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The subject of the book is Diophantine approximation and Nevanlinna theory. Not only does the text provide new results and directions, it also challenges open problems and collects latest research activities on these subjects made by the authors over the past eight years. Some of the significant findings are the proof of the Green-Griffiths conjecture by using meromorphic connections and Jacobian sections, and a generalized abc-conjecture. The book also presents the state of the art in the studies of the analogues between Diophantine approximation (in number theory) and value distribution theory (in complex analysis), with a method based on Vojta's dictionary for the terms of these two fields. The approaches are relatively natural and more effective than existing methods. The book is self-contained and appended with a comprehensive and up-to-date list of references. It is of interest to a broad audience of graduate students and researchers specialized in pure mathematics.
Contents: Equations-solving and Theorems-proving Zero-set Formulation and Ideal Formulation (W-T Wu); Theory of Computation and Complex Analytic Dynamics (C T Chong); Affine Geometry in Complex Function Spaces and Algebras (A J Ellis); Some Results on Chromatically Unique Graphs (K M Koh & C P Teo); On the Decomposition of 0-Simple Dual Semigroups (C K Lai & K P Shum); On the Geometry of Infinite Dimensional Teichmuller Spaces (Z Li); Analytic Functionals and Their Transformations (M Morimoto); Groups and Designs (C E Praeger); Global Small Solutions to Nonlinear Evolution Equations (R Racke); and other papers;
The development of dynamics theory began with the work of Isaac Newton. In his theory the most basic law of classical mechanics is f = ma, which describes the motion n in IR. of a point of mass m under the action of a force f by giving the acceleration a. If n the position of the point is taken to be a point x E IR. , and if the force f is supposed to be a function of x only, Newton's Law is a description in terms of a second-order ordinary differential equation: J2x m dt = f(x). 2 It makes sense to reduce the equations to first order by defining the velo city as an extra n independent variable by v = :i; = ~~ E IR. . Then x = v, mv = f(x). L. Euler, J. L. Lagrange and others studied mechanics by means of an analytical method called analytical dynamics. Whenever the force f is represented by a gradient vector field f = - \lU of the potential energy U, and denotes the difference of the kinetic energy and the potential energy by 1 L(x,v) = 2'm(v,v) - U(x), the Newton equation of motion is reduced to the Euler-Lagrange equation ~~ are used as the variables, the Euler-Lagrange equation can be If the momenta y written as . 8L y= 8x' Further, W. R.
There is almost no field in Mathematics which does not use Mathe matical Analysis. Computer methods in Applied Mathematics, too, are often based on statements and procedures of Mathematical Analysis. An important part of Mathematical Analysis is Complex Analysis because it has many applications in various branches of Mathematics. Since the field of Complex Analysis and its applications is a focal point in the Vietnamese research programme, the Hanoi University of Technology organized an International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications which took place in Hanoi from August 8 - 12, 2001. This conference th was the 9 one in a series of conferences which take place alternately in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam each year. The first one took place th at Pusan University in Korea in 1993. The preceding 8 conference was th held in Shandong in China in August 2000. The 9 conference of the was the first one which took place above mentioned series of conferences in Vietnam. Present trends in Complex Analysis reflected in the present volume are mainly concentrated in the following four research directions: 1 Value distribution theory (including meromorphic funtions, mero morphic mappings, as well as p-adic functions over fields of finite or zero characteristic) and its applications, 2 Holomorphic functions in several (finitely or infinitely many) com plex variables, 3 Clifford Analysis, i.e., complex methods in higher-dimensional real Euclidian spaces, 4 Generalized analytic functions."
The Nevanlinna theory of value distribution of meromorphic functions, one of the milestones of complex analysis during the last century, was c- ated to extend the classical results concerning the distribution of of entire functions to the more general setting of meromorphic functions. Later on, a similar reasoning has been applied to algebroid functions, subharmonic functions and meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces as well as to - alytic functions of several complex variables, holomorphic and meromorphic mappings and to the theory of minimal surfaces. Moreover, several appli- tions of the theory have been exploited, including complex differential and functional equations, complex dynamics and Diophantine equations. The main emphasis of this collection is to direct attention to a number of recently developed novel ideas and generalizations that relate to the - velopment of value distribution theory and its applications. In particular, we mean a recent theory that replaces the conventional consideration of counting within a disc by an analysis of their geometric locations. Another such example is presented by the generalizations of the second main theorem to higher dimensional cases by using the jet theory. Moreover, s- ilar ideas apparently may be applied to several related areas as well, such as to partial differential equations and to differential geometry. Indeed, most of these applications go back to the problem of analyzing zeros of certain complex or real functions, meaning in fact to investigate level sets or level surfaces.
