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Many older people, indeed the majority, have many years of relatively good health after the usual retirement age. Contrary to widely accepted stereotypes, evidence indicates that those who wish to use their skills and abilities for productive contributions may encounter significant barriers. Bass, Caro, and Chen and the experts who contributed to the volume provide an original reassessment of the current options available to older people. The authors argue that polices, practices, and societal messages help determine what choices are realistically open to older individuals. The attitudes and policies of family, workplace, and government as well as those of educational and religious institutions all contribute to defining what opportunities really are available for older people. The authors show, too, that considerations of gender and ethnicity are powerful in their impact on what those in the later years of life may or may not do. Although leisure is attractive to many in their elder years, the authors stress that it is but one of the number of choices that should be available. Employment, volunteering, and other new productive roles should not be denied to those who want to continue them and who, in the process, enrich their own and society's well-being. The authors provide authoritative analysis and new perspectives on aging.
Learn how public policies can help families provide the care their elderly relatives need Family and Aging Policy examines how public initiatives to assist the elderly in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Denmark, and Sweden can impact families who provide them with long-term care. For the majority of older people, the aging experience involves their families directly and indirectly, affecting income security, housing, and health care. This unique book addresses the aging issues that matter most to families struggling to deal with the demands of care giving and provides answers on how the public sector can help. As the traditional nuclear family becomes a memory and the notion of extended family disappears, the need for public interventions to help the elderly increases. A significant number of people grow old without families they can depend on. Others have families who want to help, but lack the financial means or the housing needed to provide care. Family and Aging Policy offers options on how families and formal services can share responsibilities, including how families can juggle jobs and care giving, the effects of the Family and Medical Leave Act, consumer-directed service options, community-based care programs, accessory dwelling units and zoning ordinances, and provisions for caregiver support in each of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Family and Aging Policy examines: extensive welfare programs in Sweden publicly funded home care programs in Denmark family-oriented social policies in Singapore shared responsibilities of families and formal services in Canada the Administration on Aging's National Family Caregiver Support program in the United States California Caregiver Resource Centers and much more! Family and Aging Policy is an invaluable tool for researchers and policy analysts working in family policy issues and as an essential supplemental text for course work in gerontology, sociology, family relations, and social work.
By the end of the current decade, many baby boomers will be senior citizens. What policies should we enact to prepare for an aging society?In the coming decade, we have a unique opportunity to create new and better aging policies. This collection of twenty essays by prominent educators, researchers, and policy analysts in the field of gerontology brings together innovative ideas from the United States, Europe, and Japan. Instead of focusing on utopian dreams, these exciting proposals are based on policy changes that may well be attainable in the next ten years. The vital concerns addressed in Advancing Aging Policy as the 21st Century Begins include work and retirement issues, the aging prison population, long-term care, Latino elders, transportation, death and dying issues, and the aging of the baby boom generation. Advancing Aging Policy as the 21st Century Begins explores: innovative policies and care arrangements around the world the importance of a strong economy that provides opportunities for seniors who seek them and support for those who need it the need for flexible retirement and employment policies for older adults the connections between family policy and aging policy the importance of improving training and compensation for workers in long-term care the special needs of our diverse and rapidly growing population of older people the importance of focusing aging policy on people rather than on programsThis forward-looking book on policy and aging in the coming decade puts the experience and insight of leaders in the field from around the world in your hands. Policymakers, educators, and students of gerontology will find it an invaluable resource.
Biomechanics has a distinguished history extending at least to the 16th Century. However the later half oftbis century has seen an explosion ofthe field with it being viewed as affering exciting challenges for physical scientists and engineers interested in the life sciences, and wonderful opportunities for life scientists eager to collaborate with physical scientists and engineers and to render their scientific work more fundamental. That the field is now weil established and expanding is demonstrated by the formation of a World Committee for Biomechanics and the success and large participation in the 1st and 2nd World Congresses of Biomechanics, held respectively in San Diego in 1990 and in Amsterdam in 1994. With more than 1350 scientific papers delivered at the 2nd World Congress, either within symposia or oral or poster sessions, it would have been out of the question to try to produce comprehensive edited proceedings. Moreover, we are confident that most of the papers have been or will be published in one ofthe excellentjoumals covering the field. But of effort contributed by the plenary lecturers and the tutorial we thought that the large amount and keynote speakers of various symposia deserved tobe recognised in the form of a specific publication, thus also allowing those unable to attend the presentatiops . . tC\ sh?r~ in the findings. Furthermore, we feel that there is now a need to review aspects 'oftlie freld.
