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The studies in this volume conceptualize populism as a type of
political communication and investigate it comparatively, focusing
on (a) politicians' and journalists' perceptions, (b) media
coverage, and (c) effects on citizens. This book presents findings
from several large-scale internationally comparative empirical
studies, funded by the European Cooperation in the field of
Scientific and Technical Research (COST), focusing on communication
and the media within the context of populism and populist political
communication in Europe. The studies are based on comparative
interview studies with journalists and politicians, a large-scale
comparative content analysis, and a comparative cross-country
experiment using nationally representative online-surveys over 15
countries. The book also includes advice for stakeholders like
politicians, the media, and citizens about how to deal with the
challenge of populist political communication. This enlightening
volume is 'populist' in the best sense and will be an essential
text for any scholar in political science, communication science,
media studies, sociology and philosophy with an interest in
populism and political communication. It does not assume specialist
knowledge and will remain accessible and engaging to students,
practitioners and policymakers. Chapter 1 and 12 of this book are
freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license.
Against the background of an enormous expansion and diversification
of both political communication itself and scientific research into
its structures, processes, and effects, this volume gives an
overview of some of the key theories and findings accumulated by
political communication research over the last decades. In order to
do so, the volume provides readers with review articles by renowned
international authors on various aspects of (I) the normative,
regulatory and conceptual foundations of political communication,
(II) different situations of political communication (e.g.,
elections, referendums, social movements, media hypes, crisis and
war), (III) the activities of and part played by political actors,
(IV) mass media and journalism, (V) characteristics and typical
features of media messages, (VI) the role played by citizens as
well as (VII) various kinds of effects on citizens. Each section
includes several chapters that address specific issues and research
problems in the form of comprehensive overviews articles.
In an increasing number of countries around the world, populist
leaders, political parties and movements have gained prominence and
influence, either by electoral successes on their own or by
influencing other political parties and the national political
discourse. While it is widely acknowledged that the media and the
role of communication more broadly are key to understanding the
rise and success of populist leaders, parties and movements, there
is however very little research on populist political
communication, at least in the English-speaking research
literature. Originating from a research project funded by the
European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical
Research (COST), this book seeks to advance this research. It
includes examinations 24 European countries, and focuses on three
areas within the context of populism and populist political
communication: populist actors as communicators, the media and
populism and citizens and populism.
The studies in this volume conceptualize populism as a type of
political communication and investigate it comparatively, focusing
on (a) politicians' and journalists' perceptions, (b) media
coverage, and (c) effects on citizens. This book presents findings
from several large-scale internationally comparative empirical
studies, funded by the European Cooperation in the field of
Scientific and Technical Research (COST), focusing on communication
and the media within the context of populism and populist political
communication in Europe. The studies are based on comparative
interview studies with journalists and politicians, a large-scale
comparative content analysis, and a comparative cross-country
experiment using nationally representative online-surveys over 15
countries. The book also includes advice for stakeholders like
politicians, the media, and citizens about how to deal with the
challenge of populist political communication. This enlightening
volume is 'populist' in the best sense and will be an essential
text for any scholar in political science, communication science,
media studies, sociology and philosophy with an interest in
populism and political communication. It does not assume specialist
knowledge and will remain accessible and engaging to students,
practitioners and policymakers. Chapter 1 and 11 of this book are
freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license.
In an increasing number of countries around the world, populist
leaders, political parties and movements have gained prominence and
influence, either by electoral successes on their own or by
influencing other political parties and the national political
discourse. While it is widely acknowledged that the media and the
role of communication more broadly are key to understanding the
rise and success of populist leaders, parties and movements, there
is however very little research on populist political
communication, at least in the English-speaking research
literature. Originating from a research project funded by the
European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical
Research (COST), this book seeks to advance this research. It
includes examinations 24 European countries, and focuses on three
areas within the context of populism and populist political
communication: populist actors as communicators, the media and
populism and citizens and populism.
Wahlen werden in Deutschland mittlerweile massgeblich von Personen
entschieden, die sich erst kurz vor der Wahl auf eine Partei
festlegen. Wer aber sind diese Spatentscheider und wie treffen sie
ihre Wahl? Sind ihre Entscheidungen irrational und impulsiv oder im
Gegenteil besonders gewissenhaft und daher verzoegert? Welche
Informationen ziehen sie heran und sind sie besonders anfallig fur
Medieneinflusse? Um diese und weitere Fragen zu beantworten, haben
die Autoren im Bundestagswahlkampf 2009 eine Mehr-Methoden-Studie
durchgefuhrt. Darin verknupfen sie eine reprasentative
Panel-Befragung mit einer Inhaltsanalyse der
Wahlkampfberichterstattung sowie einer Realtime-Response-Studie zum
Die Autoren haben in ihrer Studie die Eindrucke, die 125
Wahlberechtigte in Mainz und Jena wahrend des Duell von den
Kandidaten hatten, sekundengenau analysiert. Zusammen mit einer
Inhaltsanalyse der Medienberichterstattung und einer Befragung vor,
direkt nach und noch einmal wenige Tage nach dem Duell ergibt sich
ein umfassendes Bild von der Wahrnehmung und Wirkung von
Der Band ist eine systematische und grundlegende Einfuhrung in die
Medieninhaltsforschung in Deutschland. Der erste Teil beschaftigt
sich mit der quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse als Methode und gibt dem
Leser Kriterien an die Hand, die ihm die Beurteilung der Qualitat
und die Interpretation von inhaltsanalytischen Befunden erleichtern
sollen. Der zweite Teil stellt die wichtigsten Ergebnisse
inhaltsanalytischer Studien in den Bereichen aktuelle
Berichterstattung (z.B. Politikdarstellung, Gewaltanteil,
Darstellung von Risiken), unterhaltende Medieninhalte sowie Werbung
zusammen. Ziel des Lehrbuchs ist ein systematischer Uberblick uber
die Medieninhalte in Deutschland."
Die Flut, der Irak-Konflikt, die TV-Duelle. Dies sind nach Ansicht
vieler Beobachter die wesentlichen Ursachen fur den
Stimmungsumschwung in der Endphase des Bundestagswahlkampfs 2002.
Doch waren die TV-Duelle wirklich so entscheidend? Dieser Frage
widmet sich der vorliegende Band. Die Autoren stutzen sich dabei
vor allem auf eine in ihrer Art einmalige Studie.