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Authoritative reference on the state of the art in the field with
additional coverage of important foundational concepts Advances in
Electromagnetics Empowered by Artificial Intelligence and Deep
Learning presents cutting-edge research advances in the rapidly
growing areas in optical and RF electromagnetic device modeling,
simulation, and inverse-design. The text provides a comprehensive
treatment of the field on subjects ranging from fundamental
theoretical principles and new technological developments to
state-of-the-art device design, as well as examples encompassing a
wide range of related sub-areas. The content of the book covers
all-dielectric and metallodielectric optical metasurface deep
learning-accelerated inverse-design, deep neural networks for
inverse scattering, applications of deep learning for advanced
antenna design, and other related topics. To aid in reader
comprehension, each chapter contains 10-15 illustrations, including
prototype photos, line graphs, and electric field plots.
Contributed to by leading research groups in the field, sample
topics covered in Advances in Electromagnetics Empowered by
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning include: Optical and
photonic design, including generative machine learning for photonic
design and inverse design of electromagnetic systems RF and antenna
design, including artificial neural networks for parametric
electromagnetic modeling and optimization and analysis of uniform
and non-uniform antenna arrays Inverse scattering, target
classification, and other applications, including deep learning for
high contrast inverse scattering of electrically large structures
Advances in Electromagnetics Empowered by Artificial Intelligence
and Deep Learning is a must-have resource on the topic for
university faculty, graduate students, and engineers within the
fields of electromagnetics, wireless communications, antenna/RF
design, and photonics, as well as researchers at large defense
contractors and government laboratories.
Since Barry Stroud's classic paper in 1968, the general discussion
on transcendental arguments tends to focus on examples from
theoretical philosophy. It also tends to be pessimistic, or at
least extremely reluctant, about the potential of this kind of
arguments. Nevertheless, transcendental reasoning continues to play
a prominent role in some recent approaches to moral philosophy.
Moreover, some authors argue that transcendental arguments may be
more promising in moral philosophy than they are in theoretical
contexts. Against this background, the current volume focuses on
transcendental arguments in practical philosophy. Experts from
different countries and branches of philosophy share their views
about whether there are actually differences between "theoretical"
and "practical" uses of transcendental arguments. They examine and
compare different versions of transcendental arguments in moral
philosophy, explain their structure, and assess their respective
problems and promises. This book offers all those interested in
ethics, meta-ethics, or epistemology a more comprehensive
understanding of transcendental arguments. It also provides them
with new insights into uses of transcendental reasoning in moral
Transformation electromagnetics is a systematic design technique
for optical and electromagnetic devices that enables novel
wave-material interaction properties. The associated metamaterials
technology for designing and realizing optical and electromagnetic
devices can control the behavior of light and electromagnetic waves
in ways that have not been conventionally possible. The technique
is credited with numerous novel device designs, most notably the
invisibility cloaks, perfect lenses and a host of other remarkable
devices. Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials:
Fundamental Principles and Applications presents a comprehensive
treatment of the rapidly growing area of transformation
electromagnetics and related metamaterial technology with
contributions on the subject provided by a collection of leading
experts from around the world. On the theoretical side, the
following questions will be addressed: "Where does transformation
electromagnetics come from?," "What are the general material
properties for different classes of coordinate transformations?,"
"What are the limitations and challenges of device realizations?,"
and "What theoretical tools are available to make the coordinate
transformation-based designs more amenable to fabrication using
currently available techniques?" The comprehensive theoretical
treatment will be complemented by device designs and/or
realizations in various frequency regimes and applications
including acoustic, radio frequency, terahertz, infrared, and the
visible spectrum. The applications encompass invisibility cloaks,
gradient-index lenses in the microwave and optical regimes,
negative-index superlenses for sub-wavelength resolution focusing,
flat lenses that produce highly collimated beams from an embedded
antenna or optical source, beam concentrators, polarization
rotators and splitters, perfect electromagnetic absorbers, and many
others. This book will serve as the authoritative reference for
students and researchers alike to the fast-evolving and exciting
research area of transformation electromagnetics/optics, its
application to the design of revolutionary new devices, and their
associated metamaterial realizations.
