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The third edition of Database Principles maintains its engaging
writing style and brevity; its unique balance between theory and
practice; and its wealth of examples throughout the text. It
provides a solid and practical foundation for the design,
implementation and management of database systems. The new edition
has been updated with all the latest developments and technologies
and incorporates a generous number of localised and motivating
business vignettes that tie the concepts to real-life situations.
The coverage of SQL provides numerous examples and simpler
explanations that focus on areas most important for a database
career. This edition is suitable for a first course in databases at
undergraduate level and will also provide essential material for
conversion postgraduate courses. Providing comprehensive and
practical coverage of core database concepts, it is an ideal text
not only for those studying database management systems in the
context of computer science, but also those on courses in the areas
of information systems and business information technology.
Using a practical and easy-to-understand approach, DATABASE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, & MANAGEMENT, 14th edition, equips students with a solid foundation in database design and implementation.
This market-leading resource provides in-depth coverage of database design, balancing theory and practice with engaging visuals. The 14th edition offers enhanced coverage of today's most commonly used database systems, including Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and Microsoft Access.
Revised and reorganized chapters highlight SQL, big data analytics, NoSQL and data visualization technologies.
The development of a bio-engineered pacemaker is of substantial
clinical and also scientific interest because it promises to
overcome several limitations of electronic pacemakers. Moreover it
may answer the longstanding question of whether the complex
structure of the sinus node is indeed a prerequisite for reliable
pacemaking, or simpler structures might work as well.
This book gives an overview of the current state-of-the-art of
creating a bio-engineered pacemaker. It shows the approaches to
develop of genetic and cell-based engineering methods suitable to
implement them with safety and stability. It also illuminates the
problems that need to be solved before bio-pacemaking can be
considered for clinical use.
Design of the aseptic processing system and thermal processing
Thermal process equipment and technology for heating and cooling
Flow and residence time distribution (RTD) for homogenous and
heterogenous fluids Thermal process and optimization of aseptic
processing containing solid particulates Aseptic filling and
packaging equipment for retail products and food service Design of
facility, infrastructure and utilities Cleaning and sanitization
for aseptic processing and packaging operations Microbiology of
aseptically processed and packaged products Risk-based analyses and
methodologies Establishment of "validated state" for aseptic
processing and packaging systems Quality and food safety management
systems for aseptic and ESL manufacturing Computational and
numerical models and simulations for aseptic processing Also, there
are 7 new appendices on original patents, examples of typical
thermal process calculations, and particulate studies - single
particle and multiple-type particles, and FDA filing.
This book explores the role of language academies in preserving and
revitalizing minority or endangered languages. The author studies
the controversial High Academy of the Quechua Language (HAQL) in
Peru, the efficacy of which has been questioned by some experts.
The book delves into the positions, attitudes, ideologies and
practices of the HAQL and the role it has played in language policy
and planning in the Andean region. The author uses ethnographic
fieldwork to support what was previously only anecdotal evidence
from individuals viewing the Academy from the outside. This book
would appeal to anyone studying the sociolinguistics of the Quechua
language, as well as to those studying broader issues of Indigenous
language policy and planning, maintenance and revitalization.
Latina/o College Student Leadership: Emerging Theory, Promising
Practice examines Latina/o college student leadership and
leadership development in higher education. This edited collection
examines emerging frameworks, empirical research, leadership
models, essays, and promising practices from the perspectives of
scholars, educators, practitioners, and activists. Latina/o student
leadership is analyzed through the lens of various institutional
contexts (e.g. large research institution, community college,
Hispanic-serving institution) as well as diverse
intra-institutional contexts (e.g. academic, student organizations,
student government, fraternities and sororities). The focus on
theory and practice within various contexts, combined with an
emphasis on student voice, helps provide deeper insight into how
Latina/o students experience leadership in higher education, as
well as how to promote and support the leadership development of
Latina/o college students.
Focusing on the Americas - home to 40 to 50 million Indigenous
people - this book explores the history and current state of
Indigenous language revitalization across this vast region.
