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From grandma to her grandchild with love: this fill-in keepsake journal is perfect for passing on family history. Grandma, what was your life like? This charmingly illustrated book will help grandchildren better know and understand their grandmother. On every page, grandma can collect and write down her thoughts, stories, experiences, and cherished memories. In addition to space for filling in the family tree and posting photos, questions throughout prompt her to discuss her childhood, wedding, honeymoon, birth of her children, and other precious moments. When the book is complete, it will be a record of the past the future generations will treasure forever.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea represents an authentic prototype for every tale of undersea adventure. On board the submarine Nautilus, young readers will be fascinated by the enigmatic Captain Nemo and will come to be astounded by the wonders that populate the depth of the sea. The splendid illustrations by Francesca Rossi, an artist capable of capturing vividly and realistically the atmosphere of the stories, will carry the children into the heart of the adventure. Almost as if they could browse the pages of the Nautilus logbook, they will be enthralled by the illustrations and sketches interspersing the narrative, which has been specially adapted to respond to the taste and sensibility of the young readers of today."
From grandpa to his grandchild with love: this fill-in keepsake journal is perfect for passing on family history. Grandpa, what was your life like? This charmingly illustrated book will help grandchildren better know and understand their grandfather. On every page, grandpa can collect and write down his thoughts, stories, experiences, and cherished memories. In addition to space for filling in the family tree and posting photos, questions throughout prompt him to discuss his childhood, wedding, honeymoon, birth of his children, and other precious moments. When the book is complete, it will be a record of the past the future generations will treasure forever.
Intrepidness and courage are key features of great explorers of the past and the...future! In this big format board book, where each page becomes a gaming board, children will follow the adventures of Luis and Clark in the West of United States, of Howard Carter in Tutankhamen's tomb and of the Curiosity Rover on Mars! For each game, taken from the tradition and adapted to the subject, children will have to team up and start exploring! The latest title of a great international best-selling series. A book that easily becomes a series of big boards for hours of fun! More than 70 pull-out markers at the end for children to play with this book. Complete game sets for hours of fun!
Some novels are considered classics of children literature, read by numerous generations of young readers who made them immortal. That is the case with Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, a true prototype for many later adventure tales. The thrilling race against time of eccentric Phileas Fogg and his manservant Passepartout, having to run around the planet to win a bet, is here presented in a modern and original way, thanks to the splendid drawings by Francesca Rossi, an artist able to capture the vivid atmosphere of the story.
A timeless classic comes alive with Francesca Rossi's gorgeous illustrations, now in a smaller format.What is the secret that lies behind the great, long-lasting success of a novel set in the United States during the Civil War and written way back in 1868 by Louisa May Alcott? It is probably the fresh, realistic ,and lively personality of the protagonists of the story, the four March sisters (Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy) whom readers cannot help identifying with who while growing up face the challenges and difficulties of life. The story of these four sisters, who are so different from one another and so realistic, with typical youthful shortcomings and dreams, is presented in this book in an original and modern way, thanks to the wonderful drawings by Francesca Rossi, an artist who knows how to render the full sense of the books she illustrates.
The Brothers Grimm collected some of Europe's most popular folk tales, immortalizing stories whose origin goes way back in time. This book, with beautiful watercolors by the imaginative illustrator Francesca Rossi, gathers ten of their most famous and magical works. Children will love meeting such favorite characters as Cinderella, the Brementown musicians, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and Snow White.
A beautiful collection of stories from one of the most beloved fairy-tale writers of all time: Hans Christian Andersen. Hans Christian Andersen's tales are among the most famous and loved by children everywhere. This stunningly illustrated collection includes some of his best-known works--"The Little Mermaid," "Thumbelina," "The Tin Soldier," and "The Princess and the Pea"--as well as other less-familiar but equally magical stories: "The Snow Queen," "The Wild Swans," "The Tinderbox," and "The Emperor and the Nightingale." Francesca Rossi's gorgeous watercolor illustrations enrich and enhance the text, making this beautiful volume perfect for Andersen's many fans.
