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Today more than 10 million people require some form of long-term
care, a number that is rapidly increasing and will continue to do
so for years to come. This concise and user-friendly resource
contains the fundamental information long-term care nurses need to
provide all aspects of safe and effective care to their patients in
nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Written by a renowned
and highly respected nurse leader in long-term care and
gerontology, it presents key facts and core competencies related to
the clinical and managerial responsibilities of nurses in these
settings. Information on the specific skills required for this
challenging specialty, as well as must-know information on
regulatory standards, site visits, management and leadership, and
dementia care, is presented in a consistent format for quick access
to information. The guide embodies a holistic approach to nursing
that recognizes the importance of quality of life in addition to
quality of care. It provides an overview of the unique features of
long-term care, addressing the operational differences in these
settings from those of acute settings, the distinct
responsibilities of long-term care nurses, special needs of the
residents, and major clinical challenges. Since most long-term care
nurses are responsible for supervising unlicensed personnel, the
book addresses relevant management and leadership issues. The guide
also covers legal risks, documentation essentials, and the
importance of self-care. Additionally, it offers guidance in the
use of evidence-based knowledge within the constraints of long-term
settings. Features such as ""Pearls of Wisdom"" and ""Fast Facts
Highlights"" assist readers in reinforcing and applying content.
Also included are plentiful resources for more in-depth
information. The book will also serve as a useful study resource
for Long-Term Nursing Care Certification. Key Features: Embodies
the essential competencies for long-term care nursing practice
Presents information in a concise easy-to-access format with
bulleted facts, ""Pearls of Wisdom,"" and ""Fast Facts Highlights""
Addresses management and leadership issues germane to the long-term
care setting Includes must-know information on regulatory
standards, site visits, legal risks, documentation essentials, and
more Guides nurses in using evidence-based knowledge in long-term
care settings
This convenient and easy-to-use pocket-sized reference provides
gerontology nurses with the foundational knowledge they need to
provide all aspects of safe, effective care to older patients. It
contains crucial evidence-based information that enables nurses to
differentiate between normal and abnormal findings, understand the
presentation and management of common diseases of the
gerontological population, and integrate age-specific
considerations into care planning and implementation with older
adults. Pervading the resource is a holistic approach in which all
facets of the individual: physical and mental health, emotional and
spiritual wellbeing, self-care, family relationships, and unique
risks for this population, are considered.
Designed for daily use, the guide is consistently organized in
bullet-point Fast Facts style for easy access to information. Also
included are such helpful features as "Clinical Snapshots" and
"Fast Facts in a Nutshell" to reinforce content and aid in speedy
information retrieval. A resources section guides nurses to
additional information on each topic.
Key Features: Presents all aspects of current evidence-based
practice in gerontology in user-friendly style Uses a holistic
approach that considers all facets of the individual Provides key
information that demonstrates the impact of aging on assessing,
planning, and implementing care Features "Clinical Snapshots" and
"Fast Facts in a Nutshell" for speedy information retrieval
Includes information on gerontology care that is needed daily
Focusing on the content that students need to know for effective
practice, this text offers evidence-based coverage of the aging
process, factors contributing to healthy aging, and unique aspects
of disease presentation and management in older adults. Content is
logically organized in five units that provide a concise yet
comprehensive overview of the aging process and guide students
through the complexities of gerontological care. The tenth edition
retains the text's acclaimed holistic approach through insightful
coverage of the psychosocial, legal, ethical, and spiritual
elements of patient care, with updated content throughout to help
students meet the challenges of a changing healthcare environment
and an increasingly diverse population. This edition also includes
Next Generation NCLEX (R)-Style Case Studies and Questions, which
help students review important concepts and practice for the next
generation NCLEX (R), as well as Unfolding Patient Stories that
correlate directly to simulated patient scenarios in vSim (R) for
Nursing | Gerontology, which equip students with a consistent,
realistic experience in patient interaction and enhanced
preparation for practice. UPDATED! Revised content throughout
reflects the latest research findings and emphasizes relevant
nursing implications. NEW! Next Generation NCLEX (R)-Style Case
Studies and Questions related to chapters on clinical topics help
students review important concepts and practice for the next
generation NCLEX (R). NEW! Unfolding Patient Stories, written by
the National League for Nursing, engage students in meaningful
conversations on patient care and tie into corresponding patient
scenarios in vSim (R) for Nursing | Gerontology and Lippincott (R)
DocuCare for enhanced preparation for practice. Concept Mastery
Alerts improve students' understanding of potentially confusing
topics, as identified by Lippincott's Adaptive Learning Powered by
PrepU. Bringing Research to Life features highlight the clinical
relevance of current, evidence-based research. Consider This Case,
Practice Realities, and Critical Thinking Exercises demonstrate the
real-life applications of concepts in the text. In-text learning
aids - including Chapter Outlines, Learning Objectives, Terms to
Know, Communication Tips, Points to Ponder, Key Concepts, and
Chapter Summaries - help students master important material.
