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When it was rumored that the communist partisans planned to destroy
Sremska Mitrovica, Jugoslavia as the German Military retreated, the
father persuaded the mother to leave the city for a short time,
taking the five children and her mother to a safe place until the
fighting was over. They boarded the over-crowded last train going
west, away from the terror that was imminent. They had no idea
where they were going nor how long they would have to be away from
home. The father could not leave the city; he was drafted into a
"home guard" and charged with protecting the city. The family never
returned to Sremska Mitrovica. Separated during the war,
miraculously all family members, except for one son, were reunited
in the American Sector of Austria. The second oldest son had been
living and working near Berlin, Germany as a foreign worker.
"Liberated" by the Russians he was sent "home" to Jugoslavia, which
was by then behind the iron curtain leaving him with no chance of
joining his family in the west. They endured fear, discrimination
and persecution during the post-war years in a country of which
they did not even speak the language. The family lived in
deplorable conditions in a makeshift "Displaced Person's camp,"
commonly known as a "D.P.camp." The family survived hunger,
displacement and many other hardships with patience and courage
while relying on their faith.
Eine Projektgruppe des Berufsverbands Kinderkrankenpflege
Osterreich (BKKO) beschaftigte sich sieben Jahre lang mit
Pflegediagnosen der NANDA und bearbeitete die bestehenden Diagnosen
hinsichtlich relevanter Fragestellungen in der Kinder- und
Jugendlichenpflege. Das Ergebnis dieser Projektarbeit wird nun
erstmals in Buchform veroffentlicht. Nach einer kurzen Einfuhrung
zu den Schwerpunkten in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege werden
36 Pflegediagnosen ubersichtlich und gut strukturiert mit Angaben
von Definition, bestimmenden Merkmalen, Kennzeichen (Symptome) und
moglichen ursachlichen/beeinflussenden Faktoren bzw. Risikofaktoren
aufgelistet. Die Erstellung der korrekten Pflegediagnose
erleichtert die Beschreibung von realistischen Pflegezielen und
notwendigen Pflegemassnahmen, wobei dieses Buch zahlreiche
Vorschlage fur die Praxis aufzeigt. Pflegediagnosen, adaptiert fur
Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege unterstutzen in dieser praktischen
und ubersichtlichen Form somit die Pflegeplanung und liefern einen
wichtigen Beitrag zur Pflegeforschung."
When it was rumored that the communist partisans planned to destroy
Sremska Mitrovica, Jugoslavia as the German Military retreated, the
father persuaded the mother to leave the city for a short time,
taking the five children and her mother to a safe place until the
fighting was over. They boarded the over-crowded last train going
west, away from the terror that was imminent. They had no idea
where they were going nor how long they would have to be away from
home. The father could not leave the city; he was drafted into a
"home guard" and charged with protecting the city. The family never
returned to Sremska Mitrovica. Separated during the war,
miraculously all family members, except for one son, were reunited
in the American Sector of Austria. The second oldest son had been
living and working near Berlin, Germany as a foreign worker.
"Liberated" by the Russians he was sent "home" to Jugoslavia, which
was by then behind the iron curtain leaving him with no chance of
joining his family in the west. They endured fear, discrimination
and persecution during the post-war years in a country of which
they did not even speak the language. The family lived in
deplorable conditions in a makeshift "Displaced Person's camp,"
commonly known as a "D.P.camp." The family survived hunger,
displacement and many other hardships with patience and courage
while relying on their faith.