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Invigorating and timely, this book provides a thorough overview of the geographies of cosmopolitanism, an ethical and political philosophy that views humanity as one community. Barney Warf charts the origins and developments of this line of thought, exploring how it has changed over time, acquiring many variations along the way. Offering a comprehensive account of the theory and practice of cosmopolitanism at multiple spatial scales, chapters note how and why cosmopolitans reject the nation-state and nationalism and view borders as artificial. The book addresses the intersections between cosmopolitanism and geography, including care-giving and relational space. It examines key contemporary issues, including globalization, negotiating the post-Westphalian political order, the United Nations, global citizenship, immigration, refugees and sanctuary cities. Particular focus is also given to cosmopolitanism in everyday life, including education, tourism, consumption and veganism. Analysing cosmopolitanism in an interdisciplinary manner, Geographies of Cosmopolitanism will be an interesting read for sociology, human geography and political science scholars. It will also appeal to philosophy and social science students more broadly who are keen to understand this approach to social justice and human rights.
This book explores the geographical dimensions and implications of the post-truth era. Opening with a defense of the Enlightenment and the continued significance of science, objectivity, and truth, it then provides three key perspectives on the concept: The first is a philosophical analysis of post-truth. Social theory in various forms has sutured knowledge and power, in the process relativizing the nature of truth. This process reaches its apogee under post-modernism, which questions the very nature of truth itself. The second is the examination of the historical origins and development of the post-truth world. While post-truth has a history that can be traced back to the 18th and 19th centuries, more recently it has growth prolifically through the use of social media. The book examines post-truth as it appears in the yellow journalism of the Hearst newspapers, Holocaust denial, and contemporary attacks on science itself (e.g., the anti-vaccine movement, denial of evolution). Post-truth becomes a central issue in Western politics following Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, who uses it frequently to advance a reactionary political agenda. Russian hackers weaponize it to interfere in the politics of Europe and the U.S. Fox News and other right-wing outlets also play a central role. One result is the proliferation of unfounded conspiracy theories such as QAnon. Today, autocrats and dictators the world over use fake news to maintain their power. Finally, this book links the rise of a post-truth society to the dynamics of contemporary economic geography. Knowledge-intensive capitalism has greatly elevated the significance of symbolic workers or the creative class. Geographically, contemporary capitalism has accentuated the agglomeration of producer services in large urban areas in which such workers labor. Conversely, rural areas and small towns have largely become repositories of the undereducated, and thus are more susceptible to fake news.
The intellectual renaissance of human geography has included a widespread engagement between its economic and cultural subdisciplines. This volume adopts a variety of conceptual and empirical perspectives on the encounters between economic and cultural geographers. It offers an introduction and 10 chapters by authors in a variety of national contexts to explicate issues such as the cultural turn in economic geography, the cultural construction of economic geographic thought, consumption, gender, everyday life, commodity chain analysis, trust, networks, the creative economy, and tourism. The volume contains empirical analyses utilizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches at spatial scales ranging from the individual to the global economy. In illustrating how human geographers can ill afford to subscribe to the analytically false dichotomy between "culture" and "the economy," the book explicates how cultural and economic geography can be seamlessly integrated, bringing them into a creative tension to their mutual benefit. "
This Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of media geography, focusing on a range of different media viewed through the lenses of human geography and media theory. It addresses the spatial practices and processes associated with both old and new media, considering "media" not just as technologies and infrastructures, but also as networks, systems and assemblages of things that come together to enable communication in the real world. With contributions from academics specializing in geography and media studies, the Routledge Handbook of Media Geographies summarizes the recent developments in the field and explores key questions and challenges affecting various groups, such as women, minorities, and persons with visual impairment. It considers geographical aspects of disruptive media uses such as hacking, fake news, and racism. Written in an approachable style, chapters consider geographies of users, norms, rules, laws, values, attitudes, routines, customs, markets, and power relations. They shed light on how mobile media make users vulnerable to tracking and surveillance but also facilitate innovative forms of mobility, space perception and placemaking. Structured in four distinct sections centered around "control and access to digital media," "mass media," "mobile media and surveillance" and "media and the politics of knowledge," the Handbook explores digital divides and other manifestations of the uneven geographies of power. It also includes an overview of the alternative social media universe created by the Chinese government. Media geography is a burgeoning field of study that lies at the intersections of various social sciences, including human geography, political science, sociology, anthropology, communication/media studies, urban studies, and women and gender studies. Academics and students across these fields will greatly benefit from this Handbook.
