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With the most extensive, comprehensive collection of anatomy
multiple-choice questions in strict, current USMLE format, Gray's
Anatomy Review, 3rd Edition, is an easy-to-use study tool that
helps you relate anatomy to clinical practice and pass your exams.
Whether used as a companion to Gray's Anatomy for Students or as a
stand-alone resource, this medical textbook is your indispensable
review book for both in-course examinations and the USMLE Step 1.
Includes more than 1,400 high-yield questions, mirroring the USMLE
Step 1 and complete with answers and rationales, that challenge
your grasp of anatomical knowledge and the anatomical basis of
disease. Features a new neuroanatomy chapter containing
approximately 100 all-new questions that cover key concepts and
relate them to clinical practice. Groups questions more logically
within chapters for more effective study, first within topic areas
and then from easy to more difficult. Provides specific, updated
page references to current editions of Gray's Anatomy for Students,
plus key answers and explanations to Gray's Basic Anatomy and
Gray's Atlas of Anatomy for additional review. Helps you visualize
key concepts with updated radiographic and ultrasound images and
extensive use of photographs. Enhanced eBook version included with
purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access interactive
quizzes, plus all of the text, figures, and references from the
book on a variety of devices.
"The Entrepreneur's Solution" reawakens the entrepreneurial spirit
in us all: the drive to fulfill our highest potential-as
individuals, as a country, and as members of a global community.
"The Entrepreneur's Solution" is required for the start-up and for
the seasoned business owner to understand the new rules of the
game. It is the new entrepreneurial manual. It is filled with the
very frameworks that were built through Mel Abraham's decades of
experience as an entrepreneur, advisor and mentor. He gives you the
recipe that not only helps you build a business but to build a life
and create an entrepreneurial journey of epic proportions. "The
Entrepreneur's Solution" is about harnessing your creative force,
breaking free of your former state, and getting your life in
alignment with your intention and purpose. It is through these
frameworks (and the author's stories) that you journey to a land
where your team is connected, committed and loyal, your customers
become raving fans and your life full with fulfillment because the
business you are creating is in congruence with your values,
operated in alignment with your higher vision and connected to all
stakeholders at an emotional level As a result, your business
serves them by transforming their lives. All of this will translate
into more profits, fans and freedom. Welcome to The Entrepreneur's
BMA Book Awards - Winner of Basic and Clinical Sciences category!
The perfect up-to-date imaging guide for a complete and
3-dimensional understanding of applied human anatomy Imaging is
ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern
medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully
revised sixth edition provides a superb foundation for
understanding applied human anatomy, offering a complete view of
the structures and relationships within the whole body, using the
very latest imaging techniques. All relevant imaging modalities are
included, from plain radiographs to more advanced imaging of
ultrasound, CT, MRI, functional imaging and angiography. Coverage
is further enhanced by a carefully selected range of BONUS
electronic content, including clinical photos and cases, ultrasound
videos, labelled radiograph 'slidelines', cross-sectional imaging
stacks and test-yourself materials. Uniquely, key syllabus image
sets are now highlighted throughout to aid efficient study, as well
as the most common, clinically important anatomical variants that
you should be aware of. This superb package is ideally suited to
the needs of medical students, as well as radiologists,
radiographers and surgeons in training. It will also prove
invaluable to the range of other students and professionals who
require a clear, accurate, view of anatomy in current practice.
Fully revised legends and labels and new high-quality
images-featuring the latest imaging techniques and modalities as
seen in clinical practice Covers the full variety of relevant
modern imaging-including cross-sectional views in CT and MRI,
angiography, ultrasound, fetal anatomy, plain film anatomy, nuclear
medicine imaging and more - with better resolution to ensure the
clearest anatomical views Core syllabus image sets now highlighted
throughout-to help you focus on the most essential areas to excel
on your course and in examinations Unique summaries of the most
common, clinically important anatomical variants for each body
region-reflects the fact that around 20% of human bodies have at
least one clinically significant variant New orientation
drawings-to help you understand the different views and the 3D
anatomy of 2D images, as well as the conventions between
cross-sectional modalities Ideal as a stand-alone resource or in
conjunction with Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human
Anatomy-where new links help put imaging in the context of the
dissection room Now a more complete learning package than ever
before, with superb BONUS electronic enhancements embedded within
the accompanying eBook, including: Labelled image 'stacks'-that
allow you to review cross-sectional imaging as if using an imaging
workstation Labelled image 'slidelines'-showing features in a full
range of body radiographs to enhance understanding of anatomy in
this essential modality Self-test image 'slideshows' with
multi-tier labelling-to aid learning and cater for beginner to more
advanced experience levels Labelled ultrasound videos-bring images
to life, reflecting this increasingly clinically practiced
technique Questions and answers accompany each chapter-to test your
understanding and aid exam preparation 34 pathology tutorials-based
around nine key concepts and illustrated with hundreds of
additional pathology images, to further develop your memory of
anatomical structures and lead you through the essential
relationships between normal and abnormal anatomy High-yield USMLE
topics-clinical photos and cases for key topics, linked and
highlighted in chapters
Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 8th Edition
delivers the straightforward visual guidance you need to perform
confidently in all examinations and understand spatial
relationships required during your medical training, while also
acquiring the practical anatomical knowledge needed for your future
clinical career. Respected authority Prof. Peter Abrahams and his
team of leading international anatomists and radiologists link a
vast collection of clinical images to help you master all the
essential correlations between the basic science of anatomy and its
clinical practice. See what to look for and how to proceed thanks
to an unsurpassed collection of labelled dissection photographs,
supported by clear, explanatory diagrams and modern imaging
Correlate anatomy to clinical practice with a wealth of MR, CT,
DSA, radiographic, endoscopic, and operative images that
demonstrate how structures are viewed today in the clinical setting
Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, including: brand new
dissections, to further improve clarity and consistency throughout
the book in every region all new colour overlays added to selected
dissections making it even easier to identify key nerves, arteries,
veins and especially lymphatics fully revised neuroanatomy content
reflects the latest understanding of functional neuroanatomy as
seen with modern 3D and functional imaging updated and coloured and
a unique lymphatics section Includes access to the complete,
enhanced eBook - unlocking a huge, carefully-selected collection of
BONUS CLINICAL material, integrated throughout on almost every page
to enhance your study and help make those essential clinical /
anatomical connections. This sets Abrahams' and McMinn's apart from
any other atlases of human anatomy! 200+ 3D scans,- allowing you to
view the body in a more dynamic way to aid your understanding of
dynamic anatomy. Master the 500 clinical conditions every physician
should know by reviewing the associated clinical topics - featuring
over 2000 additional clinical photos, radiological images, and case
presentations not found in the printed book. Learn from the
culmination of over 45 years international clinical experience of
Prof. Abrahams and over 100 of his colleagues worldwide who have
contributed to this unique collection of clinical anatomy images.
