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The extent to which contemporary rhetorics of nation and kingship
reflected the realities of social, economic and cultural life in
Habsburg Spain. Early modern Spain's insistent rhetorics of nation
and kingship, of a monolithic body of shared values and beliefs,
especially in respect of racial and gender stereotypes, and of a
centralized and ostensibly absolutist legislativeapparatus did not
map unproblematically onto the complex topography of everyday life.
This volume explores the extent to which these rhetorics and the
ideology they helped to construct or underpin reflected or failed
to reflect the realities of social, economic, and cultural life. It
sets against their typically exorbitant claims the lived, messy,
and sometimes contradictory experience of Spaniards across a broad
social spectrum, both at the centre and atthe margins, not just of
peninsular society, but of the Hispanic world overseas. Confronting
ideology were questions of economic pragmatism, executive
feasibility, jurisdictional competence, and, above all, the social
and political complexity of the Spain of the period. RICHARD J. PYM
is Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Royal Holloway,
University of London. Contributors: TREVOR J. DADSON, MARGARET RICH
When, why and how did Spain fall from its pre-eminent position as a
leading world power in the seventeenth century? These fundamental
questions have exercised the minds of distinguished historians such
as Prescott, Merriman, Hamilton, Braudel, Vilar, Vicens Vives,
Elliott and Kamen and produced a prolific amount of writing. But
while the subject of Spain's decline has been subject to rigorous
historical research, the debate between scholars underpinning it
has not thus far been analyzed from a historiographical
perspective. What are the methodologies and schools of inquiry that
have shaped the discourse? How have historians' perceptions been
influenced by time and circumstance? Why has the 'Two Spains'
phenomenon endured as a historical paradigm against which to
measure its fortunes? These are some of the issues this book will
address in its appraisal of the historians of Spain's decline and
their discourse. -- .