WorldMinds provides broad exposure to a geography that is engaged with discovery, interpretation, and problem solving. Its 100 succinct chapters demonstrate the theories, methods, and data used by geographers, and address the challenges posed by issues such as globalization, regional and ethnic conflict, environmental hazards, terrorism, poverty, and sustainable development. Through its theoretical and practical applications, we are reminded that the study of Geography informs policy making.
: This comprehensive text explores contemporary geographic topics and perspectives relating to the world economy. The authors provide a strong theoretical and practical foundation for understanding the global economy in an era of shifting borders, restructuring economies, and regional realignments. Economic theory is combined with geography to address critical problems of growth, distribution, and development, along with their impact on international business. Recent geopolitical changes are vividly portrayed in a series of superb full-color maps and striking photographs. The Sixth Edition includes updated tables and data, color maps, 2009 economic statistics, a detailed analysis of the global shift in world trade and development, eleven new Case Studies, and a new Premium Website with videos, weblinks, RSS feeds, and quizzes.
This timely, insightful and expert-led volume interprets the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election from a geographical standpoint, with a focus on its spatial dimensions. With contributions from leading thinkers, this book highlights the unique circumstances of the election, including the Covid pandemic and a president who falsely alleged that it was a massive fraud, particularly after he lost. The volume offers an introduction and 11 chapters that examine the run-up to the election, the motivations of Trump supporters, the election results themselves, case studies of the battleground states of Wisconsin and Georgia, and the chaotic aftermath. Accompanied with an engaging plethora of figures providing a visual demonstration of data trends, both national and local case studies are considered throughout this book, as well as right-wing radicalization, the role of Cuban-Americans, race, and threats to American democracy. This book is an ideal study companion for faculty and graduate students in fields including geography and political science, sociology, American studies, media studies and urban planning, as well as those with an interest in U.S. politics more generally.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of recent research on the internet, emphasizing its spatial dimensions, geospatial applications, and the numerous social and geographic implications such as the digital divide and the mobile internet. Written by leading scholars in the field, the book sheds light on the origins and the multiple facets of the internet. It addresses the various definitions of cyberspace and the rise of the World Wide Web, draws upon media theory, as well as explores the physical infrastructure such as the global skein of fibre optics networks and broadband connectivity. Several economic dimensions, such as e-commerce, e-tailing, e-finance, e-government, and e-tourism, are also explored. Apart from its most common uses such as Google Earth, social media like Twitter, and neogeography, this volume also presents the internet's novel uses for ethnographic research and the study of digital diasporas. Illustrated with numerous graphics, maps, and charts, the book will best serve as supplementary reading for academics, students, researchers, and as a professional handbook for policy makers involved in communications, media, retailing, and economic development.
This Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of media geography, focusing on a range of different media viewed through the lenses of human geography and media theory. It addresses the spatial practices and processes associated with both old and new media, considering "media" not just as technologies and infrastructures, but also as networks, systems and assemblages of things that come together to enable communication in the real world. With contributions from academics specializing in geography and media studies, the Routledge Handbook of Media Geographies summarizes the recent developments in the field and explores key questions and challenges affecting various groups, such as women, minorities, and persons with visual impairment. It considers geographical aspects of disruptive media uses such as hacking, fake news, and racism. Written in an approachable style, chapters consider geographies of users, norms, rules, laws, values, attitudes, routines, customs, markets, and power relations. They shed light on how mobile media make users vulnerable to tracking and surveillance but also facilitate innovative forms of mobility, space perception and placemaking. Structured in four distinct sections centered around "control and access to digital media," "mass media," "mobile media and surveillance" and "media and the politics of knowledge," the Handbook explores digital divides and other manifestations of the uneven geographies of power. It also includes an overview of the alternative social media universe created by the Chinese government. Media geography is a burgeoning field of study that lies at the intersections of various social sciences, including human geography, political science, sociology, anthropology, communication/media studies, urban studies, and women and gender studies. Academics and students across these fields will greatly benefit from this Handbook.
