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The first volume of 'The Science of Spiritual Healing' introduced
the subtle anatomy of man as tought by Bob Moore including methods
to accept and transform all that was holding us back: emotions,
fears, and the ego. It is a long journey towards oneself. The
'Wider Self' looks at questions like: What is causing suffering?
What is the function of suffering? What ends suffering? What
creates permanent change in a person? What is the role of the soul?
What is spirituality? In this second volume we can discover and
expand into a series of fascinating new layers in our aura: our
spiritual aura, the soul layers, the divine layer, the planetary
and cosmic layers. We can embrace it all and perceive solutions for
suffering, the numerous problems of our time and find hope and
trust in the divine dimension and in who we really are. This book
is meant for people who have been working with inner transformation
for a number of years.
Siberian shamans say that the sound of their frame drum is the
horse that carries them into the beyond. Some music can indeed to
this for us. How is this possible? 'Music as a Mystical Journey'
explores this theme. The book is about spiritual transformation and
our search for happiness and harmony. A mystical journey is a
search that follows an inner call. The word mystical refers to a
quest common to all religions and yet does not belong to any one
exclusively. All mystical traditions like the Sufis, North American
Indians or shamanic cultures, went beyond religion into an open
space of fraternity and communion with nature and the divine. Today
music is present all around us, and we have all been deeply moved
by it at some point in our life. Few people realise how this
feeling experience can lead them more permanently into silence, joy
and freedom. This book explores a.o. the energy of the Black
Virgine or virgin blackness in music.
Spiritual healing and personal development is linked to the healing
of the planet as a whole and to all the sentient beings. This book
is inspired by the teachings of the Irish healer Bob Moore
(1928-2008) and describes the inner process of development that
leads to spiritual healing. It shows a progressive path that leads
back to the origin of our disharmony and in doing so reveals our
own source of healing. An integration of western scientific methods
with the eastern introspective research.
This present collection mainly includes texts about develop-ment
and the right attitude to growth of mind and com-passion. Bob
Moore's teachings are essentially an oral transmission which
included numerous exercises, meditations and practices. These are
not part of this book. They are transmitted by his students
Roots of Musicality offers an accessible and original theoretical
approach to a holistic music therapy based on the notion of
musicality as an expression of self, with the power to energise,
balance and harmonise. The author considers neuroscience and
psychobiology to identify analogies with the potential of musical
expression to bring about therapeutic change, as observed during
his work with children with autistic spectrum and pervasive
developmental disorders. Perret also explores the five elements -
earth, water, fire, air and space - as means of connecting nature
and human spirit. Taken together, these two approaches are
instrumental in bridging the gap between music and life and
fostering the expression and development of personal energy and
spirit in a range of contexts, from arts therapy, music education,
performance, and personal and spiritual growth. Roots of Musicality
is a key text for music therapists, art therapists, sound healers,
music teachers and musicians. It will be of particular interest to
those using music therapy with children on the autism spectrum.
Si le premier volume de la Science de la Guerison Spirituelle a
explore l'approche psychosomatique minutieuse de la transformation
de l'etre, ce deuxieme volume construit la dessus et ouvre les
chemins de l'expansion vers 'La grande Etendue de l'Etre'. Une fois
arrive 'au C ur de la Matiere', nous pouvons tout lacher, notre
conception trop etroite de nous-memes et nous mettre a explorer les
vastes possibilites de l'etre humain. Nous decouvrons entre autre
toute une serie fascinante de nouveaux champs energetiques qui nous
enveloppent: notre aura spirituelle, les couches de l'ame, la
couche de notre essence divine, puis les couches planetaires et
cosmiques. Cela nous ouvre a tout et laisse entrevoir des solutions
pour l'impasse dans lequel nous nous trouvons de nos jours.
L'expansion ne peux cependant nullement etre une fuite de notre vie
de tous les jours. Cela ne fonctionne pas ainsi et nos emotions
nous rameneraient tres vite de nouveau 'sur terre'. L'envol ne peut
se faire que si l'on sait ou se reposer a nouveau.
Sibiriske shamaner siger, at lyden af deres tromme er hesten der
baerer dem til det hinsides. Min erfaring er, at nogen former for
musik kan gore dette med os. Hvordan er det muligt? "Musik som en
Mystisk rejse" udforsker dette. Bogen handler om spirituel
transformation og vores sogen efter lykke og harmoni. I dag er der
musik alle vegne omkring os, og vi er alle blevet dybt bevaeget af
musik. Kun fa mennesker indser hvordan en sadan dyb
folelsesoplevelse kan fore dem mere permanent ind i stilhed, glaede
og frihed. Hvad minder denne folelse os om, hvor peger den hen og
hvordan kommer vi der? En mystisk rejse er en sogen der folger et
indre kald. Ordet "mystisk" hentyder til en sogen, der er faelles
for alle religioner og som derfor ikke tilhorer nogen bestemt
religion alene. Alle mystiske traditioner sa som sufierne, de
nord-amerikanske indianere eller de shamanske kulturer, gik
hinsides religionen ind i et abent rum med broderskab og
samhorighed med naturen og det guddommel
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