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This book covers the major problems of turbulence and turbulent
processes, including physical phenomena, their modeling and their
simulation. After a general introduction in Chapter 1 illustrating
many aspects dealing with turbulent flows, averaged equations and
kinetic energy budgets are provided in Chapter 2. The concept of
turbulent viscosity as a closure of the Reynolds stress is also
introduced. Wall-bounded flows are presented in Chapter 3 and
aspects specific to boundary layers and channel or pipe flows are
also pointed out. Free shear flows, namely free jets and wakes, are
considered in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 deals with vortex dynamics.
Homogeneous turbulence, isotropy and dynamics of isotropic
turbulence are presented in Chapters 6 and 7. Turbulence is then
described both in the physical space and in the wave number space.
Time dependent numerical simulations are presented in Chapter 8,
where an introduction to large eddy simulation is offered. The last
three chapters of the book summarize remarkable digital techniques
current and experimental. Many results are presented in a practical
way, based on both experiments and numerical simulations. The book
is written for a advanced engineering students as well as
postgraduate engineers and researchers. For students, it contains
the essential results as well as details and demonstrations whose
oral transmission is often tedious. At a more advanced level, the
text provides numerous references which allow readers to find
quickly further study regarding their work and to acquire a deeper
knowledge on topics of interest.
This book covers the major problems of turbulence and turbulent
processes, including physical phenomena, their modeling and their
simulation. After a general introduction in Chapter 1 illustrating
many aspects dealing with turbulent flows, averaged equations and
kinetic energy budgets are provided in Chapter 2. The concept of
turbulent viscosity as a closure of the Reynolds stress is also
introduced. Wall-bounded flows are presented in Chapter 3 and
aspects specific to boundary layers and channel or pipe flows are
also pointed out. Free shear flows, namely free jets and wakes, are
considered in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 deals with vortex dynamics.
Homogeneous turbulence, isotropy and dynamics of isotropic
turbulence are presented in Chapters 6 and 7. Turbulence is then
described both in the physical space and in the wave number space.
Time dependent numerical simulations are presented in Chapter 8,
where an introduction to large eddy simulation is offered. The last
three chapters of the book summarize remarkable digital techniques
current and experimental. Many results are presented in a practical
way, based on both experiments and numerical simulations. The book
is written for a advanced engineering students as well as
postgraduate engineers and researchers. For students, it contains
the essential results as well as details and demonstrations whose
oral transmission is often tedious. At a more advanced level, the
text provides numerous references which allow readers to find
quickly further study regarding their work and to acquire a deeper
knowledge on topics of interest.
The Symposium "Aero-and Hydroacoustics" was held at the Ecole
Centrale de Lyon, France, on 3rd - 6 July 1985, at the initiative
of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
(IUTAM) . The research topics discussed concerned the acoustics of
unstable and turbulent flows and the noise generated by movable
surfaces. Other subjects of interest were thermoacoustics,
diffraction, and acoustic propagation through turbulence.
Applications of numerical and experimental techniques to source
diagnostics were discussed, as was active noise control. In
Hydroacoustics the emphasis was on noise due to flow induced
vibrations. There were 8 general invited lecturers and 43 other
contributors, with 150 participants form 14 countries. Sufficient
time was provided for discussions and social gatherings. For
example, there was the opening of the high speed anechoic wind
tunnel of the Centre Acoustique, and a welcome address given by the
Mayor of Lyon in his historic City Hall. The organizing Committee
of the Symposium wish to express their thanks to la Direction des
Recherches Etudes et Techniques du Ministere des Armees (DRET), Ie
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Ie Conseil
General du Rhone, l'Association Universitaire de Mecanique (AUM),
Ie Ministere de l'Environnement, for financial support. Le
Groupement des Acousticiens de langue frangaise (GALF) helped
advertise the meeting. The organizers are also indebted to the
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for
providing travel subsidies to young scientists.
Since 1964 the main function of the European Mechanics Committee
has been to arrange Euromech Colloquia. These are three- or
four-day meetings for the discussion of current research on a
specified and relatively narrow topic in mechanics, by about 50
specialists chosen for their active involvement in research in that
topic. The organization of each Euromech Colloquium is entrusted by
the Committee to one or two selected scientists of repute in the
field, and these organizers are enjoined to achieve a friendly and
informal forum for discussion, with a minimum of paper work and
expenditure. Over 220 Euromech Colloquia have been held since 1964
(about 40 each in France, West Germany and Britain and the
remainder in 18 countries in both western and eastern Europe) on a
wide range of topics drawn from the mechanics of solid materials,
hydrodynamics, gas dynamics and mechanical systems. The Committee
believes that collectively, Euromech Colloquia have made a
significant contribution to the exchange of ideas on topics in
mechanics within Europe and have thereby helped to overcome the
barriers to easy scientific communication in that sorely divided
continent. A few years ago the European Mechanics Committee turned
its atten tion to the possible need for European conferences on a
larger scale than Euromech Colloquia."