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This volume offers 11 papers that cover the wide spectrum of
influences on Rudolf Carnap's seminal work, Der Logische Aufbau der
Welt (The Logical Structure of the World). Along the way, it covers
a host of topics related to this important philosophical work,
including logic, theories of order, science, hermeneutics, and
mathematics in the Aufbau, as the work is commonly termed. The book
uncovers the influences of such neglected figures as Gerhards,
Driesch, Ziehen, and Ostwald. It also presents new evidence on
influences of well-known figures in philosophy, including Husserl,
Rickert, Schlick, and Neurath. In addition, the book offers
comparisons of the Aufbau with the work of contemporary scientists
such as Weyl and Wiener as well as features new archival findings
on the early Carnap.This book will appeal to researchers and
students with an interest in the history and philosophy of science,
history of analytic philosophy, the philosophy of the Vienna
Circle, and the philosophy in interwar Germany and Austria.
This open-access book is the first to investigate the roots of
Logical Empiricism in the context of the Life Reform and the German
Youth Movements. Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach are the key
protagonists; they both belonged to the German Youth Movement and
developed their early philosophical views in this setting. By
combining scholarly essays with unpublished and hard to access
manuscripts, letters, and articles, this volume recasts our
understanding of the early years of Logical Empiricism.
This book studies how the relationship between philosophy,
morality, politics, and science was conceived in the Vienna Circle
and how this group of philosophers tried to position science as an
antidote to totalitarianism and irrationalism. This leads to
investigation of the still understudied views of the Vienna Circle
on moral philosophy, meta-ethics, and the relationship between
philosophy of science and politics. Including papers from an
international group of scholars, The Socio-ethical Dimension of
Knowledge: The Mission of Logical Empiricism addresses these topics
and makes them available to scholars in the field of history of
philosophy of science.
This open access volume is based on the 'Early Carnap in Context'
workshop that took place in Konstanz in 2017 and looks at Rudolf
Carnap's philosophy, documented in his recently released diaries,
from a combination of historical, cultural and philosophical
perspectives. It enables further evaluation of the diaries and
traces newly found interrelationships and their systematic
definition. From a cultural and historical point of view, Logical
Empiricism and Carnap's pivotal opus, The Logical Structure of the
World, did not evolve in a vacuum. This applies equally in a
history of philosophy context as well as under consideration of
contemporary historical and cultural influences such as the
socio-cultural setting in Vienna and Prague, the correlation
between Logical Empiricism and Bauhaus modernism, the connection to
the Life Reform Movement or the Youth Movement with its own life
philosophy. Pursuing Carnap's progression on a micro level of
history and referring the results back to Carnap's philosophy is
now facilitated by recent access to his Diaries from 1908-1935.
These shorthand records, reading lists, travel reports and notes
constitute a valuable source for the research of networks and
social movements which left their mark on him.
This open access volume is based on the 'Early Carnap in Context'
workshop that took place in Konstanz in 2017 and looks at Rudolf
Carnap's philosophy, documented in his recently released diaries,
from a combination of historical, cultural and philosophical
perspectives. It enables further evaluation of the diaries and
traces newly found interrelationships and their systematic
definition. From a cultural and historical point of view, Logical
Empiricism and Carnap's pivotal opus, The Logical Structure of the
World, did not evolve in a vacuum. This applies equally in a
history of philosophy context as well as under consideration of
contemporary historical and cultural influences such as the
socio-cultural setting in Vienna and Prague, the correlation
between Logical Empiricism and Bauhaus modernism, the connection to
the Life Reform Movement or the Youth Movement with its own life
philosophy. Pursuing Carnap's progression on a micro level of
history and referring the results back to Carnap's philosophy is
now facilitated by recent access to his Diaries from 1908-1935.
These shorthand records, reading lists, travel reports and notes
constitute a valuable source for the research of networks and
social movements which left their mark on him.
This volume offers 11 papers that cover the wide spectrum of
influences on Rudolf Carnap's seminal work, Der Logische Aufbau der
Welt (The Logical Structure of the World). Along the way, it covers
a host of topics related to this important philosophical work,
including logic, theories of order, science, hermeneutics, and
mathematics in the Aufbau, as the work is commonly termed. The book
uncovers the influences of such neglected figures as Gerhards,
Driesch, Ziehen, and Ostwald. It also presents new evidence on
influences of well-known figures in philosophy, including Husserl,
Rickert, Schlick, and Neurath. In addition, the book offers
comparisons of the Aufbau with the work of contemporary scientists
such as Weyl and Wiener as well as features new archival findings
on the early Carnap.This book will appeal to researchers and
students with an interest in the history and philosophy of science,
history of analytic philosophy, the philosophy of the Vienna
Circle, and the philosophy in interwar Germany and Austria.