This book presents cutting-edge research advances in the rapidly
growing areas of nanoantennas and plasmonics as well as their
related enabling technologies and applications. It provides a
comprehensive treatment of the field on subjects ranging from
fundamental theoretical principles and new technological
developments, to state-of-the-art device design, as well as
examples encompassing a wide range of related sub-areas. The
content of the book also covers highly-directive nanoantennas,
all-dielectric and tuneable/reconfigurable devices, metasurface
optical components, and other related topics. Intended to provide
valuable information for researchers and graduate students in
electromagnetics, antennas and propagation, coverage includes the
following topics: optical properties of plasmonic nanoloop
antennas; passive and active nano cylinders; coherent control of
light scattering; time domain modeling with the generalized
dispersive material model; inverse-design of plasmonic and
dielectric optical nanoantennas; multi-level atomic systems for
modeling nonlinear light-matter interactions; nonlinear multipolar
interference: from non-reciprocal directionality to one-way
nonlinear mirrors; plasmonic metasurfaces for controlling harmonic
generations; optical nanoantennas for enhanced THz emission; active
photonics based on phase-change materials and reconfigurable
nanowire systems; and nanofabrication techniques for subwavelength
Although it is one of the oldest sectors of electronics and now somewhat taken for granted, radio frequency transmission literally changed our world. Today, it is still the backbone of myriad applications, from broadcasting to electronic counter-measures. The wide variety of hardware in use means that those working in the field must be familiar with a multitude of principles and applications, but finding an up-to-date, comprehensive source for this background material has been difficult, if not impossible.
The RF Transmission Systems Handbook addresses the underlying concepts, operation, and maintenance of high-power RF devices, transmission lines, and antennas for broadcast, scientific, and industrial use. Focusing on devices and systems that produce more than one kilowatt of output power, the handbook explores the following major topics:
Applications: The common uses of radio frequency energy Fundamental principles: The basic technologies, concepts, and techniques used in RF transmission Power vacuum devices: The principles and applications of gridded vacuum tubes and microwave power devices Solid-state power devices: The operating parameters of semiconductor-based power devices RF components and transmission lines: The operation of hardware used to combine and conduct RF power Antenna systems: The different types of antennas and their basic operating parameters Troubleshooting: Basic troubleshooting techniques and the operation of important test instruments
Contrary to the perceptions of many, RF technology remains a dynamic field that continues to advance to higher power levels and higher frequencies. Those who specify, install, and maintain RF equipment will welcome this reference that uniquely serves their needs.
Transformation electromagnetics is a systematic design technique
for optical and electromagnetic devices that enables novel
wave-material interaction properties. The associated metamaterials
technology for designing and realizing optical and electromagnetic
devices can control the behavior of light and electromagnetic waves
in ways that have not been conventionally possible. The technique
is credited with numerous novel device designs, most notably the
invisibility cloaks, perfect lenses and a host of other remarkable
devices. Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials:
Fundamental Principles and Applications presents a comprehensive
treatment of the rapidly growing area of transformation
electromagnetics and related metamaterial technology with
contributions on the subject provided by a collection of leading
experts from around the world. On the theoretical side, the
following questions will be addressed: "Where does transformation
electromagnetics come from?," "What are the general material
properties for different classes of coordinate transformations?,"
"What are the limitations and challenges of device realizations?,"
and "What theoretical tools are available to make the coordinate
transformation-based designs more amenable to fabrication using
currently available techniques?" The comprehensive theoretical
treatment will be complemented by device designs and/or
realizations in various frequency regimes and applications
including acoustic, radio frequency, terahertz, infrared, and the
visible spectrum. The applications encompass invisibility cloaks,
gradient-index lenses in the microwave and optical regimes,
negative-index superlenses for sub-wavelength resolution focusing,
flat lenses that produce highly collimated beams from an embedded
antenna or optical source, beam concentrators, polarization
rotators and splitters, perfect electromagnetic absorbers, and many
others. This book will serve as the authoritative reference for
students and researchers alike to the fast-evolving and exciting
research area of transformation electromagnetics/optics, its
application to the design of revolutionary new devices, and their
associated metamaterial realizations.
