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Pilar Hogan Closkey and John Hogan have brought together the annual
Archbishop Oscar Romero Lectures (2001-2007) to consider the life
and death of Archbishop Romero and the daily struggles of the poor
in our world, especially in the city of Camden, New Jersey-one of
America's poorest cities. Romero's 'dangerous memory' provides the
background, while urban poverty and the option for the poor are the
foreground. Romero's commitment to the poor compels us to look at
ourselves, and the authors of each chapter remind us of Romero's
dangerous memory and his undying hope in the promised future. Taken
as a whole, the book reminds us of the tough questions behind the
real meaning of the 'option for the poor.' Can we as a faith
community and institution move beyond high-sounding slogans and
really opt for the poor? What are the costs? What are the risks?
Especially in these difficult times of war, terrorism, and scandal,
can we in the Church rebuild trust and be a sign of a future of
justice and peace announced by Jesus?
Human beings leave their homelands for many reasons and they are
called by many names: illegal aliens, strangers, asylum-seekers,
displaced persons, economic migrants, lawful permanent residents,
refugees, temporary workers, and victims of trafficking. Some are
forced to flee because of violence, persecution, natural disaster,
or intense economic privation. Most migrate in search of a better
life, many as part of a family survival strategy. The movement of
people from one place to another has remained a constant feature of
human history. In an era characterized by the fast and cheaper
movement of goods and services around the globe, migrants are the
face of globalization. The world's two hundred million migrants
often find themselves at the center of economic, social, and
political debates. This book describes the distinctive way in which
Catholic social teaching looks at migrants. It analyzes migration
from the legal, social science, and cultural perspectives, and
gives special consideration to the lived experience of immigrants
themselves and their host communities. The book identifies gaps and
opportunities to improve government and non-governmental responses
to migration on a local, national, and international level. And You
Welcomed Me aims to reframe perspectives on migration by focusing
on the human beings at the heart of this phenomenon. It analyzes
trade, immigration, labor, national security, and integration
policies in light of the core Catholic commitment to the common
good, human dignity, authentic development, and solidarity.
Pilar Hogan Closkey and John Hogan have brought together the annual
Archbishop Oscar Romero Lectures (2001-2007) to consider the life
and death of Archbishop Romero and the daily struggles of the poor
in our world, especially in the city of Camden, New Jersey-one of
America's poorest cities. Romero's 'dangerous memory' provides the
background, while urban poverty and the option for the poor are the
foreground. Romero's commitment to the poor compels us to look at
ourselves, and the authors of each chapter remind us of Romero's
dangerous memory and his undying hope in the promised future. Taken
as a whole, the book reminds us of the tough questions behind the
real meaning of the 'option for the poor.' Can we as a faith
community and institution move beyond high-sounding slogans and
really opt for the poor? What are the costs? What are the risks?
Especially in these difficult times of war, terrorism, and scandal,
can we in the Church rebuild trust and be a sign of a future of
justice and peace announced by Jesus?
This is a powerful, first-hand account of a religious ministry that
reaches out to console, heal, and build the lives of poor and
desperate immigrants who come to the United States in search of a
better life. Daniel G. Groody talked with immigration officials,
'coyote' smugglers, and immigrants in detention centers and those
working in the fields. The picture that emerges starkly contrasts
with the negative stereotypes about Mexican immigrants: Groody
discovered insights into God, family, values, suffering, faith, and
hope that offer a treasury of spiritual knowledge helpful to
anyone, even those who are materially comfortable but spiritually
empty. This book has a message that reaches across borders,
divisions, and preconceptions; it reaches all the way to the heart.
A Christian theological interpretation of the border reality is a
neglected area of immigration study. The foremost contribution of A
Promised Land, A Perilous Journey is its focus on the theological
dimension of migration, beginning with the humanity of the
immigrant, a child of God and a bearer of his image. The nineteen
authors in this collection recognize that one characteristic of
globalization is the movement not only of goods and ideas but also
of people. The crossing of geographical borders confronts
Christians, as well as all citizens, with choices: between national
security and human insecurity, between sovereign national rights
and human rights, between citizenship and discipleship. Bearing
these global dimensions in mind, the essays in this book focus on
the particular problems of immigration across the U.S.-Mexico
border. The contributors to this volume include scholars as well as
pastors and lay people involved in immigration aid work.
Contributors: Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriguez, Gioacchino Campese,
Daniel G. Groody, Jacqueline Hagan, Donald Senior, Peter C. Phan,
Alex Nava, Gustavo Gutierrez, Stephen Bevans, Robert Schreiter,
Giovanni Graziano Tassello, Patrick Murphy, Robin Hoover, Graziano
Battistella, Donald Kerwin, Raul Fornet-Betancourt, Olivia Ruiz
Marrujo, and Jorge E. Castillo Guerra.