Complementary chapters on the USA and Canada, and Latin America and
the Caribbean, offer a panoramic view while tracing nuanced
trajectories of "top down" (official) and "bottom up" (grass roots)
language planning and policy initiatives. Authored by leading
Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, the book is organized
around seven overarching themes: Policy and Politics; Processes of
Language Shift and Revitalization; The Home-School-Community
Interface; Local and Global Perspectives; Linguistic Human Rights;
Revitalization Programs and Impacts; New Domains for Indigenous
Languages Providing a comprehensive, hemisphere-wide scholarly and
practical source, this singular collection simultaneously fills a
gap in the language revitalization literature and contributes to
Indigenous language revitalization efforts.
Latina/o College Student Leadership: Emerging Theory, Promising
Practice examines Latina/o college student leadership and
leadership development in higher education. This edited collection
examines emerging frameworks, empirical research, leadership
models, essays, and promising practices from the perspectives of
scholars, educators, practitioners, and activists. Latina/o student
leadership is analyzed through the lens of various institutional
contexts (e.g. large research institution, community college,
Hispanic-serving institution) as well as diverse
intra-institutional contexts (e.g. academic, student organizations,
student government, fraternities and sororities). The focus on
theory and practice within various contexts, combined with an
emphasis on student voice, helps provide deeper insight into how
Latina/o students experience leadership in higher education, as
well as how to promote and support the leadership development of
Latina/o college students.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
Focusing on the Americas - home to 40 to 50 million Indigenous
people - this book explores the history and current state of
Indigenous language revitalization across this vast region.
Complementary chapters on the USA and Canada, and Latin America and
the Caribbean, offer a panoramic view while tracing nuanced
trajectories of "top down" (official) and "bottom up" (grass roots)
language planning and policy initiatives. Authored by leading
Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, the book is organized
around seven overarching themes: Policy and Politics; Processes of
Language Shift and Revitalization; The Home-School-Community
Interface; Local and Global Perspectives; Linguistic Human Rights;
Revitalization Programs and Impacts; New Domains for Indigenous
Languages Providing a comprehensive, hemisphere-wide scholarly and
practical source, this singular collection simultaneously fills a
gap in the language revitalization literature and contributes to
Indigenous language revitalization efforts.
"Like Judge Cortes, Major Orozco was not part of the conspiracy. He
was unaware that he was to be the fall guy who would take the blame
when the news of the massacre broke. Unwittingly, Major Orozco
played his role perfectly. He promised Judge Cortes that he would
inform the general in charge of the region and request
reinforcements. Immediately, he sent a report to General Jaime
Uscategui...He recommended sending three battalions in three
helicopters... Nothing was done." "Orozco's crime was clear: He
told the truth. "In a system like the one that exists in Colombia,
the truth ruins everyone's prospects and accounts for the high
level of indifference and silence, since no one will risk saying
anything for fear of losing what they have." Robin Kirk. More
Terrible than Death. New York, 2003.
"En todo esto se deduce claramente que el coronel (r) Hernan Orozco
pretendio en todo momento evitar la masacre y otras posibles, pero
que No contaba con el poder necesario para evitarla. Sin embargo lo
condenan como ya dije, como "chivo expiatorio" por haber sido el
oficial del Ejercito Colombiano con menor rango y poder militar, y
a partir de ahi tratar de lograr que exoneren al General Uscategui
que es el extremo opuesto de Orozco, es decir con ostensible mayor
peso social, financiero y sobre todo politico." Apreciado Hernan
Orozco Castro: "Mi opinion personal es que usted no es un asesino,
ya que obligados a aterrizar en San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia,
luego de la primera masacre de Mapiripan en una avioneta piloteada
por Sonia Perez; se nos respeto a mi familia y a mi (Esposa e
hijos) el derecho a la vida, en la conversacion personal que
sostuvimos en algun Restaurante de esa ciudad, tanto usted, su
esposa, su amigo el medico y esposa, me parecieron gente decente.
Sigo pensando que a usted lo utilizaron como chivo expiatorio.