Computational social choice is an expanding field that merges classical topics like economics and voting theory with more modern topics like artificial intelligence, multiagent systems, and computational complexity. This book provides a concise introduction to the main research lines in this field, covering aspects such as preference modelling, uncertainty reasoning, social choice, stable matching, and computational aspects of preference aggregation and manipulation. The book is centered around the notion of preference reasoning, both in the single-agent and the multi-agent setting. It presents the main approaches to modeling and reasoning with preferences, with particular attention to two popular and powerful formalisms, soft constraints and CP-nets. The authors consider preference elicitation and various forms of uncertainty in soft constraints. They review the most relevant results in voting, with special attention to computational social choice. Finally, the book considers preferences in matching problems. The book is intended for students and researchers who may be interested in an introduction to preference reasoning and multi-agent preference aggregation, and who want to know the basic notions and results in computational social choice. Table of Contents: Introduction / Preference Modeling and Reasoning / Uncertainty in Preference Reasoning / Aggregating Preferences / Stable Marriage Problems
Plunge down, down, to the bottom of the sea with this breathtaking illustrated version of Verne's classic tale. Jules Verne's early sci-fi novel is a timeless masterpiece that predicted the invention of the submarine. This stunningly illustrated retelling introduces young readers to the enigmatic Captain Nemo and takes them along on a fantastic voyage on-board the Nautilus. Artist Francesca Rossi vividly captures the ocean's depths and the amazing creatures that live there, bringing children right into the heart of the adventure.
Algorithmic decision theory is a new interdisciplinary research area that aims to bring together researchers from di?erent ?elds such as decision theory, d- crete mathematics, theoretical computer science and arti?cial intelligence, in order to improve decision support in the presence of massive databases, com- natorial structures, partial and/or uncertain information and distributed, p- sibly interoperating, decision makers. Such problems arise in several real-world decision-making scenarios such as humanitarian logistics, epidemiology, risk assessment and management, e-government, electronic commerce, and rec- mender systems. In 2007, the EU-funded COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision T- ory was started, networking a number of researchers and research laboratories around Europe (and beyond). The COST Action IC0602 now gathers over 100 participants from more than 30 countries (including non-COST countries such as Australia, South Africa and the USA). For more details see www.algodec.org. Within the Action, and in cooperation with the EURO Working Group on Pr- erences, itwasdecidedtostartanewseriesofconferencesonalgorithmicdecision theory, the goal being to provide a forum for researchers interested in this area. This volume contains the papers presented at ADT 2009, the ?rst Inter- tional Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory. The conference was held in SanServolo, a smallislandintheVenetianLagoon, onOctober20-23,2009.The programoftheconferenceincludedoralpresentations, posters, invitedtalks, and tutorials (for more information see www.adt2009
Constraint programming (CP) is a powerful programming paradigm for the declarativedescription and the e?ective solving of largecombinatorialproblems. Basedonastrongtheoreticalfoundation,itisincreasinglyattractingcommercial interest. Since the 1990s, CP has been deployed by many industry leaders, in particular to model heterogeneous optimization and satisfaction problems. - amples of application domains where such problems naturally arise, and where constraint programming has made a valuable contribution, are scheduling, p- duction planning, communication networks, routing, planning of satellite m- sions, robotics, and bioinformatics. This volumecontainsthe papers selectedfor the post-proceedingsof the13th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Progr- ming(CSCLP2008)heldduringJune18-20,2008inRome,Italy.Thisworkshop was organized as the 13th meeting of the working group on Constraints of the EuropeanResearchConsortiumforInformaticsandMathematics(ERCIM),c- tinuing a series of workshops organized since the creation of the working group in 1997. A selection of papers of these annual workshops plus some additional contributions have been published since 2002 in a series of volumes which ill- trate the evolutioninthe ?eld, under the title "RecentAdvances in Constraints" in the Lecture Notes in Arti?cial Intelligence series.
Constraint programming supports a great ambition for computer programming: the one of making programming essentially a modeling task, with equations, constraints, and logicalformulas. This ?eld emerged in the mid-1980sborrowing conceptsfromlogicprogramming, operationsresearch, andarti?cialintelligence. Its foundation is the use of relations on mathematical variables to compute with partial information systems. The successes of constraint programming for so- ing combinatorial optimization problems in industry or commerce are related to the advances made in the ?eld on new constraint propagationtechniques and on declarativelanguageswhich allowcontrolonthe mixing of heterogeneousreso- tiontechniquessuchasnumerical, symbolic, deductive, andheuristictechniques. This volumecontainsthe papers selectedfor the post-proceedingsof the12th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Progr- ming (CSCLP 2007) held during June 7-8, 2008 in Rocquencourt, France. This workshop, open to all, was organized as the 12th meeting of the working group onConstraintsofthe EuropeanResearchConsortiumfor Informaticsand Ma- ematics (ERCIM), continuing a series of workshops organized since the creation of the working group in 1997. A selection of papers of these annual workshops have been published since 2002 in a series of books which illustrate the evo- tion of the ?eld, under the title "Recent Advances in Constraints"in the Lecture Notes in Arti?cial Intelligence series. This year, there were 16 submissions, most of them being extended and - vised versions of papers presented at the workshop, plus some new papers. Each submission was reviewed by three reviewers. The Program Committee decided to accept ten papers for publication in this book.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed and extended post-proceedings of the Joint ERCIM/CoLogNet International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2005. The 12 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on global constraints, search and heuristics, language and implementation issues, and modeling.