This book contains the papers presented at the international
symposium Polycrys- talline Semiconductors - Grain Boundaries and
Interfaces (POLYSE '88) that was held in Malente, FRG, from August
29 to September 2, 1988. This conference has two roots: Firstly, it
is a successor to a conference on polycrystalline semi- conductors
held in Perpignan, France, in 1982 and to a summer school in Erice,
Italy, in 1984. Secondly, it continues a series of German workshops
on polycrys- talline semiconductors, which have been organized
every year since 1983 by two of the present editors (H. P. S. and
J. H. W. ) in Stuttgart, FRG. As in these previ- ous workshops, the
symposium POLYSE '88 also tried to bridge the gap between
fundamental research and technological aspects of polycrystalline
semiconductors with emphasis on physical properties. In order to
realize this conception, 12 scientists recognized in their fields
were invited to give reviews of their respective work. The expert
presentations of these scientists complemented by all other
contributions, including an ad hoc evening workshop on the chemical
analysis of grain boundaries by scanning tunneling microscopy,
resulted in a lively and rewarding symposium. We would particularly
like to thank the invited speakers for their talks, as well as for
undertaking the task of refereeing the submitted papers. These
speakers are: L. N. Aleksandrov Y. Ishida P. Pirouz A. Bourret J.
D. Joannopoulos H. W. Schock H. Cerva L. L. Kazmerski H. Teichler
F. Greuter S. Martinuzzi K. N.
This book contains papers that were presented at the International
Conference on Polycrystalline Semiconductors - Grain Boundaries,
Dislocations and Het erointerfaces - (POLYSE '90), which was held
in Schwabisch Hall, FRG, from July 30 to August 3, 1990. This
conference was a satellite conference of the 20th International
Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. POLYSE '90, like its
predecessor POLYSE '88, brought together scientists from research
in stitutions and industrial laboratories with a view to bridging
the gap between fundamental and technological aspects of
polycrystalline semiconductors. With this aim, a total of 14
recognized scientists from universities and in dustry were invited
to review their fields of interest. The expert presentations of
these scientists were complemented by contributed papers and poster
con tributions, the authors of which were additionally allowed four
minutes for an oral summary. This combination of different types of
presentation led to very lively and stimulating discussions."
Alcohol abuse, alcohol intolerance, alcohol dependence and other
alcohol-related disabilities are some of the most challenging
public health problems facing our modern-day society. The purpose
of this comprehensive monograph is to review the available
knowledge concerning the pharmacogenetic basis of alcohol
sensitivity and its physiolgical implications and to synthesize the
bulk of existing knowledge regarding metabolic features and
biomedical disturbances related to alcoholism. The chapters cover a
broad array of disciplines including an overview of historical and
epidemiological aspects, biochemistry and molecular genetics of
enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, biochemical and
neuropsychopharmacological effects of alcohol. Major emphasis is
placed on the role of genetic factors in alcoholism. The
experimental details are summarized and a comprehensive
bibliography is included.
I am pleased to respond to the wish of the Editors, Drs A. Czeizel,
H. G. Benk mann and H. W. Goedde and write the Foreword to this
book "Genetics ofthe Hun garian population." This book represents
the result of a fruitful international scientif ic cooperation, an
endeavour that has been forged and sustained in the midst of a
number of difficulties. It bears ample testimony to the fact that
the pursuit of science transcends national boundaries and barriers
and to what can be achieved through international cooperation. It
has now become possible, among other things, to present a more
meaningful characterization of the different ethnic groups than had
been hitherto possible, thanks to the major advances in the study
of human biology through the application of a wide variety of
concepts and techniques. Several new disciplines, in particular,
ecogenetics, pharmacogenetics and molecular biology have come into
being and are flourishing. At the risk of stating the obvious, it
is perhaps worth mentioning that the trends and place of migration
and urbanization that we are witnessing today are such, that,
before long, differences between different human gene pools may be
substantially diminished, if not entirely obliterated. This book,
therefore, is timely: it provides valuable information on who the
Hungarians are, where they come from and where they are heading, in
short, their past, present and future, in addition to presenting a
broad perspective of some aspects of current research in biomedical
sciences in Hungary."
The aims of the Sub-Committee on Computerised Braille Production
are to seek international co-operation for the development of
computerised braille production facilities and to encourage the
cost-effective use of technology for braille production. To fulfil
these aims the Sub-Committee is endeavouring to: maintain an
international directory of people and organisations involved or
interested in computerised braille production; collect and
disseminate information about current and future computerised
braille production systems; hold international meetings. The Sub
Committee comprises: 1) Mr. D. W. Croisdale (Chairman) c/o Royal
National Institute for the Blind, 224-228 Great Portland Street,
London, W1N 6AA, Uni ted Kingdom. 2) Dr. H. Werner, Rheinische
Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik
Wegeierstrasse 6 0-5300 Bonn German Federal Republic. J) Mr. R.A.J.