Stars of Africa is a reading series developed for Grade R to 7. It
brings together the best authors and illustrators form South Africa
and from across the African continent. The titles are especially
suitable for learners whose home language not necessarily English.
The wide range of readers at the Grade 7 level, together with the
Stars of Africa Grade 7 teacher's guide, covers all requirements
for teaching and learning English first additional language within
the revised national curriculum statement. Stars of Africa Grade 7
reading series offers these exceptional features: language on the
level of the learner; graded to allow for steady progression as
learners become more confident; introduction of concepts and
knowledge from all learning areas that explore a vast spectrum of
relevant themes; vibrant illustrations in different styles,
techniques and colours capture children's interest and help develop
their love of reading; extensive range of visual literacy elements
such as maps and photographs that further encourages reading
skills; 24 stories and information books that reflect the
aspirations, social and personal issues of the Grade 7 learner;
glossaries to assist learners with further language acquisition
skills; encourages comprehensive language skills and reading
skills. The teacher's guide offers: assessment and teaching
support; guidelines on extension and enrichment work; photocopiable
learner worksheets, book report worksheets, learner assessment
worksheets and sample assessment grids, enabling learners and
teacher to get the most benefit from each reader; skills-building
activities that cover the six learning outcomes for English First
Additional Language; the Stars of Africa Grade 7 readers provide
learners with a magnificent range of stories that will build
confidence, widen knowledge and increase reading pleasure! The
reading series includes an additional resource, reading in the
primary school - Grade R to Grade 7 teacher's guide, to further
assist the teacher with reading strategies.
We have discovered a pattern for cultural bifurcations involving
artists making significant contributions to the history of
mathematics.How much of this material would you recognize as
mathematics on the basis of your schooleducation? How much appears
on standard tests? And what kind of training best supports the
development of your natural mathematical skills? How is
theintegration of mathematics and culture faring today?The six
stories of this book-in addition to being examples ofcultural
ecologies, mathematical mentalities, and bolts from theblue-exhibit
the integration of math and cultural history, thebasis of a new way
of teaching math in school.
Untitled DocumentChaos, Gaia, Eros: A Chaos Pioneer Uncovers the
Three Great Streams of HistoryThe History of the World According to
Chaos Theory
In this eclectic and interdisciplinary work, chaos pioneer
RalphAbraham traces the history of consciousness through a
rediscovery ofthe three forces that drive it: chaos, gaia, and
eros-the mind, body, and spirit of evolution. With startling
originality and clarity ofvision, Abraham employs photographs,
timelines, charts, and an engagingformat to sweep the reader along
on this wild ride through math, science, mythology, philosophy, and
the whole of history.
Sure to fascinate the poet, scientist, philosopher, and
historian in all of us, Chaos, Gaia, Eros is a mind-bending
masterwork that reunites the chaotic and mythological forces of
human history and blows the doors off existing modes of
"Chaos, Gaia, Eros deliteralizeshistory so we see it not only as
a sequence of events, but as a flow ofideas and cultural myths...
T]his is an important book forunderstanding the past, living in the
present, and shaping the future."-David Fideler, founder of Phanes
Press and editor of Alexandra: The Journal of the Western
Cosmological Traditions
"This extraordinary work is a veritable Rosetta stone, unlocking
the past, present andfuture."-Joan Halifax, author of The Fruitful
" Ralph Abraham has] his own highly original ideas about the
application of chaostheory to changes in history and consciousness,
making for a rich and provocativeblend"-Riane Eisler, author of The
Chalice and the Blade.
"Ralph Abraham is the most readable and delightful of
mathematical pioneers. Heis in the great tradition of Poincar and
Whitehead, a true mathematical humanist.Chaos, Gaia, Eros is
destined to be a voice shaping the new millennium."-Terence
McKenna, author of True Hallucinations, The Invisible Landscape,
Archaic Revival and Food of the Gods.--------
Ralph Abraham is a world renowned chaos theorist and
professoremeritus of mathematicsat the University ofCalifornia,
Santa Cruz.
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