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Reassessment of the foreign policies and activities of Henry III,
revealing them to be more successful than hitherto thought. Modern
historians have frequently maligned Henry III of England
(1216-1272) for his entanglements in European affairs. However,
this book moves past orthodox opinion to offer a reappraisal of his
activities. Using Henry's dealingswith the rulers of the Staufen
Empire (Germany, Northern France, Northern Italy and Sicily) as a
case study to explore the broader international context within
which he acted, the author offers a more varied reading of Henry's
"European adventures"; he shows that far from being an expensive
aberration, they reveal the English king as acting within the same
parameters and according to the same norms as his peers and
contemporaries. Moreover, they provide new insights into the
structures and mechanisms, the ideals and institutions which
defined the conduct of relations between rulers and realms in the
medieval West; medieval politics, it is argued, cannot be
understood in isolationfrom wider movements, ideals and concepts.
The book will be of value not only for historians of medieval
England, but also for those with a more general interest in the
wider political structures of the pre-modern West. Dr BJORN K. U.
WEILER is Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Wales,
Fruits of the most recent research into the "long" thirteenth
century. The twin themes of authority and resistance are the focus
of this volume, explored through topics such as landholding and
secular politics, the church and religious orders and contemporary
imagery and its reception. Together, thepapers combine to
illustrate the variety of ways in which historians of the "long"
thirteenth century are able to examine the practices and norms
through which individuals and institutions sought to establish
their authority, andthe ways in which these were open to challenge.
JANET BURTON is Professor of Medieval History at University of
Wales: Trinity Saint David; PHILLIPP SCHOFIELD is Professor of
Medieval History at Aberystwyth University; BJORN WEILER is
Professor of History at Aberystwyth University. Contributors: Helen
Birkett, Richard Cassidy, Judith Collard, Peter Coss, Ian Forrest,
Philippa Hoskin, Jennifer Jahner, Melissa Julian Jones, Fergus
Oakes, John Sabapathy, Sita Steckel.
Fruits of the most recent research on the thirteenth century in
both England and Europe. The articles collected here reflect the
continued and wide interest in England and its neighbours in the
years between Magna Carta and the Black Death, with many of them
particularly seeking to set England in its European context.There
are three main strands to the volume. The first is the social
dimension of power, and the norms and practice of politics:
attention is drawn to the variety of roles open to members of the
clergy, but also peasants and townsmen, and the populace at large.
Several chapters explore the manifestations and instruments of
social identity, such as the seals used by the leading elites of
thirteenth-century London, and the marriage practices of the
Englisharistocracy. The third main focus is the uses of the past.
Matthew Paris, the most famous chronicler of the period, receives
due attention, in particular his changing attitude towards the
monarch, but the Vita Edwardi Secundi's portrayal of Thomas of
Lancaster and the Anglo-Norman Prose Brut are also considered.
Janet Burton is Professor of Medieval History at University of
Wales: Trinity Saint David; Phillipp Schofield is Professor of
Medieval History at Aberystwyth University; Bjoern Weiler is
Professor of History at Aberystwyth University. Contributors: J.R.
Maddicott, Phillipp Schofield, Harmony Dewez, John McEwan, Joerg
Peltzer, Karen Stoeber, Olga Cecilia Mendez Gonzalez, Sophie
Ambler, Joe Creamer, Lars Kjaer, Andrew Spencer, Julia Marvin,
Olivier de Laborderie
Medieval Europe was a world of kings, but what did this mean to
those who did not themselves wear a crown? How could they prevent
corrupt and evil men from seizing the throne? How could they ensure
that rulers would not turn into tyrants? Drawing on a rich array of
remarkable sources, this engaging study explores how the fears and
hopes of a ruler's subjects shaped both the idea and the practice
of power. It traces the inherent uncertainty of royal rule from the
creation of kingship and the recurring crises of royal successions,
through the education of heirs and the intrigue of medieval
elections, to the splendour of a king's coronation, and the pivotal
early years of his reign. Monks, crusaders, knights, kings (and
those who wanted to be kings) are among a rich cast of characters
who sought to make sense of and benefit from an institution that
was an object of both desire and fear.
New perspectives on and interpretations of the popular medieval
genre of the universal chronicle. Found in pre-modern cultures of
every era and across the world, from the ancient Near East to
medieval Latin Christendom, the universal chronicle is
simultaneously one of the most ubiquitous pre-modern cultural forms
and one of the most overlooked. Universal chronicles narrate the
history of the whole world from the time of its creation up to the
then present day, treating the world's affairs as though they were
part of a single organic reality, and uniting various strands of
history into a unifed, coherent story. They reveal a great deal
about how the societies that produced them understood their world
and how historical narrative itself can work to produce that
understanding. The essays here offer new perspectives on the genre,
from a number of different disciplines, demonstrating their
vitality, flexibility and cultural importance, They reveal them to
be deeply political texts, which allowed history-writers and their
audiences to locate themselves in space, time and in the created
universe. Several chapters address the manuscript context, looking
at the innovative techniques of compilation, structure and layout
that placed them at the cutting edge of medieval book technology.
Others analyse the background of universal chronicles, and identify
their circulation amongst different social groups; there are also
investigations into their literary discourse, patronage, authorship
and diffusion. Michele Campopiano is Senior Lecturer in Medieval
Latin Literature at the University of York; Henry Bainton is
Lecturer in High Medieval Literature at the University of York.
