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"Un amigo me presto este libro como a la medianoche, y a las dos o tres de la madrugada yo seguia leyendo, con el corazon latiendo de excitacion, piel de gallina en los brazos y el cabello de la nuca erizado. Es una historia maravillosa e inspiradora que da luz a nuestra perspectiva, dandonos una sensacion de seguridad, claridad y calidez" - Donald Miller, autor de Blue Like Jazz. Echele un vistazo al cielo De camino a casa luego de una conferencia el auto de Don Piper fue aplastado por un camion que se cruzo de carril. Los paramedicos lo declararon muerto al instante. Mientras su cuerpo yacia inerte entre los hierros retorcidos de su auto Piper vivio las glorias del cielo, maravillado ante su belleza y la musica. Noventa minutos despues del accidente mientras un ministro oraba por el Piper volvio milagrosamente a la vida en la tierra con solo el recuerdo de la inexpresable dicha celestial. Su fe en Dios fue puesta a prueba severamente durante su incierta y dolorosa recuperacion. Ahora comparte con usted esta historia que le cambio la vida. 90 Minutos en el Cielo ofrece un vistazo de una dimension muy real de la realidad de Dios. alienta a quienes se recuperan de graves lesiones y a quienes estan en duelo por la perdida de un ser querido. La experiencia cambio la vida de Piper y tambien cambiara la suya. Don Piper es ministro ordenado desde 1985. Ha aparecido en numerosos programas de radio y television, escribe una columna en un periodico semanal y lidera conferencias y retiros en los EE.UU. y otros paises. Cecil Murphey ha escrito, solo o con otros autores, noventa y un libros que incluyen su trabajo en la autobiografia de Franklin Graham, Rebel with a Cause [Rebelde con causa].
Gifted Hands reveals the remarkable journey of Dr. Ben Carson from an angry, struggling young boy with everything stacked against him to the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center. As a boy, he did poorly in school and struggled with anger. If it were not for the persistence of his mother, a single parent who worked three jobs and pushed her sons to do their best, his story may have ended tragically. Join Dr. Carson on his journey from a struggling inner-city student to the pinnacle of his career as a world-renowned neurosurgeon. A man of humility, decency, compassion, courage, and sensitivity, he now serves as a role model for everyone who wants to achieve their God-given potential. As you learn more about Dr. Carson's amazing story, you'll be inspired to: Take charge of your own destiny Hone your God-given gifts Face adversity head on Filled with fascinating stories, Gifted Hands will transport you into the operating room to witness surgeries that made headlines around the world, and into the private mind of a compassionate, God-fearing physician who lives to help others.
This is the book you've been waiting for! Picking up where bestselling 90 Minutes in Heaven left off, Don Piper reveals for the first time the sacred, intimate details of the people who met him at the gates of heaven and the profound impact they had on his faith on earth. Piper, who suffered a horrific accident and was clinically dead for 90 minutes, returned to life only to go through a painful recovery, tells of his "welcoming committee" in heaven and the significant role each of them had on his earthly life. Their words and actions impacted him for eternity. People I Met at the Gates of Heaven continues the heaven conversation that is of such interest to people and shows how we can and should influence others on earth for heaven's purposes, just as those who preceded Don to heaven influenced him. At the end of each chapter there will be questions for further reflection or group discussion. As well, Piper and his writing partner Cecil Murphey have included a Q&A section at the back of the book-questions people have most often asked Piper about what heaven is like, who is there and what they can expect when they die. This all-new, delightful, revealing book will not only answer your questions about heaven but it will also challenge you to answer Jesus' call to "draw all people unto Me."
In "Live 10 Healthy Years Longer," biostatician Dr. Jan Kuzma and prolific writer Cecil Murphey make a startling connection between the spiritual and physical realms of our lives. After an in-depth 25-year study involving more than 27,000 participants, they discovered an amazing medical breakthrough that offers each of us the potential to live longer, healthier and happier lives. The "live longer lifestyle," based on Kuzma's years of research in longevity, present practical suggestions for reducing heart disease and cancer, losing weight, increasing vitality, enjoying life, and faithfully caring for the body that God has given each of us.
From the nearly 900,000-acre Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest to the Spanish-moss-tinged coastline to the black-watered Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia is a state of beauty and contrast. And set in the midst of Georgia is its gem of a capital, Atlanta?host of the 1996 Summer Olympics.
In the ten years since "90 Minutes in Heaven" was published,
millions of people worldwide have read the incredible true story of
Don Piper's experience with death and life--and in reading they
have found their own lives changed.