Der Band versammelt einen Grossteil der Beitrage, die
internationale Experten anlasslich der Tagung "Philosophie und
Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen" im November 2014 am Institut Wiener
Kreis der Universitat Wien prasentiert haben. Mit der Tagung zu
Hermann Cohen (1842 - 1918), der zusammen mit Paul Natorp die
Marburger Schule begrundete, wurden zwei Ziele verfolgt: erstens
die Aspekte in der Philosophie des Kantianers Cohen
herauszuarbeiten, die an die Idee einer Einheitswissenschaft
anknupfen und zweitens Divergenzen und UEbereinstimmungen Cohens
mit der wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung, der Programmatik des
Wiener Kreises um Rudolf Carnap und Moritz Schlick zu
identifizieren. Der Tagungsband ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Die
Aufsatze im ersten Teil beschaftigen sich mit der Bedeutung von
Erfahrung und Empirismus fur das Philosophieverstandnis Hermann
Cohens. Im zweiten Teil gehen die Autoren der Frage nach, welche
Rolle Theorien aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Naturwissenscha ften
und Psychologie fur Cohens Denken gespielt haben - unter anderem
Hermann von Helmholtz' Theorie des Messens und die Bedeutung der
Infinitesimalrechnung fur die Philosophie der Marburger Schule. Die
Beitrage im dritten Teil des Bandes stellen die Philosophie Cohens
und der Marburger Schule den Vertretern des Wiener Kreises und der
Berliner Gruppe um Hans Reichenbach gegenuber. Dabei wird
Reichenbachs Rezeption der Relativitatstheorie in den Kontext einer
Relativierung Kants bei Cohen und Ernst Cassirer gestellt und
"versteckte Verwandtschaften" zwischen Cohen und dem Logischen
Empirismus aufgedeckt. Der Band richtet sich an Wissenschaftler auf
dem Gebiet der Geschichte der Philosophie.
Die hier deutscher Empirismus genannte Tradition umfasst als
Schlusselfiguren Wilhelm Dilthey und Hermann Cohen. Das Empirische
am deutschen Empirismus liegt nicht in den "Sinnesdaten", sondern
im abstrakten Bereich von Geist und Kultur. Die wissenschaftlichen
Disziplinen auf die sich deutsche Empiristen stutzen sind primar
(wenn auch ohne Ausklammerung der fur die theoretische Philosophie
grundlegend wichtigen Naturwissenschaften) die
Geisteswissenschaften. Das zeigt sich insbesondere in der von den
hier diskutierten Autoren vorangetriebenen
geisteswissenschaftlichen Grundlagendisziplin der beschreibenden
Psychologie . Theoretische Philosophie dient im deutschen
Empirismus stets bestimmten praktischen (ethischen, asthetischen
und politischen) Zielsetzungen und erhalt nur dadurch ihre
Rechtfertigung. Rudolf Carnap passt insofern in dieses Bild als
auch er, vor allem in seinem Fruhwerk, von Ideen deutscher
Empiristen ausgegangen ist. Carnap erlaubt uns zu sehen, wie diese
Ideen in einer Zeit des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts erhalten geblieben
sind, in der die Philosophie ansonsten eher "auf den eisigen Firnen
der Logik ein zuruckgezogenes Dasein" zu fuhren begann. Uljana
Feest (Leibniz Universitat Hannover) : "Deutscher Empirismus legt
eine eigenwillige neue Achse durch die Philosophiegeschichte des
deutschsprachigen 19. Jahrhunderts. Entgegen der herrschenden
Meinung, dass die deutschsprachige akademische Philosophie in den
mittleren 40 Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts weitgehend zum Erliegen
kam und sich erst ab ca. 1870 wieder zu erholen begann,
argumentiert Damboeck, dass ab ca. 1830 im Gegenteil eine
vielversprechende, ja 'fortschrittliche' (wenn auch heute
weitgehend vergessene), philosophische Tradition entstand. Die
Arbeit zeichnet sich durch ein feines Gespur fur die
historiographischen Fallstricke des vorgelegten Argumentes aus. Man
hat von Anfang an das Gefuhl, es hier mit einem Autor zu tun zu
haben, der den ungeheuren Material- und Detailreichtum der von ihm
gewahlten philosophiehistorischen Epoche souveran beherrscht."
Massimo Ferrari (Universitat Turin): "Deutscher Empirismus bildet
einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Erforschung der deutschen Philosophie.
Es handelt sich um eine sehr eingehende Analyse, die auf
ausfuhrlichen Quellenuntersuchungen beruht und zugleich innovative
systematische Ansatze konturiert." Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech):
"Deutscher Empirismus demonstrates a profound knowledge of
nineteenth and early twentieth century philosophy and science. The
work promises to inform and to inspire research in the field, and I
have little doubt that it will do so."
This book studies how the relationship between philosophy,
morality, politics, and science was conceived in the Vienna Circle
and how this group of philosophers tried to position science as an
antidote to totalitarianism and irrationalism. This leads to
investigation of the still understudied views of the Vienna Circle
on moral philosophy, meta-ethics, and the relationship between
philosophy of science and politics. Including papers from an
international group of scholars, The Socio-ethical Dimension of
Knowledge: The Mission of Logical Empiricism addresses these topics
and makes them available to scholars in the field of history of
philosophy of science.
This open-access book is the first to investigate the roots of
Logical Empiricism in the context of the Life Reform and the German
Youth Movements. Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach are the key
protagonists; they both belonged to the German Youth Movement and
developed their early philosophical views in this setting. By
combining scholarly essays with unpublished and hard to access
manuscripts, letters, and articles, this volume recasts our
understanding of the early years of Logical Empiricism.
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