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During the last two decades, applied ethics has not only developed
into one of the most important philosophical disciplines but has
also differentiated into so many subdisciplines that it is becoming
increasingly difficult to survey it. A much-needed overview is
provided by the eighteen contributions to this volume, in which
internationally renowned experts deal with central questions of
environmental ethics, bioethics and medical ethics, professional
and business ethics, social, political, and legal ethics as well as
with the aims and foundations of applied ethics in general. Thanks
to a philosophical introduction and selected bibliographical
references added to each chapter, the book is very well suited as a
basis for courses in applied ethics. It is directed not only to
philosophers and to ethicists from other disciplines but to
scientists in general and to all people who are interested in the
rational discussion of moral principles and their application to
concrete problems in the sciences and in everyday life.
Free logic - i.e., logic free of existential presuppositions in
general and with respect to singular terms in particular- began to
come into its own as a field of research in the 1950s. As is the
case with so many developments in Western philosophy, its roots can
be traced back to ancient Greek philo sophy. It is only during the
last fifty years, however, that it has become well established as a
branch of modern logic. The name of Karel Lambert is most closely
connected with this development: he gave it its name and its
profile as a well defined field of research. After a development of
fifty years, it is time to look back and take stock while at the
same time scanning for new perspectives. This is the purpose of the
papers collected in this volume. The first paper is written by
Karel Lambert himself who also comments on all the papers of the
other authors. In an introductory essay we give a survey of the
present status of and new directions in free logic."
During the last two decades, applied ethics has not only developed
into one of the most important philosophical disciplines but has
also differentiated into so many subdisciplines that it is becoming
increasingly difficult to survey it. A much-needed overview is
provided by the eighteen contributions to this volume, in which
internationally renowned experts deal with central questions of
environmental ethics, bioethics and medical ethics, professional
and business ethics, social, political, and legal ethics as well as
with the aims and foundations of applied ethics in general. Thanks
to a philosophical introduction and selected bibliographical
references added to each chapter, the book is very well suited as a
basis for courses in applied ethics. It is directed not only to
philosophers and to ethicists from other disciplines but to
scientists in general and to all people who are interested in the
rational discussion of moral principles and their application to
concrete problems in the sciences and in everyday life.
Modern endoprosthetics requires the examination of basic principles
such as metallurgy, tribology, gait analysis, model and system
development, methods of implant fixation, design, surface problems,
material characteristics, stability behaviour, and operating
techniques. With a background of more than 30 years of experience,
this work presents a summary of these fields, providing the reader
with the current state of knowledge. It is dedicated to Dr. med.
h.c. Otto Frey-Zund who, in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeons,
scientists and engineers from all over Europe, developed artificial
joints for hips, knees, elbows and wrists in over 30 years of
pioneering work.
J. SCHATZKER Friedrich Pauwels first postulated that excessive
osteotomies and in particular on a group ofJ 09 joint pressure
could cause the destruction of ar- osteotomies followed up for
13-15 years after ticular cartilage and lead to osteoarthritis, and
surgery. that the reduction of this pressure would bring Erwin
Morscher supports the long-term re- about regeneration of articular
cartilage and re- sults of Bombelli and Schneider in his analysis
gression of the disease. The first chapter of this of a study of
over 2,000 osteotomies performed book is a synthesis of Pauwels'
lifelong devotion in several Swiss centers. to the biomechanics of
the hip. It presents the He also presents a careful analysis of his
reader with a clear exposition of the intertro- own smaller series.
Based on all these data, he chanteric osteotomy as a procedure
based on defines for us the ideal parameters which clear
biomechanical principles, and illustrates should be present in
order to make the patient how biomechanical regeneration of the
joint can an ideal candidate for an intertrochanteric os- be
influenced by a reversal of the mechanical teotomy.
The main problem with regard to alloplastic joints is the loosening
of the implant. Twenty years ago, Charnley first introduced bone
cement to hip surgery, enabling total hip replacement to be
practised on a larger scale. There is no question, however, that
new approaches must be found to solving the problems of implant
loosening, either by developing a new type of cement or by directly
anchoring the implant without using ce- ment. Much research has
been done in this direction in recent years. The methods which have
already been tested or are currently being tested were presented
and discussed at a symposium on Cementless Fixation of
Endoprostheses organized by the Orthopaedic Clinic of the
University of Basel and held on 24-26 June 1982. Various possible
ap- proaches which might be realized in practice were discussed in
a relaxed atmosphere. In addition to the biomechanical bases of
cementless fixa- tion of endoprostheses, the various models were
discussed, with special regard to their biocompatibility, physical
characteristics, design, clinical applicability, and previous
clinical experience. This book contains the papers delivered at
this symposium.
