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On February 24, 1989, United Airlines flight 811, a Boeing 747-122,
lost a cargo door as it was climbing between 22,000 and 23,000 feet
after taking off from Honolulu, Hawaii, en route to Sydney,
Australia with 355 persons aboard. As a result of the incident nine
of the passengers were ejected from the airplane and lost at sea.
The cargo door was recovered in two pieces from the ocean floor at
a depth of 14,200 feet on September 26 and October 1, 1990. The
probable cause of this accident was a faulty switch or wiring in
the door control system. Contributing to the cause of the accident
was a deficiency in the design of the cargo door locking
mechanisms. Also contributing to the accident was a lack of timely
corrective actions by Boeing and the FAA following a 1987 cargo
door opening incident on a Pan Am B-747.
On April 6, 1993, a China Eastern Airlines McDonnell Douglas MD-11,
flight 583, on its way from Beijing, China, to Los Angeles,
California, had an inadvertent deployment of the leading edge wing
slats while in cruise flight, not far from Shemya, Alaska. The
autopilot disconnected, and the captain was manually controlling
the airplane when it progressed through several violent pitch
oscillations and lost 5,000 feet of altitude. Two passengers were
fatally injured, and 149 passengers and 7 crewmembers received
various injuries. The airplane did not receive external structural
damage, but the passenger cabin was substantially damaged. The
National Transportation Safety Board determined that the probable
cause of this accident was the inadequate design of the flap/slat
actuation handle by the Douglas Aircraft Company that allowed the
handle to be easily and inadvertently dislodged from the UP/RET
position, thereby causing extension of the leading edge slats
during cruise flight.
On April, 1988, at 1346, a Boeing 737-200, N73711, operated by
Aloha Airlines Inc., as flight 243, experienced an explosive
decompression and structural failure at 24.000 feet, while en route
from Hilo, to Honolulu, Hawaii. Approximately 18 feet from the
cabin skin and structure aft of the cabin entrance door separated
from the aeroplane during flight. One flight attendant was swept
overboard and is presumed to have been fatally injured, 7
passengers and 1 flight attendant received serious injuries. The
flight crew performed an emergency descent and landing at Kahului
Airport on the Island of Maui. The National TRansportation Safety
Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the
failure of the Aloha Airlines maintenance program to detect
significant disbonding and fatigue damage which led to the failure
of a lap joint and the seperation of the fuselage upper lobe.
On June 1, 1999, at 2350:44 central daylight time, American
Airlines flight 1420, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82, crashed after it
overran the end of runway 4R during landing at Little Rock National
Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas. The flight originated from
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Texas. There were 145
persons on board. The airplane was destroyed by impact forces and a
postcrash fire. The captain and 10 passengers were killed; 120
crewmembers and passengers received serious or minor injuries; and
24 passengers were not injured. The National Transportation Safety
Board determines that the probable causes were the flight crew's
failure to discontinue the approach when severe thunderstorms.
On Tuesday 24 March 2015, the Airbus A320-211 registered D-AIPX
operated by Germanwings took off from Barcelona, Spain, at 09:00
with destination Dusseldorf, Germany. At 09:41, the aircraft
crashed into the mountains northeast of Marseille. The
investigation into the causes of the crash revealed that the
co-pilot, at a moment when he was alone in the cockpit, had
deliberately flown the plane into the mountains killing all 150
persons on board. The investigation revealed also that the co-pilot
was under medical treatment for depressions by several health care
providers. Neither of those providers informed any aviation
authority, nor any other authority about the co-pilot's mental
state. No action could have been taken by the authorities and/or
his employer to prevent him from flying on the day of the accident,
because they were not informed about the co-pilot's mental state of
On 31 August 1983, Korean Air Lines Flight 007, a Boeing 747,
departed John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York, United
States, on a scheduled flight for Seoul, Republic of Korea. The
flight had 269 persons on board. Soon after departure from
Anchorage, Alaska, KE 007 deviated to the right (north) of its
direct track, this deviation resulted in penetration of Sovjet
Russian air space. Military aircraft operated by the USSR attempted
to intercept KE 007 over Kamchatka Peninsula. The interception
attempts were unsuccessful. Upon approaching Sakhalin Island, USSR,
the flight was intercepted by USSR military aircraft and shot down
on the assumption that is was a United States RC-135 (spy)
aircraft. There were no survivors.