Since the 1973 publication of Gustavo Gutierrez's groundbreaking
work A Theology of Liberation, liberation theology's central
premise of the preferential option for the poor has become one of
the most important yet controversial theological themes of the
twentieth century. As the situation for many of the world's poor
worsens, it becomes ever more important to ensure that the option
for the poor remains not only a vibrant theological concept but
also a practical framework for living out the gift and challenge of
Christian faith. The Preferential Option for the Poor beyond
Theology draws on a diverse group of contributors to explore how
disciplines as varied as law, economics, politics, the environment,
science, liberal arts, film, and education can help us understand
putting a commitment to the option for the poor into practice. The
central focus of the book revolves around the question: How can one
live a Christian life in a world of destitution? The contributors
address the theological concept of the option for the poor as well
as the ways it can shape our social, economic, political,
educational, and environmental approaches to poverty. Their
creative examples serve as an inspiration to all those who are
seeking to put their talents at the service of human need and the
building of a more just and humane world.
Human beings leave their homelands for many reasons and they are
called by many names: illegal aliens, strangers, asylum-seekers,
displaced persons, economic migrants, lawful permanent residents,
refugees, temporary workers, and victims of trafficking. Some are
forced to flee because of violence, persecution, natural disaster,
or intense economic privation. Most migrate in search of a better
life, many as part of a family survival strategy. The movement of
people from one place to another has remained a constant feature of
human history. In an era characterized by the fast and cheaper
movement of goods and services around the globe, migrants are the
face of globalization. The world's two hundred million migrants
often find themselves at the center of economic, social, and
political debates. This book describes the distinctive way in which
Catholic social teaching looks at migrants. It analyzes migration
from the legal, social science, and cultural perspectives, and
gives special consideration to the lived experience of immigrants
themselves and their host communities. The book identifies gaps and
opportunities to improve government and non-governmental responses
to migration on a local, national, and international level. And You
Welcomed Me aims to reframe perspectives on migration by focusing
on the human beings at the heart of this phenomenon. It analyzes
trade, immigration, labor, national security, and integration
policies in light of the core Catholic commitment to the common
good, human dignity, authentic development, and solidarity.
A Christian theological interpretation of the border reality is a
neglected area of immigration study. The foremost contribution of A
Promised Land, A Perilous Journey is its focus on the theological
dimension of migration, beginning with the humanity of the
immigrant, a child of God and a bearer of his image. The nineteen
authors in this collection recognize that one characteristic of
globalization is the movement not only of goods and ideas but also
of people. The crossing of geographical borders confronts
Christians, as well as all citizens, with choices: between national
security and human insecurity, between sovereign national rights
and human rights, between citizenship and discipleship. Bearing
these global dimensions in mind, the essays in this book focus on
the particular problems of immigration across the U.S.-Mexico
border. The contributors to this volume include scholars as well as
pastors and lay people involved in immigration aid work.
Contributors: Oscar Andrés Cardinal Rodríguez, Gioacchino
Campese, Daniel G. Groody, Jacqueline Hagan, Donald Senior, Peter
C. Phan, Alex Nava, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Stephen Bevans, Robert
Schreiter, Giovanni Graziano Tassello, Patrick Murphy, Robin
Hoover, Graziano Battistella, Donald Kerwin, Raúl
Fornet-Betancourt, Olivia Ruiz Marrujo, and Jorge E. Castillo
Since the publication of Gustavo Gutierrez's 1973 groundbreaking
work, A Theology of Liberation, much has been written on liberation
theology and its central premise of the preferential option for the
poor. Arguably, this has been one of the most important yet
controversial theological themes of the twentieth century. As
globalization creates greater gaps between the rich and the poor,
and as the situation for many of the world's poor worsens, there is
an ever greater need to understand the gift and challenge of
Christian faith from the context of the poor and marginalized of
our society. This volume draws on the thought of leading
international scholars and explores how the Christian tradition can
help us understand the theological foundations for the option for
the poor. The central focus of the book revolves around the
question, How can one live a Christian life in a world of
destitution? The contributors are concerned not only with a social,
economic, or political understanding of poverty but above all with
the option for the poor as a theological concept. While these
essays are rooted in a solid grounding of our present "reality,"
they look to the past to understand some of the central truths of
Christian faith and to the future as a source of Christian hope.
Following Gustavo Gutierrez's essay on the multidimensionality of
poverty, Elsa Tamez, Hugh Page, Jr., Brian Daley, and Jon Sobrino
identify a central theological premise: poverty is contrary to the
will of God. Drawing on scripture, the writings of the early
fathers, the witness of Christian martyrs, and contemporary
theological reflection, they argue that poverty represents the
greatest challenge to Christian faith and discipleship. David Tracy
and J. Matthew Ashley carry their reflection forward by examining
the option for the poor in light of apocalyptic thought. Virgilio
Elizondo, Patrick Kalilombe, Maria Pilar Aquino, M. Shawn Copeland,
and Mary Catherine Hilkert examine the challenges of poverty with
respect to culture, Africa, race, and gender. Casiano Floristan and
Luis Maldonado explore the relationship between poverty,
sacramentality, and popular religiosity. The final two essays by
Aloysius Pieris and Michael Signer consider the option for the poor
in relationship to other major world religions, particularly an
Asian theology of religions and the meaning of care for the poor
within Judaism.