This book is the first monograph in the field of uniqueness theory of meromorphic functions dealing with conditions under which there is the unique function satisfying given hypotheses. Developed by R. Nevanlinna, a Finnish mathematician, early in the 1920's, research in the field has developed rapidly over the past three decades with a great deal of fruitful results. This book systematically summarizes the most important results in the field, including many of the authors' own previously unpublished results. In addition, useful skills and simple proofs are introduced. This book is suitable for higher level and graduate students who have a basic grounding in complex analysis, but will also appeal to researchers in mathematics.
The book timely surveys new research results and related developments in Diophantine approximation, a division of number theory which deals with the approximation of real numbers by rational numbers. The book is appended with a list of challenging open problems and a comprehensive list of references. From the contents: Field extensions a [ Algebraic numbers a [ Algebraic geometry a [ Height functions a [ The abc-conjecture a [ Roth's theorem a [ Subspace theorems a [ Vojta's conjectures a [ L-functions.
Nevanlinna theory (or value distribution theory) in complex analysis is so beautiful that one would naturally be interested in determining how such a theory would look in the non Archimedean analysis and Diophantine approximations. There are two "main theorems" and defect relations that occupy a central place in N evanlinna theory. They generate a lot of applications in studying uniqueness of meromorphic functions, global solutions of differential equations, dynamics, and so on. In this book, we will introduce non-Archimedean analogues of Nevanlinna theory and its applications. In value distribution theory, the main problem is that given a holomorphic curve f : C -+ M into a projective variety M of dimension n and a family 01 of hypersurfaces on M, under a proper condition of non-degeneracy on f, find the defect relation. If 01 n is a family of hyperplanes on M = r in general position and if the smallest dimension of linear subspaces containing the image f(C) is k, Cartan conjectured that the bound of defect relation is 2n - k + 1. Generally, if 01 is a family of admissible or normal crossings hypersurfaces, there are respectively Shiffman's conjecture and Griffiths-Lang's conjecture. Here we list the process of this problem: A. Complex analysis: (i) Constant targets: R. Nevanlinna[98] for n = k = 1; H. Cartan [20] for n = k > 1; E. I. Nochka [99], [100],[101] for n > k ~ 1; Shiffman's conjecture partially solved by Hu-Yang [71J; Griffiths-Lang's conjecture (open).
For a given meromorphic function I(z) and an arbitrary value a, Nevanlinna's value distribution theory, which can be derived from the well known Poisson-Jensen for mula, deals with relationships between the growth of the function and quantitative estimations of the roots of the equation: 1 (z) - a = O. In the 1920s as an application of the celebrated Nevanlinna's value distribution theory of meromorphic functions, R. Nevanlinna [188] himself proved that for two nonconstant meromorphic func tions I, 9 and five distinctive values ai (i = 1,2,3,4,5) in the extended plane, if 1 1- (ai) = g-l(ai) 1M (ignoring multiplicities) for i = 1,2,3,4,5, then 1 = g. Fur 1 thermore, if 1- (ai) = g-l(ai) CM (counting multiplicities) for i = 1,2,3 and 4, then 1 = L(g), where L denotes a suitable Mobius transformation. Then in the 19708, F. Gross and C. C. Yang started to study the similar but more general questions of two functions that share sets of values. For instance, they proved that if 1 and 9 are two nonconstant entire functions and 8 , 82 and 83 are three distinctive finite sets such 1 1 that 1- (8 ) = g-1(8 ) CM for i = 1,2,3, then 1 = g.
This book is the first to be devoted to the theory of vector-valued functions with one variable. This theory is one of the fundamental tools employed in modern physics, the spectral theory of operators, approximation of analytic operators, analytic mappings between vectors, and vector-valued functions of several variables. The book contains three chapters devoted to the theory of normal functions, Hp-space, and vector-valued functions and their applications. Among the topics dealt with are the properties of complex functions in a complex plane and infinite-dimensional spaces, and the solution of vector-valued integral equations and boundary value problems by complex analysis and functional analysis, which involve methods which can be applied to problems in operations research and control theory. Much original research is included. This volume will be of interest to those whose work involves complex analysis and control theory, and can be recommended as a graduate text in these areas.