On 28 December 2014 an Airbus A320-216 aircraft registered as
PK-AXC was cruising at 32,000 feet on a flight from Juanda Airport,
Surabaya, Indonesia to Changi Airport, Singapore with total
occupants of 162 persons. The Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as Pilot
Monitoring (PM) and the Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot
Flying (PF). The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) recorded that many
master cautions activated following the failure of the Rudder
Travel Limiter which triggered Electronic Centralized Aircraft
Monitoring (ECAM) message of AUTO FLT RUD TRV LIM SYS. The crew
tried repeatedly to reset the computers but the autopilot and
auto-thrust disengaged and the flight control reverted to Alternate
Law. The investigation showed that the loss of electricity and the
RTLU failure were caused by a cracked solder joint. All occupants
of the plane were killed in the accident.
On 07 March 2014 at 1642 UTC, a Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370,
bound for Beijing departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport
with 239 persons on board. It was a Boeing 777-200ER. A half hour
in the flight all communication stopped suddenly and the plane
changed course to the remote South Indian Ocean. Nothing was heard
or seen of the plane until on 1 August 2015 a piece of the wing was
found on the Beach of Reunion Island in the Southwest Indian Ocean.
The accident is very similar to the crash of Helios Flight 5223 on
13 August 2005. This plane suffered from a sudden leak in the cabin
pressure, crew and passengers suffered from hypoxia, three hours
later the plane hit a mountain near Athens, Greece. Did Captain
Shah of MH370 try to avoid crashing on Beijing? What is the role of
the huge American base of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in the
On July 8, 2006 at 22:44 UTC, as it was landing at Irkutsk airport,
an A-310 airplane, registration F-OGYP, operated by Sibir Airlines
AS Flight C7 778, ran down the runway, overran the runway threshold
and, at a distance of 2140 m and on a magnetic azimuth of 296 from
the aerodrome reference point, collided with barriers, broke apart
and burst into flames. As a result of the accident 125 individuals
died, including both pilots and 3 of the cabin crew; 60 passengers
and 3 cabin crew suffered physical injuries of varying degrees of
severity. The actions of the crew from the onset and in the
development of an emergency situation revealed shortcomings in the
professional training of both the airplane captain and the
co-pilot. The real cause of the accident was pilot error due to
lack of training and experience.
In the year 1609 a hand full of sturdy sailors watched with
amazement the shores they were approaching. Their ship, the Halve
Maen, came from The Netherlands. Amsterdam, their place of origin,
was the world's commercial center. The captain of the ship was
named Henry Hudson, he was British. The ship was small, it had a
crew of only 16 men. Some 15 years later a few clever businessmen
from Amsterdam established a permanent basis at the mouth of the
Hudson River: New Amsterdam.
De voordelen van de euro, de Hoge Snelheidslijn, de Betuwe Lijn, de
JSF, de Fyra, etc. het zijn allemaal voorbeelden van zaken waarbij
onze overheid de zaken veel rooskleuriger voorstelde dan in
werkelijkheid het geval was. Waarom goochelen ze met cijfers en
liegt men ons iedere keer voor? Weet men niet beter of doet men dit
met opzet? Het is een grote puinhoop. Er is iets fundamenteel mis
met de manier waarop onze overheid te werk gaat. We zitten nu al op
een percentage allochtonen in onze bevolking dat hoger is dan toen
de Vlamingen in 1600 en masse naar de Noordelijke Nederlanden
vluchtten. Wie gaat dat allemaal betalen? Dan is er het failliete
Amerika, daar kan niemand meer onderuit. Als Europa er niet in
slaagt om de miljoenen stroom 'vluchtelingen' te keren dan wacht
ons hetzelfde lot als de Romeinen in het jaar 469. Ons bestaan
staat serieus ter discussie, dat is geen grap. Houdt onze overheid
ons voor de gek?