This book brings together recent scholarly work concerned with efforts around the world to transform cities so that they are more age-friendly. Common to all of the initiatives is recognition of the importance of the community environment for the well-being of the rapidly growing numbers of older people. The collection includes chapters that examine the circumstances in which communities currently undertake significant age-friendly initiatives, public-private collaboration in age-friendly initiatives, collaboration across institutional sectors in age-friendly initiatives, policies that facilitate age-friendly developments, and the bases upon which age-friendly initiatives should be evaluated. It will be of interest to scholars in various fields including urban planning, gerontology, transportation planning, environmental design, and adult education.
The vast majority of resources in public initiatives to support older people are invested in financial security, health care, and long-term care, where the focus is on individual benefits. Community features that collectively benefit residents have received much less systematic attention. This volume explores how the effort to make cities livable for older people is a specialized version of efforts to make cities more livable for people of all ages. The livable community movement coincides with appreciation for development in places with sufficient density to provide walkable distances between residential and commercial areas, and density sufficient to provide the basis for viable public transportation. The book will be of interest to scholars in fields including urban planning, gerontology, transportation planning, environmental design, and adult education.
Explore significantbut often-overlookedaspects of aging policy! This unique addition to the literature on aging policy will help you understand devolutionthe decentralizing of service provisionand the roles that state/local government and private organizations now play in addressing the needs of our aging population. It will show you how to initiate innovations and make positive changes in aging policy through state and local initiatives, collaborations between the federal government and other government agencies, public/private collaboration, and strictly private initiatives. From the editors: Around the world, the ground rules are being questioned about the role of national governments in addressing domestic needs. During the twentieth century in countries throughout the world, central governments assumed major responsibilities for a wide variety of human needs. Whether the concern was income security, health, housing, or education, interventions were premised upon convictions that a strong public sector role was essential and that major involvement of national governments was needed. More recently, a significant pattern [devolution] has emerged in many countries wherein these responsibilities have shifted away from national governments to regional and local governments as well as from the public to the private sector. Thoughtfully divided into five sections that illustrate distinctly different forms of devolution, this book first provides an essential overview of devolution and then examines its implications for vital aspects of service provision to the elderly. In the United States in recent years, the single greatest focus for devolution has been the transformation of income security protections for poor families. The federal Aid to Families With Dependent Children program has been replaced by the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Devolution and Aging Policy examines that change and other important facets of the current climate of devolution, including: Medicaid-financed long-term care state sponsorship of services in retirement communities the implications of the Workforce Investment Act for the access of older workers to training at a state level to upgrade their work skills public/private sector collaboration in long-term care insurance long-term care ombudsman programs what state governments can do to help elders make use of information technology property tax credits for seniors that are given in exchange for volunteering on the municipal level how an HMO can encourage and stimulate service coordination and more!
Explore significantbut often-overlookedaspects of aging policy! This unique addition to the literature on aging policy will help you understand devolutionthe decentralizing of service provisionand the roles that state/local government and private organizations now play in addressing the needs of our aging population. It will show you how to initiate innovations and make positive changes in aging policy through state and local initiatives, collaborations between the federal government and other government agencies, public/private collaboration, and strictly private initiatives. From the editors: Around the world, the ground rules are being questioned about the role of national governments in addressing domestic needs. During the twentieth century in countries throughout the world, central governments assumed major responsibilities for a wide variety of human needs. Whether the concern was income security, health, housing, or education, interventions were premised upon convictions that a strong public sector role was essential and that major involvement of national governments was needed. More recently, a significant pattern [devolution] has emerged in many countries wherein these responsibilities have shifted away from national governments to regional and local governments as well as from the public to the private sector. Thoughtfully divided into five sections that illustrate distinctly different forms of devolution, this book first provides an essential overview of devolution and then examines its implications for vital aspects of service provision to the elderly. In the United States in recent years, the single greatest focus for devolution has been the transformation of income security protections for poor families. The federal Aid to Families With Dependent Children program has been replaced by the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Devolution and Aging Policy examines that change and other important facets of the current climate of devolution, including: Medicaid-financed long-term care state sponsorship of services in retirement communities the implications of the Workforce Investment Act for the access of older workers to training at a state level to upgrade their work skills public/private sector collaboration in long-term care insurance long-term care ombudsman programs what state governments can do to help elders make use of information technology property tax credits for seniors that are given in exchange for volunteering on the municipal level how an HMO can encourage and stimulate service coordination and more!
