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R. Leidl, P. Potthoff, and D. Schwefel Health is a most vital
resource represented in the degree of our well-being and our
ability to conduct active and satisfactory lives. Acute and chronic
illnesses diminish such well-being and abilities and may require
resources for medical or nursing care. The improvement in health
status, a major objective of health policy, requires the
measurement of the severity of diseases and their consequences as
essential elements of information. In application, the measurement
approaches are gaining in relevance as they become more feasible
and as more experience is gathered about their implementation and
utilization. The feasibility of these new information tools is
supported by developments in data processing technologies that
permit broadly based empirical applications. Wider applications
lead to improvements in the management use of this information. At
the European level, better indicator systems of diseases and their
various aspects are facing an increasing demand for patient-based
health and health system comparisons and analyses. The measurement
of health status and its implications can comprise a number of
dimensions: various concepts of health and disease, types of
diseases, methodological approaches of measurement, purposes of
application and states of implementation.
From the early days of its recognized occurrence, AIDS has been per
ceived as posing tremendous threats, burdens and challenges to
human beings. Individuals, societies and, in a global point of
view, mankind are affected by the effects of the HN infection, the
nature and extent of which is still unclear in many ways. In the
beginning only biomedical and epidemiological analyses of the
problem were the top research priori ties, the former laden with
great hopes that it may soon be possible to stop the spread of the
disease and to overcome its physical impact. Yet it soon became
clear that AIDS would be something to be reckoned and coped with on
a long-term basis, making a thorough investigation of its impact
absolutely mandatory. AIDS has serious economic consequences. Taken
seriously, they can not be confined to predictions of costs
intended to support the AIDS issue in the struggle for resources.
Besides cost calculations - a method ologically tricky and
wide-ranging topic in itself -and their application to
cost-effectiveness and other analyses, economic issues include
identify ing and assessing patterns of care, analyzing problems of
financing, exploring impacts on markets other than health care, and
modelling scenarios for future developments and strategies. At
present, the eco nomic aspects of AIDS still constitute a very
recent topic in European health economics and health systems
research. Many projects are just about to start, and there must be
a better exchange of information between research groups.
Since the early 1970s, delivery of care to people who are consid-
ered to suffer from chronic psychotic disturbances has been at a
crossroads. In 1983, the European Regional Office of the World
Health Organization (WHO), within its health economics pro- gramme,
encouraged international research on the economic impli- cations of
alternative strategies of care for those patients. Origi- nally, it
was intended to compare at least two or more strategies of managing
chronic psychotics, especially strategies which place dif- ferent
emphasis on inpatient and outpatient care. Instead of designing a
fully coordinated, multinational, multi- centre study based on a
mutually agreed on study protocol, we de- cided on the following: -
To meet with researchers interested in the social, psychological,
and economic features of health care for chronic psychotic pa-
tients - To stimulate ongoing research projects or to initiate new
ones - To discuss quite different approaches from international and
- terdisciplinary points of view - To review and revise the
diversified end products of such an open research process For this
purpose, we outlined a broad range of topics which could be
included in the study: - Methodological problems of evaluation in
this field - Social and economic implications of psychiatric
deinstitutiona- zation - Scenarios of various degrees of
deinstitutionalization - Assessment of (hospital) costs of the
treatment for chronic sc- zophrenic and other psychotic patients -
Public and private costs of the main treatment strategies -
Time-expenditure analyses of chronic psychotic patients
It is not easy to summarize the studies that have dealt with the
health effects of un employment on the unemployed. The main problem
impeding a comparison of their results is the diversity of
theoretical constructs associated with physical and especially
mental health and, above all, an apparently inexhaustible variety
of op erationalizations of these constructs. It is significant that
the six conclusions drawn from the present state of unemployment
research by the organizers of a re cent conference on the
individual and social consequences of unemployment in cluded the
following request: "In view of the relevant constructs, it seems to
be most urgent to find or to develop operationalizations which can
be agreed upon, in order to guarantee comparability of research
results" (Kieselbach and Wacker 1985, p. XX; my translation).
Nevertheless, the results of these studies allow the statement that
a negative in fluence of job loss on psychological well-being can
be regarded as a validated finding. The influence on physical
health, however, must be assessed very careful ly and in a
differentiated manner. The few investigations dealing with this
ques tion arrive at different conclusions; moreover, possibly
relieving effects of unem ployment on health come into sight."
............................................................. 103
............................................................. 109
....................................................... 115
.............................................................. 247
Verzeichnis der Abbildungen Abb. 1. Auftretenshaufigkeiten
ausgewahlter Diagnosengruppen nach Altersgruppen der Patienten .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 33 . . . . . . . Abb.2.