Do you feel like your life is a series of shattered dreams? Have you bought into the lie that you'll never amount to anything? In Think Big, Dr. Ben Carson is here to tell you some good news: none of that is true. By learning to think big, Ben rose from his humble beginnings to create a life full of amazing accomplishments and international renown. He climbed from the academic bottom of his fifth-grade class to become--at age thirty-three--head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He learned that he had potential, but more importantly, he learned how to unleash it--and you can too. If you put the principles in this book in motion, you can transform your life into one you'll love. As Dr. Carson teaches you how to unlock your own potential, you'll also learn: The importance of surrounding yourself with a supportive community How to look for God's gifts in your daily life The key to shifting your perspective and thinking big Your life is big--far bigger than you've ever imagined. Inside these pages lie the keys to recognizing your full potential. If you're ready to build a life that is rewarding, significant, and abundantly fruitful, let Think Big be your guide.
In 1987, Dr. Benjamin Carson gained worldwide recognition for his part in the first successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head. Carson pioneered again in a rare procedure known as a hemispherectomy, giving children without hope a second chance at life through a daring operation in which he literally removes one half of their brain. Such breakthroughs aren t unusual for Ben Carson. He s been beating the odds since he was a child. Raised in inner-city Detroit by a mother with a third grade education, Ben lacked motivation. He had terrible grades. And a pathological temper threatened to put him in jail. But Sonya Carson convinced her son he could make something of his life, even though everything around him said otherwise. Trust in God, a relentless belief in his own capabilities, and sheer determination catapulted Ben from failing grades to the directorship of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Gifted Hands takes you into the operating room to witness surgeries that made headlines around the world---and into the private mind of a compassionate, God-fearing physician who lives to help others."
Survivors of sexual abuse face a long road to recovery. With every bump and bruise and setback, they may wonder if total healing is even possible. In fact, the feeling that "I should be healed by now" is one that every survivor will have to deal with at some time. A survivor himself, Cecil Murphey writes, "I absolutely affirm that God can produce such a miracle. I don't know of any, but I still think that it is possible." So how are survivors to overcome the challenges they are sure to
face? Finding strength in community with other survivors is one key
to recovery. In "Not Quite Healed," two survivors join forces to
share insight and encouragement on the issues that challenge them
most. After a candid discussion about each issue, the authors
provide a self-affirming statement that men can study, memorize,
and recite on their darkest days--statements such as: Whether men are struggling with relying on God, living behind a mask, dealing with flashbacks and recurring dreams, or learning to forgive, Cecil Murphey and Gary Roe offer hope and comfort for the ongoing journey of recovery from sexual abuse.
Sex trafficking is currently a hot news topic, but it is not a new
problem or just a problem in "other" countries. Every year, an
estimated 300,000 American children are at risk of being lured into
the sex trade, some as young as eight years old. It is thought that
up to 90 percent of victims are never rescued.
Basado en la segunda parte del libro "Creo en el cielo." En estos tiempos dificiles, cuando la vida en la tierra es dificil para muchas personas, hay un anhelo por el cielo, no como un escape de nuestras "tribulaciones momentaneas" (2 Corintios 4:17), sino como una promesa de que hay un hogar eterno esperando a aquellos que ponen su confianza en Dios. En "Pueden nuestros seres queridos vernos desde el mas alla?" - Cecil Murphey y Twila Belk dan respuesta a algunas de las preguntas mas frecuentes sobre el cielo. El estilo edificante y reconfortante de Cecil Murphey ayudo a su libro "90 minutos en el cielo" a ser un "best seller "del" New York Times "y seguramente hara de este nuevo libro una lectura obligatoria.