This Handbook offers an insightful and comprehensive overview from a geographic perspective of the numerous and varied technologies that are shaping the contemporary world. It shows how geography and technology are intimately linked by examining the origins, growth, and impacts of 27 different technologies and highlighting how they influence the structure and spatiality of society. Following summaries of important conceptual issues such as diffusion, gender and science studies, the book explores various technologies, which are grouped into six main categories: Computational: code, location-based services and virtual reality Communications: fiber optics, satellites, the internet, radio, cell phones and television Transportation: automobiles, aviation, drones, railroads, and shipping and ports Energy: biofuels, dams, fracking, geothermal energy, pipelines, solar energy and LEED buildings Manufacturing: robotics, just-in-time systems and nanotechnology Life sciences: new technologies of health care, biotechnology and biometrics. Significantly, the book includes in-depth explorations of new technologies that have so far received very little attention from geographers. This much-needed Handbook offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art summary of the geographies of major technologies and how they affect society, economies, geographies and everyday life. It will appeal to academics and advanced students interested in geography, planning and the social sciences in general. Contributors include: R. Baghel, M. Batty, R.E. Baxter, T. Birtchnell, M.J. Blair, L. Cabral, K.E. Calvert, M. Chen, J. Cidell, J.C. Comer, D. Comfort, S.W. Cunningham, M. Dodge, A.R. Goetz, A. Golub, A. Grech, D. Hillier, A. Holl, J.P. Howell, A. Johnson, P. Jones, A. Kellerman, L. Kurdgelashvili, L. Li, H. Lin, R. Lobato, B.P.Y. Loo, A. Lopez Pelaez, E. Louie, S. Maalsen, W.E. Mabee, J.D. Makholm, J. McLean, M. Nusser, G. Popescu, R. Rama, P.L. Robertson, J.-P. Rodrigue, M.W. Rosenberg, B. Solomon, J.D. Stephen, D. Sui, G. Timilsina, N. Waldbrook, B. Warf, T.A. Wikle, C. Wilkinson
This book delves into the life and work of President Donald Trump, who is arguably the most famous and controversial person in the world today. While his administration has received enormous attention, few have studied the spatial dimensions of his policies. Political Landscapes of Donald Trump explores the geographies of Trump from multiple conceptual standpoints. It contextualizes Donald and his rise to power within the geography of his victory in 2016. Several essays in the book are concerned with his white ethno-nationalist political platform and social bases of support. Others focus on Trump’s use of Twitter, his ties to professional wrestling, and his innumerable lies and deceits. Yet another set delves into the geopolitics of his foreign policies, notably in Cuba, Korea, the Middle East, and China. Finally, it covers how his administration has addressed – or failed to address – climate change and its treatment of undocumented immigrants. This book will be of interest to anyone interested in the Trump administration, as well as social scientists and the informed lay public.
This book delves into the life and work of President Donald Trump, who is arguably the most famous and controversial person in the world today. While his administration has received enormous attention, few have studied the spatial dimensions of his policies. Political Landscapes of Donald Trump explores the geographies of Trump from multiple conceptual standpoints. It contextualizes Donald and his rise to power within the geography of his victory in 2016. Several essays in the book are concerned with his white ethno-nationalist political platform and social bases of support. Others focus on Trump's use of Twitter, his ties to professional wrestling, and his innumerable lies and deceits. Yet another set delves into the geopolitics of his foreign policies, notably in Cuba, Korea, the Middle East, and China. Finally, it covers how his administration has addressed - or failed to address - climate change and its treatment of undocumented immigrants. This book will be of interest to anyone interested in the Trump administration, as well as social scientists and the informed lay public.