Nursing Problem Highlights provide overviews of common nursing
problems, covering causes to interventions in an easy-to-understand
manner. Nursing Care Plans outline nursing problem, goal, and
action for selected health conditions, giving students practical
models for effective health care planning. Assessment Guides walk
students through general observation, the history-taking interview,
and the physical examination. Engaging, open design makes content
approachable and retains students' interest. Focus on caring for
the whole person helps nurses across the spectrum of care
confidently and effectively care for older adults in any setting.
Ensure a mastery of essential nursing skills and equip students for
success throughout the nursing education continuum with the
complete Gerontological Nursing, Tenth Edition solution: Lippincott
(R) CoursePoint+ vSim (R) for Nursing | Gerontology Lippincott (R)
Focusing on the content that students need to know for effective
practice, this text offers evidence-based coverage of the aging
process, factors contributing to healthy aging, and unique aspects
of disease presentation and management in older adults. Content is
logically organized in five units that provide a concise yet
comprehensive overview of the aging process and guide students
through the complexities of gerontological care. The tenth edition
retains the text's acclaimed holistic approach through insightful
coverage of the psychosocial, legal, ethical, and spiritual
elements of patient care, with updated content throughout to help
students meet the challenges of a changing healthcare environment
and an increasingly diverse population. This edition also includes
Next Generation NCLEX (R)-Style Case Studies and Questions, which
help students review important concepts and practice for the next
generation NCLEX (R), as well as Unfolding Patient Stories that
correlate directly to simulated patient scenarios in vSim (R) for
Nursing | Gerontology, which equip students with a consistent,
realistic experience in patient interaction and enhanced
preparation for practice. UPDATED! Revised content throughout
reflects the latest research findings and emphasizes relevant
nursing implications. NEW! Next Generation NCLEX (R)-Style Case
Studies and Questions related to chapters on clinical topics help
students review important concepts and practice for the next
generation NCLEX (R). NEW! Unfolding Patient Stories, written by
the National League for Nursing, engage students in meaningful
conversations on patient care and tie into corresponding patient
scenarios in vSim (R) for Nursing | Gerontology and Lippincott (R)
DocuCare for enhanced preparation for practice. Concept Mastery
Alerts improve students' understanding of potentially confusing
topics, as identified by Lippincott's Adaptive Learning Powered by
PrepU. Bringing Research to Life features highlight the clinical
relevance of current, evidence-based research. Consider This Case,
Practice Realities, and Critical Thinking Exercises demonstrate the
real-life applications of concepts in the text. In-text learning
aids - including Chapter Outlines, Learning Objectives, Terms to
Know, Communication Tips, Points to Ponder, Key Concepts, and
Chapter Summaries - help students master important material.
Nursing Problem Highlights provide overviews of common nursing
problems, covering causes to interventions in an easy-to-understand
manner. Nursing Care Plans outline nursing problem, goal, and
action for selected health conditions, giving students practical
models for effective health care planning. Assessment Guides walk
students through general observation, the history-taking interview,
and the physical examination. Engaging, open design makes content
approachable and retains students' interest. Focus on caring for
the whole person helps nurses across the spectrum of care
confidently and effectively care for older adults in any setting.
Invitation to Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life,
Fourth Edition, features solid principles and proven practices to
promote optimal health and well-being using a holistic approach.
The text is divided into four parts: Strengthening Your Inner
Resources; Developing Healthy Lifestyle Practices; Taking Charge of
Challenges to the Body, Mind, and Spirit; and Safe Use of
Complementary and Alternative Therapies. This easy-to-read guide
provides how-to information for dealing with a variety of
health-related issues, including nutrition, exercise, herbal
remedies, and homeopathic remedies, to name a few. Unlike other
holistic health textbooks, the Fourth Edition promotes a variety of
therapies and provides evidence to support the practice of each
one. New to the Fourth Edition: * Updated research related to
holistic health and practices * Expanded coverage of obesity and
diversity * Tips for practitioners on providing holistic care in
conventional settings * Discussion around the integration of
conventional medicine and alternative therapies
Over the hill...haggard...old crone...wrinkly...out to pasture....
There are probably other less than complimentary adjectives used to
describe women at midlife and beyond. Typically, judgments like
these arise from superficial evaluations of women's worth based on
short-sighted values of physical beauty, youthfulness, high income,
and a frantic pace of activity. For too long, women have accepted
these judgments. The unspoken prejudice often leads mature women to
defer to wrinkle-free, bubbly, and less qualified younger people.
