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You're Crazy Volume One compiles twenty-five first-hand accounts of
people from the punk scene who live with mental health struggle,
addiction and trauma. This volume also includes two stories of punk
rockers who are allies to those of us who struggle and their
experience. This book exists to help empower the writers who are
sharing their personal experiences so that they can be better
understood. It also exists to help show that we are not alone in
this world and that life can get better. It's a necessity in our
community. We all deserve to be heard. You're Crazy aims to help
decrease the stigma that the authors, and those like them, face
while dealing with mental health stuggle, addiction and trauma. By
sharing their stories they are putting themselves on the line as
they take ownership of their lives and experiences while
demonstrating the reality of their lives. These stories educate and
inspire, increasing understanding and empathy while reducing
During the late 1990s, the Department of Energy (DOE) had
difficulties with a lack of clear management authority and
responsibility that contributed to security problems at the
nation's nuclear weapons laboratories and management problems with
major projects. In response, Congress created the National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA) as a separately organised agency
within the DOE under the NNSA Act. The NNSA is responsible for
managing nuclear weapons and non-proliferation-related national
security activities in laboratories and other facilities,
collectively known as the nuclear security enterprise. This book
examines the problems that have arisen with the nuclear security
enterprise, from projects' cost and schedule overruns to inadequate
oversight of safety and security at NNSA's sites. With the NNSA
proposing to spend tens of billions of dollars to modernise its
facilities, it is important to ensure scarce resources are spent in
an effective and efficient manner.
So, just what is hip-hop? What are the religious and spiritual
influences behind it? What are the ways it is devastating this
generation? Can hip-hop be redeemed by the church, or is it
something that needs to be countered? Inspired by the DVD series
that exposed hip-hop for the demonic influence it is, The Truth
Behind Hip Hop is written to equip the church and expose the
devil's agenda to immobilize and destroy the next generation. In
this book, speaker and author Elder G. Craige Lewis uses the light
of God's word to reveal hip-hop subculture for the destructive
force it is. As you read, you will understand that more than a
music style, hip-hop is a way of life that is leading a generation
to hell. From eyewitness accounts, to powerful biblical teaching,
this book will empower you not only to walk in freedom, but to also
set others free. For Speaking Engagements Contact: EX Ministries
817-764-3025 or visit us on the web at: Email:
[email protected] www.exministries.com
Ce livre existe pour aider ceux qui aspirent a tendre vers le
Retablissement et le bien etre et aussi ceux deja en
Retablissement. Il y parvient parce qu'il s'addresse et accompagne,
en le motivant et d'une maniere vrai, realiste, basique, accessible
et honnete le Retablissement en permettant a ceux qui l'utilisent
de faire des des ajustement cognitifs dans la facon dont ils vivent
leur vie. La beaute de ce parcours prescrit par l'utilisation de
l'ouvrage c'est que le gens aiment le suivre et ne le considere pas
comme une formation de base, une demande, ou un effort, en effet
chaque page encourage l'individu a penser de facon realiste et
tournee vers l'avenir. Cela leur permet de se sentir bien a propos
du travail a faire. Ce livre est destine a toutes les personnes qui
combattent trauma, addiction, stress, anxiete, la sante mentale
quoi... et tout ce qui nous a ete jete a la face par la vie. Il y a
de meilleurs moyens pour de meilleurs jours.
Este libro de trabajo de mejores Dias ayuda a aquellos que aspiran
a la recuperacion y al bienestar, porque se dirige y reta al
individuo, en maneras muy reales, basicas y honestas, a hacer
ajustes significativos en su forma de vivir. La maravilla de este
curriculum es que a la gente le gusta hacerlo, y no lo toman como
una tarea ,una obligacion o un requerimiento. Porque cada pagina
sutilmente ayuda al individuo a pensar en formas realistas y de
mejoras.Esto permite hacerlos sentir bien sobre hacer su trabajo.
Este libro de trabajo de Mejores Dias es para cualquiera que lucha
contra el trauma, la adiccion,la salud mental y la vida diaria, y
que quiere mejorar su calidad de vida, como manejar el estres,los
obstaculos, las dificultades y a otras personas. Hay mejores
maneras para tener Mejores Dias. Yo me base para este libro en mi
vida personal y recuperacion, y cada pagina ha sido usada
exitosamente en sesiones de grupos.
Dit boek helpt een ieder die streeft naar herstel of al in het
proces van herstel zit, omdat het boek de individu aanspreekt en
uitdaagt - op een zeer echte, simpele en eerlijke manier - om
significante cognitieve veranderingen te maken in de wijze waarop
zij leven. De kracht en schoonheid van dit stappenplan is dat
mensen het fijn vinden om te doen en het niet als een verplichting
of een klus ervaren, want iedere pagina moedigt je aan om
realistische stappen vooruit te maken. Dit geeft voldoening en
kracht om het werk te doen. Ik baseer dit boek op mijn persoonlijke
leven en herstel, en iedere bladzijde is succesvol gebruikt in
peergroups over de hele wereld.