Constraint programming is a very successful ?fth-generation software techn- ogy with a wide range of applications. It has attracted a large community of researchers that is particularly strong in Europe. In particular, constraint programming is the focus of the Working Group on Constraints of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mat- matics (ERCIM) as well as a major interest of the European Network on C- putational Logic (CoLogNET). These groups jointly sponsored a workshop on Constraint Satisfaction and Constraint Logic Programming (CSCLP 2004) held June23-25attheEcolePolytechniqueF ed eraledeLausanne(EPFL)inSwitz- land. It was hosted by the Arti?cial Intelligence Laboratory of the EPFL, which is also a member of both groups. Thisbookpresentsacollectionofpapersthatareeitherrevisedandextended versions of papers accepted at the workshop, or were submitted in response to theopencallforpapersthatfollowed.The15papersinthisvolumewereselected from 30 submissions by rigorous peer review. The editors would like to take the opportunity to thank all authors and reviewers for the hard work they contributed to producing this volume. We also thank ERCIM and CoLogNET for their support of the workshop and the ?eld of constraint programming in general. We hope the reader will ?nd this volume helpful for advancing their understanding of issues in constraint programming. December 2004 Boi Faltings Adrian Petcu Francois, Fages Francesca Rossi Organization This workshopwas jointly organized as the 9th Meeting of the ERCIM Working GrouponConstraints, coordinatedbyFrancois, Fages, andthe2ndAnnualWo- shop of the CoLogNET area on Constraint Logic Programming, coordinated by Francesca Rossi. OrganizingInstitutes TheorganizationwashandledbytheEPFL, INRIAandtheUniversityofPadua."
This volume contains the proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Hybrid S- tems: Computation and Control(HSCC2005)heldinZurich, Switzerlandduring March 9-11, 2005. The annual workshop on hybrid systems attracts researchers from academia and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and implemen- tion of dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete and continuous - haviors. The previous workshops in the HSCC series were held in Berkeley, USA (1998), Nijmegen, TheNetherlands(1999), Pittsburgh, USA(2000), Rome, Italy (2001), Palo Alto, USA (2002), Prague, Czech Republic (2003), and Philad- phia, USA (2004). This year's HSCC was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. The program consisted of 3 invited talks and 40 regular papers selected from 91 regular submissions. The program covered topics such as tools for analysis and veri?cation, control and optimization, modeling, engineering applications, and emerging directions in programming language support and implementation. We would like to thank the Program Committee members and reviewers for anexcellentjobofevaluatingthesubmissionsandparticipatingintheonlineP- gram Committee discussions. Special thanks go to Markus P. J. Fromherz (Palo Alto Research Center, USA), Edward A. Lee (University of California, Berkeley, USA), and Pablo A. Parrilo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) for their participation as invited speakers. We are also grateful to the Steering C- mitteeforhelpfulguidanceandsupport. Manyotherpeopleworkedhardtomake the HSCC 2005 a success. We would like to thank Frank J. Christophersen and Ernesto Wandeler, the Publicity Chairs (with the help of Urban M] ader); M- tine D'Emma and Monica Fricker for local arrangements; and Frank J. Chris- phersen for putting together the proceedings."