Though any psychoactive substance can be revered or reviled as a drug, as people's cultural norms shift, ultimately its status is determined in law by the state. This publication explores the regulation of drugs - alcohol and cannabis to heroin and cocaine - and practices such as social drinking and public injecting under political regimes. Drugs are discussed in their geographical contexts: the colonial legacy of cannabis prohibition for bioprospecting in Africa; the veracity of the persistent notion of the narco-state; Turkey's governance of drinking amid civil unrest; and alcohol's place in the neoliberal political economy of Ireland. In addition, drug policies are examined: from problems in managing drug-related litter in the UK to supervised injecting facility provision in Australia; harm reduction in Canada; and the global network of drug policy activists. Place is significant, but porous borders, territorial overlaps and multi-scalar linkages are influential in remaking the world through current challenges to the 'war on drugs'. This book was originally published as a special issue of Space & Polity.
The Handbook on the Geographies of Corruption is a comprehensive overview of corruption, exploring the immense variation of corruption among nations, and how this reflects levels of wealth, the centralization of power, colonial legacies, and different national cultures. In this Handbook, Barney Warf brings together a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collection of original new chapters from established researchers and leading academics to examine corruption from a spatial perspective. The Handbook opens with a series of thematic chapters on the causes and consequences of corruption, its geography, the connection between corruption and gender, and the role of e-government in mitigating current corruption issues. Further chapters offer a series of national case studies, on countries including Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Ukraine, Bangladesh, and the Philippines from which to draw lessons. This Handbook will be a valuable read for human geography scholars and corruption researchers, wishing to gain a more in depth understanding of how and why corruption levels differ across the world. Practitioners concerned with combatting corruption would also greatly benefit from reading this given its real-world insights. Contributors include: A. Batory, S. Bayraktar, C. Calimbahin, S. Dabbous, D. Danieli, E. Dimant, N.G. Elbahnasawy, D.H. Enste, M. Eren, A. Guizani, C. Heldman, A. Jimenez, F.F. Khan, J. Leitner, J.M. Luiz, M. Marktanner, H. Meissner, K.Z. Meyer, M. Mietzner, S. Morris, M. Nurunnabi, V. Pesque-Cela, G.G. Schulze, K. Senters, A. Sghaier, H.O. Stensoeta, L. Wangnerud, B. Warf, M. Wilson, M.S. Winters, N. Zakharov
Electoral Geography, the analysis of spatial patterns of voting, is undergoing a renaissance with new methodological advances, theoretical shifts and changes in the political landscape. Integrating new conceptual approaches with a broad array of case studies from the USA, Europe and Asia, this volume examines key questions in electoral geography: How has electoral geography changed since the 1980s when the last wave of works in this sub discipline appeared? In what ways does contemporary scholarship in social theory inform the analysis of elections and their spatial patterns? How has electoral geography been reconfigured by social and technological changes and those that shape the voting process itself? How can the comparative analysis of elections inform the field? In addressing these issues, the volume moves electoral geography beyond its traditional, empiricist focus on the United States to engage with contemporary theoretical developments and to outline the myriad theoretical, conceptual and methodological perspectives and applications that together are ushering in electoral geography's revitalization. The result is a broader, comparative analysis of how elections reflect and in turn shape social and spatial relations.