They not only throw in the towel, but also pull the covers over
their heads, to become invisible, to spare themselves ridicule and
rejection. Or, at the other extreme, they subject themselves to
undergoing plastic surgery, sporting clothes designed for co-eds,
and spending energies chasing the elusive butterfly of fading
youth. The time has come to change these unhealthy patterns so that
women can rewrite their life scripts and chart a new course for
their lives. This book suggests that mature women can model a
different pattern of aging that honors their worth and demonstrates
the gifts of growing older. The title, Women Afire, reflects the
image they can create by living lives that are on fire with
purposeful, fulfilling, activities. Through practical information
and engaging exercises, readers are offered the basics of caring
for their changing bodies, elements of emotional health, and
spiritual principles and practices that enable them to live life to
the fullest. Beyond supplying women with knowledge and skills to
foster their own optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual
well-being, the book challenges women to cast an enlightened vision
of aging that not only will serve all women, but society as a
A short collection of inspirational messages to guide people in
living meaningful lives offered through the voice of a wise cat
named Thoreau
En esta nueva edicion, Enfermeria gerontologica se actualiza con
los nuevos conocimientos incorporados a la especialidad y que
transforman su aplicacion practica. El texto recoge un amplio
numero de aspectos y desgrana en detalle los conocimientos que
sirven de principio a la practica de la especialidad. El enfoque de
Enfermeria gerontologica se centra en la promocion y la
recuperacion de la salud mediante el equilibrio entre cuerpo, mente
y espiritu. Asi, este texto prepara al profesional de la enfermeria
no solo para proporcionar cuidados de enfermeria a las personas con
distintas patologias, sino para satisfacer de forma holistica las
necesidades de cada individuo. Para ello se presentan las
intervenciones de enfermeria que empoderan al individuo en edad
geriatrica, para que satisfaga sus necesidades de atencion a su
propia salud de forma optima. Caracteristicas Principales: * El
apartado Aplicacion de la investigacion a la practica destaca las
ultimos estudios y expone su aplicacion practica. * En Ejemplos
practicos se exponen ejemplos reales de situaciones que el
profesional de la especialidad puede encontrar en su practica
diaria. * En los cuadros de Puntos para la reflexion se plantean
preguntas para fomentar la reflexion sobre el contenido expuesto. *
Las Guias de evaluacion presentan un resumen de las observaciones
generales, la entrevista de enfermeria y la valoracion fisica de
los distintos sistemas corporales. * En los destacados Diagnosticos
de enfermeria se presenta una seleccion de los diagnosticos de
enfermeria mas frecuentes en gerontologia. * Los Planes de cuidados
de enfermeria muestran los pasos para aplicar los diagnosticos de
enfermeria, los objetivos y las acciones a partir de objetivos
identificados. * Los cuadros Casos para considerar presentan
situaciones clinicas que fomentan el desarrollo del pensamiento
critico. * Los Ejercicios de pensamiento critico ayudan a aplicar
la teoria a la practica diaria.
Prepare your students for successful gerontological practice!
Focusing on the content that students need to know for effective
practice, this text offers engaging, evidence-based coverage of the
aging process, factors contributing to healthy aging, and unique
aspects of disease presentation and management in older adults.
Updated to help students meet the challenges of this increasingly
diverse population, the ninth edition retains its acclaimed
holistic approach through insightful coverage of the psychosocial,
legal, ethical, and spiritual elements of patient care. HIGHLIGHTS
OF THE NINTH EDITION Concept Mastery Alerts improve students'
understanding of potentially confusing topics, as identified by
Lippincott's Adaptive Learning Powered by prepU. Consider This
Case, Bringing Research to Life, Practice Realities, and Critical
Thinking Exercises make concepts come alive and show students how
the concepts they are learning are applied in real-life contexts.
In-text learning aids--including bolded key terms, communication
tips, points to ponder, key concepts, and chapter summaries--help
students master important material. Nursing Diagnosis Highlights
provide overviews of common diagnoses, covering causes to
interventions in an easy-to-understand manner. Nursing Care Plans
outline diagnosis, goal, and action for selected health conditions,
giving students practical models for effective health care
planning. Assessment Guides walk students through general
observation, the history-taking interview, and the physical
examination. To develop highly capable nurses and promote sound
clinical reasoning skills, the ninth edition is supported by
Wolters Kluwer's suite of best-in-class digital solutions,
including prepU (adaptive quizzing), DocuCare (educational EHR
software), and vSim (realistic virtual simulations co-developed by
Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer, which are based on the NLN
ACE.S Unfolding Cases).
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