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In modern society services and support provided by computer-based
systems have become ubiquitous and indeed have started to fund
amentally alter the way people conduct their business. Moreover, it
has become apparent that among the great variety of computer
technologies available to potential users a crucial role will be
played by concurrent systems. The reason is that many commonly
occurring phenomena and computer applications are highly con
current : typical examples include control systems, computer
networks, digital hardware, business computing, and multimedia
systems. Such systems are characterised by ever increasing
complexity, which results when large num bers of concurrently
active components interact. This has been recognised and addressed
within the computing science community. In particular, sev eral
form al models of concurrent systems have been proposed, studied,
and applied in practice. This book brings together two of the most
widely used formalisms for de scribing and analysing concurrent
systems: Petri nets and process algebras. On the one hand , process
algebras allow one to specify and reason about the design of
complex concurrent computing systems by means of algebraic
operators corresponding to common programming constructs. Petri
nets, on the other hand, provide a graphical representation of such
systems and an additional means of verifying their correctness
efficiently, as well as a way of expressing properties related to
causality and concurrency in system be haviour.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 38th International
Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency,
PETRI NETS 2017, held in Zaragoza, Spain, in June 2017. Petri Nets
2017 is co-located with the Application of Concurrency to System
Design Conference, ACSD 2017. The 16 papers, 9 theory papers, 4
application papers, and 3 tool papers, with 1 short abstract and 3
extended abstracts of invited talks presented together in this
volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 33 submissions.
The focus of the conference is on following topics: Simulation of
Colored Petri Nets, Petri Net Tools.- Model Checking, Liveness and
Opacity, Stochastic Petri Nets, Specific Net Classes, and Petri
Nets for Pathways.
The theory of Petri nets is a part of computer science whose
importance is increasingly acknowledged. Many papers and
anthologies, whose subject matter is net theory and its
applications, have appeared to date. There exist at least seven
introductory textbooks on the theory. The present monograph
augments this literature by offering a mathematical treatment of
one of the central aspects of net theory: the modelling of concur
rency by partially ordered sets. Occurrence nets - which are
special nets as well as special partial orders - are proposed by
net theory for this purpose. We study both the general properties
of occurrence nets and their use in describing the concurrent
behaviour of systems. Occurrence nets may be contrasted with a more
language-oriented approach to the modelling of concurrency known as
arbitrary interleaving. We will dis cuss some connections between
these' two approaches. Other approaches based on partially ordered
sets - such as the theory of traces, the theory of event structures
and the theory of semi words - are not considered in this book, in
spite of the strong links between them and net theory."
In modern society services and support provided by computer-based
systems have become ubiquitous and indeed have started to fund
amentally alter the way people conduct their business. Moreover, it
has become apparent that among the great variety of computer
technologies available to potential users a crucial role will be
played by concurrent systems. The reason is that many commonly
occurring phenomena and computer applications are highly con
current : typical examples include control systems, computer
networks, digital hardware, business computing, and multimedia
systems. Such systems are characterised by ever increasing
complexity, which results when large num bers of concurrently
active components interact. This has been recognised and addressed
within the computing science community. In particular, sev eral
form al models of concurrent systems have been proposed, studied,
and applied in practice. This book brings together two of the most
widely used formalisms for de scribing and analysing concurrent
systems: Petri nets and process algebras. On the one hand , process
algebras allow one to specify and reason about the design of
complex concurrent computing systems by means of algebraic
operators corresponding to common programming constructs. Petri
nets, on the other hand, provide a graphical representation of such
systems and an additional means of verifying their correctness
efficiently, as well as a way of expressing properties related to
causality and concurrency in system be haviour.
The refereed proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, ICATPN 2003, held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in June 2003. The 25 revised full papers presented together with 6 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. All current issues on research and development in the area of Petri nets are addressed, in particular concurrent systems design and analysis, model checking, networking, business process modeling, formal methods in software engineering, agent systems, systems specification, systems validation, discrete event systems, protocols, and prototyping.
This volume contains the proceedings of CONCUR '93, the fourth in
an annual series of conferences devoted to the study of
concurrency. The basic aim of the CONCUR conferences is to
communicate advances in concurrency theory and applications. The
volume contains 31 papers selected from 113submissions, together
with four invited papers and two abstracts of invited talks. The
invited talks are: "The lambda-calculus with multiplicities"
(extended abstract) by G rard Boudol, "A pi-calculus semantics for
an object-based design notation" by Cliff B. Jones, "Partial-order
methods for temporal verification" by Pierre Wolper and Patrice
Godefroid, "Non-interleaving process algebra" by Jos C.M. Baetenand
Jan A. Bergstra, "Loop parallelization in the polytope model" by
Christian Lengauer, and "Structured operational semantics for
process algebras and equational axiom systems" (abstract) by Bard
Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studenten und ambitionierte
Praktiker, die sich fur die Theorie der Programmierung bzw. die
Semantik von Programmiersprachen interessieren und dabei auch
neuere Konzepte kennenlernen wollen.Der Datenfluss einer
imperativen und nichtdeterministischen Programmiersprache und der
Kontrollfluss einer variablenfreien Sprache werden zunachst
getrennt beschrieben und dann zu einer einheitlichen Semantik fur
parallele Programme zusammengefugt. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf
dem Studium der mathematischen Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen
semantischen Ansatzen. Das Buch ist vollstandig mit leicht
verstandlichen Beweisen und praktische relevanten Beispielen
versehen und enthalt neben grosseren Fallstudien auch
Ubungsaufgaben mit Musterlosungen sowie eine breite