Readers of the first volume of Progress in Orthopaedic Surgery may
remember the introductory remarks of Drs. Wagner and Hungerford. It
is the intention of the editors of this publication to familiarize
English - speaking orthopaedists with articles published in the
European literature which, because of language barriers, would
otherwise be inaccessible to them. Most articles in this second
volume also are translations of papers originally printed in Der
Orthopiide. The purpose of this German medical journal is to
disseminate the newest experiences of orthopaedic problems in a
form that is of particular value to the practising orthopaedic
surgeon. In 1973 eight articles were published on acetabular
dysplasia. In his fore word to this issue Dr. Wagner stated some of
the reasons why such an indepth study was deemed necessary. He was
of the opinion that the shallowness and increase in acclivity of
the acetabulum was of such central importance in the development
and treatment of hip dysplasias that a volume dealing with this
subject was fully justified. Another reason for this collection of
papers was the advances made in correcting the results of a
dysplastic acetabulum by surgical means and thereby improving hip
joint function in later years, or at least pre venting its early
Free logic - i.e., logic free of existential presuppositions in
general and with respect to singular terms in particular- began to
come into its own as a field of research in the 1950s. As is the
case with so many developments in Western philosophy, its roots can
be traced back to ancient Greek philo sophy. It is only during the
last fifty years, however, that it has become well established as a
branch of modern logic. The name of Karel Lambert is most closely
connected with this development: he gave it its name and its
profile as a well defined field of research. After a development of
fifty years, it is time to look back and take stock while at the
same time scanning for new perspectives. This is the purpose of the
papers collected in this volume. The first paper is written by
Karel Lambert himself who also comments on all the papers of the
other authors. In an introductory essay we give a survey of the
present status of and new directions in free logic."
Das Hauptproblern des alloplastischen Gelenkes ist die Lockerung
des Implanta- tes. Obwohl der vor uber 20 Jahren von 1. Charnley in
die Huftchirurgie einge- fuhrte Knochenzement die enorme
Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Endopro- thetik uberhaupt erst
moeglich gemacht hat, besteht kaum ein Zweifel daruber, dass zur
Loesung des Problems der Prothesenlockerung neue Wege eingeschlagen
werden mussen, sei es durch Findung neuer Knochenzemente oder durch
direkte Verankerung der Endoprothesen in den Knochen ohne
Verwendung von Kno- chenzement. In dieser Richtung ist in den
letzten Jahren viel Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit geleistet
worden. Im Sinne einer Standortbestimmung wurden an einem von der
Orthopadi- schen Universitatsklinik Basel vom 24.-26.6. 1982
organisierten Symposium uber "Zementlose Fixation von
Huftendoprothesen" die bisher erprobten und in Erprobung
befindlichen Methoden der zementfreien Verankerung von Huften-
doprothesen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Es wurden durch
ungezwungenen Aus- tausch der Erfahrungen die verschiedenen Wege
zukunftiger, praktisch realisier- barer Moeglichkeiten beleuchtet.
Neben den biomechanischen Grundlagen der zementfreien Verankerung
von Huftendoprothesen wurde im speziellen auf die einzelnen Modelle
im Hinblick auf ihre Biokompatibilitat, ihre physikalischen
Eigenschaften, ihr Design, die klinische Anwendbarkeit und die
bisherigen klini- schen Erfahrungen eingegangen. Das vorliegende
Buch prasentiert die an jenem Symposium gehaltenen Vortrage. Juni
1983 E. Morscher, Basel V Inhaltsverzeichnis Einfuhrung E. Morscher
Die Knochenzementmanschette: Untersuchung an 80 Autopsiepraparaten
mit Huftendoprothesen A. Gachter ................... .
Vor dem Hintergrund einer uber 30jahrigen Erfahrung zeigt dieses
Werk den aktuellen Wissensstand der Endoprothetik. Es ist
Dr.med.h.c. Otto Frey-Zund gewidmet, der in gemeinsamer
Pionierarbeit mit orthopadischen Chirurgen, Wissenschaftlern und
Ingenieuren aus ganz Europa Kunstgelenke fur Huft-, Knie-,
Ellenbogen- und Handgelenke entwickelt hat.