Fuerza y entereza, usted es honesto y tambien tuvo el valor de
decir la verdad. No creo que usted sea complice de los narco
paramilitares..." Leonardo Ivan Cortes Novoa. Ex juez de Mapiripan
en el exilio forzoso. Sabado, Diciembre 26, 2009 12:51 PM
"La ley que rige en la guerra y en los conflictos internos en
Colombia, de obligado conocimiento para un general de la republica
dada su formacion, rango, especialidad y entrega a la vida militar
y dentro del contexto de la actual realidad nacional, el General
Uscategui tenia la obligacion a partir de la mas simple sensatez,
saber que si no actuaba ante la informacion recibida el mismisimo
dia 15 de julio... contribuia por omision crasa... a la masacre de
Mapiripan." Magistrada Amelia Mantilla Villegas. Agosto 18 de 1999.
"Reparese que la sola existencia del oficio cuyo contenido hace
referencia a esa especial situacion de Mapiripan, con ocasion del
arribo del grupo de justicia privada, es una clara muestra del
sentido de humanidad inherente al oficial Orozco Castro. Conclusion
de todo lo anterior es que el Mayor Orozco, no incumplio con sus
deberes y obligaciones como comandante del batallon Paris, pues de
inmediato elaboro y envio comunicacion a la septima brigada, dando
cuenta de lo que acontecia en Mapiripan. Fiscal Regional de
Derechos Humanos. Bogota, 30 de marzo de 1999.
"NEMO PUNITUR PRO ALIENO DELICTO" "Nadie debe ser castigado por el
delito de otro"
The development of a bio-engineered pacemaker is of substantial
clinical and also scientific interest because it promises to
overcome several limitations of electronic pacemakers. Moreover it
may answer the longstanding question of whether the complex
structure of the sinus node is indeed a prerequisite for reliable
pacemaking, or simpler structures might work as well.
This book gives an overview of the current state-of-the-art of
creating a bio-engineered pacemaker. It shows the approaches to
develop of genetic and cell-based engineering methods suitable to
implement them with safety and stability. It also illuminates the
problems that need to be solved before bio-pacemaking can be
considered for clinical use.
A veritable folk hero in Latin America and Mexico's most important
artist-along with his wife, painter Frida Kahlo-Diego Rivera
(1886-1957) led a passionate life devoted to art and communism.
After spending the 1910s in Europe, where he surrounded himself
with other artists and embraced the Cubist movement, he returned to
Mexico and began to paint the large-scale murals for which he is
most famous. In his murals, he addressed social and political
issues relating to the working class, earning him prophetic status
among the peasants of Mexico. He was invited to create works
abroad, most notably in the United States, where he stirred up
controversy by depicting Lenin in his mural for the Rockefeller
Center in New York City (the mural was destroyed before it was
finished). Rivera's most remarkable work is his 1932 Detroit
Industry, a group of 27 frescos at the Detroit Institute of Art in
Michigan. This volume features numerous large-scale details of the
murals, allowing their various components and subtleties to be
closely examined. In addition to the murals is a vast selection of
paintings, vintage photos, documents, and drawings from public and
private collections around the world, many of which the whereabouts
were previously unknown to scholars and whose inclusion here is
thanks to the most intense research performed on Rivera's work
since his death. Texts include an illustrated biography and essays
by prominent art historians offering interpretations of each mural.
One could not ask for a more comprehensive study of Rivera's
oeuvre; finally his work is the subject of the sweeping
retrospective it deserves.
Lonely Planet's Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary is your handy
passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and
useful Quechua phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs.
Ask for hiking directions, learn about local culture and shop at
markets with confidence - all with your trusted travel companion.
With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the
heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now! Get More From
Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation!
Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods
with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at
your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word
two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and
emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology
Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message
across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's
Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary: Phrases to Learn Before You Go
Ways to Start a Sentence Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For -
phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs
Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases
Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation,
reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled
travelers, senior travelers, sightseeing, business, banking, post
office, internet, phones, repairs, shopping, bargaining,
accommodations, directions, border crossing, transport Social -
meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance,
culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police,
doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at
the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice:
Lonely Planet's Quechua Phrasebook & Dictionary, a pocket-sized
comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language
assistance. Great for language students and travelers looking to
interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. Check
out our Fast Talk Phrasebook mobile app for on-the-go language
needs. (Available languages: German, Latin Spanish, European
Spanish, French, and Italian.)