Gildea, Mitre Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts 017JO, U.S.A. The
international directory is maintained by Mr. Gildea and the
collection and dissemination of operational information is being
planned by Dr. Werner. Previous workshops have been held at Munster
(197J) and Kopenhagen (1974) on private initiative, whereas this
conference held in London JO May - 1 June 1979 was the first VI of
its kind held under the auspices of the Sub-committee. It is hoped
to mount other conferences as circumstances demand."
Das vorliegende Buch umfaBt die Vortrage eines Symposiums, das von
der Sektion Klinische Geriatrie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr
Gerontologie im Oktober 1981 in Frankfurt unter dem Thema"
Tagesklinische Behandlung im A Iter" ausgerichtet wurde. Diese Form
der klinischen Behandlung alter Menschen stellt eine
Herausforderung an das herkommliche Konzept der vollstationaren
Versorgung im Krankenhaus und in anderen Institutionen dar. Die
negativen Auswirkungen der Hospitalisierung und In-
stitutionalisierung auf alte Menschen sind bekannt. Das Krankenbett
bedeutet haufig Verlust der Eigenstandigkeit, zunehmende
Abhangigkeit sowie Verlust familiarer und sozialer Bindungen. Dazu
kommt die vollstandige Obertragung der Verantwortlich- keiten fUr
den alten Patienten von Angehorigen auf die Institutionen. Die
Tagesklinik kann fUr einen bestimmten Patientenkreis die
vollstationare Behand- lung abktirzen oder ganz vermeiden und
gleichzeitig medizinische Diagnostik und Therapie nach klinischen
Gesichtspunkten anbieten. Wir haben aufgrund unserer Er- fahrungen
in Frankfurt gelernt, daB der fUr die tagesklinische Behandlung
geeignete Patientenkreis wesentlich groBer ist, als wir zu Beginn
unserer Arbeit vermutet haben. In unserem Behandlungskonzept steht
die Tagesklinik gleichberechtigt neb en der voll- stationaren
Behandlung im Krankenhaus und ist keinesfalls ein untergeordnetes
An- hangsel. Daruber hinaus mtissen angesichts der standig
steigenden Kosten im Krankenhauswe- sen und der demoskopischen
Verschiebungen in der Altersstruktur der Bevolkerung al- ternative
Wege beschritten werden, urn den in Zukunft noch steigenden Bedarf
an ma- teriellem und personellem Aufwand fUr die medizinische
Versorgung alter Menschen bewaltigen zu konnen. Die tagesklinische
Behandlung ist eine solche Alternative.
Since Barry Stroud's classic paper in 1968, the general discussion
on transcendental arguments tends to focus on examples from
theoretical philosophy. It also tends to be pessimistic, or at
least extremely reluctant, about the potential of this kind of
arguments. Nevertheless, transcendental reasoning continues to play
a prominent role in some recent approaches to moral philosophy.
Moreover, some authors argue that transcendental arguments may be
more promising in moral philosophy than they are in theoretical
contexts. Against this background, the current volume focuses on
transcendental arguments in practical philosophy. Experts from
different countries and branches of philosophy share their views
about whether there are actually differences between "theoretical"
and "practical" uses of transcendental arguments. They examine and
compare different versions of transcendental arguments in moral
philosophy, explain their structure, and assess their respective
problems and promises. This book offers all those interested in
ethics, meta-ethics, or epistemology a more comprehensive
understanding of transcendental arguments. It also provides them
with new insights into uses of transcendental reasoning in moral
Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory, Vol. 7 / Numerische Methoden Der Approximationstheorie, Band 7 - Workshop on Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory Oberwolfach, March 20-26, 1983 / Tagung UEber Numerische Methoden Der Approximationstheorie Oberwolfach, 20.-26. Marz 1983 (German, Paperback, Softcover Reprint of the Original 1st 1984 ed.)