Haufigkeitsverteilungen der Patienten mit ausgewahlten
Diagnosengruppen nach Altersgruppen der Patienten
.................................................. 39 Abb.3.
Haufigkeitsverteilung der Patienten nach Diagnosenzahl
................................................. 66 Abb. 4.
Variablenherkunft ..............................................
104 Verzeichnis der Tabellen im Text Tabelle 1. Scheine nach
Scheinart, Behandlungsart, Fachgruppe und Bezirk
..................................... 5 Tabelle 2. Arzte nach
Fachgruppe, Scheinzahl in der Stichprobe und Bezirk
................................................. 6 Tabelle 3.
Patienten nach Geschlecht, KassenzugehOrigkeit, Versicherten-und
Altersgruppen sowie Wohnort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tabelle
4. Patienten nach Alters-und Versichertengruppen .............. 9
Tabelle 5. Patienten nach Behandlungsart
.............................. 9 Tabelle 6. Patienten nach
Behandlungsart und Anzahl der Scheine (= Anzahl der Arzte) . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 10 . . . . . . . . Tabelle 7.
Patienten nach Anzahl der Behandlungstage und Geschlecht
............................................. 11 Tabelle 8.
Patienten nach Fachgruppe der konsultierten Arzte und nach
Geschlecht ............................................ 13 Tabelle
9. Patienten nach Inanspruchnahme von Allgemeinarzten oder
Facharzten und nach Alter ....... ......................... 14
Tabelle 10. Patienten nach Inanspruchnahme von Primiir-oder
Sekundararzten und nach Alter .............................. 15
Tabelle 11. Patienten nach Scheinart
.................................... 16 Tabelle 12. Patienten nach
Anzahl und Art der verwendeten Scheine
.............................. . . . . . . .. . . 17 Tabelle 13.
Patienten nur in kurativer Behandlung und nur mit Uberweisungs-oder
Belegarztscheinen nach Patientenmerkmalen
........................................ 18 Tabelle 14. Haufigste
Einzelleistungen nach Abrechnungshaufigkeit und Ansatz in Patienten
....................................... . 19 XII Tabelle 15.
Patienten nach Inanspruchnahme von Leistungsgruppen
...................................... 19 Tabelle 16. Patienten
nach Alter, Geschlecht, Versichertengruppe unct Wohnort sowie nach
Kassenzugehorigkeit ..................... 21 Tabelle 17. Patienten
nach Inanspruchnahmemerkmalen und Kassenart . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 22 . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Tabelle 18. Patienten nach Inanspruchnahme von
Arztgruppen und Kassenart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .. . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
Der vorliegende Band enthalt den AbschluBbericht Uber ein
Forschungs- projekt, das die Gesellschaft fur Strahlen- und
Umweltforschung (GSF) im Auf trag des Bayerischen
Staatsministeriums fUr Arbeit und Sozial- ordnung (StMAS) und in
Zusammenarbeit sowohl mit diesem Ministerium a 1 s auch mi t den
Landes verb and en der Orts-, Betri ebs- und Innungs- krankenkassen
in Bayern, der Landwirtschaft1ichen Krankenkasse Ober- bayern und
der Kassenarzt1ichen Vereinigung Bayerns durchgefUhrt hat.
Ausgangspunkt des Projekts war das gemeinsame Interesse der genann-
ten Institutionen an einer wissenschaft1ichen Begleitung und Bewer-
tung der "Gesamtvertrage zwi schen den Landesverbanden der bayer i-
schen RVO-Kassen und der Kassenarzt 1 i chen Verei ni gung Bayerns
mi t GUltigkeit yom 1. 7. 1979 (genannt Bayern-Vertrag)"; die
recht1iche Grund1age der Forschungsarbeiten bi1deten zwei Vertrage,
die am 1. 12. 1980 abgesch10ssen wurden: - erstens ei n
"Werkvertrag" zwi schen dem Frei staat Bayern, vertreten durch das
StMAS, und der GSF, in dem der Forschungsauftrag an das lnst itut
fUr Med; z; n; sche lnformat i k und Systemforschung (MEDlS) der
GSF definiert sowie seine administrative und finanzielle Ab-
wicklung geregelt wird; - zweitens ein "Kooperationsvertrag"
zwischen allen Beteiligten, in dem deren Rechte und Aufgaben bei
der Ausarbeitung wie auch Ver- wertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse
festgelegt sind. Ein Bericht Uber die erste Phase der Studie wurde
von der Arbeits- gruppe Soziookonomie des MEDIS-Instituts der GSF
1982 veroffentlicht (Schwefe1 et a1. 1982).
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