If geography is the study of how human beings are stretched over the earth s surface, a vital part of that process is how we know and feel about space and time. Although space and time appear as "natural" and outside of society, they are in fact social constructions; every society develops different ways of measuring, organizing, and perceiving them. Given steady increases in the volume and velocity of social transactions over space, time and space have steadily "shrunk" via the process of time-space compression. By changing the time-space prisms of daily life how people use their times and spaces, the opportunities and constraints they face, the meanings they attach to them time-space compression is simultaneously cultural, social, political, and psychological in nature. This book explores how various social institutions and technologies historically generated enormous improvements in transportation and communications that produced transformative reductions in the time and cost of interactions among places, creating ever-changing geographies of centrality and peripherality. Warf invokes a global perspective on early modern, late modern, and postmodern capitalism. He makes use of data concerning travel times at various historical junctures, maps of distances between places at different historical moments, anecdotal analyses based on published accounts of people s sense of place, examinations of cultural forms that represented space (e.g., paintings), and quotes about the culture of speed. Warf shows how time-space compression varies under different historical and geographical conditions, indicating that it is not one, single, homogenous process but a complex, contingent, and contested one. This book will be useful book for those studying and researching Geography, History, Sociology, and Political Science, as well as Anthropology, and Philosophy."
Across the disciplines, the study of space has undergone a profound and sustained transformation. Space, place, mapping, and geographical imaginations have become commonplace topics in a variety of analytical fields in part because globalization has accentuated the significance of location. While this transformation has led to a renaissance in human geography, it also has manifested itself in the humanities and other social sciences. The purpose of this book is not to announce that space is significant, which by now is well known, but to explore how space is analyzed by a variety of disciplines, to compare and contrast these approaches, identify commonalities, and explore how and why differences appear. The volume includes works by 13 scholars from a variety of geographical regions and disciplines. The chapters combine up-to-date literature reviews concerning the role of space in each discipline and several offer original empirical analyses. Some chapters are concerned with Geography while others explore the role of space in contemporary Anthropology, Sociology, Religion, Political Science, Film, and Cultural Studies. The introduction surveys the development of the spatial turn across the fields under consideration. Despite frequent reference to the spatial turn, this is the first volume to explicitly address how theory and practice concerning space, is used in a variety of fields from diverse conceptual perspectives. This book will appeal to everyone conducting conceptual and theoretical research on space, not simply in Geography, but in related fields as well.
Human geography in the last decade has undergone a conceptual and methodological renaissance that transformed it into one of the most dynamic and innovative of the social sciences. Long a borrower of ideas from other disciplines, geography has become a contributor in its own right, and a "spatial turn" is evident in disciplines as diverse as Sociology, Anthropology, and Literary Criticism. With more than 300 entries written by an international team of leading authorities in the field, the Encyclopedia of Human Geography offers a comprehensive overview of the major ideas, concepts, terms, and approaches that characterize a notoriously diverse field. This multidisciplinary volume provides cross-cultural coverage of human geography as it is understood in the contemporary world and takes into account the enormous conceptual changes that have evolved since the 1970s, including a variety of social constructivist approaches. Key Features Examines a range of themes characterizing different schools of thought and addresses long-standing topics, such as urban, economic, and medical geography, as well as contemporary topics, including feminism, the social dimensions of GIS, and the social construction of nature Explores many of the dualities that long characterized social science-nature versus society, the individual versus the social, the historical versus the geographical, consumption versus production-and breaks them down using postmodern and poststructuralist approaches Illustrates how social and spatial structures draw upon people's daily lives, which in turn structures their actions Looks at how globalization has manifested differently from place to place by discussing topics such as transnational capital, international trade, global commodity chains, global cities, international financial and telecommunications systems, and how the global economy is reshaping geopolitics and governance Key Themes Cartography/Geographical Information Systems Economic Geography Geographic Theory and History Political Geography Social/Cultural Geography Urban Geography
Electoral Geography, the analysis of spatial patterns of voting, is undergoing a renaissance with new methodological advances, theoretical shifts and changes in the political landscape. Integrating new conceptual approaches with a broad array of case studies from the USA, Europe and Asia, this volume examines key questions in electoral geography: How has electoral geography changed since the 1980s when the last wave of works in this sub discipline appeared? In what ways does contemporary scholarship in social theory inform the analysis of elections and their spatial patterns? How has electoral geography been reconfigured by social and technological changes and those that shape the voting process itself? How can the comparative analysis of elections inform the field? In addressing these issues, the volume moves electoral geography beyond its traditional, empiricist focus on the United States to engage with contemporary theoretical developments and to outline the myriad theoretical, conceptual and methodological perspectives and applications that together are ushering in electoral geography's revitalization. The result is a broader, comparative analysis of how elections reflect and in turn shape social and spatial relations.