The numbers of males abused in childhood are sometimes listed as low as 5 percent or as high as 33 percent. Though statistics are controversial, no one disputes the fact that childhood abuse is a continuing problem--or that such abuse can have devastating effects on future relationships. For all women who know and love a survivor of sexual assault, best-selling author Cecil Murphey has penned an honest and forthright book about surviving--and thriving--despite past abuses. Both informative and highly practical, Murphey helps women understand the continuing problems that abuse survivors may encounter, including hurtful memories, issues of self worth, and the need to feel in control. With sensitivity and encouragement, Murphey then explains what women can do to help bring about healing and forgiveness. Written with the empathy that only a true survivor can convey, "When a Man You Love Was Abused" is a timely piece of advice and encouragement. Find out more at www.menshatteringthesilence.blogspot.com. Watch the book trailer in the Kregel.com video library - www.kregel.com/video
Historias verdaderas de los que han experimentado el lugar mas maravilloso que nadie jamas podria imaginar. En estos tiempos dificiles, cuando la vida en la tierra es dificil para muchas personas, hay un anhelo por el cielo, no como un escape de nuestra "tribulacion momentanea" (2 Corintios 4:17), sino como una promesa de que es un Hogar eterno esperando a aquellos que ponen su confianza en Dios. En "Creo en el cielo," Cecil Murphey y Twila Belk han reunido y nos cuentan algunas de las historias mas dramaticas de la historia acerca del cielo y de las personas que han tenido la experiencia de este glorioso lugar. Se incluyen historias de la Biblia, las historias de nuestro pasado y de hoy en dia, muchas de ellas presentadas por primera vez. True stories of those who have experienced the most wondrous place anyone could ever imagine. In these challenging times, when life on earth is difficult for many people, there is a longing for heaven, not as an escape from our "momentary troubles" (2 Corinthians 4:17), but as a promise that there is an eternal home waiting for those who put their trust in God. Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk have assembled and re-told some of history's most dramatic stories about heaven and the people who have had a taste of this glorious place. Included are stories from the Bible, stories from history and present- day accounts, many presented for the very first time.
One day Eva Piper was an elementary school teacher, the mother of three, the beloved wife of a strong, protective husband. The next day she stood at the bedside of a broken man who could do nothing but moan in agony and turn his head away from her. Later she would learn that he had died and actually experienced heaven before being prayed back to life--a true miracle. Don Piper's testimony, told in the "New York Times" bestseller "90 Minutes in Heaven," would one day bring hope to thousands. But all that was in the future. Despite family and friends who kept vigil with her, Eva Piper found herself essentially alone. Walking in the dark. And she had always hated the dark. Though it parallels that of her husband, Eva Piper's account is quite different from his. It takes readers not to heavenly places but through a very earthly maze of hospital corridors, insurance forms, tiring commutes from home to workplace and hospital, and lonely hours of waiting and worrying. This is the story of a woman learning, step by darkened step, to go places she never thought she could go and growing into a person she never thought she could be. Packed with hard-earned wisdom about what it means to be a caregiver, to open yourself to the care of others, and to rest in God's provision, this book" "provides a dependable source of light to help you walk through the dark.
Cecil Murphey provides reflections from his counseling experience to illuminate the challenges facing those who respond to the physical and emotional needs of both young children and aging parents. Each devotional begins with a description of a difficult or trying moment common to caregivers and ends with a prayer and a biblical reading.
Piper, who suffered a horrific accident and was clinically dead for 90 minutes, returned to life only to go through a painful recovery, tells of his "welcoming committee" in heaven and the significant role each of them had on his earthly life. Their words and actions impacted him for eternity. People I Met at the Gates of Heaven continues the heaven conversation that is of such interest to people and shows how we can and should influence others on earth for heaven's purposes, just as those who preceded Don to heaven influenced him. At the end of each chapter there will be questions for further reflection or group discussion. As well, Piper and his writing partner Cecil Murphey have included a Q&A section at the back of the book-questions people have most often asked Piper about what heaven is like, who is there, and what they can expect when they die. This all-new, delightful, revealing book will not only answer your questions about heaven but it will also challenge you to answer Jesus' call to "draw all people unto Me."
Now available in a special edition for readers age 9-12, "90
Minutes in Heaven" is the runaway bestseller about one man's
experience with death and life. When Don Piper's car collided with
a semi-truck he was pronounced dead at the scene. For the next 90
minutes, he experienced the glories of heaven. Back on earth, a
passing minister felt led to pray for the accident victim even
though he was told Piper was dead. Miraculously, Piper came back to
life, and the pleasure of heaven was replaced by a long and painful
Torn from an idyllic life with a loving, extended family in 1960\u2019s Alabama, young Johnny Turnipseed found himself in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a father he no longer recognized and empty cupboards. A.C. Turnipseed\u2019s alcoholism and womanizing started a chain reaction of poverty, violence, addiction and despair that nearly destroyed three generations.From lost and frightened little boy to gang leader, drug dealer and pimp to one of the nation\u2019s most respected pioneers of community restoration, John Turnipseed\u2019s story of transformation and restoration is told with unflinching honesty and contagious hope.
The book of Proverbs deals with the human search for meaning. Through reason, experience, common sense, and observation, the sages sought to discover God in the details of daily life. In "Simply Living," Cecil Murphey reacquaints us with dozens of proverbs--some familiar and some forgotten--and helps us apply these ancient insights to the problems with which we contend in our modern lives. |
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