Learn how public policies can help families provide the care their elderly relatives need Family and Aging Policy examines how public initiatives to assist the elderly in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Denmark, and Sweden can impact families who provide them with long-term care. For the majority of older people, the aging experience involves their families directly and indirectly, affecting income security, housing, and health care. This unique book addresses the aging issues that matter most to families struggling to deal with the demands of care giving and provides answers on how the public sector can help. As the traditional nuclear family becomes a memory and the notion of extended family disappears, the need for public interventions to help the elderly increases. A significant number of people grow old without families they can depend on. Others have families who want to help, but lack the financial means or the housing needed to provide care. Family and Aging Policy offers options on how families and formal services can share responsibilities, including how families can juggle jobs and care giving, the effects of the Family and Medical Leave Act, consumer-directed service options, community-based care programs, accessory dwelling units and zoning ordinances, and provisions for caregiver support in each of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Family and Aging Policy examines: extensive welfare programs in Sweden publicly funded home care programs in Denmark family-oriented social policies in Singapore shared responsibilities of families and formal services in Canada the Administration on Aging's National Family Caregiver Support program in the United States California Caregiver Resource Centers and much more! Family and Aging Policy is an invaluable tool for researchers and policy analysts working in family policy issues and as an essential supplemental text for course work in gerontology, sociology, family relations, and social work.
Proceedings of a NATO ARW held in Cargese, France, October 9-13, 1989
Biomechanics has a distinguished history extending at least to the 16th Century. However the later half oftbis century has seen an explosion ofthe field with it being viewed as affering exciting challenges for physical scientists and engineers interested in the life sciences, and wonderful opportunities for life scientists eager to collaborate with physical scientists and engineers and to render their scientific work more fundamental. That the field is now weil established and expanding is demonstrated by the formation of a World Committee for Biomechanics and the success and large participation in the 1st and 2nd World Congresses of Biomechanics, held respectively in San Diego in 1990 and in Amsterdam in 1994. With more than 1350 scientific papers delivered at the 2nd World Congress, either within symposia or oral or poster sessions, it would have been out of the question to try to produce comprehensive edited proceedings. Moreover, we are confident that most of the papers have been or will be published in one ofthe excellentjoumals covering the field. But of effort contributed by the plenary lecturers and the tutorial we thought that the large amount and keynote speakers of various symposia deserved tobe recognised in the form of a specific publication, thus also allowing those unable to attend the presentatiops . . tC\ sh?r~ in the findings. Furthermore, we feel that there is now a need to review aspects 'oftlie freld.
Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Speiserohre haben erst spat das Interesse der Kliniker gefunden. Unzulangliche Untersuchungs- methoden und berechtigte Furcht vor Gefahren eines operativen Eingriffs haben den thorakalen Abschnitt des Oesophagus fiir lange Zeit zu einem chirurgischen Niemandsland gemacht. Erst die Ent- wicklung von Radiologie und Endoskopie hat den Bann durch- brochen, der die exakte Diagnose von funktionellen und organisch- mechanischen Leiden verhinderte. Erfassung und Registrierung von Tonus und Peristaltik waren die nachsten Schritte, die mit Hilfe der Endomanometrie moglich wurden. Funktionelle Storungen, welche die Oesophagusmuskulatur mit ihrem immer noch problematischen Sphinctermechanismus betreffen, beherrschen heute noch die klini- sche Diskussion. Dieser neue Weg hat eine Chirurgie der Speise- rohre entwicke!t, die fUr aufdringliche und schmerzhafte funktionelle Leiden eine fast ungefahrliche Korrektur ermoglicht. Das vorliegende Buch gibt den heutigen Standort der Pathophy- siologie des Oesophagus in sehen vollendeter Form wieder. Der Chir- urg wird daraus den gleichen Nutzen ziehen wie der Internist. Nur ein Ratse! bleibt unge!ost, das im Beginn der chirurgischen Aera oesophagealer Erkrankungen im V ordergrund stand: das Carcinom und aile der zum Teil gro13artigen Bemtihungen urn eine wahre Radi- kaloperation sind vergeblich geblieben. Wahrscheinlich hilft aber die Anwendung der modernen diagnostischen Methoden zu frtihzeitiger Erkennung des Leidens und damit vielleicht sogar zu besseren chirur- gischen Dauerresultaten.
Many older people, indeed the majority, have many years of relatively good health after the usual retirement age. Contrary to widely accepted stereotypes, evidence indicates that those who wish to use their skills and abilities for productive contributions may encounter significant barriers. Bass, Caro, and Chen and the experts who contributed to the volume provide an original reassessment of the current options available to older people. The authors argue that polices, practices, and societal messages help determine what choices are realistically open to older individuals. The attitudes and policies of family, workplace, and government as well as those of educational and religious institutions all contribute to defining what opportunities really are available for older people. The authors show, too, that considerations of gender and ethnicity are powerful in their impact on what those in the later years of life may or may not do. Although leisure is attractive to many in their elder years, the authors stress that it is but one of the number of choices that should be available. Employment, volunteering, and other new productive roles should not be denied to those who want to continue them and who, in the process, enrich their own and society's well-being. The authors provide authoritative analysis and new perspectives on aging.
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