From Comfort Woman: "We began the day with breakfast, after which
we swept and cleaned our rooms. Then we went to the bathroom
downstairs to wash the only dress we had and to bathe. The bathroom
did not even have a door, so the soldiers watched us. We were all
naked, and they laughed at us, especially me and the other young
girl who did not have any pubic hair. "At two, the soldiers came.
My work began, and I lay down as one by one the soldiers raped me.
Every day, anywhere from twelve to over twenty soldiers assaulted
me. There were times when there were as many as thirty; they came
to the garrison in truckloads." "I lay on the bed with my knees up
and my feet on the mat, as if I were giving birth. Whenever the
soldiers did not feel satisfied, they vented their anger on me.
Every day, there were incidents of violence and humiliation. When
the soldiers raped me, I felt like a pig. Sometimes they tied up my
right leg with a waist band or a belt and hung it on a nail in the
wall as they violated me. "I shook all over. I felt my blood turn
white. I heard that there was a group called the Task Force on
Filipino Comfort Women looking for women like me. I could not
forget the words that blared out of the radio that day: 'Don't be
ashamed, being a sex slave is not your fault. It is the
responsibility of the Japanese Imperial Army. Stand up and fight
for your rights.'" In April 1943, fifteen-year-old Maria Rosa
Henson was taken by Japanese soldiers occupying the Philippines and
forced into prostitution as a "comfort woman." In this simply told
yet powerfully moving autobiography, Rosa recalls her childhood as
the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy landowner, her work for Huk
guerrillas, her wartime ordeal, and her marriage to a rebel leader
who left her to raise their children alone. Her triumph against all
odds is embodied by her decision to go public with the secret she
had held close for fifty years. Now in a second edition with a new
introduction and foreword that bring the ongoing controversy over
the comfort women to the present, this powerful memoir will be
essential reading for all those concerned with violence against
From Comfort Woman: "We began the day with breakfast, after which
we swept and cleaned our rooms. Then we went to the bathroom
downstairs to wash the only dress we had and to bathe. The bathroom
did not even have a door, so the soldiers watched us. We were all
naked, and they laughed at us, especially me and the other young
girl who did not have any pubic hair. "At two, the soldiers came.
My work began, and I lay down as one by one the soldiers raped me.
Every day, anywhere from twelve to over twenty soldiers assaulted
me. There were times when there were as many as thirty; they came
to the garrison in truckloads." "I lay on the bed with my knees up
and my feet on the mat, as if I were giving birth. Whenever the
soldiers did not feel satisfied, they vented their anger on me.
Every day, there were incidents of violence and humiliation. When
the soldiers raped me, I felt like a pig. Sometimes they tied up my
right leg with a waist band or a belt and hung it on a nail in the
wall as they violated me. "I shook all over. I felt my blood turn
white. I heard that there was a group called the Task Force on
Filipino Comfort Women looking for women like me. I could not
forget the words that blared out of the radio that day: 'Don't be
ashamed, being a sex slave is not your fault. It is the
responsibility of the Japanese Imperial Army. Stand up and fight
for your rights.'" In April 1943, fifteen-year-old Maria Rosa
Henson was taken by Japanese soldiers occupying the Philippines and
forced into prostitution as a "comfort woman." In this simply told
yet powerfully moving autobiography, Rosa recalls her childhood as
the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy landowner, her work for Huk
guerrillas, her wartime ordeal, and her marriage to a rebel leader
who left her to raise their children alone. Her triumph against all
odds is embodied by her decision to go public with the secret she
had held close for fifty years. Now in a second edition with a new
introduction and foreword that bring the ongoing controversy over
the comfort women to the present, this powerful memoir will be
essential reading for all those concerned with violence against
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