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Operator No.5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels
in the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to
November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the
United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming
on the horizon, the Operator No.5 novels became a reflection of the
times, showcasing American fears of technology and oppression. In
The Dawn that Shook the World, Jimmy Christopher leads a band of
agents into Europe, battlling a dictator with plans for world
dominations (shades of Adolph Hitler ) One of the bloodiest pulp
magazines ever produced, Operator No.5 has a well-deserved
reputation for thrill-a-minute action and peril. If you like pulp
fiction, you'll love Operator No.5.
Operator #5, a secret service ace, appeared in more than 48 novels
in a classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to
November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the
United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming
on the horizon, the Operator #5 books became a reflection of the
times -- none more so than when a fascist dictator appears to take
over the U.S. government! One of the bloodiest pulps ever produced,
full of thrill-a-minute action and peril, Blood Reign of the
Dictator is a classic entry in the series.
Operator #5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels in
the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to
November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the
United States and invaders from without.
With World War II looming on the horizon, the Operator #5 novels
became a reflection of the times, showcasing American fears of
technology and oppression.
"The Masked Invasion" is the first entry in the series. Jimmy
Christopher, Operator #5 in the American Intelligence Service,
faces off agasint the Masked Empire, an organization that threatens
the very existance of the United States with a super-weapon capable
of plunging an entire region into total darkness -- with no ability
to use electrical machinery!
Ripped from the pages of the February, 1937 issue of "Operator #5"
magazine, here is the lead novel -- "Siege of the Thousand
Over the Rockies and down the Pacific slope rolled the Purple
Emperor's great war machine, crushing the last vestige of American
resistance. Operator 5, seeing his cause already lost, decided upon
the incredibly daring, typically American action -- counter-attack!
Read here of his mad, secret sortie through enemy territory . . .
across two thousand miles of hell to the guns and ammunition which
alone could stave off utter defeat for America!
Ripped from the pages of the October, 1934 issue of "Operator #5"
magazine, here is the lead novel -- Invasion of the Dark Legions! A
ghost ship sailed silently through the moon-lit night, manned by a
crew of dead men. Jimmy Christopher stands frozen with terror at
the sight before his eyes - an evidence of bacteriological warfare,
of a foreign dictator's first death-blow at the heart of a nation.
It foreshadows the epidemics of ravishing, man-made plagues which
are to come - the midnight of a powerful, secret army, already
assembled within the land their power-maddened master covets. What
vicious undercover emissary plots this wholesale murder? How can
Operator 5 hope to save the country he loves from the slave-yoke of
a greedy, foreign demagogue?
A gold-masked avenger, linked with malevolent foreign powers,
seeks to crumble the economic foundations of the United States.
Soon, crippled, bewildered, and terrified, a great free people
tremble on the brink of capitulation. For Operator #5 and his loyal
band of defenders of liberty, death is preferable to dishonor. And
as the nation's leadership succumbs to panic, death stalks ever
A thrilling Operator #5 novel, originally published in the
August, 1935 issue of Operator #5 magazine!
Operator No.5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels
in the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to
November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the
United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming
on the horizon, the Operator No.5 novels became a reflection of the
times, showcasing American fears of technology and oppression. In
Invasion of the Crimson Death Cult, Kasma, a baleful divinity from
the wastes of Asia, has laid his blighting curse upon America. All
who oppose him come to ghastly ends: amnesia, madness, and
screaming, agonizing death-for the cult of Kasma enforces its dread
dictates with a new, deadly weapon, unseen, unheard, which razed
the mightiest buildings, which lay wide regions barren - without
man or bird or beast One man, Jimmy Christopher - known in the
Secret Service as Operator No.5 - understood the grim purpose
behind that crafty plan. And Operator No.5, hampered by a
superior's short-sightedness, beset on every side by peril and
treachery, takes the greatest gamble in his career to keep an army
of religion-crazed zealots from delivering America into the bondage
of an Asiatic Moloch well-deserved reputation for thrill-a-minute
action and peril. If you like pulp fiction, you'll love Operator
Operator #5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels in
the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to
November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the
United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming
on the horizon, the Operator #5 novels became a reflection of the
times, showcasing American fears of technology and oppression. In
Liberty's Suicide Legions, after America has been invaded and
nearly destroyed, Jimmy Christopher battles the forces of the
insidious Purple Emperor, with the fate of the United States
hanging in the balance! One of the bloodiest pulp magazines ever
produced, Operator #5 has a well-deserved reputation for
thrill-a-minute action and peril.
Over the western part of the United States fell the dark, terrible
cloud of the most incredible invasion in history. Before this
inhuman, scientific attack of Asia's barbaric army, Americans died
agonizingly in a deliberately released leprosy plague! As one great
western city after another was wiped out, and the invading army's
ranks were overwhelmingly swelled by drugged American recruits,
Operator 5 and his fighting patriots were slowly beaten back. Then
came the showdown -- when a handful af gallant sons of Liberty for
the last time challenged a Yellow despot in order that America
might still go free!
Operator No.5, America's Secret Service Ace, appeared in 48 novels
in the classic pulp magazine bearing his name. From April 1934 to
November 1939, Jimmy Christopher fought villains from inside the
United States and invaders from without. With World War II looming
on the horizon, the Operator No.5 books became a reflection of the
times, showcasing American fears of technology and oppression. In
Revolt of the Devil Men, after America has been invaded and nearly
destroyed, Jimmy Christopher and his organization begin rebuilding
efforts ...only to face a new threat One of the bloodiest pulps
ever produced, the Operator No.5 books have a well-deserved
reputation for thrill-a-minute action and peril. If you like pulp
fiction, you'll love Operator No.5.
ZOMBIES MARCHED . . . soulless storm troops of a sinister madman's
plot. Freedom was in mortal peril - as was Jimmy Christopher,
Operator 5 of the nation's spy service, battling the bloody tide
that swirled on land and sea. Into Death's Temple Jimmy rushed
headlong . . . where the archfiend awaited, eager to sacrifice him
on the bloody altar of tyranny . . . and resurrect him as a
mindless recruit in . . . THE ARMY OF THE DEAD!
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