Functional Analysis has become one of the main branches in Chinese mathematics. Many outstanding contributions and results have been achieved over the past sixty years. This authoritative collection is complementary to Western studies in this field, and seeks to summarise and introduce the historical progress of the development of Functional Analysis in China from the 1940s to the present. A broad range of topics is covered, such as nonlinear functional analysis, linear operator theory, theory of operator algebras, applications including the solvability of some partial differential equations, and special spaces that contain Banach spaces and topological vector spaces. Some of these papers have made a significant impact on the mathematical community worldwide. Audience: This volume will be of interest to mathematicians, physicists and engineers at postgraduate level.
In the past few years there has been a fruitful exchange of expertise on the subject of partial differential equations (PDEs) between mathematicians from the People's Republic of China and the rest of the world. The goal of this collection of papers is to summarize and introduce the historical progress of the development of PDEs in China from the 1950s to the 1980s. The results presented here were mainly published before the 1980s, but, having been printed in the Chinese language, have not reached the wider audience they deserve. Topics covered include, among others, nonlinear hyperbolic equations, nonlinear elliptic equations, nonlinear parabolic equations, mixed equations, free boundary problems, minimal surfaces in Riemannian manifolds, microlocal analysis and solitons. For mathematicians and physicists interested in the historical development of PDEs in the People's Republic of China.
Harmonic Analysis in China is a collection of surveys and research papers written by distinguished Chinese mathematicians from within the People's Republic of China and expatriates. The book covers topics in analytic function spaces of several complex variables, integral transforms, harmonic analysis on classical Lie groups and manifolds, LP- estimates of the Cauchy-Riemann equations and wavelet transforms. The reader will also be able to trace the great influence of the late Professor Loo-keng Hua's ideas and methods on research into harmonic analysis on classical domains and the theory of functions of several complex variables. Western scientists will thus become acquainted with the unique features and future trends of harmonic analysis in China. Audience: Analysts, as well as engineers and physicists who use harmonic analysis.
The Nevanlinna theory of value distribution of meromorphic functions, one of the milestones of complex analysis during the last century, was c- ated to extend the classical results concerning the distribution of of entire functions to the more general setting of meromorphic functions. Later on, a similar reasoning has been applied to algebroid functions, subharmonic functions and meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces as well as to - alytic functions of several complex variables, holomorphic and meromorphic mappings and to the theory of minimal surfaces. Moreover, several appli- tions of the theory have been exploited, including complex differential and functional equations, complex dynamics and Diophantine equations. The main emphasis of this collection is to direct attention to a number of recently developed novel ideas and generalizations that relate to the - velopment of value distribution theory and its applications. In particular, we mean a recent theory that replaces the conventional consideration of counting within a disc by an analysis of their geometric locations. Another such example is presented by the generalizations of the second main theorem to higher dimensional cases by using the jet theory. Moreover, s- ilar ideas apparently may be applied to several related areas as well, such as to partial differential equations and to differential geometry. Indeed, most of these applications go back to the problem of analyzing zeros of certain complex or real functions, meaning in fact to investigate level sets or level surfaces.
For a given meromorphic function I(z) and an arbitrary value a, Nevanlinna's value distribution theory, which can be derived from the well known Poisson-Jensen for mula, deals with relationships between the growth of the function and quantitative estimations of the roots of the equation: 1 (z) - a = O. In the 1920s as an application of the celebrated Nevanlinna's value distribution theory of meromorphic functions, R. Nevanlinna [188] himself proved that for two nonconstant meromorphic func tions I, 9 and five distinctive values ai (i = 1,2,3,4,5) in the extended plane, if 1 1- (ai) = g-l(ai) 1M (ignoring multiplicities) for i = 1,2,3,4,5, then 1 = g. Fur 1 thermore, if 1- (ai) = g-l(ai) CM (counting multiplicities) for i = 1,2,3 and 4, then 1 = L(g), where L denotes a suitable Mobius transformation. Then in the 19708, F. Gross and C. C. Yang started to study the similar but more general questions of two functions that share sets of values. For instance, they proved that if 1 and 9 are two nonconstant entire functions and 8 , 82 and 83 are three distinctive finite sets such 1 1 that 1- (8 ) = g-1(8 ) CM for i = 1,2,3, then 1 = g.