Contributors:Tobias Andersson, Michele Campopiano, Cornelia Dreer,
Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Elena Koroleva, Keith Lilley, Andrew
Marsham, Rosa M. Rodriguez Porto, Christophe Thierry, Elizabeth M.
Tyler, Steven Vanderputten, Bjorn Weiler, Claudia Wittig.
In chronological and geographical scope this volume ranges
fromtenth-century Marchiennes, to three castles c.1300 in Co.
Carlow, via Toulouse in 1159; none the less, England in the
eleventh and twelfth centuries remains central. Three papers deal
with the late Anglo-Saxon earls and their followers as consumers
and politicians; three with religious institutions in both
charitable and political perspective. Familiar subjects such as
English castle keeps, the Bayeux Tapestry and the New Forest are
shown in unfamiliar light. Other papers consider contemporary views
of Henry I and Stephen and modern views of Anglo-Saxon slavery.
A series which is a model of its kind EDMUND KING, HISTORY The
contemporary historians of Anglo-Norman England form a particular
focus of this issue. There are contributions on Henry of
Huntingdon's representation of civil war; on the political intent
of the poems in the anonymous Life ofEdward the Confessor; on
William of Malmesbury's depiction of Henry I; and on the influence
upon historians of the late antique history attributed to
Hegesippus. A paper on Gerald of Wales and Merlin brings valuable
literary insights to bear. Other pieces tackle religious history
(northern monasteries during the Anarchy, the abbey of Tiron) and
politics (family history across the Conquest, the Norman brothers
Urse de Abetot and Robert Dispenser, the friendship network of King
Stephen's family). The volume begins with Judith Green's Allen
Brown Memorial Lecture, which provides a wide-ranging account of
kingship, lordsihp and community in eleventh-century England.
CONTRIBUTORS: Judith Green, Janet Burton, Catherine A.M. Clarke,
Sebastien Danielo, Emma Mason, Ad Putter, Kathleen Thompson, Jean
A. Truax, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Bjoern Weiler, Neil Wright
Studies on the cultural, social, political and economic history of
the age. This collection presents new and original research on the
long thirteenth century, from c.1180-c.1330, including England's
relations with Wales and Ireland. The range of topics embraces
royal authority and its assertion and limitation, the great royal
inquests and judicial reform of the reign of Edward I, royal
manipulation of noble families, weakening royal administration at
the end of the century, sex and love in the upper levels of
society, monastic/layrelations, and the administration of building
ROBERT WRIGHT. THE EDITORS are all in the Department of History,
University of Durham.
[The series is] a necessary addition for any scholar working in
this field. NOTTINGHAM MEDIEVAL STUDIES Editors: Janet Burton,
Bjoern Weiler, Philipp Schofield, Karen Stoeber The thirteenth
century brought the British Isles into ever closer contact with one
another, and with medieval Europe as a whole. This international
dimensionforms a dominant theme of this collection: it features
essays on England's relations with the papal court; the adoption of
European cultural norms in Scotland; Welsh society and crusading;
English landholding in Ireland; and dealings between the kings of
England and Navarre. Other papers, on ritual crucifixion, concepts
of office and ethcis, and the English royal itinerary, show that
the thirteenth century was also a period of profound political and
cultural change, witnessing the transformation of legal and
economic structures [represented here by case studies of noblewomen
and their burial customs; and a prolonged inheritance dispute in
Laxton]. This volume testifies to the continuing vitality and [with
contributors from three continents and six countries] international
nature of scholarship on medieval Britain; and moves beyond the
Channel to make an important contribution to the history of
medieval Europes. Contributors: ROBERT STACEY, FREDERIQUE LACHAUD,
An indispensable series for anyone who wishes to keep abreast of
recent work in the field. WELSH HISTORY REVIEW The continued
vitality and rich diversity of thirteenth-century studies is
demonstrated in this latest volume in the series. Economic and
social history is particular well-served, with a close examination
of the concept of "bastard feudalism", while a detailed exploration
of the cloth industry and trade, together with a paper on London
wardrobes, with their implications of conspicuous consumption, add
much to our knowledge of the commercial world during the period.
There is also a particular focus on English relations with Wales
and Scotland under Edward I, and on the early history and
development of parliament. Other subjects treated include the
nature of Englishness; the serjeants of the Common Pleas; English
verse chronicles; and Henry III's marriage plans. Professor MICHAEL
PRESTWICH, Professor ROBIN FRAME and the late Professor RICHARD
BRITNELL taught at the Department of History at the University of
This comparative study explores three key cultural and political
spheres - the Latin west, Byzantium and the Islamic world from
Central Asia to the Atlantic - roughly from the emergence of Islam
to the fall of Constantinople. These spheres drew on a shared pool
of late antique Mediterranean culture, philosophy and science, and
they had monotheism and historical antecedents in common. Yet where
exactly political and spiritual power lay, and how it was
exercised, differed. This book focuses on power dynamics and
resource-allocation among ruling elites; the legitimisation of
power and property with the aid of religion; and on rulers'
interactions with local elites and societies. Offering the reader
route-maps towards navigating each sphere and grasping the
fundamentals of its political culture, this set of parallel studies
offers a timely and much needed framework for comparing the
societies surrounding the medieval Mediterranean.
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