach for measuring globalisation and its consequences. Undertaking a comprehensive review of the literature on globalisation and using data from the MGI and KOF indices, the well-respected authors build a framework for defining globalisation and analyzing the relationships among economic, political, and social variables.
China is now the lender of first resort for much of the developing world, but Beijing has fueled speculation among policymakers, scholars, and journalists by shrouding its grant-giving and lending activities in secrecy. Introducing a systematic and transparent method of tracking Chinese development projects around the world, this book explains Beijing's motives and analyzes the intended and unintended effects of its overseas investments. Whereas China almost exclusively provided aid during the twentieth century, its twenty-first century transition from 'benefactor' to 'banker' has had far-reaching impacts in low-income and middle-income countries that are not widely understood. Its use of debt rather than aid to bankroll big-ticket infrastructure projects creates new opportunities for developing countries to achieve rapid socio-economic gains, but it has also introduced major risks, such as corruption, political capture, and conflict. This book will be of interest to policymakers, students and scholars of international political economy, Chinese politics and foreign policy, economic development, and international relations.
China is now the lender of first resort for much of the developing world, but Beijing has fueled speculation among policymakers, scholars, and journalists by shrouding its grant-giving and lending activities in secrecy. Introducing a systematic and transparent method of tracking Chinese development projects around the world, this book explains Beijing's motives and analyzes the intended and unintended effects of its overseas investments. Whereas China almost exclusively provided aid during the twentieth century, its twenty-first century transition from 'benefactor' to 'banker' has had far-reaching impacts in low-income and middle-income countries that are not widely understood. Its use of debt rather than aid to bankroll big-ticket infrastructure projects creates new opportunities for developing countries to achieve rapid socio-economic gains, but it has also introduced major risks, such as corruption, political capture, and conflict. This book will be of interest to policymakers, students and scholars of international political economy, Chinese politics and foreign policy, economic development, and international relations.
Trades of money for political influence persist at every level of government. Not surprisingly, governments themselves trade money for political support on the international stage. Strange, however, is the tale of this book. For, in this study, legitimacy stands as the central political commodity at stake. The book investigates the ways governments trade money for favors at the United Nations Security Council - the body endowed with the international legal authority to legitimize the use of armed force to maintain or restore peace. With a wealth of quantitative data, the book shows that powerful countries, such as the United States, Japan, and Germany, extend financial favors to the elected members of the Security Council through direct foreign aid and through international organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In return, developing countries serving on the Security Council must deliver their political support ... or face the consequences.
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich VWL - Makrookonomie, allgemein, Note: 1,3, Universitat Mannheim (Volkswirtschaftslehre), Veranstaltung: Finanzwissenschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Am liebsten hatten Okonomen und Politiker ein Mass zur Verfugung, das samtliche Auswirkungen staatlicher Eingriffe auf den privaten Sektor aufzeigt. Da ein solches aber nicht existiert, wird versucht, zumindest Teilaspekte der Fiskalpolitik zu beleuchten. Hierbei konnen vier wesentliche Grundfragen der Fiskalpolitik unterschieden werden. Eine davon, namlich welche Generation, unterschieden nach Geschlecht und Geburtsjahrgangen, fur den Staatskonsum bezahlen muss, kann durch Generationenkonten beantwortet werden. Die drei anderen, wieviel der Staat im Zeitablauf konsumiert, die intragenerationelle Verteilung und die durch den Staat ausgelosten Verzerrungen okonomischer Entscheidungen, konnen mit Hilfe dieses Ansatzes nicht hinreichend beantwortet werden. Ausgehend von der Frage nach der Hohe der steuerlichen Nettobelastung verschiedener Alterskohorten werden Generationenkonten zur Beurteilung intergenerativer Verteilungswirkungen verschiedener staatlicher Massnahmen und okonomischer Entwicklungen herangezogen. Dabei gilt Fiskalpolitik als intergenerativ ausgewogen, wenn sich kunftige Generationen im Durchschnitt einem genauso hohen Nettosteuersatz gegenubersehen wie heutige. Eine solche Politik kann ohne eine Veranderung von Steuern, Transfers und Ausgaben fur alle Zeiten aufrechterhalten werden. Im Gegensatz dazu muss bei einer intergenerationell unausgewogenen Politik der Zeitpfad dieser Zahlungsstrome letztendlich verandert werden. Wenn diese Politik in grossem Ausmass von kunftigen zu heutigen Generationen umverteilt, muss der Nettosteuersatz kunftiger Generationen steigen, was Arbeits-, Spar- und Investitionsanreize vermindert und somit die zukunftige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung beeintrachtigt. Liegt hingegen eine Umve
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