There is almost no field in Mathematics which does not use Mathe matical Analysis. Computer methods in Applied Mathematics, too, are often based on statements and procedures of Mathematical Analysis. An important part of Mathematical Analysis is Complex Analysis because it has many applications in various branches of Mathematics. Since the field of Complex Analysis and its applications is a focal point in the Vietnamese research programme, the Hanoi University of Technology organized an International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications which took place in Hanoi from August 8 - 12, 2001. This conference th was the 9 one in a series of conferences which take place alternately in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam each year. The first one took place th at Pusan University in Korea in 1993. The preceding 8 conference was th held in Shandong in China in August 2000. The 9 conference of the was the first one which took place above mentioned series of conferences in Vietnam. Present trends in Complex Analysis reflected in the present volume are mainly concentrated in the following four research directions: 1 Value distribution theory (including meromorphic funtions, mero morphic mappings, as well as p-adic functions over fields of finite or zero characteristic) and its applications, 2 Holomorphic functions in several (finitely or infinitely many) com plex variables, 3 Clifford Analysis, i.e., complex methods in higher-dimensional real Euclidian spaces, 4 Generalized analytic functions."
The development of dynamics theory began with the work of Isaac Newton. In his theory the most basic law of classical mechanics is f = ma, which describes the motion n in IR. of a point of mass m under the action of a force f by giving the acceleration a. If n the position of the point is taken to be a point x E IR. , and if the force f is supposed to be a function of x only, Newton's Law is a description in terms of a second-order ordinary differential equation: J2x m dt = f(x). 2 It makes sense to reduce the equations to first order by defining the velo city as an extra n independent variable by v = :i; = ~~ E IR. . Then x = v, mv = f(x). L. Euler, J. L. Lagrange and others studied mechanics by means of an analytical method called analytical dynamics. Whenever the force f is represented by a gradient vector field f = - \lU of the potential energy U, and denotes the difference of the kinetic energy and the potential energy by 1 L(x,v) = 2'm(v,v) - U(x), the Newton equation of motion is reduced to the Euler-Lagrange equation ~~ are used as the variables, the Euler-Lagrange equation can be If the momenta y written as . 8L y= 8x' Further, W. R.
This book is the first monograph in the field of uniqueness theory of meromorphic functions dealing with conditions under which there is the unique function satisfying given hypotheses. Developed by R. Nevanlinna, a Finnish mathematician, early in the 1920's, research in the field has developed rapidly over the past three decades with a great deal of fruitful results. This book systematically summarizes the most important results in the field, including many of the authors' own previously unpublished results. In addition, useful skills and simple proofs are introduced. This book is suitable for higher level and graduate students who have a basic grounding in complex analysis, but will also appeal to researchers in mathematics.
This book is the first to be devoted to the theory of vector-valued functions with one variable. This theory is one of the fundamental tools employed in modern physics, the spectral theory of operators, approximation of analytic operators, analytic mappings between vectors, and vector-valued functions of several variables. The book contains three chapters devoted to the theory of normal functions, Hp-space, and vector-valued functions and their applications. Among the topics dealt with are the properties of complex functions in a complex plane and infinite-dimensional spaces, and the solution of vector-valued integral equations and boundary value problems by complex analysis and functional analysis, which involve methods which can be applied to problems in operations research and control theory. Much original research is included. This volume will be of interest to those whose work involves complex analysis and control theory, and can be recommended as a graduate text in these areas.
Nevanlinna theory (or value distribution theory) in complex analysis is so beautiful that one would naturally be interested in determining how such a theory would look in the non Archimedean analysis and Diophantine approximations. There are two "main theorems" and defect relations that occupy a central place in N evanlinna theory. They generate a lot of applications in studying uniqueness of meromorphic functions, global solutions of differential equations, dynamics, and so on. In this book, we will introduce non-Archimedean analogues of Nevanlinna theory and its applications. In value distribution theory, the main problem is that given a holomorphic curve f : C -+ M into a projective variety M of dimension n and a family 01 of hypersurfaces on M, under a proper condition of non-degeneracy on f, find the defect relation. If 01 n is a family of hyperplanes on M = r in general position and if the smallest dimension of linear subspaces containing the image f(C) is k, Cartan conjectured that the bound of defect relation is 2n - k + 1. Generally, if 01 is a family of admissible or normal crossings hypersurfaces, there are respectively Shiffman's conjecture and Griffiths-Lang's conjecture. Here we list the process of this problem: A. Complex analysis: (i) Constant targets: R. Nevanlinna[98] for n = k = 1; H. Cartan [20] for n = k > 1; E. I. Nochka [99], [100],[101] for n > k ~ 1; Shiffman's conjecture partially solved by Hu-Yang [71J; Griffiths-Lang's conjecture (open).
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