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In many decision problems, e.g. from the area of production and
logistics manage ment, the evaluation of alternatives and the
determination of an optimal or at least suboptimal solution is an
important but dif?cult task. For most such problems no ef?cient
algorithm is known and classical approaches of Operations Research
like Mixed Integer Linear Programming or Dynamic Pro gramming are
often of limited use due to excessive computation time. Therefore,
dedicated heuristic solution approaches have been developed which
aim at providing good solutions in reasonable time for a given
problem. However, such methods have two major drawbacks: First,
they are tailored to a speci?c prob lem and their adaption to other
problems is dif?cult and in many cases even impos sible. Second,
they are typically designed to "build" one single solution in the
most effective way, whereas most decision problems have a vast
number of feasible solu tions. Hence usually the chances are high
that there exist better ones. To overcome these limitations,
problem independent search strategies, in particular metaheuris
tics, have been proposed. This book provides an elementary step by
step introduction to metaheuristics focusing on the search concepts
they are based on. The ?rst part demonstrates un derlying concepts
of search strategies using a simple example optimization problem.
In many decision problems, e.g. from the area of production and
logistics manage ment, the evaluation of alternatives and the
determination of an optimal or at least suboptimal solution is an
important but dif?cult task. For most such problems no ef?cient
algorithm is known and classical approaches of Operations Research
like Mixed Integer Linear Programming or Dynamic Pro gramming are
often of limited use due to excessive computation time. Therefore,
dedicated heuristic solution approaches have been developed which
aim at providing good solutions in reasonable time for a given
problem. However, such methods have two major drawbacks: First,
they are tailored to a speci?c prob lem and their adaption to other
problems is dif?cult and in many cases even impos sible. Second,
they are typically designed to "build" one single solution in the
most effective way, whereas most decision problems have a vast
number of feasible solu tions. Hence usually the chances are high
that there exist better ones. To overcome these limitations,
problem independent search strategies, in particular metaheuris
tics, have been proposed. This book provides an elementary step by
step introduction to metaheuristics focusing on the search concepts
they are based on. The ?rst part demonstrates un derlying concepts
of search strategies using a simple example optimization problem.
Modern production concepts can be considered as an essential field
of economics nowadays. They help to give valuable insights and thus
provide important competitive advantages. There is a broad variety
of new approaches to Production Planning and Control (PPC),
Just-in-Time (JIT), Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Flexible
Automation (FA), Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS), Total
Quality Control (TQC), and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM),
all of which are indispensable cornerstones in this context. This
book presents in a condensed and easy-to-comprehend form the
different contributions of a group of internationally recommended
scientists. The varied approaches to modern production concepts are
not only based on theoretical foundations but also go one step
further in that they present the implementation of these concepts
and methods in detail. This close link with practical aspects will
help to illuminate the theoretical material for researchers and
students in universities. The book will be of major importance for
practitioners involved in solving everyday industrial problems. The
interdisciplinary nature of these contributions will help to create
a new and valuable perspective on the field of production concepts.
Das einfuhrende Lehrbuch behandelt vor allem die Aufgaben und
Losungskonzepte des operativen Produktions- und Logistikmanagements
PPS-Systeme (Produktionsplanungs- und Steuerungssysteme) werden im
einzelnen behandelt. Das Produktions- und Logistikmanagement kann
sich allerdings nicht darauf beschranken. Vielmehr hat es weiterhin
die zentrale Aufgabe, die langfristigen Erfolgsvoraussetzungen zu
schaffen, die die Wettbewerbsfahigkeit eines Unternehmens sichern
bzw. die Wettbewerbsvorteile garantieren. Die Leistungserstellung
hat in vielen Branchen einen grossen - wenn nicht sogar den
entscheidenden - Anteil an dieser Aufgabe. Neue Produktions- und
Logistikonzepte wie Just-in-time, TimeBased-Manufacturing, Lean
Production etc. machen dies deutlich. Aus diesem Grund wird auf
diese - fur eine Gestaltung einer zukunftsorientierten
Leistungserstellung wichtigen - Konzepte ebenfalls eingegangen. Aus
dem Inhalt: Grundlagen. Grundzuge des operativen Produktions- und
Logistikmanagements. Neuere Produktions- und Logistikkonzepte."
Das Produktions-Management hat die Fuhrungsaufgabe, die
Leistungserstellung so zu lenken, dass sie ihren Beitrag zur
Wettbewerbsfahigkeit leistet. Das setzt voraus, dass das
Produktions-Management strategisch denkt und das Schaffen einer
wettbewerbsfahigen Produktion in den Mittelpunkt nseiner Uberlegung
stellt. Aus diesem Grunde werden in dem Buch kenntnisse zur
strategischen Planung, zu den Produktionsstrategien und aufgrund
der aktuellen Bedeutung zur rechner- bzw. computerintegrierten
Produktion als Teil der Wettbewerbsstrategie vermittelt. Aus dem
Inhalt: Aufgaben des Produktions-Managements. Strategisches
Produktions-Managements (Produktion als Teil der strategischen
Unternehmensplanung. Zweck und Inhalt der strategischen Planung.
Prozess der strategischen Planung. Produktionsstrategie.
Computerintegrierte Produktion als Teil der Wettbewerbsstrategie)."
Entscheidendes Mittel, um Kostenfuhrerschaft bzw. Differenzierung
zu erlangen, ist die geeignete Wahl des Produkt-bzw.
Produktionssystems des Unternehmens. Das taktische
Produktions-Management hat dabei die im Rahmen der strategischen
Planung festgelegte Wettbewerbsstrategie inhaltlich zu
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