L. Collatz, G. Meinardus, H. Werner
Discovery Miles 13 730
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Die Pseudocholinesterase ist ein auBergewohnliches Enzym, das auf
sehr verschiedenartigen Gebieten eine besondere Rolle spielt. Die
Aktivitat des Enzyms im Serum wird zur Uberpriifung der
Leberfunktion gemessen. Ebenso kann man durch derartige
Bestimmungen auf den Grad von Ver giftungen durch
Anticholinesterasen schlieBen. Es war das erste Serum Fur Anaesthe
enzym, uber dessen genetische Kontrolle berichtet wurde. sisten und
Chirurgen hat dieses Enzym besondere Bedeutung, da es Suc
cinyldicholin abbaut und dadurch die Moglichkeit gegeben ist, ein
aus gezeichnetes Kurzzeit-Muske1relaxans anzuwenden. Auf dem Gebiet
der Psychiatrie dient es dazu, die Nebenwirkungen der
Elektroschock-Therapie auszuschalten. Die physiologische Funktion
steht immer noch zur Diskus sion. Es ist von groBem Interesse, daB
die Pseudocholinesterase - im Gehirn, im Darm und in den
Nervenendplatten der Muske1n - neben der "echten"
Acetylcholinesterase auf tritt, die fur Acetylcholin in hohem MaBe
spezifisch ist. Hohe Substratkonzentrationen hemmen dieses Enzym,
wo hingegen die Pseudocholinesterase noch bei unphysiologisch hohen
Kon zentrationen Acetylcholin umsetzt. Vielleicht ist die Funktion
der Pseudo cholinesterase darin zu sehen, daB sie die
lebensnotwendige Acetylcholin esterase bei einer unvorhergesehenen
Anhaufung von Acetylcholin schutzt. Moglich ist auch, daB sie einen
Schutzeffekt fUr die Acetylcholinesterase gegen kompetitive
Inhibitoren, wie Z. B. das Succinyldicholin, ausubt."
L'arteriosclerose est fa rouille de fa vie (Bichat) - die
Arteriosklerose ist der "Rost des Lebens"; er zeigt sich im Alter
durch Erkrankungen der Arterien des Herzens, des Gehirns und der
Extremitaten. Weltweit sind Erkrankungen des Herzkreislaufsystems
und der Scblaganfall die haufig sten Todesursachen von Menschen
jenseits des 65. Lebensjahres. Diese Tatsache zwingt den
geriatrisch tatigen Arzt, sich immer wieder aufs neue mit der
Problematik der Herz und Kreislauferkrankungen im Alter
auseinanderzusetzen. Moderne diagnostische und therapeutische
Verfahren der Kardiologie und der Angiolo gie kommen in der
Anfangsphase ihres Einsatzes in erster Linie jiingeren Menschen zu
gute. Fiir den alten Pa, tienten reichen entweder die vorhandenen
Kapazitaten nicht aus, oder das hohere Lebensalter wird oft -
willkiirlich und zu Unrecht - als Kontraindika tion fUr diese
Methoden angesehen. Vielerorts hat es die Zeit mit sich gebracht,
daB steigende Kapazitaten oder bessere flan kierende MaBnahmen
(z.B. der Anasthesie) eine Ausdehnung der Indikation auch auf
Patienten im hohen Lebensalter moglich machten. Die Erfolge sind
oft iiberraschend gut, ja sogar teilweise besser als bei jiingeren
Patienten, wie z.B. die Ergebnisse der Chirurgie am offenen Herzen
Seit Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts hat sich die Lebenserwartung der
Menschen in den In dustrielandern fast verdoppelt. Neben besseren
sozialen Bedingungen ist dies vor allem auf den erfolgreichen Kampf
der Medizin gegen Infektionskrankheiten und andere aku te
Erkrankungen zuriickzufuhren. Ais Ursachen fur Morbiditat und
Mortalitat alter Menschen stehen heute chronische und degenerative
Veranderungen im Vordergrund. In der Todesursachenstatistik stehen
b6sartige Tumoren nach den Herz-Kreislauf Erkrankungen an zweiter
Stelle. Mehr als 50% der malignen Tumoren werden in der Gruppe der
iiber 65 j ahrigen gefunden, die nur ca. 13 % der Gesamtbev6lkerung
bilden. Damit sind b6sartige Tumoren vor allem eine Erkrankung des
h6heren Lebensalters. Trotz dieser Tatsache ist die Meinung weit
verbreitet, daB bei Auftreten von Tumor erkrankungen im h6heren
Lebensalter die Therapieverfahren der modernen Onkologie nicht mehr
angewendet werden k6nnen bzw. diirfen. Der Krebs bei alten Menschen
wird als schicksalshafte Erkrankung hingenommen, die ein schon
lange wahrendes Le ben beendet. Dies kommt nicht zuletzt in vielen
Therapiestudien zum Ausdruck, die die Wirksamkeit kurativer oder
den Tumor kontrollierender MaBnahmen bei iiber 65jahri gen
Patienten gar nicht mehr untersuchen. Dadurch sind auch die
Erfahrungen in der Tumortherapie alter Menschen begrenzt."
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