Across the disciplines, the study of space has undergone a profound and sustained transformation. Space, place, mapping, and geographical imaginations have become commonplace topics in a variety of analytical fields in part because globalization has accentuated the significance of location. While this transformation has led to a renaissance in human geography, it also has manifested itself in the humanities and other social sciences. The purpose of this book is not to announce that space is significant, which by now is well known, but to explore how space is analyzed by a variety of disciplines, to compare and contrast these approaches, identify commonalities, and explore how and why differences appear. The volume includes works by 13 scholars from a variety of geographical regions and disciplines. The chapters combine up-to-date literature reviews concerning the role of space in each discipline and several offer original empirical analyses. Some chapters are concerned with Geography while others explore the role of space in contemporary Anthropology, Sociology, Religion, Political Science, Film, and Cultural Studies. The introduction surveys the development of the spatial turn across the fields under consideration. Despite frequent reference to the spatial turn, this is the first volume to explicitly address how theory and practice concerning space, is used in a variety of fields from diverse conceptual perspectives. This book will appeal to everyone conducting conceptual and theoretical research on space, not simply in Geography, but in related fields as well.
Location is vital to the efficiency and profitability of industrial
activity. Industrial Location presents a comprehensive introduction
to and critical review of this field of growing academic and
business interest.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of recent research on the internet, emphasizing its spatial dimensions, geospatial applications, and the numerous social and geographic implications such as the digital divide and the mobile internet. Written by leading scholars in the field, the book sheds light on the origins and the multiple facets of the internet. It addresses the various definitions of cyberspace and the rise of the World Wide Web, draws upon media theory, as well as explores the physical infrastructure such as the global skein of fibre optics networks and broadband connectivity. Several economic dimensions, such as e-commerce, e-tailing, e-finance, e-government, and e-tourism, are also explored. Apart from its most common uses such as Google Earth, social media like Twitter, and neogeography, this volume also presents the internet's novel uses for ethnographic research and the study of digital diasporas. Illustrated with numerous graphics, maps, and charts, the book will best serve as supplementary reading for academics, students, researchers, and as a professional handbook for policy makers involved in communications, media, retailing, and economic development.
E-Government in Asia offers a thorough examination of e-governance in Asia, including the uses of the Internet to mediate interactions between Asian governments and their citizens. The book examines how the Internet is reshaping these interactions in the region and summarizes the nature of e-government, the growth of the Internet in Asia, issues of the digital divide, and how the Internet is affecting the ways in which public services are provided, how Asians acquire information, and other issues.
Though any psychoactive substance can be revered or reviled as a drug, as people's cultural norms shift, ultimately its status is determined in law by the state. This publication explores the regulation of drugs - alcohol and cannabis to heroin and cocaine - and practices such as social drinking and public injecting under political regimes. Drugs are discussed in their geographical contexts: the colonial legacy of cannabis prohibition for bioprospecting in Africa; the veracity of the persistent notion of the narco-state; Turkey's governance of drinking amid civil unrest; and alcohol's place in the neoliberal political economy of Ireland. In addition, drug policies are examined: from problems in managing drug-related litter in the UK to supervised injecting facility provision in Australia; harm reduction in Canada; and the global network of drug policy activists. Place is significant, but porous borders, territorial overlaps and multi-scalar linkages are influential in remaking the world through current challenges to the 'war on drugs'. This book was originally published as a special issue of Space & Polity. |
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