Constraint programming is the fruit of several decades of research carried out in mathematical logic, automated deduction, operations research and arti?cial intelligence. The tools and programming languages arising from this research ?eldhaveenjoyedrealsuccessintheindustrialworldastheycontributetosolving hard combinatorial problems in diverse domains such as production planning, communication networks, robotics and bioinformatics. This volume contains the extended and reviewed versions of a selection of papers presented at the Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming (CSCLP2003), which was held from June 30 to July 2, 2003. The venue chosen for the seventh edition of this annual workshop was the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) in Budapest, Hungary. This institute is one of the 20 members of the Working Group on Constraints of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). For many participants this workshop provided the ?rst opportunity to visit their ERCIM partner in Budapest. CoLogNET is the European-funded network of excellence dedicated to s- porting and enhancing cooperation and research on all areas of computational logic, and continues the work done previously by the Compulog Net. In part- ular, the aim of the logic and constraint logic programming area of CoLogNET is to foster and support all research activities related to logic programming and constraint logic programming. The editors would like to take the opportunity and thank all the authors who submitted papers to this volume, as well as the reviewers for their helpful work.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2003), held in Kinsale, Ireland, from September 29 to October 3, 2003. Detailed information about the CP 2003 conference can be found at the URL http: //www.cs.ucc.ie/cp2003/ The CP conferences are held annually and provide an international forum for the latest results on all aspects of constraint programming. Previous CP conferences were held in Cassis (France) in 1995, in Cambridge (USA) in 1996, in Schloss Hagenberg (Austria) in 1997, in Pisa (Italy) in 1998, in Alexandria (USA) in 1999, in Singapore in 2000, in Paphos (Cyprus) in 2001, and in Ithaca (USA) in 2002. Like previous CP conferences, CP 2003 again showed the interdisciplinary nature of computing with constraints, and also its usefulness in many problem domains and applications. Constraint programming, with its solvers, languages, theoretical results, and applications, has become a widely recognized paradigm to model and solve successfully many real-life problems, and to reason about problems in many research areas
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Joint ERCIM/Compulog-Net Workshop on New Trends in Constraints held in Paphos, Cyprus, Greece in October 1999. The 12 revised full research papers presented together with four surveys by leading researchers were carefully reviewed. The book is divided in topical sections on constraint propagation and manipulation, constraint programming, and rule-based constraint programming.
With just the mere mention of "pirates" this song sung by the pirates of Robert Louis Stevenson's famous novel "Treasure Island" comes straight to mind. Young readers can read all about the adventures that brought young Jim Hawkins to the sea searching for the island on which old Captain Flint buried his treasure, and fighting the pirates led by Long John Silver, accompanied by the inevitable shoulder-riding parrot, until he found the chests of gold thanks to the extravagant Ben Gunn. Children will find themselves immersed in this timeless adventure, transported to the very heart of the story thanks to the wonderful illustrations by artist Francesca Rossi, whose talents lie in recreating the pirate atmosphere of the novel with outstanding realism. The large colourful images and sketches, in fact, give the impression you are actually reading Jim's journal as he travels, while the simple and engaging texts have been adapted for the young readers of today.
Since its first publication in 1864, Jules Verne's fantastic novel "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" has touched the imagination of entire generations of young readers. Dreaming of embarking on a journey to the very depths of our planet accompanied by Professor Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel, children will find exciting adventures on every page: from the remains of prehistoric animals, to underground lakes, and caves full of precious minerals to dangerous volcanic explosions. The splendid illustrations by artist Francesca Rossi, able to really bring to life the atmospheres of the work and express its emotive content, will bring young readers straight to the very heart of the tale, making them feel a part of the story. This volume is set out as a travel journal, with large coloured images and some sketches alternating with the texts, specially adapted for the sensitivity and taste of contemporary young readers.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International
Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP
'95, held in Cassis near Marseille, France in September 1995.
This volume was motivated by the Year of Prolog initiative, launched to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the emergence of Prolog through the work of Alain Colmerauer’s team in Marseille. The volume editors, authors, and scientific advisors and reviewers have been the leading researchers and programmers in this field over decades, and the book represents an excellent overview of the field, its successes, and its future.After a first chapter that gently introduces the Prolog programming language using examples, the next 7 papers discuss general views of the language, possible extensions for the future, and how Prolog can generally be used to solve problems; the next 5 papers explore ideas and experiences of teaching Prolog programming and then 2 papers discuss technology that has been developed for help in that teaching; the next 3 papers describe new languages based on Prolog which show future directions for logic programming; the next 5 chapters explain the applications that were the finalists for the 2022 Alain Colmerauer Prize; and the final 8 papers describe applications developed using the Prolog language, demonstrating the language’s range.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed and extended post-proceedings of the 11th Annual ERCIM International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2006, held in Caparica, Portugal in June 2006. Besides papers taken from the workshop, others are submitted in response to an open call for papers after the workshop. The 10 revised full papers presented together with a tutorial on hybrid algorithms were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on global constraints, search and heuristics, language and implementation issues, and modeling.
A magnificently illustrated new edition of Jonathan Swift's classic novel--created just for children. Since its appearance in 1726, Gulliver's Travels has never ceased to fascinate readers. Designed for the early school years, this enchanting illustrated version takes the form of a travel journal, and features stunning large color illustrations and drawings. Kids will enjoy following Gulliver's adventures as he visits the land of Lilliput, inhabited by tiny people; Brobdingnag, where he encounters a race of giants; and other imaginary worlds. |
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