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Contents include: Chapter One - Living Landmarks of Freemasonry
Chapter Two - 1723 and All That Chapter Three - Father Christmas
and Charitable Giving Chapter Four - Darkness Much More Visible
Chapter Five - 2nd Duke of Richmond - Grand Master 1724-1725
Chapter Six - Freemasonry and the Bible Chapter Seven - Freemasonry
under Adversity Chapter Eight - English Nobility and Freemasonry
Chapter Nine - Not Just Geometry Chapter Ten - Ritual and
Freemasonry Chapter Eleven - Who Was Adoniram? Chapter Twelve -
Hogarth's "Night"
The global best-selling graphic novel series - over half a million
copies sold! Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files collects the
adventures of the iconic British character, presented in
chronological order, complete and uncut! He's judge, jury and
executioner - the lawman delivering justice to the mean streets of
far-future Mega-City One. This fifth blockbuster volume includes
the all-time classic mega-epic `The Apocalypse War'. Written by
comic legends John Wagner (A History of Violence) and Alan Grant
(Batman), with art by Carlos Ezquerra (Preacher), Brian Bolland
(The Killing Joke) and Mick McMahon (The Last American) and many
more! "If you want to sink your teeth into classic Judge Dredd, the
best place to start" - Mental Floss "Amazing and addictive" - io9
"What a collection it will be when it's complete." - Den of Geek
The global best-selling graphic novel series - over half a million
copies sold! Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files collects the
adventures of the iconic British character, presented in
chronological order, complete and uncut! He's judge, jury and
executioner - the lawman delivering justice to the mean streets of
far-future Mega-City One. This third blockbuster volume includes
classic Judge Death and Psi Anderson storylines. Written by comic
legends John Wagner (A History of Violence), Pat Mills (Marshall
Law) and Alan Grant (Batman), with art by Brian Bolland (The
Killing Joke), Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), Ian Gibson (The Ballad of
Halo Jones) and many more!
This is the first book in recent years to reconsider the shape and details of the English law of homicide, a topic avoided by governments in their plans for law reform. It discusses how the law should define murder, how it should respond to provoked killings, how it should deal with mentally abnormal killers, etc.
If you're taking an undergraduate or postgraduate medical courses,
or similar courses in other related disciplines, this is the book
for you. Embryology is a concise and highly illustrated text,
covering only the descriptions you really need to know. An
appreciation of embryology is essential to understand topological
relationships in gross anatomy and to explain many congenital
anomalies. Text in concise Illustrated Colour Text style, so core
information on embryology can be quickly recognised and digested.
Clear full colour diagrams and pictures make the embryological
concepts clear and easily assimilated. Clinical boxes highlight
essential points of importance to medical students.
Based on a two-part study, this book examines the courts'
interpretation of murder and the management of those serving life
sentences for murder. It discusses the law, judges' difficulties in
interpreting the law and inconsistencies that occur in various
cases. The author suggests that legal reforms should ensure that
the stigma attached to murder is maintained. Part two looks at life
imprisonment as the maximum penalty for murder. It examines the
operation of the Prison Department's policy of managing "lifers",
and the possibilities for releasing them without endangering the
A concise, superbly illustrated (print + electronic) textbook that
brings together a reliable, clear and up to date guide to surface
anatomy and its underlying gross anatomy, combined with a practical
application of ultrasound and other imaging modalities. A thorough
understanding of surface anatomy remains a critical part of
clinical practice, but with improved imaging technology, portable
ultrasound is also fast becoming integral to routine clinical
examination and effective diagnosis. This unique new text combines
these two essential approaches to effectively understanding
clinical anatomy and reflects latest approaches within modern
medical curricula. It is tailored specifically to the needs of
medical students and doctors in training and will also prove
invaluable to the wide range of allied health students and
professionals who need a clear understanding of visible and
palpable anatomy combined with anatomy as seen on ultrasound.
Concise text and high quality illustrations, photographs, CT, MRI
and ultrasound scans provide a clear, integrated understanding of
the anatomical basis for modern clinical practice Highly accessible
and at a level appropriate for medical students and a wide range of
allied health students and professionals Reflects current
curriculum trend of heavily utilizing living anatomy and ultrasound
to learn anatomy Supplementary video content showing live
ultrasound scans and guided areas of surface anatomy to bring
content to life and reflect current teaching and clinical settings
An international advisory panel appointed to add expertise and
ensure relevance to the variety of medical and allied health
markets Inclusion of latest ultrasound image modalities Designed to
complement and enhance the highly successful Gray's family of
texts/atlases although also effective as a stand-alone or alongside
other established anatomy resources
The law of homicide is probably the most high-profile area of the
criminal law, yet has been relatively neglected by law reform
agencies. This text brings together six English criminal lawyers to
discuss the future shape of the English law of homicide and deals
with such important topics as the definition of murder, the
relevance of mental abnormality provocation, unintentional
killings, defences and sentencing. The book also considers broad
policy choices and matters of detail in their contemporary social
and legal context, and highlights the difficult issues that need to
be tackled if we are to have an up-to-date law of murder and
The 1970s heralded the universal arrival of the dedicated roll-on
roll-off freight ferry, or the ro-ro as it became more economically
known. During the early years of the ro-ro several owners continued
to carry a limited number of passengers in the same style and
comfort as expected aboard their former conventional 'short-sea'
freighters. 'By Ro-Ro to the Baltic' takes the reader aboard a
bygone class-leading vessel for a 'fly on the wall' look at its
operation on an intriguing near three-thousand mile voyage of
several decades past.
Murder is often regarded as both the 'ultimate' and a unique crime,
and whereas courts are normally given discretion in sentencing
offenders, for murder the sentence is mandatory - indeterminate
imprisonment. Since the crime and the punishment come as a 'package
deal' this book looks at both the legal nature of the offence and
at the current operation of the mandatory life sentence. Not only
does the book adopt a critical approach, by assessing the strengths
and weaknesses of the status quo, it also draws upon comparative
material from both common and civil law jurisdictions in an attempt
to provide a comprehensive exploration of these issues. The need
for public confidence in the criminal justice system is
particularly acute in the way it deals with the most serious
homicides. In this book the authors report findings from the first
systematic exploration of public attitudes to sentencing murder in
this or any other common law jurisdiction. The picture of public
opinion emerging from this recent large-scale nationwide
qualitative and quantitative survey, funded by the Nuffield
Foundation, is likely to surprise many, and will be of interest to
all jurisdictions where the mandatory life sentence for murder has
been questioned.